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PDF icon HOW SADDAM MIGHT PLAY THE[15589377].pdf180.53 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/03/19 C06772452 .� FROM WASHFAX SITE 38 S 14,m IltlicclItd 401 Illsgeml.mcnial 1/ 1.1 r:7 � [THU! 10. 17 02 8 : 36/ST. 8 : 35/NO. -MSG NBR SrrE A CIA FROM: ASSOCIATE DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR INTELLIGENCE SUBJECT: RED CELL DELIVERY INSTRUC77ONS: HOLD FOR NORMAL DUTY HOURS/ROUTINE IMMEDIATELY/URGENT P 1 TIME RECEIVED PHONE NUMBER: PAGES: 14 (INCLUDING I COVER) NOTE: FURNISH AMR DUTY HOUR CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR EACH ADDER REQUIRING AFTER DUTY HOUR DELIVERY TRANSMIT TO: ' AGENCY 1 INDIVIDUAL (NAME) OMCE Room NeR Mims MR DOD r - PAUL WOLPOWire Dep Sec of Defame , Room 3E944 PeemIton 703/692.71SO DOD DOUGLAS FErni Dep Sec of Defense for Policy . -Room 4E808 703/697.7200 - DOD . PETER RODMAN ASHoti Security Afhire Room 4E838 � Pentagon 703/695-4351 ' _. _ SEcZEFCABLES -..- SECF2" -, � 1 � .4. j'....PSECDEF .T0 .....= aro HD. . at - ...GDp ...-- ... T � -a. ,:.::ABLECH WASIlitY COVER SHEET (b)(3) WASHFAX OPMATOR sEctecownell X03460 /02 (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(6 Approved for Release: 2019/03/19 C06772452 Approved for Release: 2019/03/19 C06772452 PROM WASHFAX SITE 33 (THU) 10. 1702 8 : 36/8T. 8 : 35/NO. P 2 *NW (b)(3) Direct., of Callital Intelliggrice -SEORIEI DCI Red Cell A Red Cell Report Number 87 17 October 2002 b. re..p.n.r or the ereni. I Septenaher. thy 1)irerwr ill C.,iiri. Istirikeenet. continigfiaml CIA. Sicilia'. Inrerhorfrir Intelligence hi Teak. a 'red /has naiad thin1 unconventionalfr dmitd di,. lidShais.. relevant ...Wear issue'. The LX.7 Red (WI sg Mos ..IiiKeed with Sidling a rronastaced and %.-di periodically pr.duer menkorasuld dud report.' intent:cif in pnivaLe thought tallier shun ta 'naval( aatheirlhaire assevallent. ffelAr direel quenfriers yr Ininienit in the DC? Reel Cell (b)(3) Nei How Saddam Might Play the Terrtorist Card Anticipating a OS attack. Sadden, may view acts of tertovism as the best nay to defied US attention from Mn Once an Meat: i tie under way, he may use terrorism with an eye to diverting US resources from the main battlefront an4 ultimately, to so expanding the war that the costs would be unbearable to the US and Its allies. Saddam may also calculate that thmats of tenwist reprisals will deter SUMO states from cooperating with the US. He might consider launching a "false flag' terrorist strike, untraceable to Imo to make the US focus on at-Qa Ida rather than on him. Should he WI to deter or deflect an Invasion. Saddam may plan to unleash pre-positioned Oanariet "simpers' against the Land Ate slaw. We would also expect him to try to elevate his conflict with the US Into a AO-blown dash of dvilintions by facNtating al- ea 7a, Palestinian extremi4 and other redkal Islamist operaUons and by encouraging a broad rising among Muslim peoples laarldwii In me context of Saddam Hussein's historical (merest In terrorism as a weapon against the US� we offer a speculative t of how Saddam might again be planning to use terrorist strikes in resisting a US Malicious Intent-401r Probable Capability During the Guff War the coalition tlwrasted Saddam's hastily deitsed plans to use pre- positioned terrorist cells abroad in attacks against US assets. This time, Saddam has had a longer period of preparation and con drew on the lessons of his previous failures and the subsequent successes of al-Qalcia and other terrorist organizations. � As we learn more alma possible Iraqi connections to al-Qa* Ida and other terrorist groups, is probably prudent to assume Saddam has better �terrorism forte multipliers' than he had a decade ago. � And In confronting a mortal challenge, Saddam strikes us as more Nicely to use operations, thinking this might successfully fend off the US. Terrorism As Debarreir As Saddam seekS to forestall a US attack, he might resort to terrorist threats as a way of discouraging Potential coalition partners from cooperating with Washington. Although a failed gambit during the Guff war, the threat may strike Saddam as more credible now given the current higher stakes. For aample, Saddam might warn that Iraq plans to Initiate terrorist strikes against any state supporting an invasion, seeking to deter such countries from hacking the US or granting basing or overflight rights. Although unlikely to admit such attacks would Woke WMO�whidi woukl bolster the case against him�he could couch the threat in vague terms designed to raise fears. -MORO Approved for Release: 2019/03/19 C06772452 Approved for Release: 2019/03/19 C06772452 FROM WASHPAX SITE 3I3 ITHW 10. 1702 e :36/sr. a : 35/No. P 3 ,atET � Such tactics might cause backtracking in states, already nervous about supporting the US, but in Europe and elsewhere such intimidation could miscarry by underscoring the danger Saddam- poses. � Even with a risk of backlash, Saddam might see an executed terrorist WMD . operation as playing to existing sentiments that the US is to blame�and rather than an anti-ract outcry mita 1st as well raise popular calls for cease-fire and negotiations. Creating Distractions Saddam might envision terrorism as capable of stirring up a sufficiently sizable crisis elsewhere to put an Iraq invasion temporarily onto the back burner. Saddam Is surely aware of, and might seek to use, the debate in the US and Europe over whether Iraq is deflecting attention from al-ga Ida�a controversy given new impetus by recent al-Qa' Ida leadership audios and by attacks in Kuwait, Indonesia, and at sea against a French tanker. A major terrorist attack, staged by Iraq but bearing all the hallmarks of an al-Qa' Ida operation, might represent a bid by Saddam to refocus attention on al-ga' Ida and on the risks to US equities in another locale. For such a plan, Saddam would have to calculate that only a very Injurious operation would be capable of deflecting the spotlight from Iraq. Diversionary possibilities include: � etiological Attadt. Drawing a lesson Iran the US anthrax episode, Saddam could launch a biological attack in the US using relatively unsophisticated means, while trying to pin the attack on al-Qa' kb. He might even see the publicity about the Washington-area sniper attacks as evidence of how easily US attention is riveted on killings that In his mind, would be innocuous. � Assassination. President Karzai Is already a target in his own country, and Saddam would be far from the first suspect if he were assassinated. Iraqi special forces might be able to carry out such an operation, or Saddam could hire assassins. If Afghan stability were undermined�opening the possibility of a comeback of the Tallban or al-Qa' Ida�Saddam would count on pressures for the US to stabilize the situation hi Kabul before moving on Iraq. Jordan's King Abdaliah might be another accessible target whose assassination could be blamed on Palestinian or Islamic extremists. � oil Panic. A wartime alliance between Saddam and al-Qa' Ida might yield terrorist attacks against Gulf oil targets. Successful atbdcs against major facilities, such as Aramco's In Saudi Arabia, might heighten Western anxiety about the impact of further cuts atop wartime loss of Iraqi oil�while stoking concern over al-Qa ida moving against the Saudi regime. Saddam might even by to settle old Scores by hitting Kuwaiti or even Iranian oil fields. � Israel. Saddam appears to be tightening links to Palestinian groups. In place of Scud attacks, he could purchase a terrorist attack against Israel that goes to a new level�for example, a biological or chemical attack. Saddam would count on Sharon to lay the blame on the Palestinians and escalate his drive against Arafat. thus distracting the US and heightening Arab opposition to a war in Iraq. Once Saddam Is convinced hostilities are inevitable, he will have little need to conceal his hand. intelligence on Iraq's BW and CW arsenal is sufficientii, alarming to raise our concern that Saddam might already have the means in place abroad to attack US or allied targets. �stem Approved for Release: 2019/03/19 C06772452 Approved for Release: 2019/03/19 C06772452 'FROM wAEHFAX SITE 311 (THU, Ill. 1 t.IL � :,o/ �SttelltEs; In a no-holds-barred fight for his existence, Saddam might want to maximize the price his opponents will pay. Saddam has a history of using Iraqi embassies and business offices as bases of operations and of sending weapons through diplomatic pouches. WM materials might merely be waiting for the arrival of special weapons officers to carry out attacks. � Saddam might even imagine a successful 11" hour biological attack against multiple cites throughout Europe and the US would create sufficient havoc to postpone an invasion, even if he was dearly the culpre. Stoking the Clash of Civilizations Saddam expects a US Invasion vial be viewed throughout the Muslim world as an attack on all Muslims, whipping up strong and-US sentiments and rallying much of the Islamic world to his side. The interests of Saddam, alga Ida, and other Islamic extremist groups could thus dovetail in the common desire to attack the US and Its allies. Indeed, an invasion of Iraq might provoke a broad terrorist front throughout much of the Muslim world to seek revenge against the US and increase US war costs. From Saddarn's perspective, any actions that create such. havoc could forte the US to confront a broader crisis with the Muslim world. In addition to using links with Palestinian groups and with a range of other potential terrorist allies at hand; Saddam might: � Support anti-US demonstrahons by Muslims in key regions and encouraging violence against US citizens and facilities. � Reach out to Iranian hardliners to join In the fight against the infidel US by curbing oil production and taking the wraps off Hizballah to go after US targets. � Seek to create severe oil shortages in the West by sabotaging Iraq's am oil Fields and attacking those of states cosperatIng with the US, like Await or Saudi Arabia, as well as encouraolno other states to cut badc on production or be attacked for aiding the US. As a last-ditch measure, Saddam could Invite Islamist lighters�not only al-Qa' ida or Tallban warriors but extremists from Chechnya and elsewhere�to defend Iraq. Such an suPeal might conceivably attract thousands, manyof whom fled Afghanistan, and would complicate US efforts to cleanse Iraq, particularly If the ilhads were willing to fight to the death in urban guerilla warfare. Saddam would only make a move like thIS In desperation, recognizing that such forces would be largely beyond his control. But if he at Wit saw the darkness closing In, he might prefer to turn the country over to Islamists�who could be relied on to vex Washington�than to the US. -now; Approved for Release: 2019/03/19 C06772452