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Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775925
11 January 2002
(U/hadiTfe)-CIA Declassification Center kkty Report 3-9 January 2002
(U) The Auto
(U) Activities and Accomplishments Highlights
(L The CDC wished fan well
her \ vc1l iii her finure endeavors,
(U./ Auto
king Group (A
DDS&T Team Chief,
ation Date is 17 April 200
provided excelle
C/CDC and ITC, along �N.ith several others from CDC, intended the AWG al a
is one of Iwo active �N. orking groups tinder the CMS finelligence Commimitv Declassification Program Managers Council (the other being the External Referral
Working Group sec below), Thc for the AWG included a briefing on CDC's Duplicate Resolukon sofinare currendy completing ksling in ITC,
provided an informative OVCI-ViCNV of the concepMal design of the system and the ongoing testing process, Linda Smith of AFDO gave a
briefing on AF DO sinius emphasizing the impofinnce of training, followed presentation with an overvien of the AF's
declassificafion daMbase,
support to CDC as team chief and eclair-ter. lVe \Nish
(U/fAl From he Archive:
Air Force Declassification Office (AFD0), The AWG
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(U/TA I U0) DI reviewer came across a DI report entitled "Damage and Destruction to US Aircraft During Tel Offensive," detailing
damage to 1,295 fighters, transports, and helicopters from 30 January to 11 Febmary 196X. Over half of the aircraft �vere destroyed or suffered major damage
and resulted in putting out of service 27 percent of US aircraft deployed in South Vietnam. In Gordon Prange's, Ai Dawn We7pi , the author notes that the
USAAF and US Naval forces in Hawaii "took a terrific beating,' taking damage to 292 aircraft. Neither event crippled our air forces, but did diminish
capabilities over the short term. Though effectively a complete surprise (intelligence failure), the Tel Offensive was a military failure as the North Vietnamese
and Viet Cone failed to take or hold any major city except Hue for more than a few days, lost 58,000 combatants, and so diminished the strength of the Viet Cong
that the it removed any hope of a popular uprising in the south for the foreseeable future. However, the Tel Offensive achieved a great success for Hanoi by
undermining the Johnson Administration's claim that it was winning the war. On 31 March, President Johnson went on TV to announce that he would not seek
(U//, DCI Correspondence -- The DCI team is currently encountering correspondence from the Dulles era, mostly 1958. The variety of correspondence
is very broad as one might expect with a high level public official. While it is impossible to fully represent the range of correspondence in a brief report, the
following examples might give at least the general flavor of correspondence:
A letter turning down an offer by a film organization which Nvanic d to do a hIm"utilizing the files of the CIA, that have dramatic merit and reflect
favorably upon your agency"
A note to the head of the Far East Division (banking him for his hard �vork and sending best �vishes on his new overseas posting
A thank you note to an author who had sent a copy of his book on the Mideast
A thank you note to a member of his sect
staff �vho was transferr
Several letters to la'.vvers and legal societies expressing interest in their ideas and activities
A letter of condolence to a former colleague's idow and another to a staffer whose young daughter had contracted TB in an overseas assignment
A few job recommendations for staffers departing the Agency and others whom he was interested in hiring
Numerous "social/business related" (bank yous for dinners, etc.
A note to "Foster," his brother and Secretary of Slate, and a note to future DCI McCone congratulating him on his appointment to head the AEC
A request to the Baltimore SUN for a cartoon they had published
Most of the correspondence can be released after names and such are redacted.
((I) The Meaning of Life -- In a 1958 letter to a magazine nmnmg a series on the "meaning of life" and asking h
o contribute, DCI Dulles offered One of
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oritc quolalions �, from Ihe Gospel of Si, Jolu
Chris( sa,) s. "Ye shall knou (he (ruth, nd Ihe 'nub shall m kc �ou free,"
(U// Fle cominued: is magnificendy Worded passage is recorded one of mans oldest aspirations, pros ding a precepl of life (hat is as
applicable in today straggles againsl 1,.rannics as it was in the da s of Christ, Thc search for 'nub and the underslanding of Mira arc indeed.
fundamenlul in Ihe sunival of our civilitalion and in the fulfillment of man's deslim on (his earth,"
\\ c ch of what We release would seem to be relatively of more crest to historians. I suspect that the general public m c some interest in DCI
Dulles general correspondence as it gives a bit more insigl o the man behind the position of DCI,
(UM'c1Et149) Document Review Production Statistics:
(UHAIU0) The production Thermometer Charts contain data current to 29 December.
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-0017 FIDE
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(U//A-1444)-Document Conversion Center Support to CDC:
(UHAIU0) Production Statistics:
(U/ )
2. Four cages were received from the AARC containin oxes:
3. Four cages were returned to the AARC containing boxes of SPREE
4. SPREE: boxes processed with a total of iages.
5. The Records Conversion Unit (RCU) scanned full cubes of DCI, DA and DI material. SunRise unit scanned
6. Batch Quality Control/Image Quality Control (BQC/IQC) processed cubes of DCI, DA and DI material.
7. The DCC Factory exported )ages for CDC's IWAS system this week, all paper.
(U/AWOrDeclassification Review Branch:
The Information Management Unit (IMU) processed=full cubes of DI, DCI & DA material through document preparation.
boxes of SPREE, Eboxes of WDC and 10 boxes of other material.
oxes of IWAS, 1 box of other material and flboxes of a film job for SPU.
(U/I-A41541)-DCI Team:
(U/Mr1444S)-The DCI Team has returned from the holidays and launched into reviewing some of the early material from the Office of the DCI. We have also
participated in discussions of Studies in Intelligence and NM's.
(U/IAIU0) MSO Team:
(U/471-Fte)-All of the NASA boxes in the current inventory have been reviewed and tabbed boxes in the first accession and=boxes in the second accession).
Indexing of the first boxes is underway in Document Preparation, and a sample of the indexing data will be sent to NASA to confirm the completeness of data
we are capturing. NASA would like to send the third accession later this month, when we will have the first shipment ready to return.
(UHAltilYT DI Team:
(U/1A1U0) DI Team Chief
and Deputy Chief
(C/CDC) at a meeting chaired by C/SCO
to discuss strategies for
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supporting DDI initiative to appropriately commemorate this year's 50th anniversary founding of the Directorate of Intelligence
newly-enshrined Dean of the Sherman Kent School for Intelligence Analysis, represented and will serve as the DDI's point man for the
project. Among the support options weighed at the meeting was an expeditious, focused declassification effort - - involving primarily Herb's folks, ourselves (i.e.,
the DI Team), and the DI/IRO shop, on some of the DI's event-driven historical production as well as it's organizational evolution. They'll be much more to come
on all of this, so stay tuned.
(U/horitlit SPU Team:
(UHAIU0) SPREE count for the week 31 Dec 01 - 4 Jan 02 was
Proprietary, DCI CMS files, DI OSS files, DI All Source reports. We
to expedite the processing of these jobs.
pages certified. Subjects included DA policy and Logs, DCI OIG files, DA
ave ordered boxes of DI jobs and are working with and
(UHAIU0) We have been advised by that film reviewers have been identified. We have asked
to provide technician
support. We are working on a schedule for review here and at NARA and hope to begin a 3-day review schedule starting next week.
(U//71t&) Quality Control/Training:
(U//-444443r continues to work with Cl DRD on changes to the CDC business process to improve the quality of the final product.
briefed C/CDC and the senior CDC staff on various Quality projects currently underway. The Guatemala re-check of Tranche 1 CDs began this week.
A new team of 9 reviewers are working under the guidance of Guatemala expert The DA, DI, DST, and DCI teams continue to work on their
quality analysis of documents deferred from the FY 2001 CDs. To date, no serious errors have been identified. The third revision of the Reviewers' Handbook
is nearing completion. A final draft copy has been given to C/DRD for preliminary approval. The Handbook will also be synchronized with the new Agency
Classification Guide released this week. This synchronization may delay the Handbook a few days but the Handbook should still be released this month. The
new version of the Handbook includes all Bulletins issued since version 2 was released and any new or revised guidance to date. EHU continues to work
outstanding guidance issues with C/DRD. and met with Cl DRD on 10 January to resolve guidance on handling Studies
in Intelligence articles. This proposed guidance will be sent through the approval process shortly. On 7 January, EHU members met to consult on proposals
before the January meeting of the ARP. is working with the developers to provide training for the new IWAS 2.8.1 scheduled for 25
January staffers, reviewers, and Ciovernment ICs graduated from the Department of Energy's Historical Records Restricted Data Reviewer course on 10
January The next course is scheduled for the week of 28 January 2002. A running of the half-day Equities Familiarization course is also being scheduled for
February. "Q" clearances continue to roll out of the pipeline thus creating a need for more regular DOE training.
(IVAIU0) Declassification Services Division (DSD) Support to CDC:
(IVAIU0) Records Management Branch (R1VIB):
(117174III0) STAR GATE Collection: Upon completion of the declassification review of the STAR GATE collection, CDC plans to accession the original hard
copy records that are determined to warrant permanent preservation to the National Archives. Since the STAR GATE program was transferred from the Defense
Intelligence Agency to the CIA, NARA advised that a specific disposition authority (records control schedule item) for the collection is required prior to
accessioning the records. NARA began the appraisal review on 10 January 2002 in order to prepare the SF-115, "Request for Disposition Authority". The STAR
GATE collection consists of cubic feet and will require several visits by the NARA appraiser. It is anticipated that NARA's review will be completed and the
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draft SF-115 will be prepared for CIO/IMS review and approval by 1 April 2002.
(U/Z4f-titt) Box Ordering: During this reporting period,
boxes for SPREE processing,
(U/ntIVO) System Integration Support:
(U//411:11) Personnel:
CADRE requirements process.
boxes containing STAR GATE records, and
joined the Records Engineering Team on 2 January Ann will provide SI support to C/DSD in his assistance to ITG in the
(U/IATUO) CDC Action Item Tracking: The meeting to review the CDC action items was rescheduled from 8 to 10 January Reports have been created
whereby the Action Items are grouped by Action Officer. These reports and the Action Items - By Category - were distributed to the meeting attendees in
advance of the meeting. In addition, has sent instructions to meeting attendees on how to install the "Run-Time" shortcut to the Action Items
(U/h4f6T41).- 25-Year Program Workload Reports: A new top-down approach is underway to review the 25-year workload. A snapshot of the 25-year
workload summarizing key production elements has been provided to C/DSD for forwarding to C/DRB.
(U/IATUO) Star Gate Completion: No change in status. The STAR GATE approval paperwork reportedly remains with the CIO. Once final approval is
received, the appropriate notifications will be sent out two weeks prior to the actual release. The scheduled release date for Tranche 2 is April 2002, but this
depends on development and testing of the IWAS capability to "recycle" deferred documents.
(U/A4Ittir D2R2 Testing: C/D SD, C/IRRSD, C/DCC and met on 9 January to review the status of DupeResolver.
reported that additional testing and analysis of the application is on hold pending the implementation of new image and metadata scoring thresholds.
C/ITG took the action to obtain an update from the developer on the status of these changes. presented a proposal for additional testing of
DupeResolver using a defined test set of documents in a predetermined environment in order to determine any variations in the image scoring algorithm.
will work with C/DCC in identifying and processing the test documents. Preliminary plans for a technical meeting with Vredenburg R&D personnel, scheduled
for 23 January, also were initially discussed.
(U//AIU0) RAC/DCC/ERPS Workflow Tracking: Metadata and images from the remote scanning operations at the Ford (NLF), Carter (NLC) and Reagan
(NLR) Presidential Libraries, the Hoover Institution (HIA) and NARA Pacific Region (NPR) have been loaded into the ERPS database. The total number of
docs/page images from these collections is broken down as follows (NB: these figures include CIA documents/images, denoted in red, which are
not processed in ERPS; only OGA documents are processed in ERPS):
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A new database for tracking OGA documents (TOGA) has been created.
(117/Aff44. Long-term requirements for NARA Reading Room: A small team chaired by C/DSD is meeting on a biweekly basis to review the status of the
LaserFiche upgrade and alternative long-term solutions for the reading room at NARA. The team held its initial meeting on 3 January, discussing the status of the
LaserFiche systems at the presidential libraries, the upgrade, plans for the 2001 data, and future systems at NARA, among other topics. Numerous action items
were assigned to Records Engineering and TASC attendees.
(117/4-1-F69 General Support to DSD: At the request of C/DSD,
comments on the document, drawing upon her knowledge of the MORI system.
(U/IAIU0) CM Activities
reviewed the initial CADRE System Requirements Document and provided
(117/741-144) CDCMB: The Board is scheduled to meet 16 January In order to expedite the product matrix required for IWAS release 2.8.1,
coordinating the appropriate approvals for implementation. made several changes to the draft, which C/ER&LB approved. C/DRB
currently has the matrix for review. C/DSD, and C/CDC also will review the draft.
(117/AIU0) DPPRB: The next Board meeting is 16 January 2002.
(U) Upcoming Week
(UHAIU ) The FY 2002 march is underway.
(U//f0.1434- The External Referral Working Group meets Wednesday the 16th. Topics on the agenda focus on further refining referral notification procedures.
Chief, CIA Declassification Center
(U/ ) U//AIUO except Indicated Para(s) and Indicated Cover Name(s):
Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775925