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Publication Date: 
June 17, 1980
Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C06757674 Nalional Foreign Assessmeni Center Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C06757674 Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C06757674 Warning Notice Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved (WNINTEL) National Security Unauthorized Disclosure Informntion Subject to Criminal Sanctions Dissemination Control Abbreviations NOFORN (NF) NOCONTRACT (NC) PROPIN (PP) NFIBONLY (NO) ORCON (OC) Not releasable to foreign nationals Not releasable to contractors or contractor/consultants Caution�proprietary information involved NFIB departments only Dissemination and extraction of information controlled by originator REL... FGI This information has been authorized for release to... Foreign government Information All material on this page is unclassified Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C06757674 Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C06757674 EAST ASIA REVIEW-1139. 17 June 1980 CONTENTS NR Record New Hebrides: South Seas Pandemonium NL 5 The secessionist movement in the New Hebrides underscores the seemingly unbridgeable internal divisions that fdce the South Pacific territory as it approaches independence as the new nation of Vanuatu. (b)(3) NR Record ' Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C06757674 Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C06757674 R670----...�2 (b)(3) New Hebrides: South Seas Pandemonitifil The secessionist movement in the New Hebrides under- scores the seemingly unbridgeable internal divisions that face the South Pacific territory as it approaches independ- ence as the new nation of Vanuatu. Governed jointly by the British and the French as a condominium for the past 74 years, the colony has separate British and French education, judicial, postal, and police systems, as well as two currencies. The task of creating unified national institutions from this chaotic arrangement is compounded by a cleavage between British-oriented and French-oriented islanders that poses an almost insurmount- able obstacle to fostering a sense of nationhood. The British-French dichotomy among the islanders was solidified last November by local elections for a govern- ment that would lead the condominium into independence. The landslide victory of the English speaking Vanuaaku Party added to the concern of outnumbered French-speaking islanders for their position after the colonial adminis- trators departed. Although the Frerch-oriented Na Griamel Party threatened secession of its island stronghold of Espiritu Santo, it held off in the belief that France would Continue to drag its feet on independence. France's grudging agreement in late May to the 30 July independence date set by the island assembly pushed Na Griamel--backed by French planters--to announce on 28 May the secession of Santo, largest in the New Hebrides chain. Faced with a lack of police forces to quell the re- bellion, the central government of Father Walter Lini, an Anglican priest who will beccme Prime Minister and who has been accused of being vaguely leftist, has attempted to isolate Santo by cutting communications and supplies. The British and French have moved in police and military reinforcements but have shown indecision and lack of co- operation in confronting the rebellion. 17 June 1980 5 -11try�T Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 006757674 Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C06757674 , Advice and money from the Phoenix Foundation, a free-enterprise organization of US business opportunists, have encouraged the rebels to continue defiance. Members of the foundation have been involved for several years in questionable land speculation Schemes in the-New Hebrides. They have found Na Griamel leader Jimmy Stevens, a charis- matic individual of part European background, a willing tool fo:r their ambition to establish a tax-free and regu- lation-free business haven on Santo. The French have long been uncooperative toward .Brit- ish efforts to devise a more rational form of government for the condominium and have been acCused of encouraging the rebellion by both the Lini government and the local British. administration. To counter this impression, Paris has assured Lini of its disapproval of. the separatists and of its intention to provide aid to the New Hebrides after independence. Last week the resident French commissioner flew to Santo to persuade Stevens to negotiate. Although Stevens reportedly agreed to talks with the Lini government and British and French authorities, his subsequent announce- ment that the Na Griamel Party would open an information office in Paris suggests that he is not willing to come to terms. A resurfacing of separatist agitation on Tanna island--apparently unconnected to that on Santo�at the opposite end of the archipelago further clouds the New Hebriles' prospects of attaining independence next month. The above article is Confi NOFORN. 17 June 1980 Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C06757674