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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
May 14, 2021
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Publication Date: 
August 18, 1961
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C 2. r- C ABSTRACT Approved for Release: 2019/04/23 C06766006 --57eRfi-- IrThse-� t (WHEN FILLED IN) ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET ' � � MFR. , FEB. 60' INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO FILING TO: ACTION BRANCH 1. Fill in Sect. 2. on back. Detaoh back flap and forward to RID. 2. Destroy front cover sheet, unless it records significant action taken or. comments requiring preservation. If file no: anetitle shown are not proper, insert-proper file no. below and forward document to RID/AN. FROM: I. PROPER FILE NO. TO: ALL ADDRESSEES PILL. IN SECTION I ON BACK. IF APPROPRIATE COMMENTS TO ROOM NO. 4/ dr-4 CP' .202,3-- DATE Z:141;VII0 PORWARDCD /44? OFISCRR'S INITIAL* 4247 .3 5. E/012. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. e/( eie khig 11. : 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. k1. 17. RID/Fl TRACE REQUEST I. 'INDEX u s. DATE MICROFILMED Foam 6 I 00 USE PREVIOUS 12.59 EDITIONS f PILE TITLE FILE NUMBER (PRIMARY � - � ' 6") �:�:; '[.� 13,9"AgnVY/OPE'.�-�fX.:' � 'E.G6P42153.79 � : Approved for Release: 2019/04/23 C06766006 Approved for Release: 2019/04/23 C06766006 ;ii,47.41z ' ' � i;" . 1 plempr:paalim ����� � kfroy"--'�W*5! -� � 4 � � = T4i!) � olck � 7.74,-.Avv.�..,47,0� � � 9hiefof...Station4Mprqww, oicuokfT ';'' � � �����,E,.. �. ALLIKAK/UPRILL t�e).031.*C01,111/..0.��*. : WA0011.01011 � � 1.4�Er1.�,�1 1 osioinct� �::.,�� � - ��� .23::Dege0Of � � � .A-5762, .7 ..41lig9et�'`;3;9, ��� ,'" �.� � ' �� � -� PX Raferande..".�.4;�: transmi .:::,������inteif..oepta dire p ' ��� � :*N; 7 -*"-� � � � � .... � . Cfl4YUBOL Kor�c:son � ,2. GOA=1:5579.4.?11:::;�!.1, � � NifialIMIPPIP�1 NO, ,�.' ' � � � 'f! � 4�1,040:04.96:V:�� � OI1REN;434i-(CHECX -X" ON t. . . � � .. ...;�,....;.�.� , �,e's V ri:..4.%,;�,.,t. ;7�Ceriany. onlyit: .;77.7"..'. ; ' � .,17;.... 7 .a. . �".7::::..:,:c.:::??.... 1!..,....4 .....7.7:2if.t' 7 .. . � s', ..-3 -. � -711.4... , . . 0; ,;:t.,14. 4 gst,0-��;!..`,11 . � iies....ieqUeetadjit atjoic94:9,:Ohter�-� send 89.;� thia....ri,a41;24;�?:fuill..70,1$#POdfte ' !-::.; 1;;:theifcitureiyou..:.'sei4k;all.:XERTEN � ::. f�. ' 't.'.e.end:. qoP,It.illitC . . hOR,..-MATntny..�?:: .v .�. � ���.i !,,,,..!':. ,i.;,,,...... ��� .�����w.t. ..t.: 4....,.,:- �:�;40e,.�������,.. .� ;.?: �� � ." � .. ..,2.: '''MLBs While L'.� � � t 9. pa, 40 t." .wish:. tapeiir.p... the:Sul]. kintex�pepte . ..!... they have requested '.reoeiw4g4art 4.,FexoepptsoCutiiining.'arkPr4ii:prmation.2 �.�,;:::: ''. L., Of . particular .intarast .rt0'..#ev?..eff.4.. �;.';'''''si, nrly. each :. info xluitiiiini.:' i3roi viesiii !Jew ,:ths,,Atie.,rAeRztal'ipu. � cone. 'taro aa 'i�.:; :. � ',.7.!...9': ,, .:!:;,..:7.1.i."':. �,.::.:t47,,-;;!:..:.�:.4,431..4.!:C. .,. ����3'.9'',:COS -.�"---1*,;(�?�In.:!�:thit. isq UnOA� Of -1.ntorOePtie,(ooSreg1ng'..'thei pariod. 11 July ..,to,,5-z.An a t.p..1961) , o p4,4#41e4tfe#6'..grt'J-34:iirOisation. �Vb e t w.e en � ItERTEIP'azice fli:*�:::IIIKOLOP017403.%. 40'...July�1561';.�?e,RIKOLOPOOLOS ;asked �'� . '!...'. WEETEM.: what Was -.nee and MERTEN rola ,...i. XitiChe i.had','..kain:.';ao?biei:cat';,�the � office ' thaV�Iii�!�hadnt t �-halk..zinaorh :-, ..**;Aitql:.tOin.VOilivitiiia�44,:k.E.q1;t, 91d l; ' :..4'.�i: NIKOtilPOULOS, bOwewer,��=tiiatir.wheneWa. .;�fo*...hii�;;Riziai;: tile� tionahrhich; well May , take place .'. early next. year P.tta 'Oefin.l.tely;'d'anided1.?11)0.r�i'0.11s...ifogl.d . agaih :become. aotive.."-.. We exelf*alaC..�:.:FOlie.idlng iii�44teroapt�>49345July;��which." - : VGARKED-COIVINDEXING; ANCI-INDEXINGUIEQUIRED � ' !INDEXING:CAN�DEtUDGED �� � I.MQUAWFIP:�B�L DE,SX ONLY ' � Poirtoks:tAiia,46.4z,,:i.].11: . may :�he ..ef intersa�P�tO �'�� V. Pi �, "*.;1, � - .,... .�.:�::?i.:,.� � :,.r�-� :-..� : -','5J.E.,ki,.4 iV -.-'". ' ��!...- �0...!*; �-'� ' ' �.� .' :7" � � � . :&3,---:;;;' � .if;,riri;v:/t.. � '1,,�� -: t.,tql.!. '' ''' r"! 4 J-y44,, ��-.11.2,~1V.Irri:1:��::.: - � .1t.,,,!..� ....:::!�:�.....,.......,:::7:41. 7).1..!:��''!5�C .:!�:;51,t�;:71'. �� ... �,3.!:-:�� '������:. . � � ,�`. Approved for Release: 2019/04/23 C06766006