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Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775941
15 January 2016
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED/Az
CIA Declassification Center W�i Report 7- 13 January 2016
(U) Of Management Interest
(U) From the National Archives
(UALF-etteY) Policymakers Worry about Soviet Moon Mission in 1958
(UhT-0�14494 An Operations Coordination Board (OCB) document encountered in the records of USIA (Record Group 306), entitled "Report to
the OCB on Actions Which Might Be Taken by the US to Minimize the Adverse Psychological and Political Effects of a Successful Launching
by the USSR of a Moon Vehicle in Advance of the US," dated 21 March 1958, indicated that a working group had formed on 5 March to
consider the repercussions overseas of the USSR launching the first spacecraft to the moon. The CIA member had briefed the working group
� The Soviets could accomplish a moon vehicle launching prior to any such US launching.
� Such a device would probably incorporate some form of pyrotechnic or dye materials to provide a visual indication of impact to observers
on earth.
� The orbiting of a satellite with scientific instrumentation around the moon might be accomplished by late 1958. The return of such an
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orbiting satellite might be accomplished by 1959-60.
This was CIA's view, not a coordinated Intelligence Community judgment. Any such community appraisal would be considerably more
conservative regarding Soviet capabilities.
(U/iFetteY) The working group concurred on draft standby statements for the President and other senior officials should the Soviets succeed.
The President would say, "The Soviet announcement of the successful launching of a moon vehicle represents a great stride forward in man's
advance into the infinite reaches of outer space. To the scientists and engineers assigned to this undertaking, a full measure of credit is due, and
we congratulate them on this achievement." OCB guidance for US officials instructed them to avoid deprecating the Soviet accomplishment and
to avoid over-reaction, such as declassifying hitherto unpublicized US accomplishments and plans.
(U//freo-UO) Comment: CIA's analysis was pretty good. According to NASA's website, the Soviets launched their first flyby mission to the
moon on 2 January 1959, and a probe impacted the moon on 14 September. In October 1959, the Luna 3 mission sent to earth the first
photograph of the dark side of the moon. The first US probe, Pioneer 4, flew by the moon in March 1959. CDT released the documents in full
(U/h4W19) The 31 Dec 2016 Deadline:
(U/hariti) The thermometer charts below provide a measure of completeness against the CIA records that must be reviewed by 31 December
2016 (records that have reached either their 25-year deadline or their 50-year deadline). Against the 25-year deadline, for example, these
records include hardcopy CIA records dated through 1991, special media dated through 1986 and CIA Presidential Library (PL) material and
any external referrals (to CIA) due in 2016 outside the National Declassification Center (NDC). (Referrals for CIA at the NDC are excluded
due to the NDC procedures. NDC now controls the review deadlines at NARA per the EO but has just begun to establish deadlines for this
NARA material. NDC also controls the deadlines for PL material and has explicitly established deadlines for a subset of the material dubbed
Priority.) The charts below include PL Priority deadline material or a nominal 3-year deadline for other PL material. Though, notionally,
missing the deadline may result in automatic declassification for AARC material or external referrals to CIA outside of the NDC, that is not the
case for PL Priority or the non-priority PL based on current NDC procedures. The first chart reflects data current through 11 January 2016 and
reflects prior FY efforts against 31 December 2016 material. The second chart also reflects data current through 11 January 2016 but reflects
the status of chart #1 31 December 2016 material beginning in FY 2016.
(U/Atiltr) The first three thermometers measure progress against certification for material being processed manually (for accession to NARA
or exemption) and via automated system (for delivery on CREST at NARA or via the RAC Program to the Presidential Libraries). The fourth
thermometer measures overall progress (manual + automated). As in other "Thermo" charts, the targets are above the thermometer; the current
pages processed to date is provided below the th � the height of the thermometer represents pages processed to date graphically; and at
the right are tick marks that divide the target into equal weekly sub-targets. The horizontal line ("slider") indicates the number of
pages that should be completed by the current week of the FY assuming a linear production rate. Above the slider is good; below indicates
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more work to be done.
(U//4rftltr) You may notice that the target numbers at the top of the thermometers may change from week to week. This is due in general to the
targets being estimates that are refined during the year as detailed review progresses. For example, page count estimates can change since
microfilm estimates are often difficult to make prior to detailed review. This can add or subtract from the original target estimates. In another
situation, certain records that are initially assigned to the automated category undergo a pre-review ("triage") and may be moved from the
automated to the manual category.
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(U/IAIU6) FY 2016 Production Status
(UHAIU0) The status of production against the FY 2016 goals as of 9 January 2016 is presented in the "Thermometer Chart" below. (J.
(Ull-Ailz1-0) Note that this chart presents "Pages Reviewed this Fiscal Year" and displays some key product lines. Thus counts in this chart reflect
material that has completed the review process this FY (i.e., "certified" or equivalent). It does not reflect pages that have completed the full
production process (i.e., been "delivered") but reflects progress against the Executive Order requirements. The chart below is organized by key
FY 2016 goals, i.e., overall total review/release; automated review (our highest value on-line redacted product); and Presidential Libraries; and
Manual Review whether involving AARC documents or NDC documents. (Note that Overall Total subsumes Automated and Manual, and
Automated subsumes the Presidential Library product. Because the Overall Total includes SPREE (Pass/Fail review) which is not displayed, the
Overall Total is not the simple sum of the three sub-categories to its right on the chart.)
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(U) Of General Interest
(UHAIU0) Declassification Review and Referral Branch
(U11041449)- Each of the Directorate (DIR, DS, DA, DO, & DST) and Presidential Library (PL) Teams conduct review and certification of
documents at the 25 and 50-year mark under Executive Order 12956. After certification, the documents undergo quality review, also known as
"Product Generation" or PRODGEN. Activities of additional note this week include:
(U841-149) Director's Area & Directorate of Support Team
(UThorftteer The team reviewed and certified documentation on FOIA policy, Director of Central Intelligence Directive (DCID 1/10) regarding
Security Policy Guidance on Liaison Relationships with Foreign Intelligence Organizations and Foreign Security Services (1975),
documentation from the Psychological Strategy Board (1951-1953), and material from United States Intelligence Board Committee on
Documentation Working Group on Emergency Planning (1960s). In addition, the team conducted TRIAGE on Loxes of DIR/DS material (b)(31
from the Agency Archives. (b)(3)
(U/A-Ittrr) Directorate of Analysis Team
(UHAIU0) DA material reviewed this week primarily consisted of PDBs from the Nixon and Ford Administrations, NIDs, IEEW periodicals,
and Intelligence Memos from the various DA regional offices. An item of note this week is a November 1976 PDB Special Analysis of OPEC
oil price deliberations. Additionally, we are working on DIF-re-review and 50-year re-review documents. The team continues work on the
SPREE and FLIRTS of 2016 material.
(U/A-Fli44) Directorate of Operations Team
(UHAttill7 No new information to report.
(U//4147}0r Directorate of Science & Technology Team
(U/IAIU0) No new information to report.
(U/IAIU0) STAIRS Presidential Library Support
GM/tit:Fe) STAIRS is a stand-alone system that supports the review of Presidential Library (PL) documents by other government agency
OGApersonnel. This week CIA, DOS, OSD, USAF, DOE and FRUS conducted on-site reviews of PL documents in STAIRS.
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� (UHA-14:71484 STAIRS Support team focused on processing NSC CD returns. A total of
were processed.
(U//44154at Mandatory Declassification Request Activity
ri (UHAIU0) During the past week, the Presidential Libraries submitted Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) requests for documents
were processed and forwarded to other government agencies for review and return to t l e library.
were processed and forwarded toP�Ibr review and return to the library.
Thirty documents
(U7/i4-#U) External Referral and Liaison Team
(U/4444443-) During the week ending January 09, 2016, ER&L received documents via which resulted in
additional referrals. ER&L account managers batched referrals for OGA review. ER&L received
completed referrals from OGAs, which ER&L account managers processed and returned to the teams for final review.
(U/MIkW) National Declassification Center (NDC) Operations
(U//Aitia) Team members working on NDC Kyl Evaluation Team (KET) during the week ending 8 Janua
Hollinger boxes and boxes addingntabs for missed CIA equity to documents containing
(U/httliCr) No Evahiaiion i am (ET) sessions occurred during the week ending 8 January, but they wi
2016 completed review on
resume the week beginning 11 January.
(U/hk-Itlfk) Team members on the Damage Assessment Program continued to focus their research and analysis during the week ending January
8 on a Department of State Damage Assessment collection.
(UHAIU0) The IRC certified
Navy, OMB, "Interservice
during the week ending 8 January with a release rate of
gencies," and Army projects and worked an additional
(U7/41440) CDC Help Desk activity 4 - 8 Jan 2015
(U) The
vault workstation recap is still scheduled for 20-22 January!
reviewers completed
Army, two Air Force, andr�Navy
(UHAIU0) Remember that due to the recap, both CADRE and Hypersnap will need to be manually reinstalled onto the new workstations. CDC HD will be on
hand to assist with this procedure.
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(UHAIU ) It appears the garbled print problem is rearing its ugly head again. isers experienced garbled print problem out of the blue, but Dulles CST was
able to quickly run the scripts needed to fix the problem on the affected user's workstations after ESMT tickets were sent. Remember, if you are hit with the
garbled print problem, stop mad printing by punching the red cancel button on the printer control panel, or simply pull the paper tray out, and contact CDC HD
(U/t EARRS requests were submitted this week for iCE account extensions and various secondary affiliations to CDC so that these users can access
the Reviewer's Handbook and TTIJVIEJ requests were submitted for email group additions and removals, backlogged requests were completed after
notifying DS-CMA of their existence.
(U// One new user was signed on to TTIME this week, andJ current TTIME users were transitioned from the Metrics folder to the TTIME folder.
Nearly fall TTIME users should be transitioned over to the permanent database location.
(U//*147+9)-CDC Help Desk assisted users with their bi-annual iCE/Notes/CADRE/ST password renewals. As is always mentioned, the procedure for
changing passwords is slightly different in iCE. Please contact CDC HD for assistance with password changes.
(U// ) By now you should have completed your mandatory training. You would know if you did � you would receive a nasty-gram from OS. Keep
watching here for news of when the new 2016 trainings become available!
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(U7/414,40) Agency Scanning Center (ASC) Support to CDC
(U//411444) 25-Year Production Statistics
(U/IAIU0) ) The ASC scanned pages of DI & DS material. ASC indexed
period (week ending 1/08). (CIO/IMS
(U7/1-1-6T-9)- Upcoming Week
documents of DO, DS, DI & DCI material during this
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(U//4dt7T�er) We continue FY 2016 production and CY 2016 production.
Chief CIA Declassification Center
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//
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