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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date: 
August 9, 2018
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Publication Date: 
December 2, 1981
Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749629 Cl/4 � Ditectut of t 'mural Inidligence X National Intelligence Daily Wednesday 2 December 1981 co ,v/0 sl-279./.1 2 Detouber r - Copy if. 7 9 8 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749629 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749629 Vi a rnittg wick' \atiunal Securit) Information as 'Ibis Document \ot 111 lie Reproduced Intel4cnce anti Methods In�ohcd l"natithori/eil 1)i!,e1"sure S..ibjc,..1 Jo Cr.!11'11 d S:i 7 9 9 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749629 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749629 Contents OAS: OAS: !...ceting in Saint Lucia �Tup 2 December 1981 8 0 C 7 (b)(3) NR Record NR Record (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749629 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749629 --rcp-ses44.1__ OAS: Meeting in Saint Lucia IP The 11th OAS General Assembly meeting opens today in Saint Lucia with basic questions regarding administra- tive and financial reforms high on the agenda. The large states want to cut back the OAS's burgeoning staff and introduce needed economies. The smaller states are the principal beneficiaries of the OAS's cooperation programs and the current financial arrangements, and they oppose any trimming. They constitute the majority, and they have continued to vote budget increases that have out- stripped the willingness of the larger countries to pay. At best, agreement is likely to be reached over a pro- longed period of gradual change. Issues likely to be discussed include open member- ship--Venezuela and Guatemala oppose the admission of Guyana and Belize, respectively--maritime and border problems, human rights resolutions, and nonintervention in the affairs of other states. The latter issue could be used as a wedge to open debate on El Salvador. 7 �Terp-eee+44- 2 December 1981 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749629