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Publication Date:
July 26, 1963
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26 July 1963
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
: Report of Inspection of MKULTRA
1. In connection with our survey of Technical Services
Division, DD/P, it was deemed advisable to prepare the report
of the MKULTRA program in one copy only, in view of its
unusual sensitivity.
2. This report is forwarded herewith.
3. The MKULTRA activity is concerned with the research
and development of chemical, biological, and radiological
materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to
control human behavior. The end products of such research
are subject to very strict controls including a requirement
for the personal approval of the Deputy Director/Plans for any
operational use made of these end products.
4. The cryptonym MKULTRA encompasses the R&D
phase and a second cryptonym MKDELTA denotes the DD/P .
system for control of the operational employment of such mat
,---The provisions of the MKULTRA authority also cover
The administration and control of
7thWI��iit,ere found to be generally satisfactory and
are discussed in greater detail in the main body of the report
on TSD.
5. MKULTRA was authorized by .the then Director of
Central Intelligence, Mr. Allen W. Dulles, in 1953. The TSD
was assigned responsibility thereby to employ a portion of its
R&D budget, eventually set at 20%, 'for research in behavioral
materials an under purely internal and com-
partmented controls, (further details are provided in paragraph 3
of the attached report). Normal procedures for project approval,
funding, and accounting were waived. However, special arrange-
ments for audit of expenditures have been evolved M subsequent
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a.' '6,. The scope of MKULTRA is comprehensive and
ranges from the search for and procurement of botanical and
chemical substances, through programs for their analysis
In scientific laboratories, .to progressive testing for effect
on animals and human beings. The testing on individuals
begins under laboratory conditions employing every safeguard
and progresses gradually to more and more realistic opera-
tional simulations. The program requires and obtains the
services of a number of highly specialized authorities in many
fields of the natural sciences.
7. The concepts involved in manipulating human
behavior are found by many people both within and outside the
Agency to be distasteful and unethical. There is considerable
evidence that opposition intelligence services are active and
highly proficient in this field. The experience of TSD to date
indicates that both the research and the employment of the
materials are expensive and often unpredictable in results.
Nevertheless, there have been major accomplishments both
� in research and operational employment.
8. The principal conclusions of the inspection are that
the structure and operational controls over this activity need
strengthening; improvements are needed in the administration
of the research projects; and some of the testing of substances
under simulated operational conditions was judged to involve
excessive risk to the Agency.
9. Attached for the signature of the Deputy Director of
� Central Intelligence is a memorandum transmitting the report
to the Deputy Director/Plans requesting a summary of action
.talten or comments on the recommendations contained therein.
Attachments - as stated
J. arman
Inspector General
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).SEC .� . :7,7:T
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I. Introduction
1. Technical Services Division (TSD), (then Technical Support
Staff), received authorization from the then Director of Central
Intelligence, Mr. Allen W. Dulles, on 3 April-1953 to develop and
maintain continuing operational capabilities in the fields of a
� _
b) chemical and biological materials capable of producing human
behavioral and physiological changes, (see Tab A). The cryptonyrn
� MKULTFtA was assigned to encompass TSD's research, development
.and equipment activities in these two fields. The cryptonym MKDELTA
had already been assigned by DD/P Notice No. 220-1 on 20 October
� 1952 (since revised - see Tab B) as the indicator covering DD/P' policy
and procedure for the use of biochemicals in clandestine operations.
� 2. The MKULTRA charter provides only a brief presentation
of the rationale of the authorized activities. The sensitive aspects
of the program as it has evolved over the ensuing ten years are the
a. Research in the manipulation of human behavior is
considered by many authorities in medicine and related fields
Declassification Review E.O. 12065
Conducted on 17 June 1981
Derivative Classification by 531025
, Review 17 June 2001
Derived from C9c.2; C9e
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4.� s..� � 4.
to be professionally unethical, therefore the reputations
of professional participants in the MKULTRA program are
on occasion in jeopardy.
_.---- b. Some MKULTRA activities raise questions of
Llegality implicit in the original charter.
c. A final phase of the testing of MKULTRA products
places the rights and interests of U. S. citizens in jeopardy.
d. Public disclosure of some aspects of MKULTRA
activity could induce serious adverse reaction in U. S.
public opinion, as well as stimulate offensive and defensi4e
� action in this field on the part of foreign intelligence services.
3. In recognition of the sensitivity of MKULTRA, TSD was
authorized exclusive control of the administration, records, and
financial accountings of the program. Simple statements of certification
were all that were required of TSD to obtain advances of funds from
Finance Division. The DCI's memorandum also exempted MKULTRA
from audit, but this provision was modified to permit limited audit
before the end of the first year. Funding of MKULTRA was eventually
stabilized at 20 percent of TSD's annual research and development budget.
It has fallen in the neighborhood of
per year over the ten-year (b)(3
history of the program,( of which about 30 percent has been allocated to
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. T-T
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z-support of the
funding record FY 60-63.
cf. Tab C for MKULTRA
4. The inspection of TSD activities
in the field of
while chartered under MKULTRA
is discussed for reasons
noted below in the section of the Inspector General's Survey dealing
with the of TSD, cf. dis-
cussions beginning with paragraphs
The security considerations applying
to were found to
be significantly different from those governing manipulation of human
behavior. a) Many external projects in support of the
'are being funded and managed securely outside the
MKULTRA mechanism. b) Chief, Support, TSD, believes that it may
also be possible in the future to fund
MKULTRA projects by
secure methods more compatible with DD/S responsibilities. c) The
very nature of the
requires that a high
percentage of its staff contribute and be witting of each operation.
security practices are tight and the Inspector General's survey recom-
mends further refinements in security procedures.
5. The inspection of MKULTRA projects in biochemical controls
of human behavior raised questions in the following area of policy and
management which are dealt with in the balance of this report:
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a. Scope of.the MKULTRA charter:
(1) Over the ten-year life of the program many
additional avenues to the control of human behavior
have been designated by the TSD management as
appropriate to investigatior.lunder the MKULTRA charter,
including radiation, electro-shock, various fields of
psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and anthropology,
graphology, harrassment substances, and paramilitary
devices and materials.
(2) Various projects do not appear to have been
sufficiently sensitive to warrant waiver of normal Agency
procedures for authorization and control.
(3) Other secure channels for establishment and
funding of Agency-sterile activities have been evolved
over the past ten years by Deputy Director/Support (DD/S)
and in some cases could reasonably be employed by TSD
in lieu of MKULTRA procedures.
In view of these developments there is substantial agreement
among all parties concerned that redefinition of 'the scope of
MKULTRA is now appropriate.
MKULTRA management policies:
(1) The original charter documents specified that
TSD maintain exacting control of MKULTRA activities.
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In so doing, 'however, TSD has pursued a philosophy
of minimum documentation in keeping with the high
sensitivity of some of the projects. Some files were
found to present a reasonably complete record, including
most sensitive matters, while others with parallel
objectives contained little or no data at all. The lack
of consistent records precluded use of routine inspection
procedures and raised a variety of questions concerning
management and fiscal controls.
(2) Lack of records essential to inspection of
MKULTRA moved to the forefront among issues as the
present survey proceeded. Under normal circumstances
the inspectors would have examined an inventory of dis-
crediting, disabling, and lethal substances perfected or
procured from whatever sources. The records on
representative items would have been reviewed according
to such standard criteria as:
(a) How were the substance and its
properties identified? .
(b) What researcher was selected to
perform the research, and why?
(c) When was the work begun, where, �
involving what costs, at what rate
of progress, based on what tests?
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� (d) What are the present capabilities
and limitations of the substance
for clandesinte operations?
(e) What further research is being
conducted on this and related sub-
stances and how does this reflect
existing TSD capabilities, opera-
tional requirements and budget factors?
(3) MKULTRA records afforded no such approach
to inspection. There are just two individuals in TSD who
have full substantive knowledge of the program and most
of that knowled,ge is unrecorded. Both are highly skilled,
highly motivated, professionally competent individuals.
Part of their competence lies in their command of intel-
ligence tradecraft. In protecting the sensitive nature of
the American intelligence capability to manipulate human
behavior, they apply "need to know" doctrine to their
professional associates and to their clerical assistants to
a maximum degree. Confidence in their competence and
discretion has been a vital feature of the management of
c. Advanced testing of MKULTRA materials:
It is the firm doctrine in TSD that testing of materials
under accepted scientific procedures fails to disclose the
full pattern of reactions and attributions that may occur
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in operational situations. TSD initiated a program for
covert testing of materials on unwitting U. S. citizens
in 1955. The present report reviews the rationale and
risks attending this activity and recommends termination
of such testing in the United States, cf. paragraphs 10-18
Modus Operandi
6. The research and development of materials capable of producing
behavioral or physiological change in humans is now performed within
a highly elaborated and stabilized MKULTRA structure. The search
for new materials; e.g., psilocybin from Mexican mushrooms, or a
fungi occurring in agricultural crops, is conducted through standing
arrangements with specialists in universities, pharmaceutical houses,
hospitals, state and federal institutions, and private research organi-
zations who are authorities in the given field of investigation in their
own right. Annual grants of funds are made under ostensible research
foundation auspices to the specialists located in the public or quasi-public
institutions. This approach conceals from the institution the interest of
CIA and permits the recipient to proceed with his investigation, publish
his findings (excluding intelligence implications), and account for his
expenditures in a manner normal to his institution. A number of the
grants have included funds for the construction and equipping of researchi
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egoeo," -:. ,......,.o...,:. a
facilities and for the employment of research assistantsj. Key individuals
must qualify for top secret clearance and are made witting of Agency
sponsorship.E As a rule each specialist is managed unilaterally and is
not witting of Agency support of parallel MKULTRA research in his
field. The system in effect "buys a piece" of the specialist in order to
enlist his aid in pursuing the intelligence implications of his researchj
His services typically include systematic search of the scientific
literature, procurement of materials, their propagation, and the appli-
cation of test dosages to animals and under some circumstances to
volunteer human subjects. No quarrel is found with the rationale of
this program to the extent that it fits the original MKULTRA charter.
However, for inspection purposes, there were lacking records, year
by year, of the progress of each project and the recorded judgments
of the project monitors on operational benefits vis-a-vis costs.
7.[The funding of sensitive MKULTRA projects by sterile grants
in aid as noted in the preceding paragraph disclosed one of the principal
controversial aspects a this program a The original charter of MKULTRA
assumed that the sensitivity of activities would be sufficient to justify
both a) special protection for the researcher; and b) compartmentation
of MKULTRA knowledge within the Agency. On this basis the inherent
safeguards of DD/S procedures were waived, the DD/S was not consulted
in the design of the MKULTRA management system, and established Agency
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audit procedures were waived. In the subsequent administration of
the program, however, TSD has found it feasible to contract for some
of the research on MKULTRA objectives in accordance with prescribed
DD/S procedures. The DD/S, in turn, has evolved various secure
systems for the funding of sensitive activities. It appears feasible
and appropriate, therefore, to propose that the DD/S be consulted
during the re-chartering of MKULTRA in the design of an administrative
system that does justice to his responsibilities as well as to the manage-
ment and security requirements of TSD. The Inspector General
accordingly has recommended at the end of this report that the DD/S
be consulted in the re-design of the system; that the Chief, Support,
TSD, be assigned responsibility for the day-to-day support of MKULTRA;
and that the latter constitute a bridge to the DD/S for monitoring the
future evolution of the system]
8. The next phase of the MKULTRA program involves physicians,
toxicologists, and other specialists in mental, narcotics, and general
hospitals and in prisons, who are provided the products and findings of
the basic research projects and proceed with intensive testing on human
subjects. These specialists are also recipients for testing purposes of
the flow of new products from pharmaceutical laboratories. Materials
and procedures with intelligence potential may be identified through this
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relationship. The testing programs are conducted under accepted
scientific procedures including the use of control populations, the
employment of placebos, and the detailed observation, measurement,
recording, analysis, and publication of findings. Where health permits,
test subjects are voluntary participants in the program.
9. A current development in the testing of new products is the
tightening of controls over dosages and procedures by the U. S. rood
and Drug Administration. Since MKULTRA files contained no docu-
mentation on this subject, it was not possible to appraise the signifi-
cance of this development for MKULTRA objectives. However,
interviews with the TSD officers concerned indicated that the new rules
� are affecting procedures and causing controversy in research hospitals
and pharmaceutical houses. The TSD officers have close relationships
with key individuals in many of the leading U. S. pharmaceutical houses
and count on their continued close cooperation in obtaining materials
and services deemed vital to U. S. intelligenceQ
10. The final phase of testing of MKULTRA materials involves
their application to unwitting subjects in normal life settings. It was
noted earlier that the capabilities of MKULTRA gubstances to produce
disabling or discrediting effects or to increase the effectiveness of
interrogation of hostile subjects cannot be established solely through
testing on volunteer populations. Reaction and attribution patterns are
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clearly affected when the testing is conducted in an atmosphere of
confidence under skilled medical supervision.
11. TSD, therefore, entered into an informal arrangement
with certain cleared and witting individuals in the Bureau of Narcotics
in 1955 which provided for the release of MKULTRA materials for
such testing as those ird ividuals deemed desirable and feasible. The
initial arrangement obtained the services of a senior representative
of the Bureau and one of his assistants on the West Coast. A parallel
arrangement was established on the East Coast in 1961. The Director
� of the Bureau has been briefed on the activity, but the Deputy Chief,
TSD, who has guided MKULTRA from its inception, is of the opinion
� that the former would disclaim all knowledge and responsibility in
the event of compromise. The MKULTRA program director has, in
fact, provided close supervision of the testing program from the beginning
Land makes periodic visits to the sites. The sum of $10, 000 as been
provided annually to each of the two projects to cover cost of cultivation
of targets and of maintenance of a safehouse in each area for the
observation of effects of substances on selected test individuals.
12. The particular advantage of these ariangements with the
Bureau of Narcotics officials has been that test subjects could be sought
and cultivated within the setting of narcotics control. Some subjects
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have been informers or.members of suspect criminal elements from
whom the Bureau has obtained results of operational value through the
tests. On the other hand, the effectiveness of the substances on
individuals at all social levels, high and low, native American and
foreign, is of great significance and testing has been performed on a
variety of individuals within these categories.
13. A significant limitation on the effectiveness of such testing
is the infeasibility of performing scientific observation of results.
The Bureau agents are not qualified scientific observers. Their
subjects are seldom accessible beyond the first hours of the teet. The
testing may be useful in perfecting delivery techniques, and in identifying
surface characteristics of onset, reaction, attribution, and side-effect.
In a number of instances, however, the test subject has become ill for
hours or days, including hospitalization in at least one case, and the
agent could only follow-up by guarded inquiry after the test subject's
return to normal life. Possible sickness and attendant economic loss'
are inherent contingent effects of the testing.
14. The MKULTRA program officer stated that the objectives of
covert testing concern the field of toxicology rather medicine;
further, that the program is not intended to harm test individuals, and
that the medical consultation and assistance is obtained when appropriate
through separate MKULTRA arrangemehts. The risk of compromise of
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the program through correct diagnosis of an illness by an unwitting
medical specialist is regularly considered and is stated to be a
governing factor in the decision to conduct the given test. The
Bureau officials also maintain close working relations with local
� ���.:
police authorities which could be utilized to protect the activity in
critical situations.
15. There have been several discussions in the public press in
recent months on the use of certain MKULTRA-type drugs to influence
human behavior. Broadly speaking, these have argued that research
knowledge of possible adverse effects of such substances on human
beings is inadequgte, that some applications have done serious harm,
and that professional researchers in medicine and psychiatry are split
on the ethics of performing such research. Increasing public attention
to this subject is to be expected.
� 16. �The final step in the research and development sequence is
the delivery of MKIJLTRA materials into the MKDELTA control system
governing their employment in clandestine operations. The subject is
discussed further in the next sectinn; however, it is appropriate here
to note that the employment of MKDELTA materials remains an art
rather than a scientific procedure. A significant number of variables
in the target individual, including age, sex, weight, general health,
social status, and personality structure, may account for widely varying
and unpredictable reactions to a given drug in a given dosage.
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17. The final stage of covert testing of materials on unwitting
subjects is clearly the most sensitive aspect of MKULTRA. No
effective cover story appears to be available. TSD officials state
that responsibility for covert testing is transferred to the Bureau of
Narcotics. Yet they also predict that the Chief of the Bureau would
disclaim any knowledge of the activity. Present practice is to maintain
no records of the planning and approval of test programs. The prin-
cipal responsibility for the propriety of such testing rests with the
MKULTRA program director and the Deputy Chief of TSD. The
handling of test subjects in the last analysis rests with the Narcotics
agent working alone. Suppression of knowledge of critical results from
the top :ISD and CIA management is an inherent risk in these operations.
18. Final phase testing of MKULTRA substances or devices on
unwitting subjects is recognized to be an activity of genuine importance
in the development of some but not all MKULTRA products. Termination
of such testing would have some, but an essentially indeterminate, effect.
on the development of operational capability in this field. Of more
c ritical significance, however, is the risk of serious damage to the
Agency in the event of compromise of the true nature of this activity.
As now performed under Bureau of Narcotics auspices, non-Agency
personnel are necessarily fully witting of the true nature and signficancel
of their assignments, and of the sponsorship of CIA. Compromise of
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this information intentionally or unwittingly by these individuals at some
time in the future is a hazard that cannot be ruled out. A test subject
may on some occasion in the future correctly attribute the cause of his
reaction and secure independent professional medical assistance in
identifying the exact nature of the substance employed, and by whom.
An extreme reaction to a test substance could lead to a Bureau request
for cooperation from local authorities in suppressing information of the
situation. This would in turn broaden the circle of individuals who
possessed at least circumstantial evidence of the nature of the activity.
Weighing possible benefits of such testing against the risks of compromise
and of resulting damage to CIA has led the Inspector General to recommend
termination of this phase of the MKULTRA program. Existing checks
and balances on the working level management of such testing do not
afford the senior command of CIA adequate protection against the high
risks involved.
19.[ It does not follow that termination of covert testing of MKULTRA
materials on unwitting U. S. citizens will bring the program to a halt.
Some testing on foreign nationals ha 's been occurring under the present
arrangements. Various U. S. deep cover agents overseas would appear
to be more favorably situated than the U. S. narcotics agents to perform.
realistic testingj Finally, the operational use of the substances clearly
serves the testing function in view of the lack of predictability of human
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III. Current estimate of the MKULTRA/MKDELTA capability
20. The present Deputy Chief of TSD, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb,
in his then capacity of scientific advisor to the Deputy Director/Plans
(DD/P), released a study (hereafter referred to as the Gottlieb report)
on 21 April 1960, covering his investigation of "Scientific
and Technical Problems in Covert Action Operations". Appendix B
of the report was entitled, ,"The Applicability of Special Chemicals and
Biologicals to Oandestine Operations". The inspectors found this
Appendix to be a carefully prepared and very useful treatment of the
subject. The remaining paragraphs draw on the Gottlieb report, take
account of developments since that date, and discuss management
and funding aspects of MKULTRA.
21. The author opened his discussion with the question of what
the operational returns had been from an eight-year program involving
an investment of approximately He observed that the
Clandestine Services had encouraged TSD on various occasions to
develop and maintain the operational capability in special drugs and
chemicals, but that TSD had received little or no guidance in directing
the work and that the Clandestine Services had tip to that time shown
little inclination to use the end products operationally. He indicated
that there had been approximately 100 operations over the eight years
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employing harrassment,materials (not controlled under the MKDELTA
regulation) and only nine operations employing disabling drugs, (NB:
two-thirds of these involved the use of drugs in interrogations). No
use of lethal substances was reported.
22. The factors accounting for the low rate of use of this capa-
bility were considered to be the following:.
a. the technical shortcomings of the drugs
b. the problem of testing in realistic pilot operations
c. limitations on the dissemination of pertinent
information to operations officers
d. organizational and administrative restrictions on
e. 'negative attitudes toward the use of MKDELTA
f. problems in the training of case officers in this field
g. the risk of stimulating increased use of MKDELTA.
materials by opposition intelligence services
23. Technical shortcomings of the drugs:
As of 1960 no effective knockout pill, truth serum, aphro-
disiac, or.recruittnent pill was known to exist. MKDELTA was
described as inherently a high-risk, low-yield field of operations.
Three years later the situation remains substantially unchanged,
with the exception that real progress has been made in the use of
drugs in support of interrogation. Ironically, however, the
progress here has occurred in the development of a total psycho-
logical theory of interrogation, in which the use of drugs has been
relegated to a support role.
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24. The problem of testing in realistic pilot operations:
This subject has been discussed above, beginning with
paragraph 10. It should also be noted that testing on operational
targets overseas is considered by some operations officers to
be quite impracticable. Unilateral operations are imperative
which substantially complicates the delivery problem. The
possibilities of unexpected or critical reactions in test subjects
and of ensuing compromise of the activity make most senior
c_ommand personnel unwilling to take the risks involved.
25. Limitations on the dissemination of pertinent information to
case officers; organizational and administrative restrictions on
The present-day situation concerning both of these problem
areas is improved over 1960. TSD now regularly briefs a variety
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of senior officers�on its MKDELTA capability. Approval of
the use of MKDELTA materials is now accomplished within
the chain of command of the DD/P. The DD/P may consult, .f
for example, with the Chief, Medical Staff, concerning
medical risks involved in MKDELTA operations, but the
latter surely would not expect to exercise final authority for
the disapproval of operations.
26. TSD has found that TDY visits of MKULTRA officers to the - ,
field in support of specific operations increases the awareness of the
MKDELTA capability and stimulates proposals for additional projects.
Of equal significance, however, has been the TSD decision in 1961 to
station in ti�
officer who is
informed on
move PCS tc
MKDELTA matters.
A second officer is scheduled
during the summer of 1963 to support
adjacent stations. While the principal responsibility of these officers
lies in the field
in th
the arrangement
has proved useful in the MKDELTA field�notably in interrogation--as
well. It now appears that increased reliance can be placed on this
approach to promoting responsible use of the MKDELTA capabilities.
27. Negative attitudes toward the use of MKDELTA materials;
problems in the training of case officers in this field:
The 196Oj Gottlieb report observed that some case officers
have basic moral objections to the concept of MKDELTA and
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T�s_.' I ' sr: ::: ,..
therefore refuse to use the materials. Some senior officers
were reported to believe that the proper employment of the
capability required more sophistication than most case
officers possessed and that there would be a tendency toward
over-reliance on and misuse of drugs in lieu of perfecting
classic espionage techniques. Finally, it was suggested that
MKDELTA controls were so restrictive as to have generated
a general defeatism among case officers concerning the chances
of getting approval for use of materials in routine rather than
extreme situations. These matters will be reviewed in future
field inspections of DD/P area divisions. 1n the meanwhile,
the stationing of qualified TSD consultants in the field and
increasing operational experience will tend to develop over time
a category of case officers who have acquired direct appreciation
of the Potential ant& limitations of the MKDELTA capability.
28. The risk of stimulating increased use Of MKDELTA materials
by opposition intelligence services:
.., The Gottlieb eport stated that opposition intelligence
services are active in the MKDELTA field and recommended
that the CI Staff of the DD/P conduct a systematic study of the
evidence. This recommendation has not been implemented.
It is a subject of increasing significance as new materials and
techniques become available.
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It is recommended that:
Deputy Director /Plans instruct Chief, CI Staff, to
perform a study of the evidence of use of MKDELTA
materials by opposition intelligence services and recommend
appropriate measures for training DD/P case officers to
recognize and counter hostile activity in this area.
29. In summary, present evidence concerning the operational
value of the MKDELTA capability would appear to confirm the principal
judgments of the 1960 Gottlieb eport. There is an extremely low rate
Cof operational use of the controlled materials. On the other haild,
significant progress has been achieved in the development of an inter-
rogation theory employing chemical substances, and in providing corn- �
petent guidance to the field in MKDELTA matters through TSD officers
working overseas.D
IV. Management of MKULTRA
30. TSD has initiatedaqprojects relating to the control of human
behavior; i. e. ,
during the ten
years of operation of the MKULTRA program. Twenty-five (25) of these
- .(b)(1)
projects remain in existence at the present time, whice a number of others
are in various stages of termination3.
31. Active projects may be grouped under the following arbitrary
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headings. Many projects involve activity in two or more of the areas
a. basic research in materials and processes
b. procurement of research materials
c. testing of substances on animals and human beings
d. development of delivery techniques
e. projects in offensive/defensive BW, CW, and radiation
f. miscellaneous projects; g. 61) petroleum sabotage,
(2) defoliants, (3) devises for remote measurement of
physiological processes
32. The current management of TSD has initiated a policy of
'directing the activities of MKULTRA and of the Behavioral Activities
� Branch towards operations and away from long-range research. Prior
to this change in policy which occurred in 1962, MKULTRA sponsored
a large number of projects in the fields of applied psychology, sociology,
anthropology, and graphology. The present management is unlikely to
return to these fields of research under the MKULTRA charter. The
inspectors concluded that many of these projects were of insufficient
sensitivity to justify waiver of normal Agency control procedures. It
is recommende at the end of this report that projects falling outside the
authorized scope of MKULTRA henceforth require the prior written
approval of the DD/P to qualify for MKULTRA processing3
33. The TSD chain of command for administration of the MKULTRA
program comprises the following:
a. Chief, TSD providing overall management
b. Deputy Chief, TSD, (a trained scientist) providing�
top substantive guidance for the MKULTRA program
c. Assistant Chief, TSD, for Research and Development,
contributing management but not substantive guidance
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� � � �
d. Chief Scientist (reporting to c., above), (a trained
scientist), contributing substantive guidance in some
areas and responsible for the technical administrative
processes of MKULTRA. He is supported by a GS-12
budget officer.
e. program manager for MKULTRA, also serves as
Chief of Biology Branch, (a trained scientist)
f. project monitors locateil in various branches of TSD
and specialized in the subject fields of the specific
projects for which they are assigned responsibility
To date this chain of command has relied primarily on oral communica-
tion in the management of MKULTRA. Files are notably incomplete,
poorly organized, and lacking in evaluative statements that might give
perspective to management policies overtime. A substantial portion
of the MKULTRA record appears to rest in the memories of the
principal officers and is therefore almost certain to be lost with their
departures. The senior officers in the MKULTRA chain of command
who are not substantively qualified need better records to measure the
validity of projects through time and to identify key areas in which to
require detailed periodic briefings from working specialists.
34. It will be noted that the Chief of Support, TSD, does not parti-
cipate in the MKULTRA administration. The predecessor of the present
Chief of Support served in TSD thrOughout the life of the program until
1962 without ever being associated with its management. In his stead,
the Chief Scientist and a GS-12 budget officer have provided administrative
support. The Chief Scientist has set policy on the funding of MKULTRA
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projects in all respects including salaries, overhead rates, fees,
material, equipment, facilities, travel, and the like. The support
officer was only added in 1962 under pressure of critical audit
findings. This use of the Chief Scientist in a field where Chief of
Support possesses superior qualifications and facilities constitutes
a misuse of talent. The proposed new charter for MKULTRA should
take account of this anomaly and also provide that Chief of Support
advise in the future on decisions to fund projects under the MKULTRA
authority and thereby to Waive the application of DD/S procedures.
It is recommended that:
Deputy Director/Plans draft and submit for the
approval of the Director of Central Intelligence a revision
and re-confirmation of the authority granted him in 1953
(Tab A) to operate the MKULTRA program, incorporating
the following provisions:
a. Deputy Director/Pflans assign Chief, Technical
Services Division, to operate MKULTRA as a
program for research and development of chemical,
biological, and radioactive materials, and of
techniques for the employment of electro-shock,
capable of producing human behavioral or physio-
logical change. Subsequent changes in scope of
MKULTRA shall require the written approval of
the Deputy Director/Plans.
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b. Deputy Director/Plans arrange with Deputy Director/
Research for the coordination of research relating
to MKULTRA objectives to control duplication of
effort and to provide for exchange of information of
new capabilities.
c. Chief, Technical Services Division, consistent with
established policy, _may negotiate for, research in
MKULTRA. materials and techniques to be conducted
by Deputy Director/Research and by other component
offices of CIA. He shall consult regularly with the
appropriate officers of such components to control
duplication of effort.
d. Chief, Technical Services Division shall approve the
addition of MKULTRA developed materials to the
list of operationally available MKDELTA substances.
and keep the Deputy Director/Plans advised of such
additions. (cf. Clandestine Services Instruction t
No. 220-10, MKDELTA MATERIALS, dated 22 July
1960--Tab B--which governs the employment of
behavioral control materials in clandestine operations.)
e. Deputy Director/Plans, jointly with the Deputy Director/
Support, establish policy for the administration of
support functions under MKULTRA. Such policy shall
seek to limit to the maximum the waiver of established
Agency support procedures for activities of unusual
f. Chief, Technical Services Division shall maintain
exacting internal controls and records of all substantive
and support matters within each MKULTRA. project.
Records shall include:
(1) A plan of the research and development to be
(2) An administrative annex setting forth security,
budget and accounting arrangements agreed to
by the parties to the project. Chief of Support,
TSD, shall then certify to the DD/S for each
such project that this annex is in accord with
the agreed DDS/DDP policy. Pursuant to this
/ T ; 7.) C, - : i ' ' � "" 7
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responsibility, Chief of Support, TSD,
shall have right of unlimited access to
the substantive and administrative records
An annual written review by the project
monitor setting forth in reasonable detail
the nature of the work performed, the
prospects for reqults of eventual opera-
tional significance, and a recommendation
for continuance or termination of the project.
Testing of MKULTRA materials and devices shall only
be.performed in accredited 'research institutions under
accepted scientific procedures.'
h. Chief, Technical Services Division, shall brief the
Deputy Director/Plans at least semi-annually on
MKULTRA activities. The Deputy Director/Plans
after each briefing shall promptly notify the Deputy
Director of Central Intelligence that he has personally
conducted a semi-annual review of the program.
The MKULTRA program be audited in accordance
with the provisions of HR ?21_including auditor access
to substantive as well as administrative records.
,2 Sfi:C:171.
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SECLP,V.1 Parana
3 April 1953
. MEMDRANDUM FOR:� Director, Central 1ntel3igence
SUBJECT: Two Extremely Sensitive Research Programs
� 1. Approximately 6% of the TSS research and development effort lies in
� two highly sensitive fields in which it is not possible to conduct the work
through the customary contracts for security reasons and other considerations.
2. 'These two sensitive fields are:
' a) Covert studies of biological and chemical warfare
� 3. Permission of the DCI is requested to handle work in these two
� fields in the manner outlined in Tab A without contracts and with reimburse-
ment to be made. against invoices properly certified by TSS.
4. All controls established in the PRC approval of the original Re-
search Program (other than signing of a contract) would remain unchanged. -
Periodic financial and progress reports will be made. All documents will be
retained by TSS. �
new hinds are involved. This procedure would apply to lungs -
previously approved for research.
6. Tab B is a memorandum to the Deputy Director (Administration) for
your signature authorizing this procedure.
Richard Helms
Acting Deputy Director (Plans)
Attachments: (2)
Tab A - Description of Project MKUITRA and
the controls which will be exercised
over its execution.
Tab 11.- Suggested Memorandum from DCI to -
. mp/A authorizing payment of invoices'.
- under Project MIURA
Addressee . Orig & 1 Wittachments
DD/P - 1 To/attachments . �
TSS/0C - 1 w/attachments
- Exec. Reg.. 1/attachments .
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� securIty Information
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Extremely Sensitive Research and Development Programs
� 1. On 6 June 1952, the Project Review Committee approved the TSS
Research Program for Fiscal _
. Year 1953.
2. The PRC approval authorized the Director of Research, at his dis-
cretion and with the approval of the Research Chairman, to apportion
anti obligate the research funds among individual projects, such projects
to be subject to the usual Agency procedures and administrative
controls. �
� 3. This Research Program has been actively underway since the middle
of 1952 and has gathered considerable momentum during the past few
� Months. It is now evident on the basis of work currently underway that
� approximately 94% of the projects contemplated can be handled through
regular procurement channels by means of the customary contracts
signed jointly by the Agency and the organization undertaking to carry
� out the work. It has also become apparent that approximately 6% of
the projects are of such an ultra-sensitive nature that they cannot and
� should not be handled by means of contracts which would associate CIA
or. the Government with the work in question. This 6% of the current
research effort now lies entirely within two well-defined fields of
endeavor, namely:
��/(a) Research to develop a capability in the covert use of �
�biological and chemical materials. This area involves the
production of various physiological conditions which could
Support present or future clandestine operations. Aside
� from the offensive potential, the development of a compre-
hensive capability in this field of covert chemical and bio-
logical warfare gives us a thorough knowledge of the enemy's
theoretical potential, thus enabling us to defend ourselves
against a foe who might not be as restrained in the uie of
tscuriti InFormation
� 11
I 1.
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these techniques as we are. For example: we intend to
investigate the development of a chemical material which
causes a reversible non-toxic aberrant mental state, the
specific nature of which can be reasonably well predicted for
each 'individual. This material could potentially aid in dis-
crediting individuals, eliciting information, implanting
suggestion and other forms of mental control;
(b) Research and engineering development in the field of
4. It is highly undesirable from a policy and security point of view that
contracts should be signed indicating Agency or Government interest
in either of these two fields. In a great many instances the work in
field (a) must be conducted by individuals who are not and should not be
aware of our interest. In all cases dealing with field (b), it is mandatory
that any connection with the Agency should be known only to an absolute
minimum number of people who have been specifically cleared for this
purpose. In no case should any manufacturer or supplier be aware of
Government interest.
� 5; In many cases in field (a) where the researcher can be cleared and
may be aware of our interest in the program, he is unwilling to have his
name on a contract which remains out of his control in our files.
Experience has shown that qualified, competent individuals in the field
of pharmacological, physiological, psychiatric and other biological
sciences are most reluctant to enter into signed agreements of any sort
which connect them with this activity since such a connection would
jeopardize their professional reputations.
6. Even internally in CIA, as few individuals as possible should be
aware of our interest in these fields and of the identity of those who are
working for us. At present this results in ridiculous contracts, often
with cut-outs, which do not spell out the scope or intent of the work
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/�/and which contain terms which the cut-out cannot incorporate in his
./ contract with the researcher without revealing Government interest.
Complete Government audits of such contracts are impossible for�
the same reason.
7. It is, therefore, requested that the DCI authorize TSS to handle 6%
of the previously approved research budget
� for FY '53 without the establishment of formal contractual relations.
This program will be known as Project MKULTRA.
8. It is suggested that payment of invoices under Project MKULTRA
forwarded by TSS be authorized, provided that:
� (a) the total of such invoices does not exceed 6%. for
Fiscal Year 1953;
(b) the invoices carry a certification by the TSS Research
Director that payment of funds is authorized and that. the
invoices represent work accomplished within the program
approved by the DCI under Project MKULTRA as outlined
in this memorandum;
(c) the invoices carry the certification of the Executive
Secretary of the Research Board that the scope of the program
has been approved;
(d) the invoices carry the certification of the cognizant TSS
Division Chief that the work has been satisfactory from a
technical point of view.
9. It should be emphasized that this authorization does not involve any
new allocation of funds, but mirely applies to a portion of a previously
approved budget. The TSS certifications mentioned above will mean
(a) the project is being handled under the conditions set forth
In this description and specifically falls within one of the
two ultra-sensitive fields mentioned above;
(b) the project has been approved in the manner provided for
in the PRC document which originally set up and approved
*the over-all TSS Research Program. Each project will thus
have been presented by the Chief of the Division monitoring
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the work to the Research Director and to the Research
Chairman and will have, as in the past, to be approved
by both before any expenditures are made;
(c) technical control over the project will be exercised by
the TSS Division Chief and Project Engineers to the same
extent now applying to projects handled in the normal fashion.
Technical reports will be rendered when necessary and
advisable and will be available for inspection in TSS files
at any time;
(d) in the case of each project, TSS will reach an understanding
with the individuals who will perform the work as to the
conditions under which the work will be performed and re-
� imbursement arranged. No standard contract will be signed.
In some cases when possible, a memorandum of agreement
will be signed and retained in the TSS files. Under no
circumstances would copies of such agreements leave TSS
files where they will be kept available for inspection;
(e) the manner in which the work will be handled and methods
of maintaining Agency 'and Government sterility will be worked
out with the Inspection & Security Office as in the past, and
clearance of individuals to the extent deemed necessary by
TSS and I & SO will be obtained;
(f) invoices, when received by TSS, will be forwarded to
Finance Division for payment and will be certified as outlined
in Paragraph 8 above. Whenever documents are available
supporting a portion or all of a given invoice, such as cancelled
checks, receipted bills, etc., these will be requested by TSS
and retained in the TSS files in support of the invoice, where
� they will at all times be available for inspection. They will
not be forwarded with the invoices. Such documents at best
will only cover a portion of the total expenditures, and regular
� audit procedures will not be followed;
(g) other provisions and controls over the Research Program
. specified in the original PRC approval will remain unaltered.
Technical progress under the separate projects.handled under
4 ,
Project MKULTRA will be included whenever necessary in
'ty Information
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T. S. 87624
the regular progress reports now submitted by the Director
of Research. The monthly budget and financial report being
submitted by TSS to DD/A will include full financial informa-
tion on these projects, including how much of the '6%
has been committed, how much has been spent and how much
10. The establishment and approval of Project MKULTRA will allow
TSS to undertake highly desirable and necessary research in these two
sensitive fields which would not be possible unless the work can be
handled in this manner.
� Addressee - Orig. Et 1
DD/P - 1
TSS/OC - 1
Exec. Registry - I
ity Idcrir.vion
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Setority Informat(oti
APR 10. IJD3
t Project IvIKULTRA - Extremely Sensitive
Research and Development Program
1. On 6 June 1952. the Project Review Committee approved
the DD/P/TSS Research Program
for Fiscal Year 1953.
� 2. The PRC approval authorized the Director of Research,
at his discretion and with the approval of the Research Chairman1 to
obligate the research funds and apportion them among individual 1-ro-
� jects. such projects to be subject to the usual Agency procedures and
administrative controls.
.3. A small part of the Research Program contemplated by TSS
and discussed with me consists of ultra-sensitive work. The nature of
the research and the security considerations involved preclude handling
the projects by means of the usual contractual agreements.
4. I have, therefore, approved the obligation and expenditure by
TSS of 6% of the total budget I already approved by the PRC.:
for research for FY '53 without the signing of the usual contracts or
other written agreements. .
� 5. This 6% will be handled as Project MKULTRA.
Would you please make the necessary arrangements so that invoices
forwarded by TSS applying to MKULTRA will be paid, provided that:
a) in the aggregate, they do not exceed 6% for FY '53
without further authorization from me;
b) each invoice is to bear a certification by the Chief.
Ueurity informatics
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DDIP/TSS, as the Research Director, that the invoice
� applies to Project Ws:ULTRA and that the conditions �
outlined in the DD/P memorandum for DCI &Ted 3 April
have been corni,lied with. The certification will also
request that payment be made;
the invoice shall bear the certification of the Executive
Secretary of the Research Board that the scope of the
program has been approved;
d) the invoice shall bear the certifkation of the cognizant
TSS Division Chief that the work has been satisfactorily
performed from a technical.point of view and has been
carried out in accordance with the understandings reached
between TSS and the individual or concern doing the work.
6. No further documents will be required to justify payment of
the invoices. Exacting control will be maintained over the Project by
TSS. Although no formal contract will be signed, it will occasionally
be possible for TSS to sign an informal agreement with the individual
or concern performing the work. In stiah cases. TSS will retain in its
files all documents. TSS will endeavor wherever possible to obtain
documentary support of invoices, such as cancelled checgcs, receipted
bills, etc., and these will remain in TSS files. Such documents at best
will only cover a portion of the total exiJenditures, and the regular audit
procedure will not be followed.
7. Other provisions and control over the Research Program
specified in the original IRC approval remain unaltered. The monthly
budget and financial record being submitted by TSS to DD/A will include
� financial information on the work being conducted under Project MciULTRA,
showing how much of the 6% has been committed, how much has
been spent, and bow much remains.
Director, Central Intelligence
� Addressee - Orig. lc 1
DDIP - 1
- 1
Exec. Registry - 1 SECRET
sdarity Information
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Security %r': fmAt;oe
21 April 1953
1. Project MKULTRA was established by means of a memorandum
dated 3 April 1953 from DD/P to DCI as a result of which on 13 April
1953, DCI wrote to DD/A approving the project subject to certain controls
and limitations which TSS has agreed to maintain.
2. In order to comply with these controls, subprojects under MKULTRA
will be handled as outlined in the DD/P memorandum to the DCI dated
3 April 1953. In brief:.
(a) A separate file will be kept on each subproject. The
foundation of each file will be an agreement between
TSS and the contractor outlining the work to be done,
� the conditions under which it will be accomplished, the
� estimated costs of so doing, etc. Wherever possible,
� this agreement will be signed by both parties, but in
� extreme cases need not be signed by the contractor.
In such an event, it is still necessary to prepare such a
document outlining the verbal agreement and listing
dates and places when meetings took place.
At the same time, the Division Chief will prepare a
memorandum for file outlining the scope of the program,
the reasons for its activation, etc., and containing all
pertinent information. This memorandum will bear the
Research Chairman
Date: Date:
Reaearch Director
� 3ft-wily Inhumation
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Se:Laity 11611,01m
(c) When preparing_(b), the Division Chief will also prepare
a memorandum addressed to the Comptroller, Attention:
Finance Division. This memorandum will state that
subproject hao been approved, and $ of the
over-all project MKULTRA funds have been obligated to
cover the project's expenses. This memorandum will be
signed by the Division Chief and will provide space for the
� approval of the Research Director and the Research .
Chairman as outlined above. This memorandum will
allow Finance to obligate funds so they will not be lost
at the end of the Fiscal Year and will provide a document
� against which action can be taken when invoices are
� later presented for payment. This memorandum should
contain absolutely no technical details or information as
to the scope of the work. Copies of the memorandum will
be prepared for:.
Comptroller, Original and� A
Exec. Sec'y., Res. Board - 1
� TSS/Budget - 1
TSS Registry - I
Initiating Division, whatever number is
(d) Memoranda (b) and (c) will be presented together to the
Research Director and the Research Chairman for
signature. Memorandum (b) will be returned for inclu-
sion in the project file, and memorandum (c) will be
routed to TSS/Budget, TSS/Supply & Services, TSS
Registry and Comptroller.
� (e) It will be the responsibility of the Division Chief handling
the project to see that the Research Director is kept in-
formed of progress and that reports, correspondence with
the contractor and other documents are kept in the project
When an invoice is received by the Division, it shall be
forwarded to Chief, Finance Division, via TSS/Budget
Officer, with a memorandum stating it applies to subproject
under Project MKULTRA. The memorandum
should provide any special instructions involving method of
payment, i. e., whether, by check or cash, etc. The
following certifications must appear on the invoice or be
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TEct�Ity Int or matie4
attached to it:
(1) "It is hereby certified that this is Invoice No.
applying to subproject of Project MKULTRA,
that technical performance by (name of the contractor)
has been satisfactory, that the work was accomplished
in accordance with the mutual agreement reached with
(name of contractor), that this bill is just and correct
and that payment thereof has not yet been made..
(Division Chief)"
(2) "It is hereby certified that this invoice applies to
subproject under Project MKULTRA which was
duly approved and that the project has been carried out
in accordance with the DD/P memorandum to DCI dated
3 April 1953 and the DCI memorandum to DD/A dated
13 April 1953. Payment is authorized and requested.
Research Director"
(3) "It is hereby certified that the scope of the program of
subproject of Project MKULTRA has been approved.
. ' TSS/OC:cvsr/jel (20 April 1953)
AiSS/OC - Orig. & 1
TSS/CD - 1
Security Infer matioe
3 -
Exec. Seciy. , Res. Bd."
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Tc. Lc
e- f
�. � 22 July 1960
20 October 1952
a. WDCDELTA materials are certain chemical and biological materials
(including K and L tablets) capable of producing human behavioral or
physiological changes. Such materials may be obtained only in accord-
ance with the provisions of this instruction.'
b. The provisions of the instruction are not intended to cover those mate-
rials commonly known as harassment materials..
e. The use of MKDELTA materials will be limited to situations in the ex-
ercise of official duties which clearly justify such use.
i b. Their issuance will be strictly controlled and will require in each in-
stance The written approval of the Deputy Director (Plans).
IIKDELTA materials not used for the purpose for which they were issued
will be promptly returned to TSD; on-the-shelf storage against possible
future needs will not be permitted..
a. Informal discussion of the requirement to determine its technical feasi-
� bility will be held with TSD before preparation of any formal request or
any coordination with other elements.
� �
b. Requests for the issuance of these materials will be prepared in memo-
randum form for the sienature of the Chief or Deputy Chief of the Op-
erating Division or Staff concerned. No other signature is authorized.
c. This memorandum will be routed first to any other division(s) or staff(s)
whose coordination is necessary, then to the Chief, TSD, who will append
his comments and zeturn it to the originator for transmittal to the Deputy
Director (Plans) for approval. Transmittal of the memorandum will be
on an Eyes Only basis.
d. Procedures used in the past that may have differed from the abovo will
no longer be used.
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11 A ��� 1 �
� ,.0
23 July 1960
I The Chief, TSD, win maintain a record of all issuances, to include the date
I of issuance, the name and signature of the immediate recipient, and a refer-
ence to the approved memorandum request, which he will keep in a readily
available supporting file.
Deputy Director
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� 1:1.,
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*. Through 8 May 1963.
7 IXatt
8.7 .
'1444#414.4. "
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