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Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 CECRET 13 January 2006 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: (U/ ) CIA Declassification Center WTT Report 5-11 January 2006 REFERENCE: (U// IL 0) The Automatic Declassification Date is 31 December 2006! (1.1) Activities and Accomplishments Highlights (LHAIUOt New Personnel : joined CDC as a new certifier this week. "Cc n -R sidence" alle \\nue she will cc for RAC-SRC Team is Presidential Library records other than from the Carter Library. positions in the DI and DO. She \yin be spending her first month or so under s scheduled 10 be the the"RAC-SRC" Team. The focus of the ior ge 01 and his merry band of colleagues learning the arcane art of redaction. We arc pleased to have s pan 01 the LUL wan (Ii/ftAlt17) From The Archives: ((I/1,11L0) Sporting Chance: (likome members of the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB -in NSC predecessor) commented in a 5 December Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 1959 mecti g on the mediocre record of the American hockey team �vhich recently played in the Soviet Union. It was pointed out that the Soviet athletes �vould certainly be classed as professionals in this country and that �ve should consider in future contests of this kind sending either really first-class amateur teams, or possibly even out-and-out professional teams, in order to make a reasonable showing." The OCB had earlier (11 Feb 1959) complained of the mediocrity of the US showing at a basketball tournament in Chile, "with resultant damage to American prestige," and recommended government support to ensure a higher caliber of participation in international competition. n rent: While the OCB comments demonstrate that senior levels of the US Lovernment observed a conscious link between sports and national prestige, underwriting sports on a national scale never became a government priority in the US in the �vay it as in the Communist world -- hence the victory was all the more impressive \\then at the 19X0 Winter Olympics the US finally beat the Soviets at hockey, with an amateur team (editorial note: the movie "Vliracle" is a highly recommended retelling of this event). (II// Its All in the Packaging: (UEAIU0) The DI current intelligence files from the 1950s provide the following insights into Soviet bloc leadership attempts to influence the public psyche: "Specifically denying that the continuing series of shakeups (in 1959) in party ranks amounts to interference by Moscow in local affairs, Churayev cited the recent dismissals of the party first secretaries in Uzbekistan and Moscow Oblast as correct examples of 'inner party democracy.'" In a similar vein, East Germany's 1953 fulfillment of the (Five Year has been achieved by the overproduction of nonessentials, offsetting underproduction of important products." (C/74411-117' Comment: Although the Soviet system hung on for three more decades, such measures directly contributed to popular disbelief and discontent, undermining the system and leading to the ultimate downfall and disgrace of bloc leaders. (U//-44+717)" Production Mctri (U[41-11.c status of production against the goals as of 7 January 2006 is presented in the "Thermometer Chart" below. We have corrected an error in the charts for the first few �yeeks of FY 200( below. The goals (top of chart) were in error (delivered goals had incorrectly been used instead of certified goals) The goals below are correct. btuRET Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 --SEC�RET (U Note Mal I s charl prese s "Pages Certified t is Fiscal Year" and is orga d by product line. T ms counk in is chart relied material Mal has compleled the review process this FY (i.e.. is "certified"). h does nol relied pages that have compleled Me full produclion process bul provides a good measure of progress to-dale againsl. large's. The chart beim\ is organized to reflect key goals, i.e., toMI revieiN/release; aulomated reviciN/release (our g st Value online redacted product); and Presidential Libraries \NO special emphasis on Ihe Caner Library. Note that OVcrall Total subsumes Aulomalcd. and Automated subsumes Presidential Library product. Finally. Presidennal Library. subsumes Caner Library. product. (L I/7tt7t3j Laier in fiscal scar we Yiill witch 10 a 'Pages in Process for Delivery" chart 1�. hich 1\ ill r cc( numbers approximate final delivery numbers. The char( bcloic for example, does not relied prior carry. V er, d includes pages thal Ina\ nol complele production Mis FY. (U//AI U0) Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 CECRET Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 I I I II I r I I I I I I r I Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 I I I (U/I-AWO) Declassification Review and Referral Branch: (U///k14344-) Presidential Library Teams: (U/h44410.) (UHAIU0) The SRC-RAC Team is reviewing DO material and processing those Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford Presidential Library documents, and Pre-Presidential Reagan documents from the Reagan Library returning to CDC from OGA referral. A reduced RAC-IP Team is reviewing Carter Library documents. (U Agency Records Teams: (U/I7t1-1304 The directorate teams are working DCI, DI, DO, DS, and DST material to meet the 31 December 2006 deadline. The DCI team has been reviewing boxes at the Records Center for scanning. (U/flkiiii+)-Quality Assurance/Training: (U/Mr1+5.0)-Exception Handling Unit (EHU) and QA/QC collected missing data from FY 05 RAC CDs. Preliminary analyses of the FY 05 RAC data were conducted. The review of State cables continues at TWL. Other activities included participating in production planning meetings and preparing the quality and production status reports for the senior reviewers and Raytheon management. (U// ) External Referral & Liaison Team: (U/L1111444 Referral Operations: (U/h lIU0) Account Managers Activity: (U/A6r1430) Office of Secretary of Defense (0 SD) batches IWAS and sent to appropriate teams. (UHAIU0) Department of Justice (Dal-) batch review. (Uiltrlinl&) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) batch NASA for their equity review. (U/hk1-14444�NLC batches review. were processed in was forwarded to the DOJ for their equity was forwarded to were forwarded to the NLC for their equity CECRET Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 �SECRET- (U/Mtti�9-National Security Council (NSC) batch was processed into IWAS (U//4444+30) National Security Council (NSC) batches after completion of their equity reviews. (U//44449) Remote Archive Capture Program: (U/IAIU0) Government Agencies' Document Review: (U/Ittti-There were no reviewers of STAIRS material this week. were received from NSC (U//*I-F44)- NASA returnedijiocument totalin pages of referred STAIRS material. STAIRS support confirmed that NASA release decisions/recommendations were entered into the STAIRS system. (U/A-1454+) NARA Operations Team (UhLA4{44-Reviewers are working State Department and Office of the Secretary of Defense (0 SD) boxes, and technicians are entering the results into the database. (UHAIU0) Declassification Services Branch: (U/ ) Records Management Activities: (1171,11f461)-.NARA CREST Printing Activity: (UHAIU0) Through Week 14, ending 07 January, of FY 2006, researchers using the CREST system at NARA selected for printing The most recent six weeks are listed below. Pages Printed FY 2006 From Documents - Approved Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 �SC-elk"Er (UM�Alti") Data Mining (Mosaic) Analysis: (U/441+5ter The following activities supporting the Data Mining (Mosaic) project took place during the week. � continues non-targeted analysis of the Carter "Complete" dataset. � We are awaiting the conversion of the second set of Carter "Release" CDs to the tagged format used for analysis. � We are looking into funding the proposal by Reams Document Imaging (RDI), which upon implementation adds an export function to CREST that would support mosaic analysis. (U/IFOU0) Document Declassification Support System (DDSS): (UHAIU0) During this reporting period, � Presented a SS briefing and live demonstration to the bimonthly, inter-agency Automation Working Group (AWG). � Researched referral units from DDSS that are at NARA II in order to see if we could actually find the documents. � Provided preliminary findings to C/CDC and C/IRRSD. � Will provide a detailed analysis. � C/CDC requested the findings be briefed at next week's External Referral Working Group (ERWG). � Continued to assist in coordination with GCS to complete various activities. � Continued coordination for the DDSS team to have increased privileges for administering DDSS through the secure shell (SSH) connection at MSD. � Received results of CATB (Certification & Accreditation Testing Branch), formerly RAB, from ISSM. � The single finding has been resolved on the Test and Production systems. � Will notify ISSM. � Coordination with OGAs. � Meeting with DIA is scheduled for 12 January. � DoE is ready to meet. � OSD requested to meet after 1 February. � Analysis commenced on NRO data by MSD. NRO will be ready to meet shortly. --SEeRET- Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 T� � but may become a receiving agency. � Missile Defense Agency is interested in DDSS. Began preparing preliminary information to send to them. � Continued coordination regarding the NASA equities being identified by CIA in the NASA collections. � Continued research into a business process for managing referrals to agencies that do not use DDSS. This process is in lieu of a modification to the application. � Continued research and coordination into a way to accommodate the JCS requirement that NARA and ISOO not have access to JCS data in DDSS. (Uthk-ItT43) Duplicate Detection, Resolution (DDR), and Reconciliation D2R2): (U ) Weekly DDR Metrics: (UNIirliiet This report covers the period from 5 - 11 January 2006 and includes status information only for documents processed through the legacy DDR. � � � � were imported into DDR for processing. documents completed scoring by the application. No documents are undergoing scoring by the application. The resolver team completed � There are no documents in resolver queues. � The percentage of duplicate documents discovered for the week is has been in production. � Since DDR's inception, reconciliation in CADRE. They are distributed as follows: (U/I-Mtil) CADRE Support: (UHAIU0) During this reporting period, � (U/AARiet During this reporting period, � Continued to research documents in MORI that are marked as correspondence but have release decisions other than since DDR have been resolved with duplicates and will require Approved for for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 -SEeRET- NOTAPP. Determined whether or not the documents should be categorized as correspondence and annotated the spreadsheet listing these documents with my recommendations. � Participated in the System Transition Working Group meeting. � Completed user acceptance testing on a DR on the message displayed when a document without an image is opened. � Reviewed the CADRE ERB minutes to keep up to date on the status of outstanding DRs and RFCs. � Attended the "Introduction to PM Framework" briefing. (U/Affie) Document Conversion Center Support to CDC: (UALAIM 25-Year Production Statistics: (Uthiffeet NASA Production Statistics: (UHAIU0) For the September shipment a total of (U) Upcoming Week (UHAIU0) The FY 2006 march continues. boxes have been processed. Delivery is scheduled for 19 January. Chief, CIA Declassification Center Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 Approved for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929 ,sE�eRrr'" CC: Approved for for Release: 2021/03/22 C06775929