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Publication Date: 
August 11, 2006
PDF icon EXTERNAL ADVISORY BOARD[15823697].pdf329.17 KB
Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 UNCLASSIFIED// US Classification/Non USIISCInCodeword//FGIUDissem Controls//Non-IntellilDeclass (as appropriate) 6 EXECUTIVE CORRESPONDENCE ROUTING SHEET 1. Origination Office DESS 2. Date 08/11/2006 Name Room No. and Building Phone 3. FROM: 4. Subject EXTERNAL ADVISORY BOARD 5. Originating Office Control # ADMIN- 0002506 5a. Response to DAC # (0 tigmating011Ice to Complete) 5b. DAC Dile Control # (DAC Use Only) t....../ - O37,7c1 Are) 6. Justification / Summary (Required for Immediate and Priority Actions) Routine flPriority -A0- - . - � CAA 4 Owe. r- 0-43fUzs . 7. Coordination frktg-- 10LA00144.14. . �Iihititt1611 ' NOTE: All correspondence sent to Da must i � �:,,, .,,k.0 � �,,D -.1 , �c 4- ....! s\'-� , , �.Y !'r,;. ; -rt. t.', 3 5' ' TITLE DAC M SIGNATURE ' 6 14 2006 SIGNATURE CONCUR FYI A ' i 4 ZUG6 .L16 I- 2008 M IIII SIGNATURE n CONCUR FYI t C�C41 06 = SIGNATURE AUG 1 5 113OR IM n CONCUR FYI NO FA SIGNATURE IM CONCUR 11111 FYI TITLE M SIGNATURE ' SIGNATURE CONCUR FYI TITLE I. SIGNATURE . SIGNATURE CONCUR FYI TITLE SIGNATURE � SIGNATURE M I. CONCUR FYI . FORM.o 4468 UNCLASSIFIED// A)Nt Ma) IODP CL REASON: DECL ON: DRV FROM: Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 THE DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 17 August 2006. Mr. Arnold L. Kanter (b)(6) Dear Mr. ter: s a follow-up to our recent telephone conversation, I would like to thank you for considering my invitation to serve on the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency External Advisory Board. Your significant career accomplishments, unique experience and considerable expertise would make you a unique and valuable member of this Board. Together with other distinguished members of industry, academia, and government, you will have the opportunity to make enormous contributions to the CIA mission and to the national security of our country as a member of this Advisory Board. I sincerely hope that you will look favorably on this offer, and I look forward to the possibility of working with you in this endeavor. To reply and initiate the next steps in the process, please have your office contact my Chief of Staff, (b)(3) (b)(6) Sincerely, Michael V. Hayden General, USAF Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 THE DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 17 August 2006 Dear As a follow-up to our recent telephone conversation, I would like to thank you for considering my invitation to serve on the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency External Advisory Board. Your significant career accomplishments, unique experience and considerable expertise would make you a unique and valuable member of this Board. Together with other distinguished members of industry, academia, and government, you will have the opportunity to make enormous contributions to the CIA mission and to the national . security of our country as a member of this Advisory Board. I sincerely hope that you will look favorably on this offer, and I look forward to the possibility of working with you in this endeavor. To reply and initiate the next steps in the process, please have your office contact my Chief of Staff, Sincerel Michael V. Hayden General, USAF Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 THE DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 17 August 2006 Ms. Carleton S. Fiorina (b)(6) Dear orina: As a follow-up to our recent telephone conversation, I would like to thank you for considering my invitation to serve on the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency External Advisory Board. . Your significant career accomplishments, unique experience and considerable expertise would make you a unique and valuable member of this Board. Together with other distinguished members of industry, academia, and government, you will have the opportunity to make enormous contributions to the CIA mission and to the national security of our country as a member of this Advisory Board. I sincerely hope that you will look favorably on this offer, and I look forward to the possibility"of working with you in this endeavor. To reply and initiate the next steps in the Process, please have your office contact my Chief of Staff, (b)(3) (b)(6) Sincerely, Michael V. Hayden General, USAF Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 THE DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 Dear 17 August 2006 As a follow-up to our recent telephone conversation, I would like to thank you for considering my invitation to serve on the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency External Advisory Board. Your significant career accomplishments, unique experience and considerable expertise would make you a unique and valuable member of this Board. Together with other distinguished members of industry, academia, and government, you will have the opportunity to make enormous contributions to the CIA mission and to the national security of our country as a member of this Advisory Board. I sincerely hope that you will look favorably on this offer, and I look forward to the possibility of working with you in this endeavor. To reply and initiate the next steps in the process, please have your office contact my Chief of Staff, (b)(3) (b)(6) Sincerely, Michael V. Hayden General, USAF Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 THE DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 17 August 2006 r Dear As a follow-up to our recent telephone conversation, I would like to thank you for considering my invitation to serve on the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency External Advisory Board. Your significant career accomplishments, unique experience and considerable expertise would make you a unique and valuable member of this Board. Together with other distinguished members of industry, academia, and government, you will have the 'opportunity to make enormous contributions to the CIA mission and to the national security of our country as a member of this Advisory Board. I sincerely hope that you will look favorably on this offer, and I look forward to the possibility of working with you in this endeavor. To reply and initiate the next steps in the process, please have your office contact my Chief of Staff, Sincerely Michael V. ayden General, USAF Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 THE DIRECTOR . . CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 17 August 2006 Mr. Harold Smith (b)(6) Dear 14Wmith: As a follow-up to our recent telephone conversation, I would like to thank you for considering my invitation to serve on the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency External Advisory Board. Your significant career accomplishments, unique experience and considerable expertise would make you a unique and valuable member of this Board. Together with other distinguished members of industry, academia, and government, you will have the opportunity to make enormous contributions to the CIA mission and to the national security of our country as a member of this Advisory Board. I sincerely hope that you will look favorably on this offer, and I look forward to the possibility of working with you in this endeavor. To reply and initiate the next steps in the process, please have your office contact my Chief of Staff, (b)(3) (b)(6) Sincerel Michael V. ayden General, USAF Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 THE DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 Dear 17 August 2006 � A6/; follow-up to our recent telephone conversation, I would like to thank you for considering my invitation to serve on the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency External Advisory Board. Your significant career accomplishments, unique experience and considerable expertise would make you a unique and valuable member of this Board. Together with other distinguished members of industry, academia, and government, you will have the opportunity to make enormous contributions to the CIA mission and to the national security of our country as a member of this Advisory Board. I sincerely hope that you will look favorably on this offer, and I look forward to the possibility of working with you in this endeavor. To reply and initiate the next steps in the process, please have your office contact my Chief of Staff, (b)(3) (b)(6) � Sincerely, Michael V. Hayden General, USAF Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 THE DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 17 August 2006 General Richard B. Myers, USAF (Ret) (b)(6) Dear Geir Myers: As a follow-up to our recent telephone conversation, I would like to thank you for considering my invitation to serve on the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency External Advisory Board. Your significant career accomplishments, unique experience and considerable expertise would make you a unique and valuable member of this Board. Together with other distinguished members of industry, academia, and government, you will have the opportunity to make enormous contributions to the CIA mission and to the national security of our country as a member of this Advisory Board. I sincerely hope that you will look favorably on this offer, and I look forward to the possibility of working with you in this endeavor. To reply and initiate the next steps in the process, please have your office contact my Chief of Staff, (b)(3) (b)(6) Sincerely, ViQ Michael V. Hayden General, USAF Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 44 Dear THE DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 17 August 2006 (72 /LP" 449C; .04" eft., " As a follow-up to our recent telephone conversation, I would like to thank you for considering my invitation to serve on the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency External Advisory Board. Your significant career accomplishments, unique experience and considerable expertise would make you a unique and valuable member of this Board. Together with other distinguished members of industry, academia, and government, you will have the opportunity to make enormous contributions to the CIA mission and to the national security of our country as a member of this Advisory Board. I sincerely hope that you will look favorably on this offer, and I look forward to the possibility of working with you in this endeavor. To reply and initiate the next steps in the process, please have your office contact my Chief of Staff, (b)(3) (b)(6) Sincerely, Michael V. Hayden General, USAF Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 T'HE DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 Dear 17 August 2006 As a follow-up to our recent telephone conversation, I would like to thank you for considering my invitation to serve on the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency External Advisory Board. Your significant career accomplishments, unique experience and considerable expertise would make you a unique and valuable member of this Board. Together with other distinguished members of industry, academia, and government, you will have the opportunity to make enormous contributions to the CIA mission and to the national security of our country as a member of this Advisory Board. I sincerely hope that you will look favorably on this offer, and I look forward to the possibility of working with you in this endeavor. To reply and initiate the next steps in the process, please have your office contact my Chief of Staff, (b)(3) (b)(6) Sincerely, Michael V. Hayden General, USAF Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 THE DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 17 August 2006 Dear As a follow-up to our recent telephone conversation, I would like to thank you for considering my invitation to serve on the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency External Advisory Board. Your significant career accomplishments, unique experience and considerable expertise would make you a unique and valuable member of this Board. Together with other distinguished members of industry, academia, and government, you will have the opportunity to make enormous contributions to the CIA mission and to the national security of our country as a member of this Advisory Board. I sincerely hope that you will look favorably on this offer, and I look forward to the possibility of working with you in this endeavor. To reply and initiate the next steps in the process, please have your office contact my Chief of Staff, (b)(3) (b)(6) Sincerely Michael V. H yden General, USAF Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853 � Dr. H. THE DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 Patrick Swygert 17 August 2006 Abair off' (b)(6) Dear Dr. Swygert: As a follow-up to our recent telephone conversation, I would like to thank you for considering my invitation to serve on the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency External Advisory Board. Your significant career accomplishments, unique experience and considerable expertise would make you a unique and valuable member of this Board. Together with other distinguished members of industry, academia, and government, you will have the opportunity to make enormous contributions to the CIA mission. and to the national security of our country as a member of this Advisory Board. . I sincerely hope that you will look favorably on this offer, and I look forward to the possibility of working with you in this endeavor. To reply and initiate the next steps in the process, please have your office contact my Chief of Staff, (b)(3) (b)(6) Sincerely, Michael V. Hayden General, USAF Approved for Release: 2020/09/21 C06729853