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Publication Date: 
May 21, 1991
PDF icon ETHIOPIA STALLING ON FALA[16024045].pdf110.18 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/01/31 C06746642 00/1:613/159 5 61 $ 604�bp 111111111111111M TCSARIVW CERY �14 -1Pop-Seeret� CPASNID 91.118IX 42I TCS 2818/91 21 May 1991 Approved for Release: 2022/01/31 C06746642 Approved for Release: 2022/01/31 C06746642 Warning Notice National Security Informadon This Document Not To Be Reproduced Intelligence Sources or Methods Involved Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions The National Intelligence Daily is prepared in the Central Intelligence Agency in cooperation with the other US foreign intelligence organizations. Those agencies that concur In the content of items are Indicated at the end of each item. Requests for further dissemination or other use of items that appear in the National Intelligence Daily should be directed to CIA's Information Services Staff on Approved for Release: 2022/01/31 C06746642 Approved for Release: 2022/01/31 C06746642 Contents Notes Ethiopia: Stalling on Falasha Emigration -Top-Secret- TCS 2818/91 21 May 1991 (b)(3) NR Record NR Record �(b)(3) Approved for Release: 2022/01/31 C06746642 Approved for Release: 2022/01/31 C06746642 ETHIOPIA: Stalling on Falasha Emigration President Mengistu continues to oppose a large-scale, rapid departure of the 16,000 to 18,000 Ethiopian Jews�Falashas�in Addis Aides are advising him to drag out emigration suggesting they believe that a continued Falasha presence in Addis Ababa will ensure that Washington and Tel Aviv will protect the capital from a rebel assault I the Ethiopian Government, I continues to demand that Tel Aviv pay exhorbitant "transportation costs" arising from an accelerated Falasha exodus. Mengistu reportedly believes that Washington would not abandon its plans for brokering peace talks in London this month - lust because he has been uncooperative on the Falasha issues. Comment: Following the recent rebel victories north and west of the capital, the Falashas probably are becoming increasingly valuable to Mengistu. He probably will not increase the rate of emigration significantly before the peace talks in order to preserve what he sees as leverage over Washington. Addis Ababa might expedite emigration for a large payment, which could be used to buy badly needed arms, but rebel successes could outpace negotiations over the Falashas. 5 n'op-SeeFet- TCS 2818/91 21 May 1991 (b)(3) NR Record (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2022/01/31 C06746642