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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
March 19, 2019
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
March 11, 1968
' ALL FBI INFORMATApproved for Release: 2018/11/02 006760568 HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 09-14-2017 BY � SEC/ET SPECIAL HANDLING 11 MARCH 1968 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director. Federal Bureau of Investigation Attention: Mr. S. J. Papich SUBJECT : HUNTER 7i,24 Attached is item64 68B07BS which may be of internal security interest to you. FOR THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR (PLANS) : Att. Special Notation: Info. from Bureau Inf. 200 No dissemination outside Bureau Use for lev/1 putl-nNI only Do not m.-,* If furnl -ass .� _U.S. Jor illegible _Conte/its j : _Contents of no 'int.:1!.;.-,croce value � _Russian ietor of no value but translation should be retained. 9 8 MAY 7 1968 SEC/ET � 90,,yrie fames Angleton :102 REC 5 a ZiFiS 01101), twdodod hoot outoonotte dowprodiag owd dwdeggiricodow b6 Per I(b)(3) "c (b)(7)(c) b3 Per FBI b7E (b)(3) (b)(7)(e) Approved for Release: 2018/11/02 006760568 ALL FBI INEXIWATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 09-14-2017 BY[ V�3 Approved for Release: 2018/11/02 006760568 _ POCK, M. D. mtnicov Avr.xur. TORE. NEW YORK 10022 rEt I U.S.Sfrritt-atte-my Medical Sciences 051coW, U.S.S.R. b3 Per FBI 1,7E Approved for Release: 2018/11/02 006760568 ALL FBI INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 09-14-2017 BY Approved for Release: 2018/11/02 006760568 b6 Per EB(b)(3) b7C (b)(7)(c) 81:CRIMMITALruorm (212) 421.1085 BENJAMIN SPOCK, M. D. fiECIWTARIAJ. ADDRESS (1711RD FLOOR) 538 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK. NEW YORK 10022 U.S.S.R. Academy Medical Sciences Moscow, U.S.S.R. Dear January 31, 1968 (b)(6) I and the other defendents appreciated greatly your message of moral support. It was actually delivered to us while we were in the United States Courthouse in Boston, waiting for the judge to hear our pleas of."Not Guilty." We were pleased to hear that our efforts to end the war in Vietnam have been appreciated in the Soviet Union. I myself was particularly delighted to receive, a friendly message from colleagues in medical science. We are not discouraged or dismayed by our govern- ment's effort to silence us. We believe that increasing numbers of thoughtful American people are coming to oppose the war and that Lyndon Johnson is the one who is becoming uneasy. We intend to continue to attack the war. with all our energies. If we wj.n in the courts, we will have gained a historical victory. And if we are eventually sent to jail we will be a thorn in the side of the Johnson administration.. Sincerely, � (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2018/11/02 006760568