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Publication Date:
July 2, 1945
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Cf.Approved for Release: 2021/11/03 C06747433
c�4". � Ty
APO 512
101 � Issiti. Ald�
OMIT. Illossomdstless for best
Is I Ilmosolass Osssral, MIA
1. later Ile provides* et OWL dated IS Ilsrtsolisi, We. as ���
sullies it Is sesmodsil tbst as L. iaw. 0.11111, Mot Lisstamot,
Oust Istallary ems, Swot Ists111.sess SIMON New 11. MPN.Vogl-
Wass et Iltratssis Issolses (jtosisimas1). bs sSMks mail tar
et lint ter assigtisimdly ssettssiliss mesa IR partssrassse
stitstionag surslass Nebel es sow et Ohs balsa Obits..
I. MO liestissat Mkt 1.. ass.* yes passplotsll lats sow tsrvitsry
fla 1talip, 111. mom se s=imr Wia. as s =Mr of Os
a.sugssid st lbes, iisstsiot Wefts Sow
sass. lissiesst Mktg Olooloals. lissomt Oat � sit too *Miss 4��
Os Os M.* et 6 issisaw, Ifass 111s sissies so stIsslid at Its
Woo at MU 1Wiemoss, ts Os st Ms. is insult st ths
soft% Ibisr 111111uns dimpoulaie. Mesimmit lama boor Ike Irak, et
Os abaft ad, this Islasiltre 41irssest asies11118 et 11�1 atasiis
Or Ms
iguistma Mft sir st am% Wipe Taveillii.
%Um NS Alle aft Ilibrese.
oft* avonesse
is jpieuSpil�
golhopsi allt�
et NM
Section 2 FDPS page 238
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Approved for Release: 2021/11/03 C06747433
lbe military intelligence gathered by LAeutenant leardi was broad -
noted to the base Orrin of 'Weise* Nerviers statism. via four radios. these
radios Isere sailed (1) Chrysler. (f) Dimas (5) Westwood. (14) Marianna. Those
radios transmitted 1581 messages. representing approximately 80.000 word groups.
Atter the attaek if 6 December. 1944. the mission layed is for tea
&Asa* operations sere suspended. A field investigaties of the attack. by MO.
Sandie and an inspestioa of the grounds, gave ne indisatiom as to ',by the attack
had his =de.
About 15 Deeember. 1944, oentast vas establiihed with Coiner' Della
Torre. the minty appointed, unified sameader of the Ossela formalisms. lhe
bonds *dor his command wen the Sesond Garibaldi Division. the Talton Mei -
sisa. sad the *Ursine Divisism. � total of is. thousand nem. rinses handred of
sties had to be armed.
Fleas were made to resolve a daylight drop of twenty tams. at %arms.
for Genuade lens Gesela. be operation me loped on for the sound wok it Jana.
any, 1. at aeon. on IS Ossuary. 1945. the drop was resolved imesenttliy sod
is Liberatore tins ever the sten for is hours. the is attempted to remover
the drop. brat lest thirty deed end fifty wacidod, retreated, mod did net try
again. Dories this period, the radio had his moved to tbe pinpoint, and seneomisa.
liens ewe semis& sa tree there.
Oa the might it 16 ilmnary. 19444 **Irvine mealtimg the drop,
fr. WO Vestri et Pineapple elegise visited the nisei*. at %erne. lbe Pine.
apple aississ hal bed its radio damped is is initial drop said had net been
able is he esniset eith bass sines their arrival. A nosesgs roweling a radio
imp with new eel siphon isa mat for Pineapple.
Usetsnnot leardi visited Oleggie. the Pineapple hoadkpaartern, as El
ery. NW. ghee% he net the satire erpoleatini sal las satisfied that the
not mold wets It se speed lhat the Plnaapple tnt.1Uas.wild be ant to
ihrpslare their shaild arrive.
At this Mr � friers neve reeeived fres Wee to enisentrato on intent..
genie sod to srgeniso an entioolis not all ever northers Italy. Remo lire gads
thiso to oat op eons, at Isriao, aseses, MILlsoniF treesia, sod Versos. Iho imediato
elf MON yore to Apart battle air. Weep invenants� supply Lane, awl military
Waft lie lens rasp objechive vas to eestrel enipaote* all Waffle
nompiato WoMputeur Mare doily, iss every ramp ewer the Ilea* *me tho
OM. sit lie Mir river. iho emploto weird emir lho liaise neer is. as.
eleglatlit lot Asellased aeries minilis et Harsh sod *Up Vii� Oa Aida
Mew soo welly eentrelle6. &rift the het days et NIS.
Mena ben lesegle. lisatemont :veva von* to Ihbleggla. ober, he
enetemeWinilhallesefallio for soopply drop to the Oweetweelve beinted Oailbaldint
Section 2 FOPS page 239
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Approved for Release: 2021/11/03 C06747433
hiS forhatiSh. ItISS &Sided to soft Una by *OA drop; Ate phopoints
IWO SOMPISio ado *USN MID NM 110 adoihs. toOntraton supply drops it
asapiro amosoitioa. had. sod elethiag arrived. thla sorra to arm sompletsly
sad allausd ampardas it the IItbs tenatiar, to thrie lifter! ra �
lationiag tras Aro Lionsteaaat lamedi learned Oat. as
.19 imarry� Wig fia dries had bees Wawa to the esaer. by my et an
amsagras lattar. OM letter vas intereepted lad gar Ike Mafia" Use be rm.
rats iii boadiparters. emir Bab lie *trek tat toad r sr at ar old
%rims the night it S9 Jamming. 191150 a supply drop arrived at Water�
saes plopetat ter *a 1�881411. tt I�i Ion Mr, ISJO Jaaaary, 1140,
to mover Ito drop. !bet atterres. the law att.*** all ever the are. is so
saimashve wrap. this werap lasted fifteen days. end it resulted in the less
St the mile mod the silkier beehs.
Sham the Mita* sane Sergeant Wiles managed to hide the radio sod
eipher amd. tolling the plan erystole with his. lett ter the weeds in a save
Wort Odd) bed already lora prepared is this eveatuality. luring the period
et tee rakes the sergeant was Onset Won twe tines. Sash thee, the mem, sane
to within a vary abort dieting, fret his hideout. with Derma pollee des. Im
these fifteen dem be sad his eempaelem bed very little be eat, be vas oespletely
ea his one. beimg sub et eeetaet with Ideuteemat heard end the ether people ese�
^ioted with Was aiaalia.
Lieutenant Ieardi spent three days in a hole, at (learns, uhile the enemy
set up his base, in that time. After the third day. he managed to slip past the
eager petrels sod go to Jamie, whisk was the only tens Is the libels sees that vas
not eeimpled by the 'assist fires'.
During this period of mop-up, three sopplp, drops were node, whisk the
enemy recovered. This was purely& ease ef negligees@ ea the part of the Air
turps that floe the missions, bosses, the proper sigma fires more met lit sad
the proper identifleatiom sigmals wore not used. Patriot morale mad the mission
morale suffered eonsiderably, especially because supplies were badly, needed in
that period.
On 10 February. 1945, the enemy some to Seale, and Lieutenant Isardi
barely had tins to got lute his hiding plies. There, he remained ter tour days,
with three other perms, in the attic,, over a paint shed if � furniture tastery.
The Faseists had take* the German pollee dogs into the shed, but they (meld smell
aothing beams' of the paint odor. Through the thin selling of the attie, they
hoard every neve that the 'egoists nade. Be one slept at night for rear that eaer.
ing would be beard by enemy petrels, that made their rereads about the shed, whisk
was boosted ten yards ties the house where tee ?assist officers and three soldiers
our. living.
When the nepoup ended, the missies vas in this situatlati radio, either,
end records had boo* captured. One supply drop be be recovered. but possibly lest.
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Approved for Release: 2021/11/03 C06747433
e 17 '41 1St
as a result if enemy *sties. Ihe mission had beep oat of seataot with base, far
sistesm days and probably would be eat ter eensidersaolynswe.
lipon reeennalesanse et the supply drop, et 29 Jarman', 1945, iha ar17
equiemost peormwed was � redle alai' had dropped lnts a nevatala stream amd had
remised there ter tee mobs, until they fished it est. Ihe radio was mot 'pone
tile, and there was as slgnal plan, air eipher pods.
lefsbmiliag 17 Pobruary. 154, � eerie(' if night drops, tor the Soma
Ossela, boom to arrive. In all. there arrived 'melee dreps, glib erms, ammonl�
tisa, teed, amd elething. ter 'applying tine's inadred partisans et that eon,
sand. Sees arms vire used in April, 1945. to save the power plants et the Ow.
sole valley and the Sanpleme tommel.
In the first drep, the missies resolved three thousand dollars. Although
a radio vas sorbed en the shippling tistet, as radio vas ?sand smog the saterial
of the drep. At this time, Whoa eammieation with ihe bass was impossible. news
arrived that Testri bad resolved a radio but mould met nabs oentast with the boo.
This was probably beeause the bass was met listening ter him. It was &sided, them,
to go to Testri with the Ihrysler plan and to attempt to as �outset, using oar
plea and his beiks. lieutenant loardi joined Testri, at Grigmasoo, an 22 ?Omar',
191� and onotaot vas made that sane day.
Chrysler intelligence had soeunalated sines the end of January, 1945,
and the traffic, from the beginning of Kona radio, was heavy. at the expanded
intelligenoe not 'severing Torino. levers. Milano, Terms, and Areseia. broaght
in so mesh work that, in the first nenth of operation, Diana sent out tour hund-
red and twestrsis messages, and, from 22 February, to 25 April, 1945, sent oat
over thirtywfive thousand groups. The intelligens(' functions of Chrysler and
Pineapple mere than merged and the work divided. Vistri would handle the Vercelli
and Novara proving,' including the traffic oontrol over the ?lain� river. This
latter was to be tuentr.tsur hours daily sad covering every passage used by the
enemy. Lieutenant Ieardi mould handle all the intelligence from the neino river
eaet, Lombardy and Tenet*. Tistri mould handle the noseatelli supply drops. Lieu..
tenant Ieer41 the Soma Ossola and Dinio Daggroppamento supply drops.
To speed the arrive) of intelligenoe from the Torino sone, it was de*
sided to pass the Torino sells to Strawberry lassies, which was operating in the
V.) Ponies. Ti street this, Teetri and Lieutenant Iserei left for Torino, on
24 February, 1945. costae* was made with Corporals 'sill and rola, an 17 February,
1945, at Torre halloo. All arrangements were made for their taking over the feriae
�ells, and courier servioe from the ce/ls, to the radio, was established.
During the months of /arch and April, 1945, over one hundred and twentr
five messages mere sent to Strawberry, by the Torino oells.
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The volume of traffic* being handled by Diana bosom obviously dan-
germs, fr... seeurity point of view, and ineffloient from a time point of
view. As a esmsequense, it wes 400lded to establish another radio base. in
Lombardy. Stet* *rotate was the place at *doh the radio was to be set up.
In the first week of Marsh. 1945, Lieuteaant Ioardi wont to Duet* .
Areisie to set np the organisation. Arrangements mere Bads to house the radio
and tke operstore a message eenter was established in a seminary, and person-
nel was engaged to handle the eiphering. The offiee for editing the intelligenee
was established, and all outmost. and meoessary (warier@ were prepared for the
initiation of new operations. During the seeend week, the dangerous and tieklish
jeb of transferring radio and operator had to be demo. This nes particularly
dangerous, bommee it was absolutely neeessary to pass the noise river to get
inept Lombardy. terms surveillanee, at the Iteino, was the slowest in all ot
northern Italy. The transfer was efteeted,,eader the proteetion of throe agents
of the Brigitte lera, oho were brought to de the job. Immediately upon arrival
at destinatiom, the radio and operator were transferred a mensiderable dinse
an bieyele se that all danger of deublesegent, by 'egoists agents hired, meld
be elimiaated. The entire operation was dome by out-outs, so that the risk mes
Theo Westwood radio begun operetta( on 16 &rah, l9145, and, is one
Beath and a half, it seat out tme hundred and eighty messages. This radio, like
all of the ethers, had teohnioal diffimelties milk the base. Oa two 'sessions,
itre were not bops by the base, amd weak reports of atmesphorie interferon's
prevented eeataeto and eased eassequent badelage is messages.
at the besimalas et April. 190, they disaiwovhd that the bete roil,
vas bolas Sri sad also disturbed by the enemy. Omo mormlas, the radio operator
looked sat or the vials, sad saw eight imam settles up the aerial if a Beset
agrees the street tree his radio, jest five agates berm sodalt time. la sate.
mobile vas obtained immediately, via a lever who weld pretest than, sod the
radio mod the operator were moved thirty kilometers from Smote, to Abbiato Omas*
girl's lam and se Marsh* 10115. esstmet was mode with the Swiss Moak
sled Oaptala leidarie. bilsestilly soories *orgies vas established, sod this ear.
vied original deemmemes, sod 41400.11110 sod politisal reports that mild set be
east by radio. & tookodeal nestles vas pot up ob Mies shish dray target imps,
espied topographical maps. and pholestatis stelae designs. This material vas pro.
pared aloes uttli � reams et iatelliseems, sad seat late lisgsmo, by way
sg4he Mho Meggiese mote.
iestreoliems arrived tree the be.. ter settles vp latellisoase mete,
im ths to arse. lattasts Ri.IItomulgatak Gotali sells veohimg is that
area, sod the toss ow iatesmod that valise omit be worked Arm lastria sed
Iheeme4 !hese radio@ mover arrived, beers* st the limited member strolrowite
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ipproved for Release: 2021/11/03 C06747433
allotted to the �fries of Strategic Sorvioos. ihmorous missions of a politioal
nature, sent by the British, arrived in our son,. This did not seen compatible
with the explanation given for the lack of oircults for our nilitory
This was espeoially diffioult to explain to their aollaborators who wore risk-
ing their lives, too. In the Alto Milanese son., at toast four Rritish politioti
missions arrived in the months of Sarah and April, 1945.
At the beginning of April, 1945, the boo, roquoetod that Sergeant Lo-
Dolos be roturnod to his headquarters. A now operator to roplaos the sergeant
was found working with the Diana mission. This follow, named Carlo Asmara, vas
trained and put to work.witis the sergeant. About 18 April, 1945, Sergeant Lodoloo
was taken into Switsorland. lio arrived safely. The new operator turned out to
be satisfaotory and displayed nook courage, in spits of his youth. Daring the
month of April. 11045, Lieutenant Ioardi sad. three trips to Milano, whore he
ooasultod with CLAAI offielala, oontoraing the sowing insurrootion. Contacts
moro gado with Osman officors who sore in tho anti-last novosent. Moos officers
lore of Austrian origin and gave muoh usell information.
In the months of Mane and April, 1945, Lieutenant 'chiral naintalsod
personal liaison between the Diana and Westwood radios, and the intelligens*
bass at Menlo. The trip between Busto Artiste, Boca, and 'onto vas made every
other days !ravelling on bloyelo past Osman and Pivotal road blooks, grossing
tbs Tioino and going into patriot territory past the enemy patrols. The tripe to
Menlo also nods possible contest with Dolonol Della Torre's ions �sepias plans
Ter the defense of the �soots sixteen power plants and the Somplono tunnel won'
drawn up, and supply drops for hooding and providing nananition for the patriots
wore laid on-. trents developed in smolt a manner that the supply drops wore not
notamoary, but the Seaplane tunnel was 60.P...robe4 by a platoon of patriots from
the oighty*third Garibaldi Brigade of the Conande Ossola. The ecrordinatod
task against the six hundred 4ornan pioneer troops in the volley forood then to
retreat and abandon the power plants which they yore supposed to blow up, and
for shish thirty�two sarloads of expletives won) waiting at Terse.
At the one. time, Lieutenant Ieerdi was waking plans with the awry..
ppomwato A, DI Dio, at .to Arsisio, for the insurrootloa. Is riot, me 15 April,
1945, the plans wore earned out in liberating Duets Assisi., Lepanto, Sallarato,
sad "arose. All of the major tomes, in the Alto rilaneeo region, mere liberated,
by the eight of 15 April, 1945, in this nanntsr, and not OM shot was fired by tho
allied troop., when they arrived in this sons.
Oa tho night of 23 April, 1945, at 1280 hears, the oemeereial rsdie,
at Duet� Arsisiot under the oonsand and oontrol et Lioutesant Iss,4j, treadeast
the owes of the Italian insvrrootion, to the world. This was tho first radio, is
eireapiod Italy, to go os the air.
As a result ef the military oporatises divested or sollaborsted Is,
by firpolor Missiesp over lkirtoos tbsosood sassy troops wore septum., sod ths
astir, NM vas estsred by silted troops, with's% resisters's or bloolshol. II
Section 2 FOPS page 243
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Approved for IRlea-;e7.6i1/7iTio3 C06-74/43-3"visiaruc""
sot -
-rp T
_ ;
/7 g
raX2.12gultsatinst pima nallissis, 13�. Was en!
eisslisie tl st tie sanenbliaal sarivain atIsom imps,
to 'bp Pewit Imo. nordall tflie lisd Wen balm by arpisis tallisriss
0.41 was preseaild Is lawasi Piek. if 00 Plerth CerP0�
1. sortity Oust I hsee peressal hassled,. et the esseptissally seriterisms
00VvIse or Pint Illestisamt Aid, 14 Isardis Is esnmeoliss glib military operatics'
sidest as now U. Vatted slates, sad the results timareet.
4. States at lime tOf "bleb reessmemdatima ter mod Is submitted. Ihs First
idestessat, /sent hilliness" lirsadis Dempmay D 577ui logimaat, Orris. ft Sava.
toils Servlees (Frevisissal). At present First lieutenat. beret laillinesee
basait, liadquartero, 047716 Regiment. 47ims of "lrategle &mdse. (Previsional).
5. All if the Gerrie, if First Lioutemot Aldo Le Loardi, subsequeat to that
sited, lake boon honorable.
6. lie previous mord' have ilea issued.
7. Deoommemiation approved and iressaitted for your sonsideration.
colossi, infantry,
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Approved for Release: 2021/11/03 C06747433
11211011111 MONO PIN 11111 NM 111111 11111111. Pall 11111&ar OF EMU 10 PUN
1.1111111111111111 maI. ZME -
Ales L. Iowa, 0911,i15 First &testament. OemelArtillery Corps,
OHM* Intelligemes item*. tempo, 0, 0077th Ihesisemt. Wise or strategie
Servisee (Previsismal). ter eneeptismallymeriterisme sonless against an
mow if lhe limited States. Idestemeit Icardi paraelested into enemy territory
in Nerthern Italy, is the night or 06 Septembers l'hh, as part or the Smiler
1110401140 SA 6 SAAAAbArm Ih. wpm the eaptare and disappsereas� of Major
his Isha, Liestommet Isardi beano the leader or tte missies, sad, in this
sapaelty, direst,' the aetivities if the missies fir rive mmaths. !he ahrysler
*seism operated in the some of Rewrap Swine, Vereolli, Milano, Pavia, Dressing
Verona. Maateva. Oasola Velley. apd the Alto Milanese. %der the alveoli's or
Lieutenant Laval, an intelligemee network was organised to ensempass the above
same. this network had outset agents is the priaelpal teens, and vel�
leys. amd .test agent employed malty sebeageats. this organisation totalled same
three lambed and fifty persons. all or whomwsre direetly eentrelled by Ideu�
tomeat Ioardi. these individuals gathered military intelligens, and furnished
information gush as troop dispositions andidentirisatiens, railroad braills.
highway trafts, bridge trarrie, leeation or ammo and gasoline dumps, military
targets, esmaterimintelligemes, peletleal and eseaemie intelligens*. Ime military
intelligens, gathered by Lieutenant Ioardi was breadoasted to the base Offiee Of
dtrategio demises station. via rear radios' these radios transmitted 2582 nessageo,
repreeesting approximately 00.000 word groups. Is addition to the independent in.-
telligenee ***mark established by Lieutelant 'midi, be kept sloes oentaet.eltb
many of the Parttime grumps is Northern tab,. through these eentaete, Lieutenant
Ieardi was able to arrow supply drops to the Partisans. supplying then with
approximately a handred tons or material **managed of food, slothing, arm's, and
sommaition. tutored M litany eervioe frock Pittsbtrg, Pennsylvania.
GO line 1 Infantry,
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