DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/09/14

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September 11, 2018
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749296 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 TebarTN vE Tbie GENERAL 14 SLP 1946 178 . 1. Report of rockets over Greece discounted--According to US Military MEETre-Wir�is, allr7pTitrZrockets over Greece are now classified "improbable" by local British authorities and the Greek General Staff. The MA attributes the continuation of such reports to the "jittery con- dition" of all classes of Greek society. 2. Greek di lomat does not .s: sect war with Y s slavia IV' -The Greek mis r ugoslavia has admitted to US Military Attache Belgrade that he is disturbed by the recent Yugoslav action in shooting down a Greek plane and by reports of Yugoslav troop concentrations near the Greek border. The Minister believes, however, that "things will be worked out without war now." 3. 22.3.AIWI sz.1.1EatisLimmgjakT6--11erschel Johnson reports that, in accordance with the State Department's views, he will support in the Security Council a proposal for an investigating committee on conditions along the Greek frontier if it appears unlikely that the Coun- cil will adopt the Dutch proposal. (The Dutch are proposing to resolve the situation by transmitting the Council's "very earnest hopes" to the Governments concerned that they issue and "rigidly enforce" orders to stop the border incidents.) Johnson suggests, however, that it might be unwise to empower such a committee to report more than the facts. 4. Soviet attempt to use C e h Seer t Service in US and UK � Accor. -: to S Assistant Naval Attache Belgrade.,Soviet Embassy Prague again is pressing the Czechoslovak Secret Service (OBZ) to concentrate Its espionage activity in the US and UK zones of Germany.. The OBZ has been directed to employ Soviet-selected Sudeten German agents. 5. Yugoslays cancel cable laying to Tunisia--US Naval Attache Belgrade reports thai Yugoslavia "under Soviet pressure" has cancelled its ar- rangement with France for reestablishing cable connections between Yugoslavia and Bizerte. The arrangement, concluded in June on Yugo- slav initiative, called for installations in Yugoslavia by French engineers, who started work there in August but now have been ordered to leave. DOCUMOrit No. o/f NO CHANGE In Class. rl - 1 - U DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 cofpgvalAtlth: DDA REG. 77/1763 Date: i5itiAL4iim; By: Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749296 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749296 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 TOP !DENTIN] 6. Turks reassure Ej ans on otiations with UK--Secretary General r urkish Foreign Office has told US Ambassador Ankara that King Farouk of Egypt, during his recent visit to Turkey, appeared somewhat discouraged over negotiations with the British. Erkin urged that the Egyptians "continue the negotiations hopefully" and expressed desire to negotiate with Egypt to strengthen friendship between the two countries after conclusion of Anglo-Egyptian negotiations. 7. Meitsy on UN action against Franco--US Charge Gallman reports that a memorandum now under consideration in the UK Foreign Office suggests that (a) if a Soviet "stooge" or a friend of Giral raises the Spanish problem, the Uvr will - insist upon a "legal decision" in view of the previous UN decision that Franco was not a threat to the peace; and (b) iZ it appears that the UN may take action against Franco, the UK will guard against Playing into Soviet hands and will probably suppori Giral, who wants to avoid a Communist tie-up. 8. US unable to support Iranian candidacy for SC--The State Department has again informed the Iranian Aibassador fhat the US feels unable to support Iranian candidacy for the Security Council at this time. The Department explained that as a member of the SC Iran would be subject to pressures difficult to resist in making decisions and might also encounter increasing difficulties in maintaining independence at this time. EUROFE 9. USSR: New rumor of atomic bomb tests--US Charge Durbrow in Moscow reports that he and the US Naval and Military Attaches are agreed that a recent description of alleged Soviet atomic bomb tests appears to be the latest in a series of "Soviet atomic rumors" designed for foreign consumption. Durbrow views the rumors with "considerable skepticism" but feels it would be unsafe to assume that the USSR has not yet produced or tested atomic bombs. 10. RUMANIA: Government plans to rig elections in October--a highly placed Rumanian Communist has told the US Political Representative In Bucharest that 'he expects the Government, in the elections now being - 2 - Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749296 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749296 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 TOP IDENTIACI planned for late October; to have no difficulty in gaining 85 percent of the vote. The informant observed that the Government will employ forced registration of employees at their places of work and outright Intimidation or falsification of the ballot count in "recalcitrant dis- tricts." Reduction of armed forces--According to US Delegate ACC Rumania the Soviet Chairman stated at a recent meeting that the Rumanian armed forces had been reduced as of 1 September to the total of 137,565 in conformity with the directive of the ACC. USSR pays no occupation costs--US Delegate ACC also reports that there is no evidence that the USSR is paying any expenses of the Soviet occupation or of other services and supplies required by local Soviet authorities. 11. POLAND: Government bloc ma attem t to pel Mikolajczxk --Am- bassador Lane expes that, in view of Secretary Byrnes' Stuttgart speech, the Government bloc will intensify. its campaign against Mikolaj- czyk and may attempt soon to oust Mikolajczyk from the leadership of the Polish reasant Party and from the Cabinet. 12. FRANCE: Coo eration in economic unification of German --French Minister Berar in as n asked � e State Department what - France might do toward implementing the US-UYr. plan for German eco- nomic unity. Berard explained, however, that France could not "join in full partnership," principally because Secretary Byrnes' Stuttgart speech made no concession to French "feelings on security." FAR EAST 13. CHINA: Close liaison sought with US agencies--US Military Attache Nanking reports that, since late August, Chinese G-2 has consulted him almost daily about Soviet activities in Shanghai. The MA adds that Ganeral Fisher Rou recently has been appointed chief of the Chinese G-2 (apparently because he possessed "more social graces and better command of English" than his predecessor), and suggests that the Chinese have adopted a new policy of maintaining close liaison with US agencies, particularly in intelligence activity. Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749296
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