DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/06/18

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749286 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 ET GENERAL 18 JUN 1948 105 1. Soviet "show of force"�Ambassador Smith in Moscow believes that . the USSR has no intention of taking "extreme measures" at this time, but appears to be engaged in "at least an old fashioned Eastern- European" show of force. Smith adds that the Soviets are very sensi- tive to what they consider Western "underestbnation" of Soviet strength and Anglo-American "persistence in viewing Russia through. 1918 eyes." 2. Soviet "hostile intent" discounted�General McNarney believes that ence of Soviet intentions to begin immediate hostile action is "more than counterbalanced by opposite considerations" Re suggests that (a) the reported "build-ueof air strength in Rumania (see Daily Summary of 15 June, item 1) may indicate a desire to thin near avail- able oil supplies and to use air strewth in an "occupational and defensive" role in conjunction with Balkan troops; and (b) the rein- forcement of Soviet troops in eastern_ Germany appears to be� "non.. tactical," in an area convenient for "reshuffling" prior to "redeploy- ment" to the USSR, and involving troops from Southeastern Europe rather than the USSR. McNarney also believes that the overall redac- tion of Soviet troops in Europe, "closely in accordance" with announced demobilization schedules, is not consonant with "immediate hostile thtent." 3. Soviet troop movements in Rumania�General Schuyler, US delegate ACC Bucharest, on the basis of personal observations by US officers and reports from "fairly reliable" sources, offers the following sum- mary of recent Soviet troop movements in Rumania: (a) there is as yet no indication of "appreciable" reduction of Soviet forces; (b) extensive training is in progress, particularly in the Danube Valley; (c) a general reshuffling ("circulatory movement") of troops within the country la taking place; (d) evidence exists of troops "in considerable numbers" passing through Rumania in both directions, but "preponderantly" eastward. and (e) it is probable that "some troops and considerable materielit have crossed into Bulgaria or Yugoslavia, probably the latter. Schuyler believes that Soviet objectives are (a) to prevent troops from staying in one place long en. to form close ties with civilians, and-(b) to "mask" Soviet mill . � intentions. The US Politi- cal Advisor in Bucharest comments that all. ough recent Soviet military Deiument No. e) 11 TO RET NO CHANGE in Class. [1] DECLASSIFIED lass. CHANCED TO: TS S 0 DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DDA REG. 77/1763 Date: 13 WM 1978 r. Oh _ Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749286 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749286 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 i3.3(h)(2) ET activity indicates that the "stage is set" for Soviet unilateral action in Southeastern Europe, this activity "could be viewed otherwise" if there were more evidence of Soviet intention to cooperate with the Western democracies. 4. US protests Yugoslav seizure of Italian vessels--The State Department has instructed Embassy Belgrade to protest (a) the seizure by Yugo-. slavia of an Italian vessel proceeding under AMG auspices and (b) the . recurring seizures of other Italian vessels. (AIFIRI Caserta reports that a total of 38 Italian vessels have been seized by Yugoslavia or have disappeared since June 1945.) The US protest points out that (a) some of the seized ships were fishing for the, account of the Allied Comm.and in Italy; (b) the ships were outside .Yugoslav territorial waters; (c) the seizures are "clearly in violation of international law" and constitute "interference" with the.operation of Allied military authorities; and (d) the US expects Yugoslavia to return the vessels seized. 5. NegotIations to settle Poles in Argentina--Ambassador Harriman in London has seen informed *at (a) negotiations in London between Polish emigre authorities and the Argentine Government for settlement of a large number of Polish sol- diers and their families in the Argentine are proceeding "most satis- factorily," and (b) bath Roman Catholic Church authorities and British *officials are "interested" in a successful outcome of the negotiations. 8. Bidault reluctant to press Ruhr-Rhineland issue--Belgian Foreign Min- ister Speak has told Kirk that Bidault recently "indicated reluctance!, to press his proposals for the Ruhr and Rhineland, lest the Soviets ."suddenly turn to the support of France" on these issues. EUROPE -AFRICA 7. ITALY: Internal situation calm--UK Ambassador Charles and SACMED believe that (a) Italy is now "entirely calm"; (b) there is no risk of large-scale "civil disorder"; (c) any "possible trouble" can be dealt with by the Italian authorities; and (d) the chief danger of internal con- flict lies in a possible Italian Communist move to support Tito should - 2 - CRET Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749286 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749286 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 he undertake a coup in Venezia Giulia. Charles considers that Molotov Is "concerned" about internal political "disorders" either because he is poorly informed (which, in view of the number of Soviets in Daly, is doubtful), or because Molotov is "hatching some scheme" to the advan- tage of the Communist Party and the USSR. 8. POLAND: Moves to Improve relations with US�Ambassador Lane in Warsaw reports that Premier 45subka-IVrerawsid, expressing great con- cern over the "downward trend" of US-Polish relations and the contin- ued suspension of the $50,000,000 US credit to Poland, has promised that (a) the texts of Poland's commercial treaties will be published by 22 June, (b) prices and amounts of material involved will also be fur- nished the US "as a mark of friendship," and (c) the US Embassy will be permitted to interview claimants to US citisenship arrested by Polish authorities. 9. USSR: Ruess case may be settled out of court�Embassy Moscow reports that the Ruess case appears on the way to a solution out of court, since the Soviet plaintiff has signed a letter to the court asking that the case be dropped. 10. YUGOSLAVIA: Coalition of s ition groups almost completed-- Embassy Belgrade has been 0 .rmett by Milan Grail chief of the Yugo- slav (oppositionist) Democratic Party, that (a) efforts to form a coalition of Yugoslav opposition groups are almost completed, but (b) announce- ment of the coalition will be withheld, pending the "outcome of the Trieste problem," since opposition political activity would be "incon- cetvable " in the event of military action. 11. SWITZERLAND: Munitions export prohibited�US Military Attache and Embassy Bern report that the Swiss have decreed a six-months embargo on the export of munitions of all types. Ostensibly the Government desires an opportunity to examine tentative sales contracts, but a Bern newspaper suggests that the "present world situation is probably the 3.3(h)(2) major motive, prospective 3.3(h)(2) buyers have included the USSR, Spain, � slavia. (Legation Bera. has transmitted h Republicans and Yugo- norts of secret 3.3(h)(2) Soviet negotiations for the icairchase of =silicon guns; -3... � TOP Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749286
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