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April 1, 1970
PDF icon ABDULRAHMAN MOHAMED BABU [15687618].pdf202.22 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06790239 TANZANIA Abdulrahman Mohamed BABU Minister for Commerce and Industries On 19 December 1968 AbdulrahMan Mohamed Babu was named Minister for Commerce' and Industries; One of the leading revolutionaries in Africa, Babu is well-known for his Communist sympathies and reputed to be the most pro-Communist member of the Cabinet. While Babu is a successful political orga- nizer, C NTRAL REFERE SE ICE (i969) He now has no effective power base and appears to depend on President Julius Nyerere for his positidn in the aovernment Babu is an intelligent, adgres- sive Babu is friendly'with American officials though his literary efforts are gener- ally regarded as some of the more scathing !anti- American pieces which appear in The Nationalist. Babu has maintained that he is not anti-Amdrican but is opposed to our foreign policy. All evidence indicates Babu was probably plan- ning a coup at the time of the January 1964 Zanzi- bar revolution. He was not responsible fox the Revolution, however, and did not take part in it. His Umma Party had been banned on 4 Januarm 1964 and on the day of the revolution---12 January 1964-- Babu was in Dar es Salaam. His party and Karume's Afro-Shirazi Party (ASP) formed a coalition govern- ment and Babu was appointed Minister for Eternal 1 1 REPORTS FILE COPI Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06790239 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06790239 Abdulrahman Mohamed BABU (cont.) Affairs in the new revolutionary government. In April 1964 when Tanganyika and Zanzibar formed the new union government, Babu, much to his suziprise, was appointed Minister of State in the Directorate of Development Planning. Since he entered the union government, Babu appears to have lost contact with politics on Zanzibar and has found no compen- sating support in the Tanganyika African National Union (TANU). His absence from Zanzibar has en- abled Karume and his followers to undermine Habilis support and quietly remove him from the Revolution- ary Council. Early Life and Career Babu was born on Pemba Island off the coast of the mainland on 24 September 1924. His father was a Somali .Arab who, Babu claims, was born on.Zanzi- bar; his mother was a Comorian. The familyi lived for many years in the Comoros and, for a time dur- ing the 1969 anti-Comoriam campaign, Babu's citizen- ship was questioned. Evidence was found, however; that Babu was naturalized as a Zanzibar citizen in 1947 and his claim is now recognized. He was edu- cated to Standard XIII at the Government.C8ntral School, Zanzibar, leaving in 1945. Babu worked as a clerk in the Clove Growers Association f4om 1945 to 1951. Babu left Zanzibar for Britain in 1951 During the next six years, he studied journalism, politi- cal philosophy and social psychology part time at London university and gained diplomas in tile sub- iects; Babu supported himself by working as a clerk in the Post Office Bank at Acton and then as a journa- list on the Daily Worker. He enjoyed his London sojourn, retains an affection for the Londdn of his student days and still has friends there. 'While in Britain Babu submitted articles to the pro Zanzibar Nationalist Party. (ZNP) newspaper, Mwogozi, as well as other publications. He became a member of the Civil Service Clerical Assocation'and in 1955 was - 2 - Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06790239 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06790239 Abdulrahman Mohamed BABU (ont.) appointed chairman of the East Africa Commi tee of the Movement for Colonial Freedom. Babu ha stated that he was not a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain but was closer to the anarchists. He did, however, attend discussions held by th6 Commu- nists, the socialists and the anarchists. Babu was recalled to Zanzibar in 1957 by the Arab-dominated ZNP and was appointed sub-editor of its newspaper. He became a member of Youth's Own Union and brought his left-wing convictions to bear on that:organization. Babu was later appointed ZNP propaganda secretary and subsequently general sec- retary of. the party. His first contact witti the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) occurred in October 1958, when he visited WFTU headquarters in Prague. In November-1959 he set up a ZNP office in. Cairo, staffed With his prot6g6s. This.office.was instrumental -in assisting Zanzibaris to ob4in scholarships to Communist countries and in Maintain- ing.contaCt with the Chinese through their diplo- matic mission in Cairo. In January 1960 Babu went to the USSR and to Communist China. During this trip, he made violent Attacks upon Britain and America. That OCtiber he stopped off in East.Germany on a return visit to the USSR. In 1960 and 1961 he established 2NP offi- ces in London and Havana; Babu, however, claims that he has never been to Cuba. Babu was dfeated in the January 1961 Zanzibar elections beca+se ZNP leaders placed him in a constituency where he had little chance of winning. That same month he went to a meeting of the International Organization of Journalists-in Baden, Austria; The followiAg July he attended an anti-atomic bomb conference Aeld.in Japan and strongly supported the resolutionithat. none of the countries should permit American consu- lates or bases to be established in their territo- ries. In December 1961, the Zanzibar government, under the terms of the State of Emergency legisla- tion and because of an inflammatory issue of zanews, - 3 - Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06790239 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06790239 Abdulrahman Mohamed BABU (cont.) arrested Babu for sedition. The arrest resulted in a conviction and fine in April 1962. The fol- lowing month Babu was again arrested on a charge of sedition and sentenced to 15 months imprlison- ment. He was released in April 1963. That! June he resigned from the ZNP when the moderates in the party refused his demand that his supporters be given six safe seats in the upcoming July 11963 elections. A few days after his resignation he an- nounced the formation of the Umma Party. Thwarted in his plans to obtain the seats, Babu attdmpted to form a united opposition under his direction, drawing on the radical factions--which were.person- ally loyal to him--in the Federation of Prcigresgive Trade Unions, the Zanzibar and Pemba Federation of Labor, and the ASP. With the immediate goal of preventing passage of two government bills Irequir- ing registration of societies and publications, Babu successfully proposed formation of the United Front Committee (August 1963) to be headed (by ASP president, Abeid Karume. Shortly thereafter, Babu and his wife reportedly traveled to Peking) remain- ing there until about a month before the revolution. He returned to Communist China, in June 194 as a member of a delegation led by Second Vice President Rashidi Kawawa. Babu was appointed Minister for Comer e and Cooperatives in 1965. He became Minister or Health in February 1967 and Minister of Lands and Settlement in June 1967. Babu, who enjoysitravel- ing, went to Kuwait in 1966 and in early 1969 vis- ited several East European countries with a trade. mission. Personal Data Babu has prominent teeth and a walrus ttustache. Babu has an encyclopedic mipd and a thorough grasp of details. Warm and humorous, he writes Swahili poetry, has expressed an interest in American magazines and books and enjoys "Vice of America." He is quite well off and owns some hous- ing property and a fleet of fishing boats, thus - 4 - Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06790239 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06790239 Abdulrahman� Mohamed BABU (cont.) showing scant regard for Arusha socialism. Babu is married to a sturdy, strong-minded Zanzibari Arab woman. The couple .has two children. Babu sends his children to the "bouraeofs" International School in Dar es Salaam, and felt his children's education was more important than his political future. A Muslim, Babu has made the haj. He speaks English. 5 - April 1970 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06790239