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Approved for Release: 2018/11/28 006712955 UNCLASSIFIED Publications Review Board Guidance for Agency Reviewers The Publications Review Board is responsible for reviewing all official and non-official publications for classified and, in certain cases, for inappropriate material, prior to the publication being shared with others. You have been identified as a person who is periodically involved or who could be asked to take part in the publications review process. PRB review partners are normally immediate supervisors, COTRs, or PMs of current employees or contractors submitting manuscripts for pre- publication review or may be representatives of components with an equity in the content or persons having specific subject matter expertise required for the review. The following list of guidelines and procedures will guide you through your specific responsibilities of the review process. What You Need To Know About the Review Process � Proprietary information and limited distribution -- When you receive a Lotus Note containing a manuscript from the PRB, you are receiving a copy of the manuscript for the sole purpose of conducting a prepublication review. The information contained within this work is proprietary (i.e., owned by the author), may be protected by U.S. copyright laws, and therefore may not be copied or reproduced or otherwise shared with others except as necessary for this formal review. Once the review has been completed, the manuscript should be deleted from your files. � Manuscripts should be treated as classified information -- Until PRB determines that the information within the manuscript is unclassified, it is treated as classified information and, therefore, the entire document should be handled as classified material. � Dissemination within your office -- If you determine that other individuals within your office need to review the manuscript, you may forward it to them. � Dissemination outside of your office -- If you believe that someone outside of you office needs to review the manuscript, notify the PRB so it can forward the manuscript to any additional Agency office. Your Role in the Publication Review Process (1) Identify classified information � by highlighting any classified text. This should be done as specifically/surgically as possible; that is, by word, phrase, sentence, paragraph (as opposed to entire pages or chapters). (2) Provide a specific reason as to why the text is classified � once you have identified and highlighted the classified text within the submitted document, then either (a) copy and paste the highlighted classified text into a separate document (e.g., Lotus Note message) and identify why the text is classified or (b) using "comment boxes" (linked to the highlighted text within the document) UNCLASSIFIED// Approved for Release: 2018/11/28 006712955 Approved for Release: 2018/11/28 006712955 UNCLASSIFIED/ identify why the text is classified. Be as specific and detailed as possible as this will minimize any further need to have your reasoning clarified in the future. Additionally, this will form the basis for Board discussions and any appeals that may follow: (3) Identify any inappropriate text � i.e., that contains information that may: o reasonably be expected to impair the performance of the author's job duties. o interfere with the authorized functions of the CIA. o have an adverse effect on the foreign relations or security of the U.S. The Board has determined that current employees and contractors should not comment on, opine on, or advocate policy regarding intelligence, national security, or foreign relations because such writings may have a negative effect on the Agency's ability to serve policymakers, as well as on relations between the Agency and other USG elements, or on relations between the USG and foreign governments. If you identify something considered to be inappropriate, please highlight the offending text (in a different color from any text previously identified as containing classified information) and, within bracketed remarks immediately following the highlighted text, identify the rationale for why the text is inappropriate. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Agency's Publications Review Board at: UNCLASSIFIED/ /...414311 Approved for Release: 2018/11/28 006712955