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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
February 13, 2019
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Publication Date: 
December 31, 2014
PDF icon CLOSED INVESTIGATIONS FRO[15571120].pdf149.94 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/02/11 C06768858 CLOSED INVESTIGATIONS FROM 1 JANUARY 2014 THROUGH 31 DECEMBER 2014 CLOSED INVESTIGATIONS CASE NUMBER ISSUE DATE (UNFOU0) Antitrust Initiative 2012-10793-IG January 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Conflict of Interest Involving Outside Employment 2013-11426-IG January 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Abuse Of Detainees Overseas 2013-11580-IG January 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Contractor Employee Time and Attendance Fraud 2013-11318-IG January 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Workers Compensation Fraud by Former Employee 2013-11474-IG January 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Visa Fraud Overseas 2013-11647-IG February 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Workers Compensation Fraud by Former Employee 2013-11611-IG February 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Workers Compensation Fraud by Former Employee 2013-11612-IG February 2014 (UHFOU0) Domestic Violence Incident Overseas 2013-11499-IG February 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Conflict of Interest 2013-11495-IG February 2014 (UHFOU0) Disclosure of Classified Information by Former D/CIA 2012-11018-IG March 2014 (UHFOU0) Theft of Government Property 2012-11114-IG March 2014 (UNFOU0) Alleged Conflict of Interest 2010-10540-IG March 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Contract Manipulation 2013-11516-IG March 2014 (UNFOU0) Illegal Gratuity and Procurement Fraud 2013-09678-IG March 2014 (b)(3) SECT------7711' 70'PG-1UL, Approved for Release: 2019/02/11 C06768858 Approved for Release: 2019/02/11 C06768858 SECRET//NOFORN CLOSED INVESTIGATIONS CASE NUMBER ISSUE DATE (UHFOU0) Alleged Misconduct by Polygrapher 2013-11579-IG March 2014 (UHFOU0) Violation of Endangered Species Act 2013-11610-IG March 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Abuse and Misconduct Overseas 2013-11279-IG March 2014 (UNFOU0) Alleged Misattribution of Detainee Intelligence 2010-09729-IG April 2014 (U) Time and Attendance Fraud � Contractor 2012-10633-IG April 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged USERRA Violation 2013-11231-IG April 2014 (U) Alleged Misuse of Computer System by Contractors 2013-11412-IG April 2014 (U) Alleged Solicitation of Business Using Agency Systems by Contractor 2013-11550-IG April 2014 (U) Alleged Theft of Government Property 2013-11460-IG April 2014 (U) Alleged Hunting Violation at CIA Facility 2013-11664-IG April 2014 (U) Alleged Operational Risk at Hosting Provider 2014-11812-IG May 2014 (U) Alleged Moving Company Fraud 2011-10492-IG May 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Overcharging for PCS and Retiree Moves 2013-11339-IG May 2014 (U) Alleged Conflict of Interest 2013-11423-IG May 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Purchase and Distribution of Illegal Steroids in War Zone 2013-11523-IG May 2014 (U) Alleged Worker's Compensation Fraud 2013-11611-IG May 2014 SECRET//NOFORN Approved for Release: 2019/02/11 C06768858 Approved for Release: 2019/02/11 C06768858 SECRET//NOFORN CLOSED INVESTIGATIONS CASE NUMBER ISSUE DATE (U) Alleged Worker's Compensation Fraud 2013-11612-IG May 2014 (U) Alleged Misuse of Government Funds 2013-11618-IG May 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Visa Fraud in Overseas Field Station 2013-11647-IG May 2014 (U) Alleged Abuse by Staff Members of Computer Admin Privileges 2014-11768-IG May 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Asset Mishandling in Overseas Field Station 2014-11876-IG May 2014 (U) Alleged False Claim for Separation Maintenance Allowance and Other Benefits 2012-10920-IG June 2014 (U) Alleged Time and Attendance Fraud � Contractor 2012-10969-IG June 2014 (U) Alleged Theft of Government Property by Contractor 2013-11370-IG June 2014 (U) Alleged Theft of Government Property 2013-11421-IG June 2014 (U) Alleged Conflict of Interest by Staff Employee 2013-11591-IG June 2014 (U) Alleged Reprisal of Former Employee of Contractor 2014-11786-IG June 2014 (U) Alleged Conflict of Interest 2014-11941-IG June 2014 (U) Alleged Destruction of Data by Contractor 2014-11957-IG June 2014 (U) Alleged Weapons Violation by Contractor 2007-09771-IG July 2014 (U) Alleged Contractual Improprieties 2011-10490-IG July 2014 (b)(3) SECRET//NOFORN Approved for Release: 2019/02/11 C06768858 Approved for Release: 2019/02/11 C06768858 SECRET//NOFORN CLOSED INVESTIGATIONS CASE NUMBER ISSUE DATE (U) Time and Attendance Fraud � Staff Employee 2013-11209-IG July 2014 (U) Alleged Conflict of Interest in DS&T Training Program 2013-11322-IG July 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Misuse of CIA Credential by Independent Contractor 2013-11389-IG July 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Misuse of Government Funds by Cover Providers 2013-11442-IG July 2014 (U) Allegation of Misuse of Authority 2013-11466-IG July 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Domestic Violence Incident at Overseas Field Station 2013-11499-IG July 2014 (U) Alleged Extortion by Contractor 2013-11508-IG July 2014 (U) Alleged Contract Irregularity 2014-11686-IG July 2014 (U) Alleged Violation of Post Employment Restrictions 2014-11690-IG July 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Assault of Officer in Overseas Field Station 2014-11705-IG July 2014 (UHFOU0) Agency Access to SSCI Shared Drive on RDINet 2014-11718-IG July 2014 (U) Alleged Misuse of Agency Systems 2014-11815-IG July 2014 (U) Alleged Conflict of Interest 2014-11863-IG July 2014 2014-11872-IG July 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Agency Impersonator (U) Alleged Destruction of Government Information by Contractor 2014-11926-IG July 2014 (U) Suspicious Error Message When Opening OIG Document 2014-12015-IG July 2014 SECRET//NOFORN Approved for Release: 2019/02/11 C06768858 Approved for Release: 2019/02/11 C06768858 SECRET//NOFORN CLOSED INVESTIGATIONS CASE NUMBER ISSUE DATE (UHFOU0) Alleged Wrongful Sharing of RH Material 201341358-IG August 2014 (UHFOU0) Counterfeit CIA ID Used by Non-Agency Officer to Possibly Engage in Fraud 2013-11403-IG August 2014 (U) Alleged Mismanagement of an Agency Program 2013-11411-IG August 2014 (UNFOU0) Individual Arrested with Counterfeit Agency ID in MI 2013-11488-IG August 2014 (U) Alleged Ethics Violation 2013-11571-IG August 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Attempted Bribery in War Zone 2013-11582-IG August 2014 (U) Alleged Theft of Government Property 2014-11674-IG August 2014 (U) Alleged Abuse of Position and Authority by Contractor 2014-11696-IG August 2014 (U) Alleged Accounting Reimbursement Fraud 2014-11772-IG August 2014 (U) Alleged Employee Ethics Violation 2014-11838-IG August 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Cash Shortage at Overseas Field Station 2014-11904-IG August 2014 (U) Allegations of Mismanagement 2014-11921-IG August 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Shooting Incident in Overseas Field Station 2014-11925-IG August 2014 (U) Alleged Disclosure of Classified Information 2014-11959-IG August 2014 (UHFOU0) Allegation of Exposure of a Covert Agency Officer 2014-12012-IG August 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Computer Misuse 2014-11973-IG September 2014 2014-12000-IG September 2014 (UHFOU0) Alleged Detainee Abuse at Overseas Base SECRET//NOFORN Approved for Release: 2019/02/11 C06768858 Approved for Release: 2019/02/11 C06768858 SECRET//NOFORN CLOSED INVESTIGATIONS CASE NUMBER ISSUE DATE (U/FOUO) (PI) Time & Attendance Fraud (T&A Concern by CIC Employee) 2013-11201-IG October 2014 (UHFOU0) Qui Tam Action 2013-11541-IG October 2014 (U) Alleged Contract Mismanagement 2014-11743-IG October 2014 (S//NF) Alleged Assault on CIA Officer by DOD Employee at an Overseas 2014-12028-IG October 2014 Field Station (U) Alleged Falsification of Work Product and Time & Attendance Abuse 2014-11981-IG November 2014 (UHFOU0) Allegation of Staff Misconduct Pertaining to Foreign Assets and Facilities 2014-12087-IG November 2014 (UHFOU0) Allegation of Child Abuse by an Agency Employee 2014-12146-IG November 2014 2014-11761-IG December 2014 (S//NF) Alleged Misuse of Funds SECRET//NOFORN Approved for Release: 2019/02/11 C06768858