DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/09/28

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September 11, 2018
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749297 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 3.3(h)(2) T03 GENERAL PALI 190 28 SEP 1946 1. USSR presents new Straits note to Turks�According to US Charge Ankara preliminary examination of the new Soviet note on the Straits reveals the note to be "softer in tone" than that of 7 August The new note places less insistence on restricting the Straits rebime to Black Sea powers, but insists upon joint organization of the defense of the Straits by Turkey and the USSR. The Charge adds that the Turks do not consider a reply an especially urgent matter, since the USSR "had taken a month to reply to the Turkish note." " 2. Report on conditions in Albania and Greece--US Military Attache Bel- grade, who has just returned from a trip to Albania and Greece with US Ambassador Patterson, recommends that personnel be sent to northern Greece to interrogate Soviet Army deserters who are beep- ning to cross the border. Patterson reports that (a) Albania is in a turbulent state struggling to fight dissident elements in the North and perhaps the Greeks in the South; and (b) the danger of war between Greece and her northern neighbors is remote. 3. Albanian Communists reported controlled by Party in Yugoslavia� ,'"world events I have delayed ful- filment ot a wartime agreement for the inclusion of Albania as a Yugo- slav People's Republic, but the Secretary of the Yugoslav Communist Party now has the same control over the Albanian Communist Party as over the Communist parties of the Yugoslav Republics. EUROPE 4. YUGOSLAVIA: UNRRA employee arrested�US Embassy Belgrade re- ports that Yugoslav secret police have arrested an UNRRA employee, in apparent violation of the Yugoslav UNRRA agreement, and are holding him incommunicado on unknown charges. Ten other UNRRA staff mem- bers have similarly been arrested, and the Government has not answer- ed US protests satisfactorily. The Embassy considers that these viola- tions provide sufficient justification for the immediate discontinuance of the entire UNRRA program. Document No. OOL NO CHARGE in Clase. o DECLASSIFIED � -'1"1711 Class. CHANGED TO: TS S 0 DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 ' 4 Auth: DLA REG. 77/1763 late: a MAR : 011 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749297 EO 13526 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749297 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 3.3(h)(2) CO, TA1) closing.....i.LIM--According to US Ambassador Patterson, the closing of the United States Information Service reading room in Bel- grade by the Yugoslav Government is part of a campaign against the US Embassy. Patterson believes that the campaign will continue as bag as Embassy personnel maintain contact with persons opposed to the Tito Government, and that the Communists recognize that they are opposed by the masses of the Yugoslav people. US Consul Trieste suggests that the US point out to the Yugo- slav Government that the US permits distribution in Venezia Giulia of two Yugoslav newspapers which habitually publish "vicious and obscene" attacks against AMG and Allied military personnel. 5. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: US Cons .ulate Bratislava--US Ambassador Steinhardt in Prague recommends that a Consulate Gen- eral be established in Bratislava (150 miles southeast of Prague). Stein- hardt believes that Bratislava is the easternmost city from which the US can freely obtain and transmit information on conditions in Central Europe and the Balkans. 6. GERMANY: Soviet views on coal allocation�Murphy reports that in a recent discussion in the Coordinating Committee of the ACC, delegates of the Western Powers agreed to quadripartite allocation of all coal mined in Germany, but the Soviet delegate insisted that (a) there must be quadripartite plmming of coal production throughout Germany, and (b) each zone commander must first deduct his own needs before mak- ing the balance available. FAR EAST 7. CHINA: Report on enslaved US fliers believed true�According to US Army HQ Na�kIng, rumors in wen estern Szechwan Province have enslaved downed US fliers now appear to be authentic. five of seven orig- inal survivors are required to tend sheep and goats. I has been delegated to initiate negotiations for ransom of the fliers, as it is believed that the Lobos would kill the fliers if armed intervention were undertaken. - 2 - Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749297
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