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December 6, 1974
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Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762119 'Nov Weekly Summary C -Scent_ No. 0049/74 0049/74 6 December 1974 Copy Ng 71 Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762119 Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762119 The WEEKLY SUMMARY, issued every Friday morning by the Office of Current Intelligence, reports and analyzes signif- icant developments of the week through noon on Thursday. It frequently includes material coordinated with or prepared by the Office of Economic Research, the Office of Strategic Research, and the Directorate of Science and Technology. Topics requiring more comprehensive treatment and therefore published separately as Special Reports are listed in the contents. CONTENTS (December 6, 1974) 1 Tensions Rise on Cyprus MID HEN NR Record (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762119 Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762119 'Nor/ -SLEGRE-T- Niese' Tensions Rise on Cyprus oncern has mounted on all sides over the possibility that Archbishop Makarios' scheduled return to Cyprus this weekend will trigger vio- lence between pro- and anti-Makarios factions in the Greek Cypriot sector of the island. Greek Cypriot security authorities have taken extra precautions to curb possible hostilities, and Turkish military forces are prepared to intervene should the fighting become widespread and threaten Turkish Cypriot civilians in the south. Meanwhile, the results of a summit meeting between Greek and Greek Cypriot leaders have Makarios with Clerides (c) and Karamanlis Ti provided a ray of hope for prospects of an eventual negotiated settlement of the Cyprus problem. In a communique released on December 1, following two days of talks, Archbishop Makarios, Acting President Clerides, and Greek Prime Minister Karamanlis noted that agreement had been reached on a negotiating position and that written instructions will be drawn up and given to Clerides so that he may begin substantive negotiations with the Turkish Cypriots -SE-e-RE-T-- Page 1 WEEKLY SUMMARY Dec 6, 74 Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762119 Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762119 --"SE--eRET Clerides (I) and Denktash (r) Clerides returned to Nicosia on December 2 and two days later held another of his weekly meetings with Turkish Cypriot Vice President Denktash. While they continued to focus on humanitarian issues, Clerides doubtlessly gave pired in Athens. no date was set or another meeting pending Makarios' return and a further clarification of the Greek Cypriot posi- tion. In Ankara, Turkish officials warned that Makarios' return to Cyprus could torpedo the talks between Clerides and Denktash and could lessen the chance for a negotiated settlement. They also warned that Turkish forces on Cyprus would take "necessary measures" to protect Turkish Cypriots living in the Greek Cypriot sector should their safety be endangered by an outbreak of intercommunal fighting. As a pre- cautionary measure, martial law was extended another month in four of Turkey's provinces. Turkish forces in Cyprus as well as some mainland air force units were placed on alert. While the Turkish moves reflect a genuine concern about the safety of Turkish Cypriots on the island, they are probably intended to en- courage Makarios to 'accede to the more moderate positions of Clerides and Karamanlis or even to cancel his return to the island. Makarios has restated his intention to return on December 7, however, although the timing could change for security reasons. Pro-Makarios groups in the Greek Cypriot sector are preparing to give Makarios a rousing welcome. Once on the island, the archbishop is expected to limit his movements for security reasons, holding a series of consultations with leading members of the Greek Cypriot com- munity at his residence. Eventually, he is likely to make some personnel changes in the government to consolidate his position. In the meantime, national guard and police officials have instituted strict security measures and are bracing for the possibility of violence. These officials reportedly believe that EOKA-B, the terrorist organization that participated in the July coup against Makarios, has been weakened and that responsible EOKA-B leaders now realize that Greek Cypriot unity is essential in the months ahead in view of the Turkish threat. At the same time, they do not discount the pos- sibility that an extremist splinter group or in- dividual might attempt to assassinate the arch- bishop. The security officials also expect that at least some anti-Makarios activity, including bomb- ings, may occur, particularly in the Larnaca and Limassol districts, but that it is likely to be limited. Moreover, a number of killings are ex- pected in the coming weeks as members of op- posing factions seek revenge for the death of friends and relatives during the July coup. In the long run, the level of violence will depend on the willingness of Makarios to seek reconciliation with his opponents and the extent to which he can control his own followers. -SEeRE-T- Page 2 WEEKLY SUMMARY Dec 6, 74 Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762119