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February 23, 1968
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Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE 3.5(c) MEMORANDUM The Situation in Vietnam Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 cret 128 23 February 19 6 E3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 _10-P--8-ECTZET Information as of 1600 23 February 1968 HIGHLIGHTS There continue to be many signs of enemy prepara- tions for new offensive �actions. Communist forces apparently have made significant headway in the delta provinces since the opening of the Tet offensive. I. The Military Situation in South Vietnam: No 'significant enemy military actions occurred on 21-23 � February. Continuing maneuvering of major forces and stepped-up shellings near the Demilitarized Zone sug- gest, however, new attacks may soon be made, particu- larly against several major urban areas (Paras. 1-4). People's Self-Defense Committees are being formed in some northern areas of the country to assist the mili- tary in defense of the cities (Paras. 5-6). A new enemy 107-mm. �rocket has been identified in III Corps (Paras. 7-10). Indications are increasing that new at- tacks against the Saigon area are imminent (Paras. 11- .16). The situation throughout most of the 16 provinces of IV Corps appears to be deteriorating (Paras. 17-23). II. Political Developments in South Vietnam: The government has now rounded tip about 20 prominent persons in Saigon and placed them in "protective custody" (Paras. 1-3). The future plans of the People's Congress to Save the Nation were outlined by Senator Tran Van Don at a press conference on 21 February (Paras. 4-6). III. Military Developments in North Vietnam: There is nothing of significance to report. IV. Other Communist Military Developments: There is nothing of significance to report. V. Communist Political Developments: There is nothing of significance to report. Approved - Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 TO-P-8-EreRET I. THE MILITARY SITUATION IN SOUTH VIETNAM 1, . Communist shelling of allied field positions in northern Quang.Tri-Province has-beenrstepped up in re- cent.days.'with-nearly'1',00.0 rounds fired on 22. February-- the heaviest rate in several weeks. The first references to "NtDay".were noted in the Khe Sanh area. Additionally, intensive enemy interest in .certain areas of the western high- land's continues.. 2&. There, were no major significant 'enemy military actions on 21-23 February. The continued maneuvering of major Communist forces suggests,.hOwever, the enemy may soon make another move, against Saigon. and certain other' cities throughout the country. Threat to Northern Cities Persists 3. In addition to other indicators, a flurry of prisoner reports suggest the major cities in the northern section of the country, including Da Nang, Quang Tri, and Hoi An, may, be prime targets in the im- mediate future of renewed Communist military activity. 4. some 200 Viet Cong sappers have already moved 'into Da Nang with the mission of attacking allied military posts in coordina- tion with a large-scale attack on the city. The attack- ing force is to include the three regiments of the North Vietnamese 2nd Division supplemented by other main force and local force units in the coastal areas. Reportedly the date and time of the attack on Da Nang has not yet been decided. An assault on Hoi An, the provincial capital of Quang Nam Province, is scheduled to precede the attack on Da Nang. Self-Defense Militia Units Forming in I Corps 5. South Vietnamese authorities have begun organ- izing People's Self-defense Committees in some sections of northern I Corps. Of 3,000 weapons allocated for tihe five provinces of I Corps, 700 have already been issued. 23 February 1968 1-1 I! & ET 'Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 T-O-P-FrEeRET- 6. Militia units are being organized in the major cities as well as in district towns and ham- lets and include well-screened volunteers. The self-defense committee in each province or city will be headed by the province chief or mayor, respectively. Each unit will be "sponsored" by a nearby South Vietnamese military unit which will provide necessary training. New Enemy Rocket Round Captured 7. US forces discovered an enemy arms cache- containing nearly 40 107-mm. field artillery rockets in western Tay Ninh Province early this week. Rock- ets of this caliber had never before been captured in South Vietnam and they were not previously known to be in the weapons inventory of Communist coun- tries. 8. the main advantage of the 107-mm. weapon is that it is somewhat lighter than the other rock- ets currently being used by the Communists and thus easier to transport into firing positions. 9. The 107-mm. rocket weighs 42 pounds com- pared with 87 and 102 pounds for the 140- and 122-mm. rounds, is slightly more than a yard long, has a range of about five miles, and is spin stabilized. The weapon is believed to be of Chinese Communist manufacture; one of the captured rounds was dated 1967.. 10. There is some evidence that 107-mm. rockets were used in the attacks on 18 February against Tay Ninh city and Quan Loi and in the 21 February attack against Dau Tieng--all located in northwest III Corps. A newly arrived enemy rocket unit may have conducted these attacks, but this is unconfirmed. �23 February 1968 1-2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 IDE-SEC-REP Saigon 11. Although Saigon remains relatively quiet, sporadic clashes continue on all sides of the city. 12. On 22 February lo- cated the headquarters of the 273rd Regiment of the Viet Cong 9th Division, near the Saigon city limits, less than two miles east of the Tan Son Nhut Air Base. Since 23 January this unit appears to have moved some 100.miles southeast from the Cambodian border area. The 9th Division's 271st and 272nd regiments have also been identified in the area immediately north of Sai- gon. 13. '.1 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) elements of the North Vietnamese 7th Division have also moved east- ward into the Binh Duong Province northwest of Sai- gon, and elements of the 5th Viet Cong Division have moved into the Bien Hoa area to the northeast of Sai- gon. In Binh Duong Province a number of unidentified units have appeared. The characteristics 3.3(h)(2) of these elements suggest that they were formerly asso- ciated with the B-3 Front in the central highlands. Cer- tain of these units have been noted discussing enemy op- erations, particularly artillery, attacks, on US forces at Lai Khe and Ben Cat and combined operations with the North Vietnamese 7th Division. 14. over 5,000 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops started moving southward from Phuoc Long Province on 20 February. The troops will fill the gaps created by enemy casualties during the first Tet offensive and will be used to mount another major thrust on Saigon and prov- ince capitals "after 22 February." the Communists have tanks along the Cambodian border which will be used in a second general offensive. The pre ence of the tanks is considered unlikely, but it is pos- sible that the enemy is moving still more troops toward central III Corps. 3.3(h)(2) 23 February 1968 1-3 10E_SEGRET Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) s- 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 15. the Viet Cong will mount a second large-scale attack on Sai on before I March. Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 T-G-P-SEreitEr /the Communists will not make concurrent heavy attacks on nearby provincial capitals but will concentrate on penetrating Saigon in force, if only for 24 hours, regardless of the cost. 16. the major tactical objectives will be the Tan Son Nhut and Bien Hoaairbases, in order to eliminate allied air superiority, and the 4th Precinct, Saigon's northern port area. In the 4th Precinct the Communists hope to capitalize on the large num- bers of people who reportedly are already strongly anti-GVN and anti-American because of their poverty and extensive Viet Cong proselyting. The Delta Provinces 17. The situation in the IV Corps remains serious. The enemy continues to shell major urban areas and is reported massing for future assaults on key cities. The Viet Cong appear to be giving particular attention to Go Cong, Ben Tre, Cao Lanh, and Vinh Long, all provincial capitals. 18. In addition, a number of reports in- dicate that, as a result of the South Vietnamese Army's desire to provide maximum security in the urban areas, the Viet Cong now control most of the countryside and are increasing their efforts against isolated outposts and unprotected villages and hamlets. Because of the lack of government authority in the countryside, the Viet Cong re- portedly are having greater success in their recruiting efforts. Some US observers believe that the Communists may now have attained a stronger posture than before the Tet offensive despite the heavy losses they suffered in the first wave of attacks. 23 February 1968 1-4 TaP-8-ECRET Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 Txt.p_sc4eRE-T-- 19. Route 4, the main supply link between Saigon and the delta, is now reportedly open as far south as Soc Trang in Ba Xuyen Province, but most of the other major roads remain closed except when opened temporarily by a military operation. Go Cong Province 20. A detailed report from Go Cong Province indi- cates that the Viet Cong are now stockpiling arms, am- munition, food, and medical supplies in preparation for another attack on the province capital. The Viet Cong Military Region 2-headquarters has reportedly ordered half of the Dong Thap Regiment from Long An Province into Go Cong to take part in the next assault. 21. The main roads in Go Cong remain closed, except when opened temporarily by military operations, and food produce cannot be moved to Saigon. The people in the province capital are said to be "scared" and many are now, building family bunkers. Viet Cong propaganda asserts that the offensive now being waged in South Vietnam will continue for three months, after which a coalition government will be established. 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 22. the Go.Cong Province 3.3(h)(2) chief is mounting military operations outside of the capital,'but generally in areas of little enemy ac- tivity and there have been. fewbattles. The, chief has ordered helicopter gunships to .fire on any sampans moving anywhere in the province except in the immedi- ate vidinity.of the prOvince and.district capitals. 23. . The situation in Go.Cong'does not appear to be radically different from that in.many other delta provinces. With South Vietnamese forces immobilized for.the Most part 'in static defensive positions within and on the immediate-outskirts.of the key towns, the countryside appears .to be Coming gradually under Viet Cong control. 23 February 1968 1-5 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 II. POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN SOUTH VIETNAM 1. The government continues to round up various individuals in order to place them in "protective. custody." About /0 persons. are currently reported to have been thus detained by the Saigon police. ,Among the. latest to be "invited" to police head- quarters are Vietnamese Conferation of Labor of- ficials secretary general Tran:Huu Quyen. and Vo Van Tai, the controversial leader' of the recent electrical workers' strike, as well as Thich Ho Giac, an associate of the militant monk Thich.Tri Quang, who is also under detention. 2. Also detained was Ho Thong Minh, former defense minister under President Diem, who ap- parently was picked up on the basis of information alleging that he intended to contact the Viet Cong and work to bring about a coalition govern- ment. Minh, who until recently has been living in exile in Paris, is known to have been flirting with antigovernment elements and National Libera- tion Front representatives. Last autumn he re- portedly had ceased his antigovernment activities. Minh left .Paris on 27 January with the intention of contacting Liberation Front representatives in Phnom Penh and then President Thieu in Saigon in an effort to play an intermediary's role between the govern- ment and the Front. 3. Fthe Communists have very little re- gard for such people as Ho Thang Minh and others who have take a peace-at-any-price stance. More on the People's Congress to Save the Nation 4. On 21 February, the leaders of the People's Con- gress to Save the Nation held their first formal press conference. The committee, headed by Senator Tran Van 23 February 1968 10P 8EGRET Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 ) T-GP-SET Don, issued a communique' which called on all people to share in the effort to save the nation and move � toward the completion of a "unified political front" to oppose the Communists. The message also called on the government to unify its efforts, revitalize its anti-Communist policies, and create conditions for the partiCipation of the whole nation in the drive against Communism. 5. In a question and answer session, Tran Van Don indicated that the committee has not yet decided on a definite program of action, but that the first priority is the creation of an anti-Communist front. Detailed planning would come later. Don also fielded several other sensitive questions relating to whether the Congress was a Ky organization (it is not). 23 February 1968 11-2 120-P-StreRET Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 10-P-WeitET 23 February 1968 11-3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 pp SECRET III. MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS IN NORTH VIETNAM IV. OTHER COMMUNIST MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS V. COMMUNIST POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS 1. There is nothing of significance to report. 23 February 1968 .III -IV -V - 1 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786533