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Publication Date: 
February 19, 1965
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pproved for Release: 2018/08/07 C06758549 19.:F9bruary 1965: ocr NO,; :0277/65 061' . WEEKLY SUMMARY.:.: CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE cgg9S-A7 SECRET (b)(3) GROUP-.1- Excluded.from automatic :downgrading and deClassification Approved for Release: 2018/08/07 C06758549 Approved for Release: 2018/08/07 C06758549 T4.01 'rHIS MATE:RIM., CON'; 'A INS INFORMATION, AFFECT- ING. TT-TY: NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES TIE MEANING OF THE., ESPIONAGE 'LAWS, TITLE 18, TTSC, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, THE TRANSMIS- SioN OR. REVELATION OF WHICH: IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. Di 5SE INA ON CONTROLS This document MUST NOT BE RELEASED TO FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS., 11 rriorked with soecific dissemination donce wirh the provisions of DCID 1/7, docne=lt 77�0.15;t r indled within the framework of the i imitotion so irpoospri Approved for Release: 2018/08/07 C06758549 Approved for Release: 2018/08/07 C06758549 ASIA-AFRICA (continued) Page NR R ecord: CAMPAIGN BEGUN TO OVERTHROW BANDA'S RULE IN MALAWI A raid on a district headquarters probably signals the start of an effort by ousted cabinet members to over- throw the government of Prime Minister Banda. Foreign African nationalists, who resent Banda's collaboration with Portugal, may aid his opponents. 19 Feb 65 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY 16 Page iii NR Record Approved for Release: 2018/08/07 C06758549 Approved for Release: 2018/08/07 C06758549 SRN" CLASSIFIED MATERIAL ON REVERSE OF PAGE Approved for Release: 2018/08/07 C06758549 Approved for Release: 2018/08/07 C06758549 SECR.E- Asia-Africa CAMPAIGN BEGUN TO OVERTHROW BANDA'S RULE IN MALAWI Former cabinet ministers determined to overthrow Malawi's Prime Minister Banda have appar- ently.begun a terrorist campaign. Foreign_ African nationalists, who share the Malawi dissidents' resentment of Banda's collabora- tion with the Portuguese in neighboring Mozambique, may pro- vide at least covert aid to the rebels. During- the night of 12 Feb- ruary some 200 raiders struck two police stations and: a. post office at Fort Johnston, a dis- trict headquarters less than 100 miles from Zomba, the cap- ital. They cut all communica- tions.,, -seized 85 Weapons and several vehicles, and withdrew With no known casualties. This is the first instance of a con- certed Attack against government installations, although opposi- tion-claShes with Banda's Youth League have occurred sporadically since September, The raid probably was:. led by former education minister Hetry_ChipeMberei. who apparently has, remained in the FOrt. Johnston area, his hoMe. constituency, since he broke. withBandalast October. He has organized .a resistance movement while elud- ing intensive police searches. Chipembere purports to Maintain contact with five otherex-min- isters. who have settled in Tan- zania, where they have.SoliCited Support from foreign African na- tionalists 'by denouncing Banda's links with the Portuguese. The strike On Fort Johnston., which followed months Of Vague threats, Should enhance rebel prospects 19 Feb 65 of securing concrete foreign assistance. Banda is clearly aware of such a threat. Last month Ma- lawi police arrested ten agents of the Mozambique Liberation . Front (FRELIMO) who were smug- gling. arms and, ammunition from Tanzania to Mozambique. A general popular uprising in Malawi does not seem immi- nent, however,' ChiOembere and his former colleagues probably .have gained little mass support beyond the Fort Johnston dis- trict, although many civil serv- ants in Zomba have become dis- affected beCaUSe of Banda's in- creasingly arbitrary rule. Banda retains firm control of the Ma- lawi Congress Party, the coun- try's only political party. The army, comprising four in- fantry companies, and the 2,800- Man police force, officered by British expatriates, probably could Suppress any open resist- ance around Fort Johnston or Zomba. Few of the Fort Johnston raiders have been captured, how- ever, and they will almost cer- tainly continue their guerrilla Activities. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY Page 16 Approved for Release: 2018/08/07 C06758549