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Publication Date:
January 12, 2001
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Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775924
12 January 2001
SUBJECT: (UHAtil) ODC '''''' Report 4-10 January 2001
(L) The Autornitic Dechissificationate is 17 April 2003!
U) Activities and Accomplishments Highlights
(U//) Items of M.nagernent Intere
(Li/1AM�) National Secu
(L1// DO/SRO
Council (ISSC)Records:
attended a meeting at NSC 10 discuss the disposition of
pages of presidential records from the period I Y53198I. The
subject matter of this collection included covert action adidliCS. relations \YUJI Congress. the national security establishment. and double agent cases.
Discussions on review procedures look place and it vas determined that a team of reviewers could completely review the collection Nvithin three months,A
decision by D/01 1Y1 on handling of collection has not y et been nxide.
Interagency Autorn,tion Working Group
The Automation Working Group (A WC) met al.
on I () Jantiary 2001, where it held its mon hly meeting. The
ended event, chaired by of the DOE, had a
full agenda. Highland Technologies briefed the group on
various technological applications to declassification.
Specifically, members considered emerging document duplicate
detection techniques and automated tools and support for
document revieuers and declassifiers. The AWG discussed
government needs and requirements for redaction soffiyare.
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Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775924
Also, a reprcsenta o the Office of the Scc ry of
Defense's office for POWs/MIAs (DPIMO) upckfled members on
its declassificakon automakon ackviiies. ODC's
rounded off the agenda 1�. ith a preseniation on CADRE. the CIA
Public Access System at NARA.
Fro he A hive:
nging Presidential Needs:
Thc cd for a Saturday edition of the C I G (Central ntelligence Group) Daily Summ as queskoned in a 13 June 1947 I io from the assistant
direcior Reports and Estimaies (ORE) io the assisiant diredor Colledion and Disseminakon. Thc memo noies 'hal When the CA.G. Daily SUITIMa N. as
established (February I 93(), the Diredor decided (hal a Saturday edikon on a reduced scale should be published in lime for delivery to the President and other
recipienis before noon. Since then, ORE has required the attendance of a skeldon staff on Saturday s to get oul this edition."
(U/AR Thc memo states 'hal \\tide In Fcbman,.. 1946 the President and other recipienis of the d c c lormally ai their offices on Saturdays, al least
noon__ this has long since ceased to be the case." The author cothinued: "I understand informally Pia( he [the Preside* receives the SaMrday edition will
Monday edikon on Monday afternoon." The memo suggesIed a survey be done "It) determine 1�. hcfficr at preseM there exisis a compelling requiremeni for a
Saluda\ edikort" The material reviewed did not indicate the final decision on this issue.
(U// ) Document Conversion Center:
(U/IAIU0) Production Statistics:
(U1110.1111) Collection/Case Processing:
(U ) DCC/MORI Case Processing: The following chart represents significant document batches received and/or completed by the DCC/MORI
conversion team during the weekly reporting period.
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(U/hIfUO) On the Horizon: Collections for anticipated future processing include: The remainder of the Senate POW/MIA Collection and Princeton
Conference documents, Nazi War Crimes, and Studies in Intelligence.
(U/hkif!14) Factory/MORI Collection Tracking:
(UHAIU0) The chart below tracks the production of the major components of the Factory--IWAS, SPREE and NARA--and the standing case types in
MORI�CSI (Center for the Study of Intelligence), EOM (Executive Order-Mandatory). FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), PA (Privacy Act), and SS (Special
Search). The SPREE category is an effort to capture a substantial category of work performed by Document Conversion Center resources associated with
Special Processing for Expedited Exemption (SPREE) (including database reconciliation, updating of box/folder labels, and box and folder preservation).
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U/444440) Factory Production:
UU1\11-1UtIN I IHL
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Approved for Release:
(DERT): The DCC continues
lists. Concentration now is on "Priority 1" material, especially
to process "DERT"
(U/hoctreq DCC Quality Assurance:
(U/Aft'M Date Entry Report Template
for selected directorate teams,
although priority 2 and 3 material is also being approved under certain
circumstances to maintain adequate workflow levels.
(U/A441:+13) Declassification
Review Division:
(U//kliter External Referral Unit:
(u/hetto7 Referral Operations:
ERU account managers are
discussing with
State and NSA declassification review
officials a collection of located at the
AARC. This group of documents (some
apparently incorporating
significant NSA
equity, appears exempt for several reasons. Based on NSA
guidance, the entire collection may be
(U/tAtt'et ERU hosted on-site visits
of both Air Force and Army reviewers last
ek. Through arrangements between the ERU Account Managers and various
OGA declassification programs, those agencies send declassification reviewers t
where they
review referred documents on site and provide final release or
denial decisions
for their
agencies. An
Air Force reviewer
returned this week for several more
has replaced
as the Department of the Treasury
Projects Manager for Declassification. He will be added to
ERU's extensive
list of contacts
at all
known declassification
programs in the US Government.
(U/h0) We extracted
from IWAS for processing by PIRD
of Defense Referral Center representative,
8th and 9th verifying their DOD RAC documents.
CIA/NARA Operations:
was back at work
one day last week and one day this week
after a bout of illness. He is looking healthy and energetic. We
are very pleased
to have
him back. is an OSS veteran
and the agency's foremost expert on
OSS records.
(U/I-A4blerWe are currently reviewing the Army RG 319 collection (index cards). This collection should produce a high release page count, has
completed the certification of theEboxes of the National Security Council (NSC) The log sheets for the boxes will be indexed the week of 8 January
These boxes contain RD and FRD materials and we will pass the boxes to DOE for their review. The log sheets for those boxes will be indexed the week of 8
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January Our technicians are continuing to index the Army 319 collection.
(U//2444343) DCI Team:
(U//7414Q) The DCI Team is participating this week and next in
training for the upcoming release of a new IWAS version.
Because the team does so many "legal" referrals of OGC
documents, the new IWAS version is expected to be very helpful
as it will allow us to do "bulk" referrals of folders instead of doing
each individually.
(UMW) DA Team:
(U/7**149) Senior DA Reviewer, , traveled to SRC this week and held a team meeting with the Redactors there. The visit provided an excellent
opportunity to update the Remote Team members on new issues and occurrences as well as provide feedback on current documents.
(U/444444) DO Team:
(UHAIU0) Draft guidelines on handling Gehlen Organization intel reports have been prepared. These guidelines include issues which affect the Nazi War
Crimes Task Force. We will be sending the draft to DO/IRO for his concurrence and information, prior to incorporation in Declassification Handbook.
(C) Personnel: Two new DO Team certifiers will be coming onboard soon:
scheduled to begin his rotational assignment in OIM/DRD on 29 January
records surveys and IWAS certifying at the AARC. We welcome them and look forward to their contribution to the team.
has been approved by his home component
nd is
is in the transition process through IMS and will assist with
(CH-IWO) DI Team:
(UHAIU0) Refreshed from holiday leave, DI reviewers have rolled up their sleeves for the push to Former Africanist colleagues
and have spent the greater part of the week doing manual review of former Office of Central Reference records, most of which appears to be
benign. Work on the map collection also continued. Review of the remnants of the scientific abstract (SAP) collection is stalled, awaiting input of additional
material. More than pages have been processed through Level II review so far. Senior Reviewer is preparing to kick off a week
of concentrated training sessions on IWAS version 2.8, which will require some major adjustments by the reviewer workforce.
(U/AF41344) NIMA Team:
(INFOU0) Production: NIMA Team production continues. Regarding automated review, this week the Team participated in the initial IWAS 2.8 upgrade
orientation training class. All agree that current software improvements appear to work efficiently and are looking forward to using the new system.
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(U/F01412) Other Production: IWAS incoming referrals (from other CIA teams to NIMA via DS&T) appear to be icking up. NIMA and DS&T Team chiefs
have received recent notifications of referrals specifically for NIMA review of at least folder/documents. So far, one of these have shown up in the
DS&T Refer TNW queue and will be picked up by NIMA reviewers following actual implementation of IWAS 2.8 on Wednesday, 17 Jan 01. Similarly, this
week, NIMA has referred three folder/documenis to the DS&T, but since IWAS referrals between NIMA and DS&T have not yet been implemented, these have
been hardcopy exchanges.
(U//*145-0) Quality Control/Training:
U/ The CD process is scheduled to began again.
and Senior Coordinator for Guidance,
continue to work on documents in the EHU queue to resolve new
or remaining policy/guideline issues for inclusion in the
Handbook. The new updated version of the Handbook has been
approved by the ODC Management Board. The new version of the
Handbook will be ready for distribution later this month and will
be distributed to all current Handbook holders. Work continues to
resolve procedural issues with records scanned at NARA-College
Park and to identify any policy/guideline problems.
is working with the senior reviewers and others to draft new
guidance. Training has been planned for all certifiers and
reviewers in the new IWAS 2.8 due out January 16th. Classes,
using the training server, will begin on January 11th and are
expected to conclude by January 19th. Training for the reviewers
at SRC will take place on site.
(U/Mrif:44) Declassification Support Division:
(U/12tli+9-) Document Management Team:
(UHAIU ) The Document Management Team began working on the FRUS/HRP project. To date a total of pages have been reviewed copied,
hole-punched, highlighted and placed into notebooks. The DMT is currently waiting for the last set of document to complete the
(U/A-W9) MORI Operations:
(U/h4r1+44) On January 10.
the IRTRAC Lotus Notes Database and MORI.
inders destined for the HRP
and members of the MORI Close Support Team provided a presentation to SCD on the tasking process using
(U/74471t10) On January 11, OIM met with the EIS team to discuss the next step in deploying OIM's metric information to the Data Warehouse for EIS. A decision
was made that will work directly with EIS, to implement sending the data to the Data Architecture Database directly.
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(U/Mr14543) 25-Year Operations:
(U/1741-619). Guatemala Collection:
(UHAIU0) TherGuatemala documents requiring re-reviewin at the beginning of the Wrangler effort have been completed. documents were re-reviewed
over the last week. The Hold for Print queue, which contained olders, was flushed during this reporting period causing the folders to be forwarded to
AntProcessing. As of 3 January there are Guatemala folders in Ant Processing. There are now folders in AntProcessing indicating progress through the
system. These folders are currently being processed. This indicates that material that has completed its re-review is re-entering the AntProcessing queue.
Hopefully a large percentage of this material will complete AntProcessing but some percentage will be found in error and will have to be re-reviewed.. Progress is
being made.
(U/MIU0) Completion of Jobs in IWAS with Less Than 10% Remaining to be Completed:
(U///t14:444)� and developed a white paper suggesting a new approach to the management of IWAS product being moved
through the system. A briefing has been scheduled for 17 January on strategies for production issues. Among other issues, the briefing will review current IWAS
status, Priority 1 output, and strategies to enhance IWAS production.
(U) Upcoming Week
(UHAIU ) The FY 2001 march continues.
(UthArtfrFetThis week we have an ERWG on Wed. Among other things, we will discuss the recent ISOO letters on withdrawal of guidance and folder exemption.
NARA has also agreed to brief on agency declassification guidance that they use.
Chief, OIM Declassification Center
(UHAIU0) U/AittrTexcept indicated Para(s) and Indicated Cover Name(s)
Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775924