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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
November 10, 2022
Sequence Number: 
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Publication Date: 
March 4, 2008
PDF icon F-2008-00941 INITIAL REQU[16146336].pdf115.42 KB
08 1-0 in - Approved for Release: 2022/10/25 C06718923 w.trirs.s. :P (b)(6) 4 Mareh 2008 Information and Privacy Coordinator: Central Intelligence Agency Washington DC 20505 Ref: F-N108--.00313 (Scott Koch) Dear Coordinator: 4.1 . . . " . . The referenced FQ1A 'request was apparently denied on the basis that my broad :Wording would :eneotrinaSs:lie-.-4ctualiContilicti-of.iotOlikdii6e:opotatjon�,r:104d hatidly:ha*e.:ekpeted that; yet . . � . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . ". . , , �� .. � ..� . arri..Sorelv di sapOititectrthat other:information not of that nature, was not :Surely exists. � . . . . . . . NeVerthelesS;-.1haverehOSetinOtlo -appeal ':.Rather-::1 will substantially narrow the scope of my ..".:interest, while adding another clement, i e recognition of an existing declassification The subject T.Of interest relates to design, developments.460:tatf.f4,41109.0 Of any type Whieh.conlobeved to move agents to otherwise inaCeeSSiblefocationS.4 specifically ildade intelligence operations This is atwo riait request: , .First, I already hive -a body of knowledge about the .subject, both by being personally involved in such development work, and indirectly involved in other related projects where., as Sedtifity Officer, I Was closely aware Of the work 'of others. This subject Matter has already been -deelassified, as evidenced by a four page narrative by one of Your employees which was �`Released as -sanitized .; 2 July 96" (apparently this Was internal) and then 'Posted 2O07-0508' presumably for the general public I refer to "THE. GOOD OLD DAYS - You Are on Your Own' by Walter Giouniau.- [You probably have quicker ways to find this, but I just GOog�le