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%Yet. - GOV ex
criti ourroEs Of INTERVIEW WIN Ufa.
AIR DATE: MAY 10,1997
0 0 14 10
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Approved for Release: 2018/05/01 C06716934
CNN Interview of Usama Bin Laden
Tape date: March 20, 1997
Air date: May 10, 1997
QUESTION: Mr. Bin Laden, could you give us your main criticism of the Saudi royal family that
is ruling Saudi Arabia today?
, . � - � - .
MR. BIN LADEN: Regarding the criticisms Of the ruling legit.* in Sandi Arabia and the Arabian
peninsula, the first one is their subordination to the US. Sq,:biirtnainprOblein is the
government while the Sandi regime is but a branch or an agent of the US.-By'beinifoyal to the
US regime, the Sandi regime has committed an act against 'slain. And this, based on the ruling
of Shari'a jurisptudence),,eaststhe regime outsidethe'religititts'earniminity..
Subsequently, the regime has stopped ruling people according tei.*hat-GOil revealed, praise and
glory be to Him, not to mention Many other contradictory When this was
violated, other corrupt acts followed in every aspect of the country, the cdonOrnic; the social,
government services and so on.
QUESTION: Mr. Bin InAen, if the Islamic movement takes over Arabia, what kind of society will
be created and will Saudi Arabia, for example, return to the laws Of the Qur'an at the time of the
BIN LADEN: We are confident, with the permission of God, Praise and Glory be to Him, that
Muslims will be victorious in the Arabian peninsula and that God's religion, praise and glory be
to Him, Will prevail in this 'peninsula, it is a great pride and big hope that the revelation unto
Muhammad, Peace be tiPon him, willbe rnsortedto for ruling...WhOSiie used to follow
IvItthaimnad's revelation, Peace upon we were in great happiness and in great dignity, to
. _
God belong credit and praise.
QUESTION: Mr. Bin Laden, if the Islamic Moveinenttakes'over Saudi Arabia, What would your
attitude to the. West be and will the price of oil be higher?
BIN LADEN: We are a nation and have A long history, -. With:the,grace.�lof God, Praise And Glory
be fOOpt,::114 are now in the 15th century in this great religion, the complete and comprehensive
Conrse,Iiis Clarified the dealings between on�dividual and another,,the duties of the believer
towards God, Praise and Glory be to Him, and the relationship.,betweenthe.Muslinicountry and
other countries in time of peace and in time of war, If we Jo*.baefs-atOUr history, We will find
that there were many types of dealings between the, m4s4Fici*.ti0....04-the other nations in time
of peace and in time of war, including treaties and matters to do with commerce. So it is not a
new thing that we need to come up With, Rather, it already, by the.gtac. of God, exists. As for
oil, it is a commodity that will be subject to the price of the market according to supply and
demand.- We believe that the current prices are not realistic due to the Saudi regime's association
with the American Government to increase production and flooding the market that caused a
sharp decrease in oil prices.
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CNN Interview of Usama Bin Ladcii
March 1997
Page 2
QUESTION: Mr. Bin Laden; you've declared a jihad 0 fainst�the United States. Can you tell us
why? And is the jihad directed against the US govt.', nment or the United States' troops in
Arabia? What about US civilians in Arabia or the people of the United States?
BIN LADEN: We declared jihad against the US government, because the US government is
unjust, criminal and tyrannical. It has committed acts that are extremely unjust, hideous and
criminal Whether directly or through its support of the Israeli occupation of the Prophet's Night
Travel Land (Palestine). And we believe the US is directly responsible for those who were killed
in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq. The mention of the US reminds US before everything else of
those innocent children Who were dismembered, their heads and arms cut off in the recent
explosion that took place in Qana (in Lebanon). This US government abandoned even
humanitarian feelings by these hideous crimes. It transgressed all bounds and behaved in a way
not witnessed before by any power or any imperialist powerin the World. They should been
considerate that the qibla (Mecca) of the Muslims upheaves the emotion of the entire Muslim
World. Due to its Subordination to the Jews the arrogance and haughtiness of the US regime has
reached, to the extent that they occupied the qibla of the Muslims (Arabia) Who are more than a
1,250 million in the world today. For this and other acts of aggression and injustice, we have
declared jihad against the US, because in our religion it is our duty to make jihad so that God's
word is the one exalted to the heights so that we drive the Americans away from all Muslim
countries. As for what you asked whether jihad is directed against US soldiers, the civilians in
the land of the Two Holy places (Saudi Arabia, Mecca and Medina) of against the civilians in
America, we have focused in our declaration on striking at the the country of The Two
Holy Places. The country of the Two Holy Places has in our religion a peculiarity of its own over
the other Muslim Countries. In our religion, it is not permissible for any non-Muslim to stay in
our CO11144. Therefore, even though American civilians are not targeted:in our pan, they mist
leave. We do not guarantee their safety, because we are in a society of more than a billion
Muslims. A reaction -Might take place as a result of US government's hitting Muslim civilians
and executing more than 600 Thousand Muslim children in Iraq by preventing food and medicine
from reaching therm So, the US is responsible for any reaction, because it has transgressed
through war fronipilitary personnel to civilians. This is what We say. As for what you asked
regarding the American people, they are not exonerated from responsibility because chose
this government and voted for it despite their knowledge of its crimes in Palestine; Lebanon, Iraq
and in*her:.16.Ces-and its support of its ,collaborating regime Who filled our prisons with our best
children scholars. . We ask that may God release them.
QUESTION: Mr. Bin fLuien, will the end of the United States? presence in Saudi Arabia, their
withdrawal, will that end your call for jihad against the United States and against the US?
BIN LADEN: The cause of the reaction must be sought and the act that has triggered this
reaction must be eliminated. The reaction came as a result of the US aggressive policy towards
the entire Muslim world and not just towards the Arabian peninsula. So if the cause that has
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CNN Interview of Usama Bin Laden
March 1997
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called for this act comes to an end, this act, in turn, will come to an end. So, tlic
jihad against the US does not stop with its withdrawal from the Arabian peninsula, ;
must desist from aggressive intervention against Muslims in the whole world.
QUESTION: Mr. Bin I ftden, tea us about your explrience, the Afghan war cu:.
you do ditrin gOiat jihad?
BINLAPE.M:Pi*ii be tO-06d,101 therigl*r and Sustainer itif: e'rilany it)h fo
stliart .1-Iih id
rather t.)64o.r,ii..4.,***i:Iio'j.fis'::..j4j4f4ii.ii*jfi.iifhiiii. ,'..;1 '.4.4 ''."'
tio#0iii.;ii6iii#Iiii4t Wi',4'*OW'fdi!cl'iiii014'*a1164;;.,..: ai.. - 'e.' ":6VieftiliOh invaded a NI.
coOnto;i:Tt.iig.. 8v....aa..:s4ffiOit.itt. motivation for to ttart:10.lii'' our brothers in Afghan,,,
haiie:benetted..So treatlffrom the jihad in Afgha�itan.. that itwould have been imp-i.
ftit'iOtaiti.inOh'a'�beriaift$:iii01:.:71' 0.6).ian.64:4C1 this ' iiiia'siii-.6d by tens 0.
more thnthat, Praise and Gratitude be.tottiiiikrIn spite'idt .the Soviet4er; we used 1
with,..cOnfidence,and:pod conferred 'favors on ci.i.�-:ao,.thatwetranported heavy equipmc �
. the country Of the Two Holy Places (Arabia) eStiMated'at:hundredibf tons altogether 1'
included bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks and Nu4P4Wilt. f:x.i.clilly.,gg?.si:.:ti:ieiniiscihiliss..W, tilihbeunt-i.:
brutality of.,..!.,be.:gusians71)ootipg-Mujabiclips!AiOsiOons,.by t.110to;c0,0t: -.Pod, we dug ,
fatigneAranighedindto*aS: e terror 6 "
hospital ..Nli.e4.4.qi�444 .po.nipOada,,,byg.v:fgr...4ceiP .',09'cla',:. P..�:".#1-...�
number ,of, huge tunnels : and built in thetn*omp.**-4.g:.:01,40:p.WiTi*oolp others we L..
yonCa*lv 0 ......0.4:'000(;.. ,0:04-f. .k7;.0,0040c#:, :..4ii4 . ' ..,3).y.:.t4p, graceofothf C.
and glory be tiiHitni'andiheidOit.Ofhat,Wt'tieriefitted,
pOweras:AeStrOyed.,:nocOH, in my r,rritl ....,; pt; ,o�Af..
stiO:iPP,..,YPT.5.044.A.PC:..-1Y4A:F., old: PIPANF41,as a ,.. ....-ii 0...*-1)V.':iii:iii.0 - 'pec-- rPowc.::
r� al : by a
'tii444.'111Yth Slumt:
Ory.;.be to I-Em, on
the eritire:',m0,44en*otic,t -7* e*r.0.00,,Of04$4; has imbibed .t.::::0:�' ..itself' started -.' Of streng
._,,,.. :. :t0 occu ' spirit ' d the . tiOn an We..
tOl'i0:6:i*C.*1:i''. '. lilaii:i14'iii.2.,jii' - ' 'Anglia-!
AnieriCan'inflneriCe'Otif bur Ciiiintries
, , .. :., :. - : ,:... ,....,:: . ., 7 -
� � -
ontiti..Woviet re
PhenbOehel to
ze .cignf cance of the Afghan war for the Islam.
ortflict froni
Bosnia10::40"- you explain thaz
BIN :LADEN: As I mentioned in my answer to the prpi4ou,s14e0,90; the effect of jihw. peen
.great not only it the level of thelslamiejnOyernent�hut.ratheriat.tlie_leyelpf the Muslin in
the whole world. Thespiritofpoweri dignity_and-cOn4denCe.hasgrown in our sons al: 10i-tiers
for this religion and the power of God,Praise and Glorybe to Him. And it has becorn,, :,ar C t
even ,to- the iISlainic 'movement ,that. there but reium. to the original spring,
religion, to God's Book, Praise and. akity*-10:0im, and to-the ..aiihnia,Of His Prophet,
upon him, as Understood by our predecessors, may God be pleasedviththem. Of this: n
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CNN Interview of Usama Bin Laden
March 1997
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of this religion is jihad. The nation has had a strong conviction that there is no way to obtain
faithful strength but by returning to this jihad. The influence of the Afghan jihad on the Islamic
world was so great and it necessitates that people should rise above many of their differences and
unite their efforts against their CfleMY. Today, the nation is interacting well by uniting its efforts
through jihad against the VS which has in collaboration with the Israeli government led the
ferpciousslImpaignAgainst.pp klatr4ic..�)yortd. in ..,,,occ,ppyio.�0Ifisb,91,YAi!FA,9.1-P.ICAluslinls. As
for the young men,..*ho.participate4�injih4liece!,Athe41001?et,::_by,q0,1sopp_cg,004, was quite
big, Praise and Gratitude to Him, And #.4ipi:04.40jo-ry,olia.444*.hich- non-believers'
injustideiPerl;Piu*-4,4gainst Muslims Their.,going4OpoS,nia,::"Cli;eChriya,,:raiilcistan and other
countries is bit afulfillinent of as,dlity,-beCatiSer*-_bOlipvetbat:these States are part Of the Islamic
World.;Iterefore,-'ani act of aggression against any of 414-104.of .4.,SPan, of hand measure
makes if a: duty for Muslims pii..serict a Snifioieni number of 0'!ei..r.,00ns to billt Off that aggression.
Can you iitlf`tis now about Your 0:PytFiqn QM Sandi Arabia and your time you
spent in Sudan and your arrival here in Afghanistan?
. . .
BIN LADEN: I was, by the grace of God, Praise and QlOry be to Him, in the great spot that is
dear to god, Praise and Glory be to Him, al-h,ijaz, espeCiallyVencrableI4ecca, where is God's
. . � .
Ancient House. .1-Towever,,the fegtoetitipoo.ii-,.0*;,,p,00pte*pfe't4. does not appeal to
the free believer. They wanted the people to e4t.Iiid'driOk.'4.4.0*tet* God, but if
the people wanted to encourage what is right and forbid_ What. is wrong, they can't. Rather, the
regime diamisSes.therri from their jobs and in the event to do SO, they are detained
in prisons-,-..As,:for:mySelf,rI haVerejected:tOliVeThitUbMis-SiVe favor, Praise and
Gratitude be to Him, that is not benefitting of man let alone a
ieVef,`.:So==1*atted for the
chance until, God, Praise and Glory be to Hltn,
Of Twothe OOY*4.O4'.1. lib eriipon me His
possible made it.;�for'06,-,t0 the country
favotioreitirnotiedAY:When trot-,..rules in that Country. I wentito:�. stayed
there for about five years during which I isitcd
COMMintiat,gdeitiMerit in Kabul. When the S�i
Afghanistan and Pakistan o work again't the
voices of scholars andth0:7416i60.S..4theiej: .for, found fore
, . ,
e'sPe4a4)i.aflei tki.e..gOei4aleilt,Pt0.4.4e4heikS1 inan. and'Sheik Salm' al-Hawaii
and some 'ogler scholars, to cariy out a small.part 4dy of enjoining what is tight and
:forbiMing what is wrong So, I collaborated with some bmThbts and established `atOmmittee for
offering .01,40-4d*estirto4 topublish: *orne40.0Advice an eformation
Cominittee).,.11OWeverilieSandi-igtoe "-it#14(likeihisand started:to :exercise pressure on the
Sudan* regirrie.''The-US governmentc theEgyptian gOvetnment and the-Yeriidni.government-
also helped in doing They..reqiien.tedirie,,e:;PliCitlyfrOtri,ihei$0. eSre'l'eginie'nnd the pressure
continued. ,' Sandi. Arabia-dropped all ofiti".:eiinditiOnStint ri0; the Sudanese regime in return that I
be driven Out of_the�Sudan. The .PS:;gOverrimenchadalready.taken :tlieiSarfiestarioc and pulled
out its, diplomatic Mission from Khnitatini:-rtii Nairobi and put. forth their .condition to return only
after I baNie. left. .Unfortunately, the Sudaiiese tot-104;1)6m Was in some difficult circumstances
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CNN Intervicw of
March 1997
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and there was a tendency;:..: : :: ,nventment that was inclined to reconciliation or surrender.
Then, when they insisted til;.a. 1 :;iould keep my mouth shut, I decided to look for a land in which
I could breathe a pure, free air to perform my duty in enjoining what is :tight and forbidding what
.is wrong. I ask God, Praise and Glory be to Om, for increase in prosperity for this great land, the
:Land of Khurasan (Afghanistan) in order to carry on this duty. So, we implore God, Praise and
Glory be to Him, that He accept (our deeds) from us and the Muslims.,��
- .
QUESTION: Now, the United States government Says that you are unding military training
. .
..eatps here min Afghanistan for militant, Islanuc fighters and that you are a sponsor of
international terrorism; but others describe'attegi2die world. Are
these accusations true? And, how do you describe yourself? *
BIN LADEN: After the collapse of the SoViettlnioniti.Whiehilit US has no mentionable role,
but rather the credit goes to God, Praise and Glory be to I-Jim, and the Mujahldin in Afghanistan,
this collapse made the US more haughty and arrogant and it hai-StattedittloOkat itself as a
Master Of this world and established what it calls the new World order:. It wanted to delude
people that it can do whatever it wants, but it can't do this. It leveled against me and Others as
many accusations as it desired and wished.. What you. have mentionec1were some of them
(accusations). The US today as a result of the;anrOgantatmosphereha�-,.$et a double standard,
calling whoever goes against its injustice a terrOtiq; It woo. to 00ettiOttrOttatries; isteal our
resources, impose on us agents to rule us based not On what God has reVealedind wants.U.s".to
agree on:411 these. If we refuse to do so, theywill';say you terrorists. a simple look at
the US' behaviors, we find that it judges the behavior Of the poor (Palestinian) children whose
couutry:was occupied and their fathers were'nuArdsged; if they throwAtoues:-mantst:the4cwish
ocaiiP4On, it says they are terrorists whereas when the Israeli pilots bombed tlid United Nations
building in Qana, Lebanon while was full of Children andwOmen;:t4-v.s.'3,imitot*bained to
Veto any plan or project to condemn the JeWS:,:At.-.(liettinie.'04if:Ocey.**inii, any Muslim who
calls for his 'right, they receive the highest 'kip official from Republican Army
Adarns)at'the White House as a politicalleade4-1WhileW0e;alliWOe',i-,S'theOiAirn-Jf they cry
� out fOr-their rights. 'Whenever we look, we find te't1SiSr.ilfeleadef=iiii.erriiiisinancf.'Ciinie in
- �
Atie'WOild:::The US does not consider it a te- fothrOWitOini.' bombs fnt:n4t1O'S
thousands of away, when it would',notsible :torihoie;bombs to hit militaiy troops
:.:001Y:.i,,,�Th*.b.Othbs were rather thrown at *i.'-tut H#Atiotilm.itc
. -elderly
peOple and up to this day the traces of those bombs remain inJapan. The US dOesnot,tonsider it
_.� �
terrorism when hundreds of thousands of our sons ndbrOdtets in Iraqjtecir�.r. lack of food or
medicine, So, there is no base for what the !..T.44tos...apOth.isoying4O4not*Iffect us, because
we, by,thgrace of God, are dependent on Him and Okiry*.Aif044;;Otjtigfielp:fr9m
Him against the US. As for the last part otri**0;stio4; we are fulfilling 44.tity which God,
Praise and Glory be to Him, decreed for us, I'Vi'.40,51( Open those liercies,..thosOrten.who
undertook to kill the American occupiers ip.gily-4443y4 xhol*(pkt***). We described those
as heroes and describe them as men. They have pulled down the disgrace and submissiveness off
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CNN Interview of Usama Bin Laden
March 1997
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the forehead of their nation. We ask Allah, Praise and Glory he t c� Him, to accept them as
QUESTION: Let's go to the bombings of United States troops in Riyadh and Dhahran. Why did
they happen and were you and your supporters involved in these attacks?
. _
BIN LADEN: We ask about the main reason that called for this explOSian. This eiPlOsiOn vva.s
reaction to a US provrication of the Muslim peoples, in which the US transgressed in its
aggression until it reached the qibla of the Muslims in the whole world So, the purpose of the
� �
two explosions is to get the American occupation out (of Arabia). So if the U.S: does not Want to
have its sons who are in the army being killed, then it has to get out.
QUESTION: On the same ,issue of the American troops in Saudi Arabia, do you think there will
be more bombing attacks on them? Or attacks on U.S. civilians in Arabia? Or assct.ssination
attempts for example, on the Saudi royal families?
BIN LADEN: As for the previous question, the explosion of Riyadh and the one in Al-Khobar
(Dhahran). It is no secret that during the two explosions, I was not in Saudi Arabia, but I have
great respect for the people,whodidthis action. I say, as I said before, they are heroes. .We look
upon them as men. who wanted to raise the flag of "There is no God but Allah," and to bring the
flag of non believers and of injustice that the U.S. brought. I also saythat*hat they did is 4 great
job and a big honor that I missed participating in.
.QUESTION: Do You think there will be more bombing attacks on American trdoPs in Saudi
Arabia?' Or utfacks-on American civilians in Saudi Arabia? Or will therele'AdisaSsination
attempts on the Saudi Arabian ruling family?
BIN LADEN: It is known that ever action has its reaction. If the American presence continues,
and that is an action; then it is natural for reactions to continue against this presence. In other
. .
words, explosions and killings of the American soldiers Would continue: These are the troops
who left their country and their families and came here with all arrogance to steal our oil and
disgrace us, iidattaCkotir,religi,p1.4..,f4#?_bat was mentioned about . family
those in charge,'do bear iliettillieSpOlSibiltty-pf everything that maY:14.1/:ir.-.1.1i.�=_I-3;:t_ce
..deen, the people and the young
cone;;;ai..fici 014:iifort's ph the sp9n4pr.44d not on the sponsored. The concentration of Jihad
at this point is against the.Amencan.occupiers.
QUESTION: What are your views about Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and have you ever met him?
Do you know him?
BIN LADEN: Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman is a Muslim scholar well-known all over the Muslim
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CNN Interview of
March l9(;";
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in Laden
wbrld. He represents i-nci of injustice and false accusations that is adopted by the U.S.
.against the symbols of tite Islamic World. A baseless case was fabricated against him even
though he is blind old mart. We ask Allah, The Almighty, to relieve him. The U.S. sentenced
him to hundreds of years just to please it caprice and the whims of the Egyptian regime. He is
now very badly treated in no way fit for an old man like him. or any Muslim scholar.
' a � ' ,
QUESTION: The U.S. State Department quoting a Pakistani o ?ilialicgli l'Plise4
'i - . . - funded in
convicted bomber in the World Trade Center in Yorke*
' s.- ilie yOii fig1.K .
stayed''11the'- . , '4- a, lie_ , Trade
Center Pakistan for t lose receiving training 4uring the n conflict after t, ,....,
Center bombing, is that true? Did &line Mad' Slay in your - ' 7i3isigiw,�!!
house 41,
, , ,
-BIN LADEN: I do not know Rainzi Yotiset _ What the American government based on '
Pakistani intelligence has been reporting is not true at all But Ttay !fit* Atofic44 government
is salons about avoiding the eiploiking'ilisidO.ibeps.,-,.-thin- tie it:OteiAji*itikirig'itte feelings Of
1,250 Million Muslims. Those hundreds Of thousands Who have been titiOa or oppressed in Iraq,
Palestine, Lebanon, do have brother* and relatives..:,TheoondUetof America ind the conduct of
the American government will drive thousands of young people to follow the footsteps of Ramzi
Yousef and they will transfer the battle into the United States.: Everything is made possible to
protect the blood of the American Citizen while the of ;4*th* is allowed in every
place.. With this kind of behavior, the U.S. government is titiling itself, hurting and
hurting the American people.
QUESTION: Mr. Bin Laden, were you involved in financing the bombing of the World Trade
Center in New York City?
BIN LADEN: I have no connection or relation with this explosion.
QUESTION: Mr. Bin Laden, in a .reezzi"iniervieW.With UhAlfUbic ithWsPalier, you said that
Arabs who fought in the Afghan war kilted V.S.1rOopi in Mogadishu, Soinalia. � Can you tell us
about that?
BIN LEN: The US government i,yeut, their with tion and04.6d there fOr 401ile
time with a stronglnedi a presence wanting tofngbten people that it is44etroatestV6*I'Oti
earth..:It went therewith vanity and withover 28000 soldiers,140 atiOO(rtinatined.�peiirile in -
SOmalia. The goal .of this was to -scare the Muslim,*01:10.*4 **.1,1Ole*roxid "saying that it is
able to do whatever it desires. As:Soon.asthe,Arneticart tibOi*reachedille;:Mogadishn beaches, �
they found no one but children. The eN14. :and othet7mecliA,co.ner4s,*xted,phiiogtaphing them
(the soldiers) with their facial camouflage and heavy arms, marching and showing themselves to
the world as the "greatest power in earth:' Resistance started against the American invasion,
because Muslims do not believe the 'U.S. allegations that they came to save the Sornalis.,.A man
with human feelings in his heart does not distinguish between a child killed in Palestine or in
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March 1997
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Lebanon, in Iraq or in Bosnia. So how can we believe your claims that you came to save our
children in Somalia while you kill our children in all of those places?
With Allah's grade, Muslims over there. There Was a faction from the Islamic alliance that
, . . _ ,
emerged and,. cooperated with some Arab 7Mujahideen". who Were in Afghanistan. They
participated With their brothers in Somalia against the American troops killed large
numbeiiof them. The Ani�can administration was aware of the
�Ainerie4iffibbpSlektift0-aaii0iiigi6thilig. 'Tice7:i.aeti'Ofrtliers*tiltillfotiielhaVe'foriotten their
assertions that th6y4efetheiargeiffikei On earilt-:-i left after some resistance from
� - � ��,.. �: ; _
powerless, poor,
unarmed j,cople 'whose only weapon is the belief in AllahThe Almighty, and
who 40�0t,fOr the'fahrie4tedAtrieriCahinedia learned frettilit6Se who fought there;
� . � ;
.thit.they.:WereStirPriSed16*ithelt441titnal.:intitale:6f theAiiterieintgwrs..ifireOmpariSon
:with the experience :they had with the kriiiian:fighters-r-:-Ifte-A4neti'AiM ran away those
fighters who fought and killed them, while the latter were still there. if the U.S. still thinks and
brags that E it ,still has-thi.lth.tcl of power even rifter,rill:theSe'SUCCesiV.edefeatS in Vietnam, Beirut,
Aden,: and SOthalia,thenlet the:nig)... hack to those 4:thOate:awaitingits return.
QUESTION: Mr. Bin I Aden, your family is a rich powerful family in Saudi Arabia: Have they,
or the Sandi Arabian government asked you to otopooroclivf;is?:
. ;..,
BIN LADEN: They:fiave:donethat;aiot.::TitesSaii406yetntnentihaye,presstiOd -nty :fatitily.....a lot;
especially since a lot of our money is still in the hands of the Saudi ruling family due to activities
of the'eUifainiiiid 6:0iiviiiy;,,.They*eiiii.M'e My Moth#,. my tiii0..ex*,icl'pvIg9.t.s. in almost
'Mtie visits to Khartoum asking .me to stop and return to Arabia to
;apologized to iatioybooai,a.I.J-0*..,140yi*ort**Ii.*:::wfordo oorpolo.(41k to
Thisz; ; , _ , �. � � �
rnr to take some
eaSti6iigain�t'thein.':]fttit'W.ithAllali:Wgr4e0;'thit rideiti6:4i4.tiOCetits WiSliftilfillpd.
refused tO.'.gO-;bick.-they message that if!: did not
-go backthey:-Ilfreeie all my deprive me pito;:eitihiii--zmyvovcrt4,ontt Saudi. and diStOithyliiii4eititheSaudi and:foreign media.,:�They ��-Ahinkc
his religion I said to them do
700*.t'Se04* is
honorback I and 0,* to . - " : �
under a tree
'4.4e4 _
ere: these Ve,c ii palaces an the most,
while being J41 s.00:0;*, worshiping
where injustice is so widespread. � et.044.#0.Atteit
� , � �with Allah."
4 _ _
QUESTION: gr. Ain_vailPn. have Saudi agents, attempted lo Assassinate you? Are you targeted
by the U.S government? Are you in fact in fear;of your lire?
BIN LADEN: The T.T.S. pressures are no secret to you. The Saudi pressures are also in response
to American pressures. There were several attempts to arrest me or to assassinate me: This has
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CNN Interview of Usama Bin Laden
March 1997
Page 9
been going on for more than seven years. With Allah's grace, none of these attempts succeeded
This is a proof in itself to Muslims and to the world that the U.S. is incapable and weaker that the
picture it wants to draw in people's mind. A believer must rest assured that life is only in the
hands of Allah, and sustenance is also in the hands of Allah, the Almighty. As for fearing for
one's life it is difficult to explain to you how we think of Ourselves, unless you have full belief.
We belieipthat, &mid take out .One breath,919M:writteiiltfp as ordained by Allah. We
Ala iirta bbT61.4iiigoa for by our PiOph
see t at we see a getting m e a et
(May Allah bePleaSed with.lum). said in 61s. . to whom 0 ammed s (pbuh)
iOntlilnhiS hand, 1 wish to fight for cause and beiciko,,-*.#0(again and be killed, and
Til do it again and be killed:" Being killed for Allah's cause '1Iii4-66-ripr.aeliieVed by only
those who are the the nation. We love this kind Of -(16,;:f.hfor-Allah's"Catise more than you
like Idliire."'We have nothing bifear�Tot. It is something
BIN LADEN: -You'll see them and hegnbout them in the media, God willing.
QUESTION: If you had an opportunity to give a message to President Clinton, what would that
message be? "
e It
Ahlerfl:***1*::: ' �tile: _-.P144fiirli::7hisf-i..,'e- knows5 -' ' American :,iia*6-'
. BIlliutiri:..Tio.0,64:4Ogfilli11:61:1--94::wn:riieqlbelY;(0961.y. 9.:f,siilCilss. )1-1,40,t;Qaitsntliclestioor:t tkatzi.ot�'riPf:.t14:1.,:e:._:*e4n1e::�a,116:q6.:43Yao:af:z:e'6:47::::::i.:,n.hnide4dAniniliciin;'�antilee.tnthsePsuteevst6htrihP2-5k: name of
disg0t,ind* , 416n.--,,T4is.4 t*a.40�tla.;Iii*g.:91,111.c2 . '1 '
. Clinton and AO � �nsfi ili_i**;refieci In Otir minds - e ' .1.tki.t.e.. children:. with their heads cut off
' who ' n
;, reflects the picture 0
..,,.. - children with their hand cut
fOiC*P4**idh - Ii6;�41-.'Pf..
0 e- ic . ..t.4.'t,. if'.1- . an .,. P,i.Ptir,gotis'.':smashed by the
JOW.s e hearts of Mis: are filled itriatoWaidi.
01,4iior.i.i.thf041-"It'�.:Mitili%� :iii'...::.:::::i :-.::::7:thP:�:41'-
i., - 'd.hdT,it-47.tlife: .,-,..9.j.,ktift .-P9'' ��i?! -�-'' -jeOPP f '
' proudly..:1, or..,,
, ,c,;.,iii-gr th,441.-talp,r,t14,.r. ti'ih.: - s
- , .- ntg,oro:',.... ,,,f--�.:i-itn---,-,. standing � Arabia
..7".' )itc:911=7!1111-14.c1-igco,/,. -.- fake� as
-- ..l.h..7�.iii3:1, - . i,....:,:itod 0�,, ... ,.g...�..:,, .
.of 9fir.14the4.1-..-4-r'-eriCr% by f4z: Saudi object to
.9 ::.:. 9 ,. .
:.FI t. .
the -'13-EIliI!*-f.r56;4 P, fighters , - . the ed., coffins
- is a terrorist who pushed
president Do not let
interesttheir:sons-into.thisfor.the.of-Alle:Jcw�. We believe that:the American army of Saudi
Arabia coio to prevent ili.tviobiii and the.peoplefrOin:tnling,m accordance with Allah's Wish.
They came tO be in support of the forces in the occupied Palestine,_the land of the "Israa"
of our Piiiiiliet; 104-156ac*thid66"-ii''',Yei b.P. 49i1 him..
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Approved for Release: 2018/05/01 C06716934
28 MAY 1998
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Approved for Release: 2018/05/01 C06716934
ABC NEWS Interview of Usarna Bin Laden
Tape date: May 28, 1998
Air date: Jane 10, 1998
QUESTION: Mr. Bin Laden, to Americans you are an interesting figure. A man who comes from
a background of wealth and comfort who ended u p fighting on the front lines. -Many Americans
would think that fs unusual.
BIN LADEN: Thanks be to Allah. It is hard for one to .understand if the person does not
understand Islam. In our religion we believe that Allah created us to worship Him. Allah is the
one who created us and blessed us with this religion, orders us to carry out the holy struggle
"jihad" to raise the word of Allah above the words of the unbelievers. We believe this a form of
worship we must follow despite our financial ability. This is a response to Westerner and
secularists in the Arab world that claim the reason for the awakening and the return to Islam is
economic difficulties. This is untrue, in fact the return of the people to Islam is a blessing from
Allah, and their return is a need for Allah.
This is not a strange issue, during the days of "Jihad" thousands of young men who were well off
financially left the Arabian Peninsula and other areas and joined the fighting, hundreds of them
were killed in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Chechnya. We pray Allah grant them martyr's statris.
QUESTION: You have been described as the "world's most wanted man." There is word that
the American government intends to put a price On your head in the millions for your capture
Do you think that they will do that? Does it worry you?
BIN LADEN: Praise be to Allah.. :It not worry us what the Americans think What worries
us is pleasing Allah. The Americans impose themselves on he who believes in his religion, and
his rights, or his wealth. They accuse our -children in Palestine of being terrorists. Those
children that have no weapon and have not even reached maturity. At the same time they defend
a country with its airplanes and tanks, the state of the Jews, that has a policy to destroy the future
of these children. Clinton stands ad Qana and defends the horrible maclaere that severed the
heads of Children and killed about 100 persons. Clinton stands and claims Israel has a ,
justification whieh is to defend itself. We ilo not worry about America's opinion, and We are not
soared of them or the fact that they place prices on ourlieadk, Wets Muslims, believe in that our
fate is set, if the whole world decided to get together undid:A us before our time has 'come we will
not die, also livelihood is set, no mitter how much pressure America places on the regime in
Riyadh to freeze our assets and to prevent people fronrcontributing to this great cause we rely on
Allah and He will be the one to judge us. -
QUESTION: You have said iftheA,nericans are so brave they will come and arrest me. Do you
think that is something my country will try?
BIN LADEN: Despite if they try or not, we have seen particularly during the last decade the
decline of the American government and the weakness of the American soldier who is ready to
wage cold wars and unprepared to fight long wars. This was proven in Beirut when the Marines
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^ :WS Interview of Usama Bin Laden
Ma, 2.. 1998
Page 2
fled after two explosions, and also after the two explosions in Aden they ran in less than 24
hours, this was also repeated in Somalia. So in any given situation we are prepared and we rely
on Allah and He will be the one to judge us.
QUESTION: Mr. Bin Laden, you have issued a faiwah calling on Muslims to kill Americans
where they can when they can. Is that directed at all Americans, just American military, just
Americans in Saudi Arabia?
BIN LADEN: Praise be to Allah. As We mentioned before, Allah ordered us in this religion to
uphold the truth to purify Muslim land of all non-believers, and especially the Arabian Peninsula
where the ICa'ba is. After World War II the Americans became more aggressive and oppressive,
forcing itself on others, especially in the Muslim world.
We surprised this question is coming from Americans. Each action will solicit a similar
reacti,m. Reciprocal punishment is required to keepyour evil away from Muslims, Muslim
children and women. American history does not distinguish between civilians and military, and
not even women and children. They are the ones Who used the bombs against Nagasaki and
Hiroshima. Can these bombs distinguish between infants, children, women and military?
American does not have a 'religion that will prevent it from destroying all people.
Your situation with Muslims in Palestine is shameful and disgraceful, If there is any shame left
in America. Sabra and Shatilla massacre, was a symbol of cooperation between Zionist and
Christian forces against Muslims. Houses were demolished over the heads of children also by
testimony of relief workers in Iraq, tb.e Americans led sanctions that resulted in the death of over
one million Iraqi children for no reason. All of this is ;1....lorte in name of American interests.
The only reason is your intransigence and your desire to take other people's money and to steal
Muslims' oil under Misguided terms, saying that it is part of America's vital interests. We
believe that the biggest thieves in the world today is America, and the biggest terrorists are the
Americans. The only Way for us to fend off these assaults is use similar means.
We do not differentiate between those dressed in military tmiforms and civilians; they are all
targets in this fatwah. -Especially since American officials have stated after the Khobar bombing
that there was a lack of information and all American civilian's were asked to gather information
on Muslims and observant Muslim youth and to convey to the security section in the embassy.
The fatwah is general and includes all that share or take part in killing of Muslims, assaulting
holy places, or those Who help the Jews occupy Muslim land.
QUESTION: Ramzi Yousef was a follower, a follower ofyours. Do you remember him? Did
you know him?
Ramzi Yousef, after the World Trade Center bombing became a well known Muslim personality,
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May * 1998
Page 3
. of Usama Bin Laden
and all Muslims know him. Unfortunately, I did not know him before the incident.
I remember him as a Muslim who defended Islam from American aggression on Muslim lands.
He took this effort to let the Americans know that their governmentassrmits Muslims tot:mum
Israeli interetts, to insure Jews.
America will see many youths that will follow Ramzi Yousef.
QUESTION: Is it true that when Itamzi Yousef was captured he was in a guesthouse that you
were paying for?
BIN LADEN: What was broadcasted in the news and what we learned is that he was captured
through American intervention in Pakistan, a big misfortune, from one of the hotels.
QUESTION: Wali Khan Amin Shah, he was captured in Manila. American authorities believed
he was working for you, funded by you, setting up training camps there and that part of his plan
was to plan out the assassination or attempted assassination ofPresident Clinton during his trip
to Manila.
BIN LADEN: Praise be to Allah. Wali Khan is a Muslim youth, in Afghanistan he is nicknamed
the Lion. Azmarai in Afghani, He was one of our best Muslim youths in Afghanistan. We were
good friends. We fought together 'in the same trench against the Russians until Allah 'sent their'
away in humiliating defeat You mentioned that he works for me, we do not have what it is
called working for someone. We all Work for Allah and await his reward: And -regarding your
mention of his attempt to assassinate President Clinton, it is not surprising ; I did' not know about
it, but it is not surprising.
As I said, every action solicits a similar reaction. What do you expect from those whom Clinton
killed and assaulted and attacked their children and mothers to do? What does he expect but
equal treatment which is killing? Tiusis not a stuprising matter.
QUESTION: Federal authorities in the United States are still investigating their suspicion that
you ordered and funded the attacks on the United States militay y#t el Khobar and Riyadh.
BIN LADEN: We roused the people, the Muslims, and carried fatwahs from our Ulima after the
Saudi government imprisoned them tOpionsIte the American government, and the most
prominent are Sheikh Salm= ben Fand al-Odeh, Safad ben Abdel kahman el HawaLi, Sheikh
Ibrahim al-Dubayyan, Sheikh Yehya Yehya and Sheikh Said ben Sair. They are all our brothers
and we pray for them.
So we carried out these fatwahs and incited the people to eject this enemy from the Holy Land,
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Approved for Release: 2018/05/01 C06716934
shot. Allalu
from lotha" Mus
say we defeat
to learn from th Peceln
uponhide _
ABC NEWS Interview of Usama ! ncien
May 28, 1998
Page 4
some of the people listened, from among them, Khaled el-Sa'epcip Abdel Aiziz el Me'thent,
HathoOd al Hajeryind.,MiSleh'el:Santray. We pray Allah iiira!#:01e***Yi.'1.'qiitiis: They ave
raised the head Of the Muslim nation high, and wasbed -bear .
by the'Satidii6V0iiiiiterit'S':e4lialiiciration with�the Arnericaiiicrire'rrim"iti the land orAllah and
- �
- -
We look at these 'men aS heroes and Muj abode&
. .
.proPhet 'Iliiiihre'ealled and they answered,--we-
bless their parents with patience..
QUESTION: You have belstiigiitted in America as a terrorist
a hero,. -how do you iee:yotai4f1
BIN LADEN: As I said before we do not worry about whatAniptieOcayS:-.170 look at ourselves,
and our brethren as worshipers; of Allah who created us to worsh Him and follow His books
and prophets, peace be upon Him, lam one of Allah's worshiperklivorshiprAllah;.as he ordered
which includes carrying out elihad to raise Allah's word and 0.1 ericans from a
Mtthlim lands all . . .
QUESTIOA' No one expected theMujahedeen to beat the ,Rziiimsin
as a surprise to everyone .'wveit.ile-yOu see as the future for4A tfertr4tiatyp
East and
Alciepea created, we know it
nry to Europe and America from . _ �
t0041, e musinn5.,,the Afevp.Mujahaideeta and thos�
'countries.-We fought against the Russians and the Soviet
t Allah defeated them and then non existent.
es to learn. The Soviet Union In --4`
:their flag waa folded Plidoinfig-
iiething lefirte .411 Soi�iiio
,AmericanSjand:the Jews �
aysliill not Come until:the Muslims
iis,nd the tree and the stone
eW C:O. the and kill him,' except for
We are sure of our victory Our battle with the Americans is larger than our
Russians. The Americans mada,a very stupid mistake that no one
attacked the greatest Muslim siiribOl the Kibla of 1,200 MiUiomipu
encouraging by all daises espidally the Muslim scholars an
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ABC NEWS Interview of Usama Bin Laden
May 28, 1998
Page 5
We predict a black day for America and the end of the United States as united states, and will be
separate states, and-they willletreat from our land and collect the bodies of its sons-backto -
America. Allah. _ �4:
� � , :Z�t: � �
QUESTION: tiPhat .so yint.sets Ekefittureofthe Saudi Royal family and their involventent with
America and the:11.S.
we predi the
" We Predict that like the Iranian
- "-
Allah gave them ropertY on
from oil,and
in the disasters 1:1
. . .
.ur:questien.-.Any.govemnient that sells its peopl4
talons.. reniOve it froruthe Muslim natiditwill not
_ stood with the Jews alid'I'christians'vli.nd
Christians with American identities or _
h eventually removes from the Islamic
family, the Slah,sacrd lEnd lid gave em.1..dis...frlidctedthadespoale isttrudisuot40;!tuct....earaP):773?,-41:1:14re
not value Allah's ressly � �
.the will -
ft; we
-. �
to theiYli:ls
'd ta part
eaPt%c!. whit ens ,
The prophet, peate,be upon Him, in bis fladit/i woman entered hell because iifticat.-
She.did not feed it and trapped it ,from finding food 'on its own." She is going to hell for 'trapping
a cat to death, what to say to those who agreedand gave reason for the hundreds of thousands of
troops to blockade mill ions ofMt is
*Prints the Ameri* military to s
fut 4i.-'s_44-
B oesito difference, sine ertcan repression, astiamess
61.* f e .A.,,----=i
bathe' e r�fgovemment. It doeinot make a-r *nee e
government wants u toy ofleave beanie'you,yill not leave by their words, will leave
when the yOiitfiend YOu eiiiiitteiiiiiiiiiite "aiill eUffiris and you will carry in little-:r;otOles of
American froo'ps and the 'can.- :..�r4:41: :tVillallS:4'-2:4thiliii'when you will leave. The 'deciiithil. makers
beyond taking you out are the Maim masses in the Muslim world Who defending the Muslim-
QUESTION: �Deseribe the Siturition-WhenyOuk men took .on the American forces in Somalia?
Were you Om? .
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ABC NEWS Interview of Usama Bin Laden
May 28, 1998
Page 6
-BIN LADEN: Atte' Allah honored us with victoty in Afghanistan and justice prevailed and the
killings f those who slaughtered millions of Muslims. in thelduslim republics. It cleared from
IvluslimpinAs epi
, � ,
, . -.Lr1:ers: -c4tesp4.. , 91
- Somalia '1�PerPO:vveF.':i.Afghanistan ________,_, iy.,
..thiriking that the eremurpnsou
--rs,�"7.11T-41�.; 'C. .
, . . .2. .... " '
wr usan e e
:P ye
and others S'a.
. .
." �
America fo
dams: that help i31ant1ng':
new world order, and a
and theirsbarnefudef
.0 �
Afghanistan is -"
� ," �
World Trade Center is teiro.ristn.
BIN LADEN: They re.
Afghanistan and defeat iLgi
campaign against is that is
1989; amost ten years ago,
tcriorist with&ut any act
6:100.7Thi leiza:one
On the other' hand, AhierieiM po
and child,Iuman or Animh Examples IM
they eliminated entire populations.
As for Muslims, .the testimony of Westerners and Crusaders who
hundreds of thousands of our children tilraq.And there are
and Bosnia.
irSan ; from
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Approved for Release: 2018/05/01 C06716934
ABC NEWS Interview of Usama Bin Laden
May 28, 1998
Page 7
The crusaders continued their slaughter of our moth
the Serbian'---'N--.'------'PFeven"vPaP9nsitifillreaching the Muslims' leaving
butcher toaugliteri,Muslims
time takes a decision to support them and mothers,
siblings and children and America every
not have e n
ellIP �Men
women soidi \i,eras w
QUESTION Is there a' hilh
on ways and means 6"itt. ack-AM.. -en'ca?
. . .
BIN LADEN: After the AinOcW: entered the Ifol. ''Land sympathy and emotions **roused:in
the Muslim world, more than-Wetave seen, fore.: :-great meeting:took place a few nays ago in
Pakistan, it was ed,!?150 cho1ars in Palcistanr., el:goal-Or Ot�#.0,4-g is work towan
liberating the land .oFAl-Harainainandt� coordinate efforts between Muslim masses in the area.
Islamic roilt or the
with P*at groups7:r:1has a highercouncil, �to coordinate
the Jews and the �crUsaders an hi' '-rnatters�isiiigdueto
Mid ii4erg,!,1,1
ell' ' ' '88-vent-men .ls , . .
resents -,,,-.------ -calleAti,e_ , . .1,:i3,1i,.do.�1�niEnt oeir.cstiai.e
..., ,If
w- 1......k at ____:-L,......, - era-slut ��� e-imi-sai,i yeal...m.,
IAA- � en'ae ,
v kUV e. bPaillIVC
State Department, or sensitive security 'aliment's.,like theVIAlin d others weie Jews
have the first word in e , erican government, which is,hOw they exploit America to carry out
their plans in the World and espeial1ythe Muslim World.
prophet's Holy Lan
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ABC NEWS Interview of Usarnaii Lau
May 28, 1998
Page 8
government at the time there are millions of Americans living on the street and those living
below the standard of living, and in stricken poverty, we find the American government turning
towards helping Israel in occupying our land and building settlements in the prophet's Holy Land
peace be upon Him.
The American government is throwing away the lives of Americans in the land of Al-Haramain
(Saudi Arabia) and other places for the interests of the Jews. The Jews are a people that Allah
cited in his holy book the Qura'an as those who attacked their prophets with lies and killings and
attacked Mary, may peace be upon her, and accusing her of being a whore. They are a people
who didn't abstain from killing God's prophets How would they refrain from killing, raping and
stealing from humans.
They believe that all humans are animals to be exploited by them, and found that the Americans
are the best created beings for that use. The American government is driving America to
destruction and rational people have no doubt that America will not be a superpower at the turn
of the next century.
So, we tell the American people, and we tell the mothers of soldiers, and American mothers in
general, if they value their lives and those of their children to find a nationalistic government that
would look after their interests and not the interests of Jews
The continuation of the repression will bring the fighting to America, like Ramzi Yousef and
others. This is my message to the American people to look for a serious government that looks
out for their interests and dries not attack others, their lands or their money.
QUESTION: Mr. Bin LarlPn these are most of the questions we eame with. Is there anything
that I did not ask that you would like to add?
BIN LADEN: I would like to stress that we are at a close contact with Muslim masses, praise be
to Allah, and the issue of liberating Holy Lands is not my personal cause, but I am just a
worshiper of Allah and One 'of Allah's soldiers in the Mn.slininat.- ion.
The reaction Ls increasing fast. And I am sure of our victory with Allah's help against Americans
and the Jews. We see tins then in the stiength of the reaction, that every day the Americans delay
their departure for every day they delay they will receive a new Corpse from Muslim countries to
The Saudi Arabian government captured a few months ago in Ramadan a number of missiles,
which they didn't report. The missiles included anti-aircraft missiles, SAM and Stinger missiles.
Can the Saudi government explain to its people when a SAM missile is launched against a
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ABC NEWS Interview of Usama Bin Laden
May 28, 1998
Page 9
z �
passenger airplane.with"150.sOldiera abroad? Can theyjustify
death' of these"SoAdiC'rei 'What the Saudi Arabiangovernment hai � ;
lesswas not captued T Aiencan'govnmnt -*if It I
has no choice ou
We hear that beis
and America treats him
religion in general and
Imprisonment of She
words are
S0Y9PgYient done I
you and how you got.
itin hand to hand corn
--deter many coniman
to the American public about the
redwa definitely muchin.g left to hold on
rucuiar especially the
eTstio kreniinjein an
, .
ondition, and hth-a man beyond 60 years of age and is blind,
risionifet# of SheikkOiiiar is en attack on'thelilamic
countries. 'We hold it completely responsible for the
e-L-MPTItlo-nrIle1.1.t.Pf9Muslims erica-
Apty ts to pall On all
�' �
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ABC NEWS Interview of Usania Bin Laden
May 28, 1998
Page 10
naticins to join the light of Islam. Our first duty is not only to preach for this religion, but also to
defend those who ernbraced this religion.
encan weapons were on out heads and
. -
otir Children and
The Westerners have the impression that Muslims arettitchers. They just only need
to look at yOurbrothers'inTasternf,urope, Turkey and Albania to see those who embraced Islam
, - �
- and 'lived happily withit:fOreentinies. The Western Masses have-fallen under the effect of
Jewish media who domet_bliYadcas.t On Muslims except that we are butchers, and without
!;-showing that the number, ofthose of, us who were butchered are-lhanytiints.,. .
00 1 430
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