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PDF icon MARCELO CAETANO (PORTUGAL[15678189].pdf261.82 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/07/12 C06790246 PORTUGAL Prime Minister Marcelo Caetano, Portu- gal's leading authority on administrative law, became Prime Minister in September 1968, succeeding the gravely ill Ant6nio Salazar. Presi- dent Am4rico Thomaz' selec- tion of Caetano brought to end Salazar's 40-year rule. escribed as a reasonable onservative, Caetano has a uch more modern outlook an his predecessor. Marcelo Jose das Neves Alves CAETANG (Pat $970) As one of the principal signers, in the 1940's and 1950's of Portugal's 1 orporate state (Estado Novo), Caetano generally upported Salazar's policies. The "corporative ystem" limits individual participation in govern- tdies--economic, social and cultural. through ntal bodies to representation rough functional Caetano's move away from the regime in the 1 te 1950's seems not to have been rrompted by any b sic disagreement with the principles of the cor- p rate state, but rather by a genuine doubt that S lazar's uncompromising authoritarianism was the ^ ght way to administer it. Ia . any event, when e ultra-conservative ruling elite and military e tablishment called Caetano from the University t become Prime Minister, it was because they were c nfident that he was a product of the regime and w uld revitalize rather than destroy it. Caetano has acted as a balance between the nservative forces and those younger elements within the regime who desire more rapid changes. This balance may reflect a duality in Caetano's thinking between his belief in social democ- ra y and economic opportunity and his belief in m 'ntaining the authority of the current political st ucture. Approved for Release: 2019/07/12 C06790246 Approved for Release: 2019/07/12 C06790246 Marcelo Jose das Neves Alves CAETANO (cont.) Caetano Takes Hold Caetano has softened some of the more reprel- sive policies of the Salazar era, and he has implemented some measures to increase social anl economic opportunities. The Constitutional Reforms of the 1970's propose greater educational opportun- ities for all students, more flexible educational programs, easing of press censorship, an increas in judicial rights for accused persons, and greater autonomy for overseas territories. In addition,; Caetano has drafted a law giving women equal voqr.g rights. Caetano's emergence since 1968 as a popular i national leader has been attributed in part to his efforts to bring the executive closer to the pe4le. His periodic television "fireside chats" and his! visits around the country have been well received, and his visit to Portuguese Africa in April 1969 apparently enhanced his image. He is regarded as. a relaxed and informal leader who is sincerely con- cerned with the problems of the average citizen. . An able politician, Caetano has also been 1 successful in securing a political base for himself within the government an within the government- I controlled and only legal political party, the 1 National Popular Action (ANP). (Until February 1970 this was known as the National Union party.) 1 Since he has been Prime Minister, Caetano has been placing men of his own choice in important positidns. He has now practically replaced the leadership of 1 the ANP with Men closer to his views. In addition' he has been systematically replacing the civil 1 governors, who supervise elections in each district. 1 The Cabinet changes he made in January 1970 hai/e substantially increased Caetano's freedom to maneuT ver. He reduced the number of portfolios from 15 1 to 10, he abolished the position of Minister of 1 tate--assuming its coordinating function himself-- d he merged several other ministries into "super1 Inistries" rotiponsible for broad policy areas. 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 - Approved for Release: 2019/07/12 C06790246 , Approved for Release: 2019/07/12 C06790246 Fers Marcelo Jos6 das Neves Alves CAETANO (cont.) Furthermore, the men he has selected for his ministries illustrate the importance he attaches to being supported by assistants who are loyal to him personally. Pro-Caetano members also dominate the National Assembly elected in October 1969. International Political Views Under Caetano's leadership Portugal has assumed a more active role in international rela- tions. He remains characteristically Portuguete in his approach to problems, but does not advoeate the aloof isolationism of Salazar. He has made it clear that he would like to see Portugal more receptive to modern influences and development: The Prime Minister is a strong backer of NATO, and has indicated that NATO is extremely important . to Portugal because it is the only military alli- ance in which his country participates. This As a change from the lukewarm support Portugal gave NATO under Salazar. Many Portuguese feel that 1 NATO--originally set up to counter Communism in Europe--ought to appreciate more deeply than it does that their provincial wars are in fact a- lonely fight against Communism in Africa. Caeetano, in a veiled reference to Portuguese Africa; has expressed the same view. He stated that while the NATO alliance has generally gone far beyond its! original concept, the vital interests of many members are being threatened in areas outside ot the treaty area and that fact is not being fully taken into account. Caetano is a firm anti-Communist and strongl critic of the USSR; however, he permitted the first tourists from the Soviet Union to enter Portugal in April 1969. Attitude Toward the United States A desire for improved relations with the United States appears to be a distinct part of Caetanolt policy for ending Portugal's isolation. The Priine - 3 - �":1":"- ' Approved for Release: 2019/07/12 C06790246 Approved for Release: 2019/07/12 C06790246 Marcelo Josd das Neves Alves CAETANO (cont.)i Minister has declared his interest in a "renewal of dialogue" with the United States after solpe years of what he described as "misunderstandings" between the two governments. (Some Portuguese regard US advocacy of self-determination in Africa as an advance move toward "economic imperali6m"-- the takeover of the Portuguese patrimony in Africa by US financial and economic interests.) AcCording to Caetano, the first Portuguese concern is cor better US understanding of the Portuguese position both at home and in Africa. Early Life and Career Marcelo Jose das Neves Alves Caetano was porn in Lisbon on 17 August 1906 of lower middle glass parents; his mother died several years later., His father, a customs official, is thought to: have been of partly Goanese extraction. (Goa was a Portuguese enclave in Western India.) Caetanb received a law degree with highest honors in 1927 and a doctorate in 1931 from the University of Lisbon. An early follower of Salazar, Caetano ire* quently. contributed pro-Salazar articles to.the daily press. Salazar, who was Minister of Fiilance from 1928 to 1932, rewarded him with a positicn as juridical auditor in the Ministry (1929-30. Appointed a law professor at the University of Lisbon in 1933, Caetano taught administrative law and inaugurated a course on the legal aspects of the Portuguese corporative system. He soon became Salazar's chief adviser on the interprelta- tion of the corporative laws. Caetano was also charged with drawing up 6 new administrative code for Portugal, which became operative in 1941 and is still in effect. In con- nection with his work on the administrative code, Caetano went on a special mission to the Azores and the Madeira Islands and drafted the "Statute of the Autonomous Districts of the Adjacent Islands," -4-. Approved for Release: 2019/07/12 C06790246 Approved for Release: 2019/07/12 C06790246 Marcelo Josd das Neves Alves CAETANO 1 (cont.) which covers the local administration of those areas. From 1940 until 1944 Caetano served as National Commissioner of Mooidade Portuglluesas. the Portuguese youth movement. After serving for 3 years as Minister of Colonies (1944-47), Caetano became President of the Executive Committee of the National Union. Feeling this to be a secondary role, he esigned and returned to university life for a short time. From 1950 to 1955 he was President of th Corpo- rative Chamber, in which he had earlier served as a representative of the insurance companies and as Vice President (1942-49). In 1955 Salazar named Caetano Minister of the Presidency, a post equivalent to that of la Deputy Prime Minister. He dismissed him in 1958,. That dismissal was believed to have been prompted by Caetano's alleged association with dissident ele- ments; it is also believed to have been prompted by the rift between Caetano and his chief, rival at the time, the extremely conservative Minister of Defense, Fernando dos Santos Costa. 1 Returning to the academic world, Caetano was named Rector of the Classical University of Lisbon in 1959. He resigned the post in 1962.afier police entered the University without his permision to arrest student demonstrators. It is uncertain whether his resignation was a libertarian 'gesture or simply outrage that he had not been properly consulted by the authorities. 1 From 1962 until his designation as Pril,ne Minister, Caetano taught administrative law and political science at the University, but 41d no public office. This was considered politically beneficial when he was being considered as1 Salazar's successor. In addition to government service, Caetanodevoted himself to scholarly investigation) he has - 5 - Approved for Release: 2019/07/12 C06790246 Approved for Release: 2019/07/12 C06790246 oelo Jose das Neves Alves CAETANO (cont.) tten and published many works on his specialties rporative theory and its application, adminis- tive law, municipal and colonial reform, and . ance). He also, maintained a lucrative law prac- vel Caetano has traveled extensively throughout tuguese Africa and Europe, and has visited zil. He headed the Portuguese delegation to funeral of former President Dwight Eisenhower April 1969. /t was not only the first visit a Portuguese Prime Minister to the United tes, but also Caetano's first trip to this ntry. onal Data Tall and lanky, Caetano has sharp features, lips and neatly-combed gray hair, and he s gold-rimmed glasses. H..; is hard-working, ious and intellectually inclined. He� lives ly and is highly respected for his intellec- integrity, honesty and clean personal life. ough he can be witty and charming, other uguese sometimes regard him as having an pendent personality. ends to be withdrawn and formal on first contact, but is very warm rd peop e in whom he develops confidence. s said to rely greatly on his friends and udge them subjectively. He has a reputation his days at the university of enjoying con- ation and the exchange of ideas. Fluent in French, Caetano reads and may rstand some English, but does not speak it. s the recipient of several Portuguese and ign decorations. The Prime Minister's wife, the former Teresa a de Barros Alves - 6 - (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/07/12 C06790246 Approved for Release: 2019/07/12 C06790246 JOA-113 Wm' 4.� � P. s. Marcelo Jose das Neves Alves CAETANO (cont.) died in January 1971. For official functions Caetano's attractive daughter Ana Maria (33) acts as hostess. She reputedly trained as a nurse I Caetano also has three sons: Joao, an architect; Jos Maria, the govern- ment's representative on the administrative board of Companhia de Seguros de Creditos; and Miguel, an economist who heads the Division of Regional Planning in the Prime Minister's Technical Secre- tariat. I Caetano has 12 orandchildren. Rui Alves da Silva Sanches, the Minister of Public Works and Communications, is the Prime Minister's cousin. - 7 - August 1971 Approved for Release: 2019/07/12 C06790246