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Publication Date: 
October 18, 1985
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Approved for Release: 2018/08/28 C06746644 �70P-Seeret-- CPAS N1D 83-243JX MS 2943/85 10 October /985 Ca" 535 Approved for Release: 2018/08/28 C06746644 Approved for Release: 2018/08/28 C06746644 4 Warning Notice This Document Not To Se Reproduced intelligence Sources or Methods Involved (WN) National Security Unauthorised Disclosure Information Subject to Criminal Sanctions Oleseadeellen Ceittrd NORM Ian Ahbrodetione NOCONTRACT (NC) PROM. (PR) OROON (00 Not ralemble to tomer nem(' Not Moneta to oentreotas ci contractoricanoultents Cautton�ptoptleiaty Infonnadon ImoNed Olsainenallon and atirection ol Information controded by adelnatot lids Internee= hes been gulfweed le nevem to... FOI WN Foreion eoreennent Intanntlion teNSITEL�Intelegence somas or methods Invohnid The National InSoillgosas Daily is prepared in the Central Intediganoe Patina hi =Gestalten with the �that US foreign Intelligence crepahationa. 410 ITO pugs Approved for Release: 2018/08/28 C06746644 Approved for Release: 2018/08/28 C06746644 � Contents Italy: Government Crisis � �Top-Swot� TCS 2943/85 18 October 1985 2 (b)(3) NR Record NR Record (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/08/28 C06746644 Approved for Release: 2018/08/28 C06746644 NR Record 111 0 Approved for Release: 2018/08/28 C06746644 Approved for Release: 2018/08/28 C06746644 ITALY: Government Crisis President Cossiga will begin Om traditional process of forming a new government this morning, but preliminary reactions from the parties soonest that the Government crisis will be difficult to resolve. The Cabinet will remain in office until a new government has been selected, and tradition dictates that Craxi as outgoing Prime Minister should be given first crack at forming a successor government. Craxi gave up his idea of seeking a vole of confidence when the Christian Democrats threatened to abandon him if he proceeded, Craxl presented his version of the government's handling of the Achille Lauro affair to Parliament. stressing US highhandedness. He announced that Rome would formally protest the unauthorized US pursuit of the Egyptian airliner carrying Abu Abbas from Sigonella to Rome and presented himself as the defender of Italian sovereignty. He also insisted that Defense Minister Spadolini had been consulted about the decision to let Abu Abbas go. II � 2 -Togr*veret- TCS 2943/85 18 October 1985 fe Approved for Release: 2018/08/28 C06746644