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PDF icon THE SITUATION IN VIETNAM [15478272].pdf312.28 KB
Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM The Situation in Vietnam ARCHIVAL RECORD PLEASE RETURN TO AGENCY ARCHIVES, Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 ret 125 31 January 1968 3.5(c) 3.5(c) r t�-� 3.5(c) 1 4' Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 T11�SECRET Information as of 1600 31 January 1968 HIGHLIGHTS The unprecedented wave of Communist attacks against principal cities and allied bases through- out South Vietnam has continued through a second day. I. The Military Situation in South Vietnam: Communist forces continued their unprecedented wave of attacks against South Vietnamese cities and key allied civil and military installations for a second day. (Paras. 1-13). Weekly Review of South Vietnam Battle Statistics (Para. 14). (Charts) III. Military Developments in North Vietnam: There is nothing of significance to report. IV. Other Communist Military Developments: There is nothing of significance to report. V. Communist Political Developments: Com- munist propaganda is giving heavy play to the upsurge in military activity in South Vietnam (Paras. 1-4). Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 TO I. THE MILITARY SITUATION IN SOUTH VIETNAM 1. Communist forces continued their unprecedented � wave of bold attacks against South Vietnamese cities � and key allied civil and military installations through- out South Vietnam for the second day. Sporadic fight- ing continues in and around Saigon although the im- mediate threat to the US Embassy has been eliminated. Enemy action has spread into the delta provinces of IV Corps, and new attacks have been mounted against several northern coastal cities. This suggests a possible enemy attempt to whipsaw allied reaction forces. Saigon and the III Corps Area 2. Allied forces have restored a semblance of order to the central part of the capital following a night of enemy shelling and probes against such targets as the US Embassy, the presidential palace, and the naval headquarters. Except for a terrorist remnant reportedly being dislodged from a building near the presidential palace, fighting in the city has shifted to southwestern Saigon where Communist Elements are reportedly dug in near a river bank and possibly around the An Quang pagoda. Civilians are being evacuated from this area. Allied air strikes are under way and have caused at least one fire in a residential section. 3.. The band Of Communists who attacked and penetrated the US Embassy grounds before dawn on 31 January was overcome by military. police and army troops by 9:00 e.m..local time and the-embassy is considered secure and fully operationel. ap- pears.thet at least six. allied p'ersOnnel were Itilled and five wounded in this fighting. At least 1p:com- munist attackers were killed. No US civilja casual- ties have been reported. The Communists rOpOTtedly did not succeed in penetrating the chancery itself, and no structural damage was done to the building despite several explosions. 31 January 1968 I-1 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 T 0 P. 8. CCE-T 4. Mortar and ground attacks were also launched on 31 January against Saigon's Tan Son Nhut.Air Base, which serves, as the headquarters� complex of both South Vietnamese and US forces, and against Bien Hoa Airfield and the Long Binh logistical center north- east of Saigon. At Tan Son Nhut, the Communists overran the western part of the base, which includes a control tower, and at last report some fighting was continuing near the base. Attacks at Bien Hoa and Long Binh were apparently repulsed, but two jet aircraft at Bien Hoa were destroyed. and 10 others damaged. IN' Corps 5. A series of enemy attacks was launched in �the delta on 31 January. At least eight of the 16 provincial capitals and a number of district towns and airfields came under harassing fire or ground probes. Although details are sketchy, there have been at least five ground attacks, including two against the airstrips serving Soc Trang and Vinh Long. Can Tho, the capital of Phong Dinh Province and the IV Corps headquarters, was attacked early but is reported under allied control except for .a few strongpoints in the city. Chau Phu, the capital �of Chau Doc Province, reportedly was overrun, and some street fighting is reported still going on in Soc Trang, Ba Xuyen Province, and in Ben Tre in Kien Hoa Province. I Corps 6. Allied mopping up actions continue in several major towns struck in the initial Communist assaults on 30 January, but new attacks have been reported today against the cities of Quang Tri, Hue, Tam Ky, Quang Ngai and the US base at Chu Lai. The situation in Hue is unclear. As yet unconfirmed late reports indicate that substantial portions of the city may be under enemy control. An enemy battalion which entered Quang Tri city on the night of 30-31 January has been driven into the suburbs � 31 January 1968 1-2 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 TOP RET by South Vietnamese troops, but enemy forces have reportedly occupied positions north, east, and west of the city and further attacks are expected. 7. Tam Ky, the capital of Quang Tin Province, was hit by mortar fire and a ground assault early on 31 January. The attack, apparently mounted by elements of the North Vletnamese 21st Regiment, was repulsed with enemy losses in excess of 400, but further initiatives by Communist forces on the city outskirts are possible. An attack against Quang Ngai city and three nearby district capitals was also reported early on 31 January. The assault was repulsed with very heavy Viet Cong casualties and light allied losses. Pockets of resistance are re- ported in the city. Elements of South Vietnam's 2nd Division are bolstering the area's defenses. 8. There have been renewed mortar and rocket attacks in the Da Nang area. Seventeen helicopters have been damaged at the Marble Mountain air fa- cility, but it is fully operative and there have been no new terrorist acts in the city itself. US autflorities expect no further major assaults at Da Nang although sporadic mortar or rocket harassment and small-scale terrorism remain ossible allied control. The town is now declared under II Corps 9. The moat serious fighting in II Corps con� - tinues in or around Kontum city in the highlands. Two enemy battalions are reported still in the capital city. Communist losses are believed to be nearly 300 killed. Pleiku city is now reported quiet, al- though sporadic fighting continues outside the city. Ban Me Thuot, capital of Darlac Province in the highlands, was under renewed attack on 31 January around the airfield and the MACV compound, but both attacks have been successfully repulsed. 31 January 1968 1-3 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 TO P S.RelZET 10. Along the coast, an estimated two enemy bat- talions penetrated the outer defenses-of phan Thiet in Binh Thuan Province under cover of heavy mortar fire. Heavy fighting apparently continues around the MACV compound, and allied reaction forces are at- tempting to bloc enemy withdrawal, routes-. Elsewhere, South Korean forces have secured the radio station- and railroad station in Qui Nhon where enemy forces had remained dug in after an assault on 30 January. Nha Trang and Tuy Hoa, where heavy fighting was re- ported yesterday, have been returned to full allied control. Scattered fighting continues on the out- skirts of both towns, however. The Character of the Enemy. Offensive 3.5(c) 11. :Enemy assaults during- the past two days- a haVe been characterized- by a willingness to- take ex- tremely. high-casualties, tenuously estimated at more than 1,400.. In general, allied personnel losses have been relatively light, although losses- in equip- ment, especially aircraft, have been heavy The- ob-- viously well-planned and-well-coordinated- enemy. at- tacks- have-involved North Vietnamese main. force units in. several northern areas, who operated in close co- ordination-with-local Viet Cong troops and sapper units In several, areas such-as Saigon and Qui Nhon, a the enemy attempted- to seize -local radio stationS, possibly- in an- effort .to gain maximum propaganda benefit and to-confuse.the loCal, populace as to-the extent of their achievements.- The- Threat to Khe Sanh' 12. In addition to disruption of allied reac- tion efforts, the extensive harassment of allied air- fields throughout the country may be intended to set the stage for Communist action in the area of Khe Sanh and the Demilitarized Zone. This area remains relatively quiet. US Marine patrols are reporting only minor clashes with small enemy units. Evidence of the large enemy buildup in the area continues, how- ever. 31 January 1968 1-4 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 TOP ,S,ECRET 3.5(c) Weekly Review of South Vietnam Battle Statistics 14. The week of 21-27 January compared with the week of 14-20 January: I. Casualties US VC/NVA 14-20 Jan, . 21-27 Jan 14-20 Jan 21-27 Jan Killed 1,842 2,365 218 203 Wounded 1,796 1,678 Missing/ Captured TOTALS 1,842 2,365 2,014 1,881 GVN� FREE WORLD 14-20 Jan 21-27 Jan 14,-20 Zan.. 21-27 Jan Killed 198 236 19 33 Wounded 657 688 36 49 Missing/ captured ,..- 65 57. 0 0 TOTALS 920 981 55 82 31 January 1968 1-5 TOP S ET Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 TOP _$ECK-ET II. Viet Cong Incidents 3.5(c) Attacks Battalion or Larger. Small Unit 14-20 Jan 21-27 Jan 48 93 2 � � . . 4 46- � � � � 89 Harassment 354 318 Terrorism 49 29 Sabotage 44 47 Propaganda 5 7 Antiaircraft 189 212 TOTALS 689 706 III. Weapons Captured VC/NVA GVN 14-20 Jan 21-27 Jan 14-20 Jan 21-27 Jan Individual 361 Not 126 135 Crew-Served 99 Reported 26 16 TOTALS . 460 152 151 31 January 1968 1-6 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 3.5(c) 8000 6000 4000 2000 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 Weapons Losses Viet Cong GYN 0 1964 DEC 2,404 11111111111 16000 12000 8000 4000 i 11111 11 111 11111111111 1965 11111111111 932 11111111111 1966 1967 Casualties (Killed only)* 1968 Viet Cong/NVA GVN/US/other F ree World DEC 7,938 2,125 0 11111111111 11111 111 III 11 1 1111 1111 1 1111111111 111 1111111 1 1964 1965 1966 1967 US Casualties to Date: Killed 16,880 Wounded 105,671 1968 2000 1500 1000 21- 27JA 500 151 0 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 NOV DEC JAN 1968 4000 21-27JAN 3000 2 365 2000 1000 472 0 1111 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOV DEC JAN 1968 Captured 232 Missing 736 *Due to a change in the reporting of personnel losses, from 12 February 1967 the weekly and monthly figures represent only personnel killed. 69449 1-68 CIA Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 � 600 400 200 0 4000 3000 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 Viet Cong Attacks , 1-044 DEC 286 1 11111111111 Vlvvv,,v,ifiv 11111111111 .ji\Af iiiiiiiiiii 2000 1000 0 1964 1965 1966 1967 Viet Cong Incidents E cludin attacks) 1968 . ._ DEC 3 034 . Y A, e� V , 11111111111 11_1_1_111_1_111_1_111111_1111 11111111111 111111 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 150 100 50 0 21-27JAN A 1111 11111 3 NOV DEC JAN 1968 \/,\I7Propoganda 83 47Sabotage 29Terrorisin SE 13 TOTAL 12 AA Fire NOV Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 1968 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 T U.,RECR ET Viet Cong Try for Popular Support 2. There are indications that the Viet Cong in Da Nang tried unsuccessfully to attratt popular support for their military actions of the past 48 hours. The Communists called a rally in front of Da Nang's Tinh Hoi Pagoda on the morning of 30 January and portrayed their attacks the night be- fore as a significant victory, claiming that they had taken over the city. They reportedly urged Vietnamese servicemen to desert and called for an end to the war in Oentral Vietnam. 3. Rather than winning over their audience, however, there is evidence that some of their listeners turned the Viet Cong in to government authorities. According to reports reaching Viet- namese security forces, the Da Nang Buddhist Con- gregation--frequently a center of antigovernment agitation--sent a representative to the authorities asking for help and disclaiming any complicity in the rally. As a result, police broke up the gather- ing and arrested several suspected Viet Cong agents. 4. A number of recently captured enemy docu- ments have suggested that the Communists were hoping to spark some degree of "general uprising" among the urban populace as a part of their major offensive. They failed in Da Nang, and there is little information to indicate that their efforts in other areas have been .markedly more successful in causing hew civil uniest or in spurring support for their cause among urban people. 31 January 1968 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 III. MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS IN NORTH VIETNAM IV. OTHER COMMUNIST MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS 1. There is nothing of significance to report. -31 January 1968 III-IV-1 RET Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 TOP LECIET V. COMMUNIST POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS 1. Communist propaganda is giving heavy play to the surge of military activity, stressing that by this show of strength the Communists have demon- strated that the US cannot accomplish its objec- tives. The unstated but clear implication is that �the US must resort to a political compromise. Vietnamese Communist propaganda beamed to the South emphasizes the size and scope of the of- fensive as if to underscore Communist capabilities to stand up to US military power. 2. Hanoi has made no attempt to portray the current offensive as a conclusive or final stage in the struggle but instead is treating it as further proof that Communist. forces hold the initiative and are able to launch large-scale, coordinated attacks. This, it says, demonstrates once again that the US is in a "losing situation." A broadcast on 31 January said the upsurge in Com- munist military activity is a continuation of successes achieved during the past month. It claimed that recent Communist victories had caused the US to cancel the allied cease-fire, and the Communists "repaid the enemy in kind" by launching widespread attacks -on 30 January.' 3. Hanoi's replay of a Viet Cong news agency report on 31 January took the same line in claiming that Communist forces had successfully attacked "all over the battlefield" and reduced the allies to confusion and clumsy response. The Vietl-Cong radio singled out the attacks in Saigon as especially significant in showing Communist abilities to strike the heart of the enemy camp. 4. There has been no Chinese Communist com- mentary on the situation as yet. Soviet broadcasts are carrying both Western and Vietnamese Communist accounts of the action and stressing the US predica- ment. A commentary in Pravda on 31 January says the Comenunists have launelia�a. new tajor offensive which disproves "US propaganda" that Viet Cong forces 31 January 1968 V-1 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 TOP SF-r(12 RT are "depleted." It charges that US optimism is designed solely to mislead people before the presidential elections. It also asserts that the offensive is a reply to continued US attempts to seek a military solution to the conflict and that these events show again that the US is "bogging down deeper" in a war "without prospects." 31 January 1968, V-2 TO CRET Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 Approved for Release: 2018/07/26 C06753751 3.3(h)(2)