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Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 UNCLASSIFIED Mtn" 11 January 2007 MEMORANDUM FOR: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: ([/Mtimi (U along (U (U//O)-CIA Declassification Center Report for 4 - 10 January 2007 atus of Outgoin,i, The following is the ERA.LL monthly chart providing the sinius of referral operations for hc -Other c..u.cgory. representing ill other accounts handled b ERA.LL account Mlinagcrs nmentvide Continues to UNCLASSIFIED-Mt= gcs ccounts. Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 (t) From The Archives (t://411-111 I)oes the Devil Wear Pravda? (U/ ) The following is excerpted from a 1953 Information Report on liv to foreign broadcasts in the USSR: standards, political conditions, and reaction (U//AIU ) Within the Moscow regiort it was generally tnic that the availability of consumer goods varied inversely vith the distance from Moscow. This applied not only to certain ms, as might be expected, but also to some standard food products, such as meat and butter. It was equally true understandably, that there was a far greater selcclion of shoes and clothing items in Moscow stores than in Krasnogorsk. A few articles previously abundant, especially butter and meat, became scarce items after 1950 in Krasnogorsk. Poor quality textile goods of Soviet manufacture were always available in Krasnogorsk. However, it was noteworthy that the tc.xtilc products most in demand �verc goods imported from the satellite countries: Czechoslovakian shoes, Bulgarian cloth, German shoes and cloth. The quality of these goods was uniformly better than Soviet products of comparable prices. These import goods were immediately sold out \\then placed on sale. (U//AIU ) The Soviet population vas satisfied in general vith present-day living conditions. Under the influence of government propaganda, they appeared confident that their living standard would continue to increase. This satisfaction was undoubtedly the result of isolation from the Western world. The average Soviet citizen knew nothing of life in Western Europe and thus had no real basis for comparison in judging living conditions at home. Several discharged soldiers and soldiers on leave from Germany described living conditions there in glowing terms. However, these impressions �verc quickly forgotten once a soldier returned home and readjusted himself to Soviet society. Undoubtedly Party officials prevented such individuals from praising living in the West, if they were inclined to do so. (L3/77117t+t Most Soviet radio owners verc interested in and listened to radio broadcasts from the West. They �yerc particularly concerned that the short-wave reception of their radios be adjusted or improved. Other Soviet radio owners had heard about living conditions in the West from Soviet soldiers \Hi� had served in Germany. These soldiers had claimed that every German worker was a capinnist, as they were so well clothed and frequently owned their own houses. These reports aroused the curiosity of many. They wished to hear with their own cars about living conditions abroad. These radio owners also mentioned an interest in international affairs as their motive for listening (.0 Western broadcasts. They wished above all to receive any information from thc West concerning the possibility of a new �vorld \var. (L3/74ri�C.'ornmeni: To better emulate the West, Soviet propagandists probably just needed a catchyadvertising campaign, maybe something like "... the devil years Pravda." Do you think? UNCLASSIFIED.B.W�er Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 UNCLASSIFIED-A144e� (U/1 1 Release decision of this document was RIP. (U//7t11444- From the National Archives ((1/7-11110) More Congresst al Oversight .Hell No.' (L//*4�4444 In a box of Army documents there is a letter dated 6 January 1956 from DCI Dulles to the Execulive Secretary of the NSC in which the Director provides his comments on proposed resolutions to establish a Joint" Congressfo on Foreign Inielligence While nonng that they differ in some detail, the Director observes, All of the resolutions authorize the Joint Committee to hold hearings, subpoena �vitnesses and documents, etc.: and all of them empower the Committee to appoint such staff as it may determine to be necessary in order to carry out its function." (L//AIU0) Dulles expresses his adamant opposaion to the creation of the Joint Committee, that current mechanisms in place "keep the appropriate Committees quite completely informed as to the activities of CIA...and provide the basis for necessary authorizations and appropriations." Dulles offers a number of reasons�Security, Relationship Between the Executive and Congress, the Jurisdictional Problem: and the Nilembership Problem�in arguing at length against the Joint Committee. He \yarns solemnly, "Thc establishment of a separate Congressional Committee whose only functions relate to the conduct of foreign intelligence activities would inevitably mean a closer scartiny by a much broader membership of the Congress of the activincs of the USG in this field." (1.11) Comment: Given today's seem SSCI and HPSCI, Dullcs's concerns seem tri boundless scartiny of CIA (and the rest of the liii e llience Commuf by But, the firmness and sincerity of his views still resonate clearly 50 later: despite the now-archaic reasoning upon which his arguments are based. (U1441-eit) Editor's Note: This submission comes from a Release-in-Full document. (U//04-1174117 Production Metrics (11//,-11U01 Progress Against the 31 December 2007 Deadline (U//,A+Fter This thermometer chart provides a measure of completeness against the s of CIA records dated 19X2 that must be completed by 31 December 2007 to avoid automatic declassification (the order covers permanent records only and this deadline includes only CIA hardcopy textual records---no media). In this case, the thermometer goes through 31 December 2007. The chart reflects data current through 09 January 2007. (U/ ) The first two thermometers measure progress against certification for material being processed manually (for accession to NARA or exemption) or via automated system (for delivery on CREST). The third thermometer measures overall progress (manual � automated). As in other "Thermo" charts, the targets are above the thermometer: the current pages processed to date ("production") is provided below the thermometer: the height of the thermometer represents pages UNCLASSIFIED-A-He� Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 UNCLASSIFIED Akftr processed to dale aphicallv md il Ihe rig) ic s divide Me large( inn) Thc boritontal line ("slider") indicates Me number of pages Ma( should be complcicd a linear produclion raft. Above Me slider is good; below indicates more work 10 be done. Cc UNCLASSIFIED A-He� qua en( neck of sub-targels F17 assuming Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 UNCLASSIFIED-A144e� (IP/4JLJ) Oiera1i Production for FY 2007 (U// The status of production against the FY2007 goals as of 6 Jantiary 2007 is presemed in (he "Thermometer Charl" beloii. This char( includes 2007 deadline material above and other laler deadline malcrial. (Li/ Note dial this char( presenk "Pages Certified this Fiscal Year and is organited by product line, Thus counk in this char( relied malerial that has completed the declassification revicii process this FY (i.e.. "certified"). (Further Note: Included in the counts is a special one-lime correckon of pages certified in previous years bid not otherwise counted in prior CDC End-of-Year meirics. ) II does not reflect pages that have completed the full produclion process (i.e.. been "delivered") but refleck progress against the Exectilive order deadlines iN hich involve "declassificalion review" (and not deliven� e.g.. lo the Nation id Archives). The chart beim\ is organited bv ke� goals, i.e., lotil revicii/release; (mlomated Libraries. Note dial Overall Tolal subsumes review/release (our highesI value online redacted productand President). Aulomated, and Automalcd subsumes Presidential Library product (U/1 IU ) UNCLASSIFIED*M7� Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 UNCLASSIFIED-Ad (U) Of General Interest (U/A-1-144) Declassification Review and Referral Branch (UAL4W0)-Agency Review Teams (UHAIU ) The DCI, DI, DS, DST and NCS teams are reviewing 2007 documents and working CD Review and Prod Gen (the CADRE equivalent of CD review). The DS and NCS teams are also reviewing NLC (Carter Library) material. (U//44440) Presidential Library Teams (UHAIU ) The RAC/SRC Team is working duplicates in the NLF (Ford Library) collection. They are also reviewing NLN (Nixon Library) material. The RAC team continues to review NLC (Carter Library) documents. (U///015-0) Quality Control/Training (Ug4tft7C57 continues Prod Gen review of DS&T material in CADRE. began analysis of 2006 Prod Gen error data from CADRE. She met with the CADRE Support Team to propose special quality reports and continue discussion on possible revisions to the review and dupe reconciliation processes. (U/h4I-VO) External Referral and Liaison Team (Uthor145-0). Referral Operations (117/41-&61 Other Government Agencies' On-Site Review (U/Mitt7) State Department reviewers working completed ocuments/n pages of NLC (Carter Library) material. ER&L applied State's review decisions to the documents. Due to budgetary constraints, the Department will withdraw its reviewers therefore these are the last State referrals ER&L will be able to process at least for several months, if not longer. (117/4 E r Account Manager's Activities UNCLASSIFIED Arl�be Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 UNCLASSIFIEDAtbe- (U/ ) Army batches (U/ ) National Security Council (NSC) batch equity review. were completed and processed into CADRE. (U/A4E-0) STAIRS Operation and Administration was assembled and forwarded to NSC for (U/IAIU0) MDR Activity (UHAIU ) documents totaling pages were subject to Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) requests for the Carter Library. documents ( pages) were processed and pouched out to Other Government Agencies (OGAs) for review and return to the Carter Library. Two documents (=pages) were processed and placed into OSD's MDR CD repository. The remaining_locuments (npages) were processed and transmitted to EHU for dupe resolution prior to further review by PIPD (U11744434} Two documents totaling 3 pages were subject to a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request for the Kennedy Library. Both documents Pages were processed and placed into OSD's MDR CD repository). (U//-*I-140) Six documents totaling pages were subject to Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request for the Truman Library. All six documents ( pages) were processed and pouched out to Other Government Agencies (OGA) for review and return to the Truman Library. (UHAIU0) NARA Operations Team (U/h4r14,1.Ci). Reviewers are working Army and State boxes, and technicians are entering the results into the database. (U/A-1440) Declassification Services Branch (U/hk1+144) Records Management Activities UNCLASSIFIEDIcht)09� (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 1(b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(31 (b)(3) (b)(3) (0)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 UNCLASSIFIED-At:1'0 (117/AIU0) NARA CREST Printing Activity (U/ht1+44) Data Mining (Mosaic) Analysis (UTh434 The CDC Team continues its analysis of the Carter Library Dataset with a current focus on the failed hostage rescue attempt in Iran. We have also successfully tested Ream's Laserfiche Export Tool and hope to move it to the on-site CREST system in the near future. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is currently testing text extraction tools and their impact on exploitation of our data. PNNL has also started testing analytical tools and collection of open-source data related to the Carter era that may contribute towards a Mosaic of concern when combined with the Carter Library dataset. (U7A-1440) Document Declassification Support System (DDSS) (U/AIU ) Coordination with Other Government Agencies (U7Alt+4). ARMY: Analyzed data that Army provided at the end of December and on 2 January for uploading into DDS S. Coordinated findings with MSD and Army for resolution. Army is resubmitting the data with corrections. UNCLASSIFIED*Hzle� Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 UNCLASSIFIEDAttre� (UIAttte)) DIA: DIA hand entered its referral data in 2006. DIA notified the DDSS team that it has discovered a large volume of additional referrals in one of its databases and requested to have this data uploaded into DDSS via data conversion. Advised DIA on steps it should take in preparation for a meeting to coordinate the coordination. (U/) FAA: FAA hand entered its referral data in 2006. FAA called to request a meeting to coordinate the conversion and uploading into DDSS of a large volume of additional FAA referrals. Commenced coordination for the meeting. (U/hk14513) CADRE Duplicate Detection, Resolution, and Reconciliation (U/AIU ) Provided input for a DDR planning meeting regarding duplicate definitions and possible modifications to the DDR scoring process. Weekly metrics for 4 - 10 January 2007 are listed below: (UHAIU0) CADRE Availability (UHAIU ) CADRE was available 100% during this reporting period, however, the system did experience slowness on Monday, 8 January, which was quickly resolved. (U/b4444-0)-Agency Scanning Center (ASC) Support to CDC UNCLASSIFIED AdttCr Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930 UNCLASSIFIED AlUO (UHAIU0) 25-Year Production Statistics (UHATR7}0)- 7-DCI pages were exported to CD. (UHA-147143) RAC Production Statistics (117/AIU0) Carter Library (U/MrItteY) Indexing: documents completed indexing. (U/AIUO) Nixon Librar (UthgrWitt) Export: pages were exported to CD. (U) Upcoming Week (U/httt After successfully meeting the 2006 deadline , we now are turning our attention to the 2007 deadline and general FY 2007 production. (U/h6r1t1.80.) On 17 January, we will host an External Referral Working Group meeting CC: Reviewers Comments: Chief, CIA Declassification Center UNCLASSIFIED71tte- Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775930