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Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775933
14 January 2010
CIA Declassification Center
# Report 7- 13 January 2010
(U) The Next Automat' Declassification Date is
31 December 2010f
RI Of Management Interest
( U//44-1741T From the Archives
(C//AIM) "True Detective" Anti-Communist TV Series
(UPAIU ) A box of USIA records reviewed by the CDC Team at NARA II contains a memo dated 10 October 1962 from
Howard A. White, Embassy USIA Officer, Lisbon, Portugal to Stephen M. Carney, Office of the Assistant Director (Europe),
USIA, Washington, D.C. White states that the embassy has been contacted by "various Portuguese Government agencies and
high officials who arc much interested in undertaking some effective anti-communist propaganda." Thosc making conlict
include the "Police Internacional de Defensa do Estado" (PIDE) and the governmett-owned TV system. Recognizing their
own lack of knowledge and technical ability involving the production of TV shows, White notes that the Portuguese have
approached the embassy for assistance.
(U//A-K7J-el White observes thal embassy personnel agree the mos( effective formal for the series �vould be the "talc
deleclive" slor-y as developed for TV programs in the U.S. He recommends that Educational Exchange specialist grants be
used lo send two Porniguese TV producers lo the U.S. to siudy this particular lype of TV production in U.S. commercial
siudios. He also suggesis that a U.S. TV specialisl be sent to Portugal lo assist in the projecl when adual produclion begins.
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c this
( ) While closes b� commc
is approved by the Ambassador.
o 2 o shows should b planned."
"T 15 proiec
Is cot ob ctives id
(UE memo dmed 6 December 19(0. Carney ells White 'hal there have been frequent meelings of USIA and Slate
offic s on the Educanonal Exchange Project 10 discuss his proposal, but delibcralions "have nol budged an inch E regarding
whether to approve it.
:o mm e n Thc 's lo indication in II ro rds d :Ahly
ndiurcd iii Po
(U A a Citizen's Vte o ing ith Term
(U/ One of the correspondence files for the DCI area certified this week contair d a collection of letters from privale
cilitens aboul howl() deal with various problems facing the Uniled States. In a 19X5 letter addressed 10 DCI Case G.
Edward FIamilion. President of FIamilton Communicalions Consuhants proposed a practical solulion for prolccting airl c
passengers from terrorism He suggested 'hal the US -equip each inlemational passenger-canning aircrall with a number of
TV cameras�. � to permit the "cockpit personnel' to observe action �.land I mainImin within the general air condinoning (V_
individual passenger-conIsolled direcledmir-flow. a system for iihroducing a non-odoms IsicI. non-toxic anesthetic gas which
render all persons within the 'danger area or cabin' harmlessly unconscious.- He continued, �Nr he broadcast of
the cabin picture could be delegalcd asEvidco/audio - emergenc� � frequencies' for Iransmission to all i c national
co1T1MC rcial [sic] avel airports.-
(UEAIU ?Release decision of the above docm c s RIP.
o ess
s t e ece
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(U// Li ) This thermometer chart provides a measure of completeness against the CIA records that must be revio d by 31
December 2010. These records include hardcopy CIA records dated 1985 and external referrals due in 2010 (i.e., "legacy").
These legacy referrals arc from the CIA Archives or Presidential Libraries (via the RAC Program). (Referrals for CIA at
NARA arc excluded due to the procedures of the National Declassification Initiative �vhich are controlling the review rates at
NARA). Though there are many tmccrlaintics due to the new EC) and establishment of the National Declassification Center
(N DC). based on current information, if these records arc not reviewed prior ID 31 December 2010, they arc at risk for
automatic declassification. In this case, the thermometer goes through 31 December 2010. The first chart reflects data
current through 11 January and includes 2010 deadline material processed in prior years. The second chart reflects
data current through 11 January and excludes 2010 deadline m,terial compkted prior to FY 2010.
(U// Al U ) The first three thermometers measure progress against certification for matcrial being processed manually or
accession to NARA or exemption) and via automated system (for delivery on CREST at NARA or via the RAC Program ID
the Presidential Libraries). Thc fourth thermometer measures overall progress (manual + automated). As in other "Thermo"
charts, the targets are above the thermometer; the current pages processed to date ("production") is provided below the
thermometer; the hci ermometer represents pages processed to date graphically: and at the right are tick marks that
divide the target into equal weekly sub-targets. The horizontal line ("slider") indicates the number of pages that
should be completed by the current week of the FY assum ir production rate. Above the slider is good; below
indicates more work to be done.
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2010 Productio
(LT ) The slalus of produclion against he FY2010 goals as of 9 Jrnuar is p
below. This chart includes 2010 deadline mherial and other laler de idhne material.
he "T
(U/1A1U ) Note thal this chart presenls "Pages ReViC \Ned this Fiscal Year" and is organized by product line. Thus counts in
this chart reflect material thal has compleled the revioN process this FY (i.e., "certified" or equivalent), Ii does not reflecl
pages thal have compleled the full production process (i.e., been "delivered") but rellecls progress against the Executive
Order deadlines �N. hich involve "declassification revice (and nol deliveB, e.g.. 10 the National Archives). Thc chart bclow is
organized by key goals, i.e., total review/release: NARA external referrals; automated revioNlrelease (our highest value
on-line redacted product); and Presidential Libraries. (Nole that Overall Total subsumes Aulomated. and Automated
subsumes Presidenlial Library product. Because the Overall Tail includes some categories alai are not displayed explichly
such as manual revioN and special media; and aulomaled revioN includes internal CIA malcrial �N. hiCh is also not displayed
explicitly on this char-I�the OVcrall Tolhl is not (he simple sum of Ihe three sub -categories lo its righl on Ihe chart.) (J.
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(U) Of General Interest
(tY/ ) Declassification Review and Referral Branch (DRRB) Weekly Activities
U/ On Wednesday, 13 January, DRRB team chiefs participated in the monthly quality assurance workshop
(UHAIU0) Certifiers and reviewers are focused on 2010 review, certification, and product generation activities.
Team-specific activities or comments for the week are noted below.
(U///414:743). DCIA/DS&T/DS Team
(UHAIU0) The team is continuing its review of documents due in 2010; the contractor staff is also continuing to perform
triage of DS records due in 2010. Many of the documents certified this week in the D/CIA queues dealt with public affairs
and were newspaper articles that were released in full, attended the Critical Thinking
seminar this week, and participated in the monthly quality assurance workshop.
(U/A414+0). DI/NCS Team
(U//AIU0) The team is working on the review and certification of 2010 and later material. DI material reviewed for release
this week consisted primarily of Intelligence Assessments, Weekly Summaries, and research papers from the 1960s-1980s,
dealing with Vietnam, the Middle East, the Soviet Union, China, and Latin America. NCS material reviewed consisted
primarily of DIF re-review. In addition, the team continued the manual review of finished intelligence and electronic triage of
DI documents on the FLIRTS system. were at Fort McNair for two days this week (b)(3)
reviewing Agency material for the Army. The team has also started introducing ER&L Account Managers to the DI product
via side-by-side reviews with DI Reviewers. (b)(3)
(U//A44443) Presidential Libraries (RAC) Team
(U/MfRitey The team is engaged with the review, certification, reconciliation, and product generation of documents from the
Presidential Libraries and the Henry Kissinger Library of Congress collection. Certifiers are reviewing RAC documents
referred to CIA by other government agencies on STAIRS. This week, the team continued to focus on the 11 oral histories
submitted for review by the Nixon Presidential Library.
(U/IAIU0) Quality Control/Training
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conducted research for an upcoming draft of the Covert Action Guidance.
has almost completed the 2009 December Product Generation (PROD GEN) failure rates.
(U/IAIU0) NARA Operations
(U/MitteerReviewers are working State, USIA, Army and USAF boxes, and technicians are entering data into the field
database and supporting NARA's ADRRES database.
(U/Alintin) One reviewer spent three days working on the NDI Quality Assurance Review Team (QART). He completed
Hollinger boxes. Agency representation on the QART was as follows:
Army; Day 3- CIA, NARA, Army, USAF.
(UHAIU0) External Referral and Liaison Team
(U/444-15-0) Referral Operations
(U/76r1tT�EI) For the week ending 8 January 2010,
forwarded out of ER&L for final processing. Anoth0
for review.
Day 1 - CIA, NARA, USAF; Day 2- CIA, NARA,
were nrocessed/documented in AMDB and
were prepared or pouched out to OGAs
(U/AIU ) Scanning of the Kissinger collection at the Library of Congress continues and to date
pages) have been scanned and delivered to the ASC for processing.
(U/tAltil) Remote Equities Review
(UHAIU0) CIA remote equity reviews continue (4) days per month on-site at Army - Ft. McNair, Center for Military History
(CMH). As of 8 January 2010, the team has reviewed for declassification documents
and released
(UMIciii9)0GA On-site Activity
(UHAIU0) The following agencies conducted on-site reviews of library documents in STAIRS: DOS, OSD, FBI, DIA, DOJ
and CIA.
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(UHAIU0) STAIRS support continues to conduct QA/QC on presidential library material completed by OGAs in STAIRS.
During the week of 8 January 2010, there were passed to the burn queue.
(Uthorft4+). MDR Activity
(UHAIU0) For the week ending 8 January 2010, the Presidential Libraries submitted 5 Mandatory Declassification Review
(MDR) requests for Iocuments These documents were processed and pouched to other government
agencies for review and return to the libraries.
(U//A Declassification Services Branch
(Uritttf4)- Document Declassification Support System (DDSS)
(UHAIU0) This report covers the period 7 January through 13 January 2010. During this reporting period, the following
activities were ongoing:
Army uploaded additional files from its monthly reviews resulting in
DOE requested, and
Archives II.
additional referrals and
provided, metrics regarding its incoming referrals that are NOT located at
OSD provided its second upload file on 11 January 2009. The DDSS team is using this file to validate the
anticipated efficiencies using the Pervasive data integration tool. The DDSS team has converted the data and
uploaded it into the DDSS integration system. There were issues with about 20% of the OSD accession numbers;
contacted OSD with options for resolution of the issues.
Air Force provided its fifth upload file on 6 January 2010. The DDSS team is using this file to validate the
anticipated efficiencies using the Pervasive data integration tool. The DDSS team has converted the data and
uploaded it into the DDSS integration system. Data validation is underway.
CENTCOM contacted the DDSS help desk to request training for eight persons to be conducted at CENTCOM
headquarters in Tampa, Florida. The DDSS team is coordinating with CENTCOM.
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tc_,KtT NuFORN
� Where to Send Referrals
Based on referrals in the second OSD upload file, the DDSS team has modified the "Where to Send Referrals"
document to include U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM), the Air Force's Air Mobility Command, and Army's
Army Materiel Command after obtaining concurrence from the affected agencies.
� DDSS System Maintenance
Global Communications Services successfully replaced a faulty central processing unit cooling fan on the DDSS test
database server.
The DDSS team has begun an effort to determine the impacts of upgrading to the current version of WebLogic on
the application server. GCS has indicated that this upgrade will need to be performed before support for the current
version expires, which is anticipated within the next year. This upgrade is expected to be challenging because of the
interaction of WebLogic with other integrated software. On the other hand, it is anticipated that the upgrade will
enable the query functionality to receive desired enhancements that are not feasible with the current version of
� DDSS Data Maintenance
The DDSS team has analyzed DDSS data from the perspective of enhancing agencies' data in DDSS to make it more
useful for the National Declassification Center. The team has identified several key items for enhancement and work
is underway to implement the improvements. Army uploaded data at the folder level and the primary focus of the
team currently is to identify Army folders that are in the same box and assign them a unique box identification
number so that queries can be run on Army boxes. Also, the team is updating Army and Navy referrals with record
group numbers that are currently missing because they were not provided by the agencies in their record group
number field; those missing record group numbers may be embedded in other identifiers provided by those agencies,
such as accession numbers or folder identification numbers.
� DDSS Training
has scheduled the next DDSS training session at Archives II on 28 January for six persons from the
Department of Energy.
� DDSS Team Sharing Site
The DDSS team continues to coordinate with the Director of National Intelligence security office to establish a
DDSS team file sharing site on the DNI unclassified network (DNI-U).
(UHAIU0) National Declassification Center
(U/P8� attended the first meeting of the PMT DDSS sub-groun or 13 January and provided a report of
the meeting to CDC leadership. Don McIlwain, NARA, has asked foi to meet with him to assist him in
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determining how he may best use DDSS to assist him in his efforts in support of NDC planning
(U/ ) CREST Expanded Access
(Uf/AIU0) NTIS provided three proposed user interface screen shots for its potential replacement to the CREST system. The
NTIS project manager called to discuss CDC preferences and options regarding whether the images need to be converted to
PDF format.
(U//*1454�) CADRE Duplicate Detection, Resolution, and Reconciliation.
(U/17tlinIe+-Metrics for 3 January through 9 January 2010 are included below as well as the cumulative metrics throughout the
duration of DDR (25 June 2002 to the present). The percentage of duplicates discovered for the period isompared to a (b)(3)
cumulative average of (b)(3)
(U/IAIU0) CADRE Support
� Conducted two rounds of validation on updates to improperly migrated JFK documents, working with the team
member who updated the records to ensure that the documents were properly connected by CADRE Reference ID
and requesting that the data validation lists be regenerated to account for the newly updated documents. Researched
missing release dates on JFK documents in the CADRE MORIPROD database and sent a note to the Migration
Team to request feedback on the plan to get this data migrated to CADRE.
� Reviewed the updates to EO 12958 that are contained in the new EO 13526 and provided feedback on a possible
implementation approach for CADRE. Also, in response to a question from the CADRE Program Manager,
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reviewed the CADRE reports to determine whether or not any of them would be affected by the changes to the EO
� Met with the CADRE trainer to begin planning the contents of a new Case Management Reports Course for PIPD
managers. Began assembling materials describing each report in preparation for a meeting with the Chief/PIPD to
clarify her expectations and to determine which reports and queries managers currently use.
� Worked with a user who had questions about a document he was having trouble opening from a query hitlist.
Discovered that the document has a bad map file and needs to be re-OCRed. Created SRS-1860307, "Receive
Map-File Error When Attempting to Open Document C05375489", to address the issue.
� Assisted a user with a question on how to view comments in read-only documents. Looked up the existing DR on
this topic and advised the user to which release the DR is assigned.
� Completed User Acceptance Testing in Production on and passed CADRE-DR-09442, "Reports - Database Trigger
Update for Disposition and Subcode", working with a member of the O&M Team to ensure that no new problem
records have been created since the fix to the database triggers was deployed. Coordinated the closing of this DR
with the closing of two SRS tickets that were related to the DR.
� Met with a member of the O&M Team to discuss SRS-1836881, "CM - Provide a List of Documents for which the
"(b)" Exemption was Applied in FY 2008 or FY 2009" and SRS-1836878, "CM - Create a List of Burned
Documents for which the Manual Exemptions Do Not Match the Image-based Exemptions." The team member had
questions on the intent of the requests and how best to meet the user's needs.
� Based on discoveries made during user acceptance testing for CADRE Release 2.3.4, updated the description of
CADRE-DR-07053, "CM - Scan Request Printing," to include discrepancies with the way the Print and Print with
Options functions work.
� Began validation of a list of document provided in response to SRS-1820260, "CM - Create List of Documents with
at Least One Exemption and No Overlays." Discovered that the list included burned documents with parent
in-process documents that contain overlays and requested that these documents be removed prior to completing
validation of the documents.
(U/171-144444 Mosaic Analysis Program (MAP)
� The preparation and formatting of guidance for Honduras continues.
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� The draft guidance for Guatemala has been submitted for review by the QRB, scheduled for 28 January 2010.
� The study on color processing in CADRE should be completed shortly.
(U/tittirf-9)-CADRE System Status Summary
As of January 9th:
Open 25-year SRS tickets =
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(U/hidina) Agency Scanning Center (ASC) Support to CDC
(U/MdF+ 25-Year Production Statistics
(UHAIU0) Upcoming Week
(U/ ) Our attention is focused on 2010 production goals and meeting the 2010 calendar year deadline.
Reviewers Comments:
Chief, CIA Declassification Center
Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775933