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A proved for Release: 2019/01/17 C06766051 %OW Sre no, TO AZET Noe SC No. 01917/68 � CENTRAL INTELLIGEICE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence 2 February X968 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM The Situation in South. Vietnam No. 8 oD -Ci4. Or) 1. The Communist Tot offensive continued into its fourth day with Communist forces resisting al- lied mopping-up operations within, or on the out- skirts of key cities throughout South Vietnam. The Lighting in Saigon is subsiding; hew:over, the Com- munists still maintain strong positions in the prov- incial capitals of Hue, Kontum;;Dan Me Thuot, Da Lat, and several cities in the delta provinces. 2. Enemy losses continue', to soar with US mili- tary authorities in Saigon claiming well over 10,000 Communists killed in the first, three days of fight- ing. An additional 3,000 suspect Communists have reportedly been detained. By Contrast only some 1,700 individual and crew-served enemy weapons have been recovered in the fighting. Friendly losses now total 559 killed (232 US) and Oome 2,300 wounded (1,000 US). 1 3. Saigon WAN relatively quiet during the night of 1-2 February. In ear1y morning action, however, the Viet Cong overran two South Vietnamese 'police precinct stations. Sporadic firing was re- ported at several other points. in the city and fighting continued early, this morning near Tan Son Nhut airbase just northwest of the capital. Only limited aircraft traffic Was permitted at the air- field due to reports of an imminent rocket attack. 1 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C06766051 EO t- 13526 3.3(h)(2 EO , 13526 3.5(p) 3.5(c) 3.5(c CO2833598 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C06766051 NOW 'OW N.% WV' 'MO � as' Sabi 4. Available evidence indicates that the enemy troops involved in the Saigon area were mostly in the 16 to 18 age bracket and were well armed with modern automatic rifles and rocket launchers. Sev- eral prisoners stated that they had infiltrated into the city in civilian clothes wherb they were armed from weapons caches which had been set up well in advance. The enemy in Saigon did not appear to be well trained, although their morale was high in the early stages of the fighting. 3. Several enemy units in the city have been tentatively identified as Viet Con g units from the Mekong Delta and from as far west as Tay Minh Prov- ince. Reports of North Vietnamese units in the Saigon fighting have not been confirmed, but north- erners assigned to nearby Viet Cons units as cadre and fillers possibly participated. 6./ /the Communists are planning to organize popular demonstrations in the callital to protest the "wanton and indiscriminate killing and burning of homes" by allied forces. The 'government has begun to organize special civic action teams to counter these efforts. Corps 7. The city of Hue is stili the focal point of stubborn enemy resistance in Smith Vietnam's northern I Corps area. The rest of the major cities in the northern provinces are under the control of allied forces, although scattered attacks were con- ducted against some of them on 14 February. 8. Hue: The two-square-mile, walled citadel area is gm partially occupied by enemy forces this Morning. Two South Vietnamese armored battalions are commited to the clearing operatiOns around the citadel, and a US let Air Cavalry :battalion may be added to the effort. Three other South Vietnamese battalions have encountered stiff enemy resistanca in clearing operations in some areas on the outskirts of the city. All US and South Vietnamese installa- tions within Hue remain under allied control. - 2 - Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C06766051 3.5(c) 35(c) 3.3(h)(2) CO2833598 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C06766051 \Mr �ftr. Noe 'vow 9. Cam Lo: The Combined Adtion Platoon Head- quarters at. Cat to was attacked with mortar and small arms fire early today. The enemy was forced to withdraw afteria heavy six-hour battle. 10. Phu Loc: The Phu Loc Area, located some 25 miles sciali-Ur Huelwas subjected to a day-long attack, which ended late last night.- The Phu Lee District Headquarters and village were reported secure; however, a sizeable enemy throat'is believed still in the general area. Accbrding to an unconfirmed report, the US Marine base at Phu toe wadi overrun at one point in the fighting. 11. Tam- Ky and Quang Ngai: Both of these prov- incial capraUFIAZTWANW6Z-BY Communist mortarmen during the night of 1-2 February: The bombardment of Tam Ky reportedly included artillery fire. No reports of casualties or damage have been received. 12. Duy Xuyen: This district capital located several miroW irEwest of Hoi An in coastal Quang NaM Province was reported still under the control of an unknown-sized enemy force. 'A South Korean brigade has moved into the area in preparation for �a counterattack later today. II Corps oaramou������������������������� 13. Kontum: Tho most serious threat in the II Corps aia-Fcintinuea to exist .in the city of Kontum in the western highlands. The enemy con- tinues attacks in and around the city, and has es- tablished strongpoints in several:buildings, in- cluding pagodas and churches. An entire North Vietnamese battalion is still believed in control of approximately half of the city. The airfield has been cleared out is now open to emergency traffic. 14. Ban Me Thuot: At last report, elements of the NorTE-Vietnameso 33rd Regiment were still occupying most of the city. Two South Vietnamese 23rd Infantry Division battalions, together with US units, are attempting to regain control of the city. The airfield is still opoa, but has been hit by mortar and small arms fire. _3 _ Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C06766051 3.5(c) 3.5(c) CO2833598 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C06766051 *so � 'qui^-� bie %Mr 15. Da Lai:: At last roport,'Communist forces still hola-in-market place in the center of town as well as scattered strongpoints'within the city. South Vietnamese forces are loading the effort to drive the attackers out of the city. 16. an An: A total of 208 enemy troops were reported kraird-during a fierce two-hour battle yes- terday, when they attempted to overrun this village which is located some 15 miles southwest of Pleiku. The village was defended by South Vietnamese irregulars who sustained light losses. 17. Phan Thiot: Heavy figliting WRS still re- ported fronithis coastal provincial capital through the mid-morning of 2 February. Tho MACV and Sector Headquarters compounds have not yet� come under attack. US and South Vietnamese troops have established a blocking position and are presently attempting to sweep through the city in an effort to drive the attackers out. III Corps IS. To the north of Saigon in in Corps--the area where the current Communist campaign has so far been the lightest�several new attacks wore reported during the night of 1-2 February. Xuan Loc, the capital of Long Khanh Province, was under heavy attack throughout the night. One Viet Cong platoon penetrated into the town, but by morning allied reac- tion troops had cleared them out. First reports indi- cated that US And South Vietnamese casualties were light in the action. Other enemy assaults and mortar attacks occurred in Phuoc Thy, Hau Nghia, and Tay Ninh but few details were available. IV Corps 19. In the Mekong Delta, Sharp fighting con- tinues within several provincial capitals and a num- ber of smaller towns. 20. Some 700-800 Viet Cong are still believed to be inside Ben Tre, the capital of Kien Hoa Prov- inco,,vohore two companies of the US 0th Infantry Division companies have arrived to reinforce ARVN 1 - 4 - , _NA.TORPJON P:APRM__ Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C06766051 CO2833598 ,����, .0) � Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C06766051 � � 'Fp P�SEC�111.Tr� forces. Heavy fighting occurred during the night in the provincial capital of Vinh Long. A US Navy patrol boat base in the city was overrun but later retaken . by South Vietnamese forces. 21. Allied troops were aleo engaged with Viet Cong forces in Can Tho, My Tho and Moe Roa, the capital of nen Tuong Province; The latter city was under heavy mortar and rocket attack early this morning. The Viet Cong were reborted using loud- speakers to appeal to. ARVN troops to lay down their arms. Prospects for the Immediate Future 22. The situation reported at SA Dec is char- acteristic of many areas in Smith Vietnam, where enemy forces have been pushed out of the urban area. but continue to maintain positions on strategic ground nearby. It seems possible that, in some areas, the Communist units will attempt to renew their attacks on urban areas, or will attempt tp remain nearby in . an effort to keep the situation tense and the populace intimidated. 23. Although the enemy units so far involved in the current action have reportedly taken heavy losses in some of the fighting, it appears certain that the enemy high command was fully prepared to sacrifice these units in their entirety, if necessary, in order to carry out the offensive.* This would strongly suggest that the enemy has not thrown his full weight into the current effort, but that it is rather a careful, selective application of his power. In the bitterly contested fighting in Rue, for ex- ample, only elements of the North Vietnamese 6th Regiment have been identified, along with a few, possible local force elements. This would indicate, in view of the standard PE for the area, that at least one other full NVA regiment is in this sector, and at least three other regiments within 20 miles. 24. Although the Commuiiists are probably in- capable, in the immediate future, at least, of again mounting a coordinated attack against so many targets as in the past four days, they do appear to have Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C06766051 4.4:1 3.5(c) 3.5(c 3.5(c) 002833598 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C06766051 vie 1%0 '�0.0 � ';41' .110C1R-ErECTUF.T "41.� tho necessary punch in reserve to keep up heavy pres- sure on selected semi-urban and urban areas for a considerable period. Prospects for Much enemy pres- sure appear good. � 25. Khe Sanh: The situation in the Khe Sanh area of western quang Tri Province remains static. Tho US Marino garrison there received a light mortar attack durfhg the night. According: to % rallier and a prisoner; however; the second phase of the Communist Khe Sanh offensive will begin on 3 February with "artillery, tanks, and twice as many troops." Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C06766051