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Publication Date: 
March 20, 1968
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Approved for Release: 2021/02/08 C06779553 NO FOREIGN DISSEM/ ' (b)(3) 0,0 46 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGIN le, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 e ALL FBI INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 01-19-2018 BY ,b6 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director SUBJE SEE REVERSE' SIDE PM CLA3SIYICLITNi ACTION (b)(6)1c b7 (b)(7)(c) 2 0 Mitiza -- Federal Bureau of Investigation : SCHEERCASE 1 %SNOW 1 iiesiollain ...0001/01T!' 1 .00111="1' ta4ilingemmecit=se Ram)ar Representatives in London:. Danic1SCHECllTER and �����������"..13evaverromm 1. Reference is made to our memorandum CSCI-316/001136/67, irlb3 dated 10 March 1967, entitled SCHEERCASE in which we advised Efib that we are conducting further research concerning known con- (b)(3) tacts and associates of Robert SCHEER, Managing Editor of (b)(7)(e) Ramparts magazine. 2. This Agency is in receipt of information that411111! and aaittel SCHECHTER_are working as a research team in London for Ramparts. 4111111110a and SCHECHTER have reportedly been in contact with fhe Communist Party of Great Britain in connection with their research work. We have also been informed that an article on Daniel SCHECHTER's activity in London for Ramparts was pub- lished in a recent issue of "Parliamentary Profile," a publication produced by Andrew ROTH, an American living in London. 3. In addition in our memorandum Subject: "Ramparts Magazine Representatives in London, England," we have learned that in January 1968 SCHECHTER gave as a temporary address 8 Roslin Hill, London N.W. 3, which is the%address of STOPIT Committee. In November 1966 he was residing at the home of Peter and Jean COUrgYW, an C3 American Fulbright scholarship couple, 19 College Cross London, N.W. 1. 4. Williai 0 DO' (wa. Wolf GORDANOWITZ), born 26 Fe ruary 08, Taff67-761-Mt, and Helen GORDON (nee APPELMAN), born 12 December 1912, C1iic457-1111riiiis. ereport received from you dated 28 b r 1967 transmits passport information on to travel to England for six months to the information on SCHECHTER contained LIS NOT RECORDED 46 ApRNQIFIV: IGN DISSEM gX1.1111111p11 614:2 Ent&I (t= Vragic � d.3F,117.1610.T Szul � Approved for Release: 2021/02/08 C06779553 Approved for Release: 2021/02/08 C06779553 'i� NO FOREIGN DISSEM 41/ S. The latest information reflected in our files on Helen and William GORDON is dated 30 September 1965 from your Bureau and relates to the issuance of a passport to William GORDON on 121 April 1965 for travel to Israel on a "group study tour." He was then employed as program director of the Jewish Community Center, Portland, Oregon. In previous reports from your Bureau, Helen and William GORDON were identified as Communist Party members as early as 1940 in Chicago. They were subsequently in Van Nuys, California in 1947, Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1948- 1949, and Denver, Colorado in 1949-1953.e4 y) 6. William and Helen GORDON have a son Larry GPRD.ON, born 1946. (b)(1) report irom your Boston ottace, tale iUU-.5547Z, Bureau tale -439048, dated 30 November 1966 indicates that one Larry GORDON of 10 Brookford Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts, is the editor of "Dirt and Flowers," a publication of Students for a Democratic Society, and possibly a member of the Youth Club, Communist Party of Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware. A report from your Charlotte, North Carolina office dated 12 December 1967, captioned "Anti-Draft Activity December 4-8, 1967" (no file number shown) gives information on an article in "The Daily Tarheel," a student publication at the University of North Carolina. The article lists the name of Larry R. GORDON, a teaching assistant at the University, among signatures to a protest letter supporting students refusing military service 7. Our files contain a report from your Bureau dated 26 October 1955, Subject: Association for Regional Planning and Development, with enclosure dated 10 December 1951, Subject: Moryis .Ekimp SARNSBY, Membership, Regional Wage Stabilization Board, Appointee. The investigative report concerned alleged contacts of GARNSBY with Communist personalities. GARNSBY had been associated with the University of Colorado from 1937 to September 1951. The report mentions one Helen GORDON who was then living in Colorado, and in 1947 was elected organization secretary of the Pacoima Branch of the Los Angeles Communist Party. It is noted that Helen and William GORDON resided at 13266 Branford Street, Pacoima, California in 1947, and from 1949 to 1953 were in Denver, Colorado. The report further states that Masyin sampagR, an active Communist Party member, was one of the persons directing the activities of the Progres- sive Party. at Boulder, Colorado. Marvin SCHACHTER was then a student at the University of Colorado, at Boulder4 .0j 2 NO FOREIGN DISSEM, si:GgEr 9. (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/02/08 C06779553 Approved for Release: 2021/02/08 C06779553 +116 � Ihre����,,��������0140.6.���111.��������� FT NO FOREIGN PISSEM 9. Andrew ROTH has been associated with "Parliamentary Profile," LonafirEngland since 1957. The most recent infor- mation from your Bureau is dated 11 February 1965 which reports that ROTH had contacts with an identified Soviet intelligence agent, Beatrix HAMMARLING, a British citizen. Andrew ROTH was born 23 April 1919, Bronx, New York. He worked as a research assistant to Philip Joseph JAFFEE, of "Amerasia" magazine. He served in the U.S. Navy to 1945, when he resigned because of his arrest in connection with the "Amerasia" case. From approximately 1947, he was a free-lance journalist and author, and traveled extensively throughout the Far East and Middle East. His writings were considered generally pro-Communist. He was in Indo-China in the late 1940's and wrote on the Viet Minh organization in which he reportedly highly praised Ho Chi Minh. He managed to get into Peiping, China in 1949. FOR THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR PLANS: j64MES ANGLETON 3 � NO FOREIGN DISSEM, xdfrEf � b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3)- (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/02/08 C06779553