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PDF icon CIA DECLASSIFICATION WEEK[15890278].pdf342.35 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 11 January 2013 E ORANDU FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: REFERENCE: CIA Declassification Center W�1T Report 3-9 January 2013 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 December 2013 (1.1) Of Management Interest VIA IUD). From the Archives g Amounts of Data (UPAIU ) A report found in the DCIA files entihed "Information Systems Architecture Baseline, November 19X8" discusses the amount of compuhng resources necessary to handle current Agency data and provides an interesting �vay to visualize the data: "Wc currently have over 1400 billion characters of disk storage and 600 million instructions per second (MIPS) of general purpose computer power in our central compuhng facilihes. In order to visualize the amount of information stored in our central complex, consider that the average book holds about 400 characters per page, and a book about one inch thick has about 150 pages, so it holds about 60,000 characters. Thus, a conservative and rough cshmate of the equivalent book storage of the amount of information in our central complex is more than 2.3 million books, or a stack of books 37 miles high, the _ , height" o llonumews(emphasis added)." (U//AIU ) The report continues, nohng that our rate of growth [for processing capacity] has been at a annual growth rate." compound (U/ ) CDC presents everyone who retires or leaves the division with a board containing the number of pages revi by CDC since 1995 as represented in Washington Monuments. Perhaps with the expected onslaught of "electronic records/big, data." CDC should rcvisualize how it represents pages released... perhaps by miles between Earth and Vlars! (U//Af U ) This ahicle is from C05X4.9077, vhich was released in part. (C//414:74-*) Missed Equity Finds of the Week //-*H-111- cd Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 (Li .mergency E,cuation Planning (Si/ME) An Operations .11 emora Ft( dated X December 1953 from the U.S. Einbassv in Beirui 10 the U.S. Embassy in Paris, furnishes a Lis( of the number of Male U.S. Foreign Service Personnel" at Beim( for p1 irinm in c acu ilion flov� to �CECRET Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Safe en" should such a measure become necessary because of emergency condnions in Lebanon. The list includes: (L//2-11t1 e 31 Deeem er 2012 Deadline Recap (U/ ell]. 2012: sEcrET Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 SECRET k kJ) kV ILl t IkippLm (U/ c above char ( CDC Progress Timard EO CY2012 Deadline) shim an 31 Dec 2 2 shortfall pages In the course of reviewing the data. we found an additional 0 pages from 2011 111,11 were also noi complcicd and nol included in the above charts (there was due to an ovcrsighl in CV 2011). All these pages �Nerc complcicd by 7 Jan 2013 (4 workdays after the deadline). (U) Wh� did this happen? �SEGRE�T� Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 (U// Wc are still invcstigating but it appears that we made this materia(which �vere in a special category: they all �vere duplicates vith their duplicate out in referral) available to reviewers in earl Nov 2012 After we gave the go-ahcad to with these pages (using whatever duplicate information available) there �yere communication problems and the necessary effort was not applied, neither in review or certification until �ve realiied the problem very late in December leading to the shortfall. Lesson learned. (U) What is the impact? (U/7"A1t7+44-In theory, about ages are at risk for automatic declassification (from the two "Prior' categories below), but in practice NDC has not invoked automatic declassification (because, �ve presume, so much material across all agencies would be at risk.) Thc material falls into three categories: NDC Priority RAC CV 2011 deadline material: 10 pages. NDC has not invoked automatic declassification. (Abou pages arc incomplete as of 31 Dec 2012 across all agencies) iiCPriort RAC CV 2012 deadline mater al: NDC has not invoked automatic declass cation. About s arc incomplete as of 31 Dec 2012 across all agencies) Other RAC 2012 "deadline" mater No deadline was assigned by NDC for this material CDC assumed a 3-year deadline from 2009 based on a hypothetical 3-year referral dile (but this is nonofficial). Abou pages (excluding Reagan and NDC priority material) across all agencies arc incomplete based on a 3-vcar hypothetical referral rule for NDC RAC matcrial. Bottom line: No records �vere automatically declassified. The 31 Dee 2013 Deadline (U/ The thermometer chart below provides a measure of completeness against the CIA records that must be reviewed by 31 December 2013 (records that have reached either their 25-vear deadline or their 50-vear deadline). Against the 25-year deadline, for example, these records include hardcopy CIA records dated 1988, special media dated dim 1983 and CIA Presidential Library" (PL) material and external referrals (to CIA) all due in 2013. (Referrals for CIA at the National Declassification Center---NDC---are excluded due to the NDC procedures. NDC now controls the review deadlines at NARA per the EO but has not vet formally established deadlines for this NARA material. NDC also controls the deadlines for PL material and has explicitly established deadlines for a subset of the material dubbed Priority .) The charts below include PL Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Priorily deadline material or a nominal 3-year deadline for other PL material. Though, notiona missing the deadline may result in automatic declassification for AARE material or external referrals to CIA outside of the NDC, that is not the case for PL Priority or the non-priority PL based on current NDC procedures. The first chart reflects data current through 7 Jan. The second chart also reflects data current through 7 Jan. (U/ The first three thermometers measure progress against ccilification for material being processed manually o accession to NARA or exemption) and via automated system (for delivery on CREST at NARA or via the RAC Program to the Presidential Libraries). The fourth thermometer measures overall progress (manual + automated). As in other "Thermo" charts, the targets are above the thermometer; the current pages processed to date is provided below the thermometer; the height of the thermometer represents pages processed to date graphically: and at the right are tick marks that divide the large into /iiqual weekly sub-kirgets. The hori/ontal line ("slider) indicates the number of pages that should be completed by the current iveck of the FY assuming a linear production rate. Above the slider is good: below indicates more work to be done. (li/44,14J.i_ You may notice that the target numbers at the top of the thermometers may change from iveck 10 week. This is due in general to the targets being estimates that are refined during the ycar as detailed review progresses. For example, page count estimates can change since microfilm estimates are often difficult to make prior to detailed review. This can add or subtract from the original target estimates. In another situation, cerklin records that are initially assigned to the automated category undergo a pre-review ("triage") and may be moved from the automated to the manual category. Last, hut not least, some pages can drop out of the 2013 due date counts completely, once the records get processed and the final determination deems they arc due in a year other than 2013. (Note that unprocessed AARC records are assign( automatic declassification dates based on data in the SMART2 retired records database and related databases in the NCS. The accuracy of these databases can be problematical.) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 SEC IR t I -SEC Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 -SEeRn� Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 -3EeR= Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 (t../IAI 2013 ProStatusduction (U/ A! U 1 The status of production against the FY 2013 goals as of 5 Jan 2013 is presented in the "Thermometer Chart" belo�N. This chart includes CV 2013 deadline niatcrial and other later deadline material. (CZ/Atli ) Note that this chart presents "Pages Reviewed this Fiscal Year" and displays some key product lines, Thus counts in this chart reflect material that has completed the review process this FY (i.e.. "certified" or equivalent). It does not reflect pages that have completed the full production process (i.e., been "delivered") but reflects progress against the Executive Order requirements. Thc chart beim\ is organited by key goals, i.c., overall total revioNirelease; automated review (our highest value on-line redacted product): and Presidential Libraries: and Manual RevioN whether involving AARC documents or NDC documents. (Note that Overall Total subsumes Automated and Manual. and Automated subsumes the Presidential Library product. Because the Overall Total includes SPREE which is not displaed, the Overall Total is not the simple sum of the three sub-categories to its right on the chart.) --saf-cmEr� Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 -S'E'MET- _s&eRri�---- Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 -SeatEr (U) Of General Interest . . . (U/horftit-DRRB Weekly Activities (UHAIU0) Certifiers and reviewers are focused on review, certification, and product generation (PRODGEN) activities of 2013 and later material. Team-specific activities or comments for the week are noted below. (UHAIUO) DCIA/DS&T/DS Team (UHAIU The teams are reviewing, certifying and performing quality control (PRODGEN) of documents due in 2013, as well as re-reviewing documents over 50 years old. The DCIA teams is also continuing its manual and automated (FLIRTS) triage of 2013 records and 50-year-old re-review records. (UHAIU0) DI Team (U/Aftter) The team is working on the review and certification of 2013 and later material, and the product generation (PRODGEN) of documents previously certified. DI material reviewed for release this week consisted primarily of Intelligence Assessments, Weekly Summaries, IEEW serials, and research papers from the 1980s, dealing with the Middle East, Europe, the Soviet Union, China, and Latin America. The DI Team is in the initial stages of planning the review of PDB documents for release. In addition, reviewers and certifiers continued the manual review of finished intelligence, manual triage of AARC documents, and the electronic triage of documents on the FLIRTS system. The team continues its work on the manual SPREE. (U/ Presidential Libraries (RAC) Team (UHAIU0) The National Security Staff (generally referred to as NSC up until recently) will be visiting on 10 January to compare notes on reviewing and processing NSC documents. The RAC team has been engaged in certifying a complicated set of duplicate documents in the "RECON" queue -- checking new documents against exact or near duplicates -- from the Reagan Presidential Library. Henry Kissinger's Library of Congress collection documents continue to pop up as well. In addition, there are Carter (NLC) and Nixon (NLN) documents referred to CIA by State and NSS in the STAIRS database. Displaying an unusual symmetry, the Reagan "RECON" documents consist mostly of NSC daily reports to the National Security Adviser -- as do the older Nixon and Carter documents. (U/fAIU0) NCS Team (UHArlil) The NCS team is working on the review and certification of 2013 and later material, and product generation (PRODGEN) of documents previously certified. NCS material reviewed for release consisted primarily of IRs ( Raw Intelligence Reporting from the field). NCS material reviewed consisted of 2013 and later documents and DIF re-review and RECON (duplicates) of 2013 due date material. In addition, reviewers continued the manual review of IR's , triage of NCS AARC documents, and the electronic triage of NCS documents on the FLIRTS system. The team continues its work on the manual SPREE of NCS material. -GEeRer� Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 -See'RET� (U// Quality Assurance/Guidance (U/I-MtfirQuality Assurance (U//444,41. yorked the Nov and Dec STAIRS data for the FY 13 STAIRS brief, continuing to research ways to streamline the STAIRS biweekly brief Pulled in the Dec PRODGEN data to be manipulated for the FY13 PRODGEN brief. (UAL-Meer) drafted a meeting summary for the ASC re the Indexing Report. This report will be repeated on an on-going basis, and reported to C/CDC at least bi-monthly. (U/tA-14344-) Guidance/Training (U//-Aieefl Last week Bill viewed and accepted the video portion of the CIA equities DVD that was prepared by the Creative Learning Center. They did an excellent job of visualizing the background. Thea and Bill found it quite professional. The merged video and text DVD should be available in about a month. Bill also began preparing the Dictionary for inclusion in the new Joint Handbook/Dictionary. (U/AlItIO) National Declassification Center (NDC) Operations 31 December 2012-4 January 2013 (U/ (UHAIU0) Team members working on the NDC Kyl-Lott Evaluation Teams completed review o tabs for missed CIA equity to documents totalling pages. (UHAIU0) Team members working on the REAP (Records Equity Assessment Program) reviewed tabs for missed CIA equity to documents totalling p)ages. (U//41444)- External Referral and Liaison Team (U/IAIU0) Referral Operations (UHAIU0) During the week of 5 January 2013, there were --SEGRET� The technician team supported NARA's ADRRES database, entering data and completing box preparation. RC boxes adding three boxes, adding sent to ER&L. Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 eee'RET There were sent out to OGAs and managers completed referral processing for processing (U//-A-WO) Satellite Review (U/+ History Institute). returned from OGAs. ER&L account in AMDB and forwarded them out of ER&L for final pages have completed Level 1 review on material referred by Army (Military (U/tAlt13) OGA On-site Activity (U/141t,'M Note: The State of the Art Inter-Agency Referral System (STAIRS) is a stand-alone system that supports the review of presidential library documents by other government agency personnel. (U/h0) STAIRS support continues to conduct QA/QC on presidential library material completed by OGAs in STAIRS. During the past week, were reviewed with no documents were failed for review errors and failed for referral errors (6 with CIA equity). were passed to the burn queue. (Uthir1{40)-0ther Government Agencies' On-Site STAIRS Review (U//7t777 During the week of 5 January 2013, the following agencies conducted on-site reviews of library documents in STAIRS: DOS and CIA. (U//.4.44449)-MDR Activity (U/Mrttlf/T For the week of 5 January 2013, Presidential Libraries submitted 68 Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request for were processed and forwarded to other government agencies for review and return to the library, were processed and forwarded to PIPD for review and return to the library, documents were processed and placed in OSD's MDR CD repository. (U/A-IM Document Declassification Support System (DDSS) & CDC Systems Integration (SI) Support (U/IAIU ) This report covers the period of 3 December through 9 December 2012. (U/HrtrO) DDSS Move to the Cloud � (U/horItitT cloud services provider. � (UHAIU0) will participate in a meeting with D/NDC, DD/NDC, and Mr. Powers of ISOO on 14 January in an attempt to finalize their "Where to Send Referrals" guide. C/DSB continue to pursue the acquisition for re-hosting DDSS with a commercial Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 (U// ) DDSS Support to the National Declassification Center � (UHAIU0) continued coordination of a project kick off meeting between the DDSS and the NDC staff on 14 January 2013 to define the scope, steps, and schedule for the needed modifications of DDSS to support the NDC referral process. � (U//littet upgraded the schedule and met with and met to review and finalize the schedule and continue planning for the DDSS/NDC Project Initiation Review control gate scheduled for 14 January � (u/Aitteej completed a review and modifications to the CONOPS/Customer Requirements Document in preparation for the upcoming kick off meeting and provided an advance copy to the NDC staff (U//*/�44) CADRE Duplicate Detection, Resolution, and Reconciliation � (U/i7tItI8)-Metrics for the period of 1 January through 5 January are included below as well as the cumulative metrics throughout the duration of DDR (25 June 2002 to the present). The percentage of duplicates discovered for the period is 77compared to a cumulative average of (U//74r1-F49). (U7/741-&60)-CDC Help Desk (U//..41444)-CDC Help Desk activity 31 Dec � 4 Jan 2013 � (UI/AIU ) Three instances of corrupted MS Access 2003 were reported and fixed this week. � (U//74-ittIT CDC Help Desk opened one 25Y (for bad overlays on doc) and zero CM CADRE-related ESMT tickets. SECRET No Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 � � STAIRS issues were brought to the attention of CDC HD. (U/AkitfiM No CWE Profile resets were required this week. ) CDC Help Desk assisted five users with their annual CWE/Notes/CADRE/ST password renewals. � (U/A4#(7 CDC Help Desk submitted five AADS requests for annual CWE account renewals. � (U4441-et) The TeamMetrix server returned to full service after being down last week. � (U/1-/-ffrM Keep watching this space � I will inform you when the AISC for 2013 becomes available! (U7/ IUO) CADRE System Status Summary As of December 15th (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Open 25-year SRS/ESMT tickets = (U7/71-1-FO) Agency Scanning Center (ASC) Support to CDC (U// IL 0) 25-Year Production Statistics (U//44,499 6-12 Oct: The ASC scanned DCIA and DS material; and exported pages of NCS, DCIA, DI, and DS material; indexed F71ocuments of mages of DCIA and DS material during this reporting period. In addition, pages of ER&L were scanned andF�documents were indexed and images were exported of Ronald Reagan Presidential Library material this week. (U/M7W13-19 Oct: The ASC scanned pages of NCS material and indexed this reporting period. In addition, pages of ER&L material were scanned and Presidential Library material were indexed this week. (U/ 0) Special Projects/ASC Tech Team Report documents of DS material during documents of Ronald Reagan (U/htIU04 TeamMetrix Replacement (U//Q Etag approved and we are moving forward at getting an evaluation copy of the software. Once received we will turn it over to the evaluation team for their review and pending approval. See no issues at this time, all is moving as well as can be expected. (U/IAIU0) CROC / ARL Tranche 9 � (UHAIU0) Built a second review plugin for CROC to review Tranche 9 materials (positive and negative results based on redactions already reviewed in CROC). � (UllAtt5i4). Advanced Research Laboratory (ARL) Tranche 9 package code (Enhanced Dirty Word checker) was also completed. (U/tAIU0) BBN - Duplicated Detection � (U//.1149) Installed duplicate detection software in both Production and Development environments. � (UHAIU0) Wrote a processing pipeline to submit all CDC docs to the duplicate detection system. Initial results will be available sometime next week. (U//A-1�143) Reviewer's Handbook � (UHAIU0) Completed Beta of "Doc-To-HELP" which combines the Reviewer's Handbook and Dictionary into a single Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936 SECRET � � HELP system, allowing reviewers to search both the handbook and dictionary at the same time. The new HELP file also improves searches by providing more context for the search hit. (U//6-Began reformatting of Reviewer's Handbook for ingest by the "Doc-to-HELP" product. Sections A-F have been completed. (U/1744444) Wrote code to convert Reviewer's Dictionary to word document for "Doc-to-HELP" conversion. (U// Paper Vision Capture Transition � (UHAIU0) Wrote production ingestion code for PVC which moves existing scanned images with index data into the PVC product. (Uthiffkiiit Dashboard � (UHAIU0) Completed v1.0 of ASC Status Dashboard. The dashboard shows real-time updated charts and graphs of both 25-year production and other projects worked by the ASC. � (U/ht1iJej Added save feature, to allow for export and printing of charts from the dashboard. (U/I-AW0)-Conversion � (U//141+}e) Wrote software to convert word documents in to multi-page TIFF documents for ingest into CADRE. (U//' Upcoming Week (U//@ Work is in process on FY 2013 production, and initiating CY 2013 production. CC: Chief, CIA Declassification Center Classification: SECRET (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775936