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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Document Creation Date:
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date:
January 5, 2018
Sequence Number:
Case Number:
Publication Date:
December 5, 1965
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� _
Approved for Release: 2018/01/03 C06718627
Approved for Release
by the Central Intelligence Agency
Date: 2)0c:a
5 December 12..56r"
The attached document,. Attachment No. 3 of NBDA-2982 of 28 April 1962,
indicates at a Lt. Col. PRUSAKOV was attached to the Soviet Embassy in
New Delhi, India in 1962. There were no further references to this
individual in RID/Main Index. A check will be made in SR.
Cfecument Number
for FOIA Review on
JAN 1971
� �
Approved for Release: 2018/01/03 C06718627
Approved for Release: 2018/01/03 C06718627
I T.. Co.laande.r Vistil.Dlir .
tVirld�Z982 Z.
ant D.
1.Derle".i. C. ar.countereaLi.. Co.g....1.and*r n.rircryevic:o
DI;07!1:.bt Eti. .rJtJ te.11rtiat, (Army At t4.oba, !:31--asayt New te1!;.1)
rsiwii pert7 for Cca. :)(,f6T A3a13tmi-A . . AttnoLe, _OW
De3j-1,Cr 2C .1.y..r11 IY...41411o,.;.e'r. onse.r-vC froz a
Lt..:1.:7.1 alto:
� :it a. ow �on ho rad z.c.:4 tu.stvally talke.e. with 1-11.a
a 1-,r1.ef rtvriat .c r. i ovr!tor 19-! at t.J.o brs',Lan t.ogat.ionC.
� 0�:,021sion of the :;:a,;0,� Ara�o:Lar. :ny celebration.
dtst.f..7:cr AS from r.L1L- zovia ;:ew
was ocaversir.i vitt: c'apt. fie=edict, kry, let�
is u studert attached to tl..o Cl.fice of t.l.e �4;.4. ta dte
;17 � I! � :C it1 'e- talking. to an same over and ;;ci.nz.,d
af.d i.:Y.LA'i7 introduced hiac acediut, caltr.red
at=o,:t the in 'ew and
qired :.it sn.d id LP^ ,: � j.1%an =avers:id
for ilalf a ;.ola- of : c7m4A.,
eand . ,;,7 0.14-kiwaAxc:. of Jott&vovilit
4ora watrzt,3-r1!.,. '3acKr.roi.:nd ft zade :.;;J con:e
vifo s.La.s..d fc.,r
fn..; t.Lomcr:cerT'ng vIrickla '-ir.
ar:d tar,i12 aro leave) 4.Q ae on S ?,.ay
pi.q...na can for to turn tc 0ut of 1y cr .mr1;i,
IQ* 14 e7A his family fly 7ia tc ':9sOrcult. iz^rom
are onwird, IiAf I. plans to proaccd t)* train as is ir.I.rr.:ateir! in aesioi;
for 4.1-.9 first tifle this T.n.rt of the Actually, 1". la co!r�oyed tLat
etant.,0 t. �eit....4-n via F.uropeo a route to is mrs pr.-ft:Tuba�.
a&orti.L.cgt eat Lza of Coo r.ou air ar,rtenst.call.. ...att./047a: tho gox az.d his
all Eoviet Fr..)aaay DaiLl. for the :.;L,..3P. frost
19% cwortzt1 Lave to treval via Z,41)13.. vtAysF7:: t:oren to spend toe
first raw s..esks of hie 1:c leaVe at a ,r.:;1110k Sea resort end remaindar of
3. LIZA?: he !�3,71,r. ta!=.ing tanguaee ;.E..asOns1oc.l3btit stoppod
r...n 1 Lpril ;-- t. th dvori. of ii Lote ^ Lie, interest in
Lew lagged sok.r....t.st.
4., ntad that Le vas in :.e.d.re.wa7 in 1.94 vitt tl:e ;,:ot.riot av7.
4api e ffrot tried ALArricen Ztat,Eit 0247to
Yea in 11,Aly with tte '.4.v7. 'a lardzd at i5aplea
!,th.111.1) t train to 7.):7.1m.aiiippTep,ed 'oy Itra rrA7Ado
I I �
01:,tc....tment Niamber
for rof.5. of) 171
Approved for Release: 2018/01/03 C06718627
Approved for Release: 2018/01/03 C06718627
. ' �
Attastmeat !Jo. 3
rag.% 2
5. DlinIW ociom not like Italian fot14) dislikes tomato ..lauces and
sala4a -- he refsra to salads as !mountain gramme. i:cwaser, hs abes
liUs Italian vita.
ras sold hia tutomehile 194i71 Oldsmobile, 111-2504, tl)
7. U7t-Al is still anaking 1:UX181.1ri,ar Cipliettee. According to Um,
ts mNokaa about fifteen a day.
E. hoo a 1.-roti7er is a lay Fraduate and teto is empleed
in tile tlnistry of Cultural Affairs (in Plessey). This brother la stutd
tha Er.glish language en his ows
9. t:a L;ciorfrtar, to the Lovtot 7evu1 i.ttache �
thc !fIrs ',Is Lt. l'cleatIn !7orenovich !-1CVA1.21)
WO roc:allay ill via
10. Mlle t.e ocrovoreation yes on the sullot of matzenchileu,DYAI
atatt4 that the Sovint Embassy dc os not have an:" $ay.otantrooEils
netahAniss; that the i:zbaasi Us only about 10 or 12 �Medal vhhialos.
Approved for Release: 2018/01/03 C06718627