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Document Release Date:
May 22, 2018
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Publication Date:
March 31, 2000
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Approved for Release: 2018/05/21 C06746713
()Rhonebez BAlijay)
Presidev Isinte .1 Mara 20DO)
ll'or ,1)01 SOirilN 1,,Ilarist ii:ono of tiro, YJft
I'm gain lo go D'14stiying 01141 Iddnik is good for
rountry. I'm not going le, thriAge .bectIn3e
tiwL rd staely do wane.
Jorge Bolle tomment November PM
Lawyer tmti veteran politician Jorge Baffle in
Noveniber 1161:filled his lifelong dream of
being elected president after running
trgratir:cresstfilly four dines since Idle viiiii4960s,
Batille----:representing the ruling Colorado ftrty
(PC) anti srupporterl by lhe lifike-',Iriiinded opposition
National Party�def-eated leftist candidate Tabare
Vazque2 lint natal electim late in 190
following a -tightly contested fi:rst round.. Bailie,
who brings an 01.1twtA-Ilooking economic
pers;pective to lilt presidency, ihas pledlged iu
increase international trade ,and foreign
finVtarllelalii t3tgaly. He benefits frOna
coalition majority in congress, where he is likely
to receive s,upport ;for such key initintiVV,3
addressing the negatiye elects of the vtroggling
Dr.DiatYcniitAn neivhboritail .AtRetnina arid .13razil,
:BmIle is
widely expected !to ;continue former President
(1985-90 and 1D95-2000) 3nio Maria
Sanguinertti's doinestic policies, including eflerts
10WeT !onelnplDynlent,
Embassy officials say that Baffle :plans to play e
more active role than Sanguinetti in regional and
international affairs,
A'n Ally Ditto., United States (b)(1)
coutram !to The pro-kaopemi disposition of
the Sanguinetti edminis'netion,
expected to .1)1`41SIl1e
(honer ,bilateml relations Willa 'Wnshington.
joining NAFTA rind that he will place, less
empheisis on Southern Cone Common Market. fHO
also prefers Uruguay's participation i the :Free
Trade Area of the Americas negotiations and A
LP 00-102670
31 March 2001)
Approved for Release: 2018/05/21 C06746713
pproved for Release: 2018/05/21 C06746713
"likely to advocate a bilateral tax or iavcstrneat
treaty with the United States
Battle, Who is
critical of EU agricultural subsidies, has called for
the United States and other agricultural exporters
to create a. common front to challenge EU
Battle was born 011 25 October 1927 in
Montevideo. He comes from a family of
presidents that includes most recently his late
father, former President (1947-51) Luis Battle
Berres, Battle holds a law degree .from the
University of the Republic. He began his political
career in 1945 when he,foined List 15�a
minority faction of the PC, During 1958-67 he
was a deputy in the national chamber of
Deputies. He ran LITISuccessadty for president in
1966, 1971, 19819, and 1994 During Uruguay's
military dictatorship (197344). Battle went
underground as a representative of the PC in the
Triumvirate, a clandestine party authority. With
the restoration of civilian rule in 1984� Battle
neturtied to the political arena as a senator until
1989, He was president or the PC from 1990 mdl
1995 when he was reelected senator, a post he
held before his 1999 presidr�t",,,,tid
Personal, Pea
Rattle is married to his second wife, Maria de
las Mercedes Menafirc he has a daughter:, a son,
.and three grandchildren from his .first marriage,
In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking, and
spending time in the countryside. Battle has a
passion for old cars and is an avid fan of rowing
and Nrtribm�one of the top soccer teams in .
Uruguay, Batik speaks fluent English, German.,
French., and Portuguese in addition to NS native
Approved for Release: 2018/05/21 C06746713