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Overview 5
General Hayden's Guidance to the PRB 5
(U/hkiiie) Process 9
Criteria for Creating a Case Folder 9
Author Background Checklist 11
Special Cases 12
Cases sent to the NSC 12
Manuscripts Received from the Reserve Cadre 12
SSCI individuals 12
Center for the Studies of Intelligence (CSI) Submissions 13
List of PRB Members insert
List of PRB Contacts at Other Agencies insert
Policies Established by the Board
Guidelines for Review
AR 6-2
Background Information 27
Guidance for Component Reviewers 27
CSI article on Free Speech 28
Classified Issues 28
Budget / staffing 28
Codewords / Codenames / Cryptonyms 28
Cover 28
Covert Actions / Covert Operations / Technical Operations 28
Facilities 29
Fiction 30
Liaison 35
Open-source citations 35
Organizational guidelines
Tools / Resources
CWE2 Resources
Agency Release Panel (ARP)
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Center for the
Studies of Intelligence (CSI) 52
CI-Online 52
CIO/IMS IP Conference Room Schedule 52
CI-TV Episodes 53
Form 879 53
Hypersnap 53
Media Highlights 53
Office of Public Affairs (OPA) 53
PRB Base 53
PRB LN Database 53
Reviewer's Handbook 53
Internet AIN Resources 53
AIN Account 54
Amazon 54
CIA Library 54
Collections of Declassified Documents 54
Congressional and CIA Reports on 9/11 and WMD 54
Google Books 55
LexusNexus 55
Proquest 55
Proquest Digital National Security Archive 55
Recommended Reading List 55
Letter Templates
All-Inclusive Letter 57
Training 65
OSC Smart Research � Partnering with CIA Library 66
OSC Library Resources and Research Techniques 66
History of CIA 66
Fundamentals of FOIA 66
Fundamentals of the Privacy Act 67
IRR Updates 67
Operational Files Exemption Workshop 67
Classification Basics (Updates) � 66
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Miscellaneous How-to's 67
Globally Changing Highlighted Text to Blacked-out Text 68
Merging Documents 70
Using Comments in Documents 71
How to add comments 71
Hiding comments 72
Deleting Comments 73
Compare Word Documents to PDFs 73
Guidelines for Authors 75
Contact Information 76
Overt Employees 76
Covert Employees 76
Handout on submission information 76
Public presentations and conference attendance 77
Public presentations by former employees 79
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The Publications Review Board (PRB) reviews, coordinates, and formally approves all
proposed official and non-official Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) related materials intended
for publication by current and former employees and others as obligated by contract.
(U) The PRB is an independent board and consists of a Chair, an Executive Secretary, a
legal representative, and a representative from each of the following: DS, DS&T, DI, NCS, and
D/CIA area. The PRB Staff, a small cadre of Information Review 4nd Release Analysts, provides
research support to the Board.
(UHAIU0) AR 6-2 sets forth CIA polices and procedures for the submission and review
of material proposed for publication or public dissemination by current and former employees
and contractors and any other individuals obligated by a CIA secrecy agreement to protect from
unauthorized disclosure certain information they obtain as a result of their contact with the CIA.
This regulation applies to all forms of dissemination, whether in written, oral, electronic, or other
forms, and whether intended to be an official or nonofficial (that is, personal) publication.
*still current guidance from the 7th floor
A few months after I arrived at CIA last year, I met with the Publications Review Board�a
small, dedicated group that reviews books and other writings by current and former officers. I
told them a few things that apply not only to their work, but also to information review and
release more broadly. I said I expected CIA to build up a body of knowledge that is declassified,
and to use decisions made in particular cases as precedent to guide future decisions.
I also told them that we need to draw hard lines to protect that which is truly secret, but warned
that if we're drawing them on the margins, we're doing ourselves a disservice. I know it's a lot
easier to say, "no" than to say, "let me think about that," but the latter is where we should be.
The best decisions, like the best intelligence, rarely come from the easiest road, especially on the
toughest issues.
A few months after that meeting, CIA centralized all declassification review and release
programs at the corporate level. We concluded that under the previous structure, where greater
authority rested with the Directorates, decisions too often were opaque, inconsistent, and subject
to lengthy, unproductive disputes. The new approach gives our Chief of Information
Management Services a stronger hand to ensure that adequate record searches are undertaken
and appropriate decisions are made. We want decisions that are reasonable, timely, transparent,
and credible.
I firmly believe this approach will improve CIA's standing with key partners inside and outside
government, including people like you. It also will strengthen our ability to educate the public
about our unique work and our vital contributions to national security.
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-Remarks of Director Gen. Michael V. Hayden at the Society for Historians of American
Foreign Relations Conference - June 21, 2007
The Agency's social contract with the American people leads us�tempered by the demands of
national security�to give those we serve a window into the complexities of intelligence.
-A Message from the Director: Historical Documents ("Family Jewels") Released �26 June
The DCIA said he saw the PRB as a "strategic enabler" and a "strategic driver" and not just a
"checking of the box." He sees the Board as playing a "core" role, it's "not something we do
that we wish we did not have to do, ... not a square filler ... it is a strategic shaper." The
Board's importance flows from the fact that it "shapes our relationship with the folks that pay
our bills," i.e., the American people. The Agency has "precious little legitimate interfaces with
the general public" and we have "to take advantage of those we have." "We don't want to
discourage people from legitimately [his emphasis] writing about their government." "We
deserve to be written about." "Our objective is not to eliminate submissions." In the Agency's
effort to allow people to write more about the Agency, "we need to strike the right balance in the
areas of both classification and appropriateness."
The PRB faces the challenge of weighing both classification concerns and appropriateness
concerns. "We are the keeper of the secrets" but "I actually think there is a lot that can be said
about us." In that vein, he expressed the thought that the fact we have "overseas bases is
probably not a secret," but that does not mean he would divulge the name of the chief of station
somewhere. The DCIA felt it was a "structurally bad approach" to go to the secret holder (equity
holder) for the final decision.
The DCIA said the appropriateness issue should be applied on a sliding scale based on the
person's affiliation with the Agency: full-time staff employee, full-time contractor, all the way to
a once-a-month lecturer. Less stringent standards should be applied to the lower end of the
sliding scale.
He iterated that the Board was a strategic driver or shaper of the relationship with the public.
"The more secret we are, the less benefit of the doubt we will get" when facing untrue
allegations. The PRB's mission is to provide a "full appreciation of the Agency to the public
domain.... Our being an impediment is self-destructive." He said, "We do [his emphasis] want
to protect secrets," but "we can also can do so reasonably, we can do so timely, and we can do so
transparently." He said that, in the public's mind, "we don't get the benefit of the doubt." If the
Agency has extremely strict standards with regard to what it releases, there will be a vacuum of
information and "If there is a vacuum of secrecy, the worst kind of gases [information] will fill
that vacuum," all sorts of misinformation will get out there. We need to "lean forward," so that
academics will say to other government agencies, "Why can't you be more like CIA?"
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The DCIA said we need to work "towards craating a more corporate approach" to the review
process." When we "reach forks in the road [in deciding the disposition of a manuscript], bring
them to us [the Seventh Floor]." "Stuff that has been genuinely declassified ... it is
declassified"; on the other hand, he pointed out that things that have appeared in public are not
automatically unclassified. The Board needs to build up a body of knowledge that is declassified
... that will not cause harm." We should "circle the wagons around that which is truly secret."
"If we're drawing the lines on the margins, we're doing ourselves a disservice." The DCIA
proposed we think of this body of previously declassified material as a "Supreme Court
precedent," a "body of law" to be used in subsequent reviews. He expressed the thought that
"most of our sanctions look like nuclear weapons," so we must have a strong case to go forward
in denying permission to publish a piece of information. He noted that fairness in
classification/declassification decisions was important: "What is declassified for George [Tenet]
is declassified for Mike Scheuer." Take each transaction and "use it to drive us to a common,
corporate approach to what constitutes a secret." The DCIA said we should use the PRB Chair
to decide issues so that we keep a corporate approach. He used the example of declassifying DI
analysis on the Congo in the 1960's�there "shouldn't be as stark a contrast as night and day
between" the DI and NCS, although recognizing we need to ensure sources are protected. If
there is no consensus, the PRB Chair should bring the issue to his, Michael Morell's, or Steve
Kappes' attention. Once he, Mr. Morell, or Mr. Kappes make a decision in such a case, that
decision will have precedential value for other similar cases.
Michael Morell emphasized the appropriateness standard for the review of manuscripts written
by current employees. He reminded the Board that current employees should not be allowed to
write on policy issues. The DCIA continued from there stating we must "keep the people at a
very high level." Allowing current employees to write about policy "erodes our ability to offer
candid" judgments. "I know the phenomenon of the unpleasant fact." "We have to demonstrate
a discipline (i.e., current employees foregoing policy-related publications) to ensure that the
policymakers do not view us as biased and accept "the unpleasant facts that we must provide at
times.... We have to prove we're not interested in the outcome," we have to be apolitical, which
is "mission essential on several levels."
The DCIA said "the burden of proof is on the one claiming the mosaic effect." If a particular
mosaic piece "appears to have been informed, by secrets ... I have no problem with" applying the
mosaic argument. The Board should "lean away from the mosaic theory." The deciding factor
should be "based on reasonable conclusions." The DCIA has "a skepticism of the mosaic effect
because it can be used to can any sentence we choose." He felt the mosaic effect is "our weakest
argument." The DCIA went on to say that if the person who constructs a manuscript that is
considered a "mosaic" and the author is the only one who could have constructed such a picture,
then the mosaic is a legitimate argument, but if anyone else could construct the same picture
through open sources or other means, then the mosaic is probably not legitimate.
The DCIA said he is "desperately seeking the opportunity to [make a legal case against certain
authors who do not use the PRB process]," which is why we need to avoid "nickel and diming on
the edge" with regard to classification decisions. He wants to act to protect "a clear and
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indisputable secret." We "want clear, unarguable" secrets to have been divulged before we go to
The DCIA said "I want us to build a track record of doing reasonable things so that when we pull
our gun out of the holster" we are perceived as having a compelling case. We need to prove
"we've actually done it for cause" that there is "damage to national defense" before we go after
an author. We need to ask "Are we really sure this is a secret?" He noted that "left to ourselves,
our internal processes will drive the [classification] line way out in the gray area," so he wants us
to pull the line closer in.
The DCIA said "Let's not discourage scholarship." The PRB needs "to foster a body of
scholarship on the CIA."
He again mentioned that if agreement cannot be reached at lower levels, declassification issues
should be raised to the Seventh Floor for decision. We "need to be quite reasonable in protecting
secrets." We need to "use that precedent case law to move forward." Building up the body of
case law based on reasonable defense of things that are truly secret will show the public "that
when we say no, we mean no." The PRB's job is not a "satisficer," but a "satisfier," a means to
"self-actualization" (in Maslowian psychology), and was not just a duty that should be done out
of necessity.
-Comments from the Director to the Publications Review Board (PRB) -- 26 September
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When a manuscript is received through e-mail, mail, fax, Fedex, etc., the Executive Secretary
creates a case folder using the criteria below. (When the ms arrives through e-mail a response is
sent saying we received it.) The Administrative Assistant will create the case # (PRB #) and
open/record the case in the PRB Access Database. The reviewer Team Lead will then assign the
case to a lead reviewer. The lead reviewer will read the submission, THEN send out
prepublication review requests (taskings) to the parties with equities and place the case folder in
the "2"d Reader" box. Any cases in this box are available for you to review. If you are the
second reader, please perform your own research on any item you believe classified. Please
return the case to the lead reviewer when your review is finished. When all responses have been
compiled and two reviewers have read the case, the lead reviewer will send the response to the
I. NONOFFICIAL � speeches and writings, etc.
A. Former Employees and Former Contractors (Green Routing Sheet)
� 2 PRB reviewers, possibly Board Member
� Only review for classified material
B. Current Employees and Independent Contractors (Yellow Routing Sheet)
� Manager (COTR/CO/ PM for contractors) + 2 PRB reviewers, possibly Board
� Review for classified material and appropriateness (as defined in AR 6-2)
� Employee files Form 879
C. Current Industrial Contractors (Purple Routing Sheet)
� Manager (COTR/CO/ PM for contractors) +2 PRB reviewers, possibly Board
� Review for classified material
� Employee files Form 879
D. Resumes
� PRD's Resume Unit reviews them (with separate case # creation)
� Keep record of transaction
II. OFFICIAL WORKS (Unclassified and for outside USG audience)
A. Official Presentations: No Media
Manager + IRO (Information Review Office with equities) + 2 PRB reviewers
B. Official Presentations: Media Present
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Manager + IRO +2 PRB reviewers
C. Official Writings (Unclassified and for outside USG audience)
Manager + IRO + 2 PRB reviewers
A. Studies in Intelligence Articles
� CSI first approves: Could be official or nonofficial
� No 879 required
� � Review for classified and a "light" appropriateness standard
� 2 PRB reviewers, possibly Board member with equities
B. Officers in Residence (OIR) � for outside-the-classroom materials only
� More of a quasi-official work, easier to get approval if it is for an academic
� May require an 879 if the activity is outside the classroom (i.e. speech)
� This program no longer exists under CSI but is administered by the
C. Academic papers and theses have a somewhat lighter standard
� If course is Agency funded, no 879 required
� Still review for classified and appropriateness
� 2 PRB reviewers, possibly Board member with equities
� Can approve some academic works that would normally have appropriateness
issues for "Academic Use Only"
� If thesis or dissertation is required to be available in the institution's library or
through Proquest, it must be reviewed for classified and appropriateness.
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PRB staff with access
HR Bio (for those authors we've never dealt with)
PRB staff with access
lP ASO and cc:
SECURITY CENTER / � FORM 879 (FINAL APPROVAL for current employees/
contractors (industrial AND independent))
Give 3rd copy of provisional approval to for action
� Accompanying material (application,
statement of purpose, or biography) if
course is student-funded.
� Any manuscript (meets AR 6-2 criteria)
related to a student-funded academic
� Any outside publication unrelated to
academic work described elsewhere here
� Any manuscript (meets AR 6-2 criteria)
related to an Agency-funded academic
� Accompanying material (application,
statement of purpose, or biography) if
course is Agency-funded.
� Resume
� Grad fellow
� Part of student-intern program
� Co-op students
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Review Process
ICMail a copy of the following authors' manuscripts (or any with NSC equities) to the NSC
when received:
Usually use ic mail to communicate
NSC secure fax number:
Unclassified fax number:
(Usually NCS part time contractors)
Review Process
� No supervisor review needed (these contractors are called in on an as needed basis and
don't have a true supervisor)
� PRB reviewer does the review
� If necessary send the manuscript to the PRB board member
� Author still required to fill out 879 (or their government contact can fill one out for them)
Usually these come from
3.ut author may send them directly to us
Indicate on routing sheet to follow "SSCI steps."
Review Process
� PRB reviewer, possibly Board Member
� Send response to
Secure fax:
Unclassified fax:
� Wait for SSCI review response and then send combined PRB/SSCI response to author
� CC Congressional Affairs on any SSCI communications:
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Secure fax:
Unclassified fax:
Review for current employees
� Supervisor + 2 PRB reviewers, possibly Board member
� Considered nonofficial publications
� No 879 form required
Review for former employees
� 2 PRB reviewers, possibly Board member
� Send approval/objections to the editor of Studies in Intelligence (usually the individual
who submitted manuscripts)
File location:
PRB Contact List
This list is updated frequently.
File location:
IC Counterparts Contact List
This list is updated fairly frequently.
-Stetteil//20320811. 13
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PRB policy is affirmed that in cases where a CIA author (either current or former employee or
contractor) is merely repeating facts used by another author (e.g., in a book review or similar
work), the Board does not consider the repetition of such statements of fact, in and of
themselves, necessarily to be considered a validation of that information, and so, the author will
generally be given substantial latitude in repeating these facts. 7 February 2008
PRBpolicy is affirmed that the Board will continue to use � pursuant to the Legal Adviser's 20
July 1987 memorandum entitled Prepublication Review of Factual Material in Fictional
Manuscripts -- different standards of review for fictional and non-fictional works. Specifically, in
fictional manuscripts where the author makes reference to stations and bases in specific city
locations and where they are associated with other USG facilities overseas, the author will
generally be given substantial latitude in using such references. 7 February 2008
The Board decided that each manuscript would be reviewed for classification and
appropriateness (in accordance with the status of the author). Authors are entitled to a clear
decision as to what text is deemed to be classified or inappropriate. The Board will make such
determinations for every submission. In the case where the overarching topic of a manuscript �
the entirety of the overall theme of the work � is considered to be classified or inappropriate (or
both), thereby leaving but a small portion of text remaining that is not considered to be classified
or inappropriate, the Board may decide to advise the author that the manuscript has been denied-
in-entirety (DIE), i.e., although there may be some words, phrases, sentences, or other small
portion of text that are not either classified or inappropriate, nevertheless the majority of the text
and the entirety of the theme of the work is considered to be classified or inappropriate and
unsuitable for publication. Such a determination by the Board will not negate a more complete
explanation to the author � should the author request additional details � as to why the theme was
considered to be classified or inappropriate. 15 April 2008
It is PRB policy not to review manuscripts of authors who have no valid Agency secrecy
agreement and, therefore, do not have a prepublication review obligation. 7 February 2008
PRB policy is affirmed that the Board will continue to review manuscripts by contractors on a
sliding scale according to degree/amount of access (i.e. the review threshhold for appropriateness
will be lower for contractors of convenience).
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The views of all Board members will be heard and considered on any disputed
manuscript. In instances where Board members disagree on a course of action, the PRB
will not formally respond to the author of the disputed manuscript until the following
procedures are enacted:
� The PRB Executive Secretary will distribute the manuscript in dispute to all Board
members in advance of scheduling a formal meeting of the Board to discuss the
manuscript in question.
� Following a discussion of the manuscript, the Chairman of the Board will ask for
each Board member's formal determination.
� In the event that Board members cannot reach a unanimous decision, a majority
vote will determine a final course of action.
� If no appeals are filed regarding the decision, the view of the majority of the Board
will be adopted as the final decision of the PRB.
The Appeal Process
� If one or more Board members disagree with the aforementioned majority opinion
of the Board, the dissenting Board member(s), with the approval of his/her
directorate head(s), will have 5 workdays to formally raise the issue to the
Director/IMS for review.
� If no resolution is reached at the level of the Director/IMS, the dissenting Board
member(s), with the approval of his/her directorate head(s), will have 5 working
days to raise the matter with the Associate Deputy Director of the Central
Intelligence Agency (ADD/CIA)�in writing via the PRB Chairman�for a final
review and decision.
When there is Board disagreement, there will be no final decision adopted by the
Board until the issue is resolved by the C/IMS or the ADD/CIA provided the
appropriate appeals are raised within the aforementioned time limits:
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Guidelines for Review
(U/Mkilge) AR 6-2
Date: 06/25/2011
Category: 6 - Public Affairs
This regulation supersedes AR 6-2, dated 19 July 2010.
AR 6-2 is revised to clarify the prepublication review criteria applicable to the
submissions of current CIA employees and contractors and to reflect current
organizational titles, existing Board membership, and updated citations to certain
applicable authorities.
Boldfaced text in this regulation indicates revisions.
This regulation was written by the Office of the Chief Information Officer
(UAW% SYNOPSIS. This regulation sets forth CIA policies and
procedures for the submission and review of material proposed for
publication or public dissemination by current and former employees and
contractors and other individuals obligated by the CIA secrecy agreement to
protect from unauthorized disclosure certain information they obtain as a
result of their contact with the CIA. This regulation applies to all forms of
dissemination, whether in written, oral, electronic, or other forms, and
whether intended to be an official or nonofficial (that is, personal)
a. (U//A-ItTil) AUTHORITY. The National Security Act of -1947, as amended, the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) Act of 1949, as amended, and Executive Order 12333, as
amended, require the protection of intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized
disclosure. Executive Order 13526, requires protection of classified information from
unauthorized disclosure. 18 U.S.C. section 209 prohibits a federal employee from
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supplementation of salary from any source other than the U.S. Government as compensation
for activities related to the employee's service as a Government employee. The Standards of
Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch (5 C.F.R. 2635) are the Government-
wide ethics regulations that govern Federal employees. Those regulations include
restrictions on outside activities and compensation for teaching, speaking, and writing related
to official duties. In Snepp v. U.S., 444 U.S. 507 (1980), the Supreme Court held that
individuals who have been authorized access to CIA information, the public disclosure of
which could harm the national security, hold positions of special trust and have fiduciary
obligations to protect such information. These obligations are reflected in this regulation and
in CIA secrecy agreements.
(1) The CIA requires all current and former Agency employees and contractors, and others
who are obligated by CIA secrecy agreement, to submit for prepublication review to the
CIA's Publications Review Board (PRB) all intelligence-related materials intended for
publication or public dissemination, whether they will be communicated in writing,
speeches, or any other method; and whether they are officially sanctioned or represent
personal expressions, except as noted below.
(2) The purpose of prepublication review is to ensure that information damaging to the
national security is not disclosed inadvertently; and, for current employees and
contractors, to ensure that neither the author's performance of duties, the Agency's
mission, nor the foreign relations or security of the U.S. are adversely affected by
(3) The prepublication review requirement does not apply to material that is unrelated to
intelligence, foreign relations, or CIA employment or contract matters (for example,
material that relates to cooking, stamp collecting, sports, fraternal organizations, and so
(4) Agency approval for publication of nonofficial, personal works (including those of
current and former employees and contractors and covered non-Agency personnel) does
not represent Agency endorsement or verification of, or agreement with, such works.
Therefore, consistent with cover status, authors are required, unless waived in writing by
the PRB, to publish the following disclaimer:
"All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed are those of the author and do not
reflect the official positions or views of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or any
other U.S. Government agency. Nothing in the contents should be construed as asserting
or implying U.S. Government authentication of information or CIA endorsement of the
author's views. This material has been reviewed by the CIA to prevent the disclosure of
classified information."
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(5) Those who are speaking in a nonofficial capacity must state at the beginning of their
remarks or interview that their views do not necessarily reflect the official views of the
(6) A nonofficial or personal publication is a work by anyone who has signed a CIA secrecy
agreement (including a current and former employee or contractor), who has prepared the
work as a private individual and who is not acting in an official capacity for the
(7) An official publication is a work by anyone who has signed a CIA secrecy agreement,
(including a current employee or contractor), such as an article, monograph, or speech,
that is intended to be unclassified and is prepared as part of their official duties as a
Government employee or contractor acting in an official capacity.
(8) "Publication" or "public dissemination" in this context means:
(a) for nonofficial (that is, personal) works -- communicating information to one or more
persons; and
(b) for official works -- communicating information in an unclassified manner where that
information is intended, or is likely to be, disseminated to the public or the media.
(9) Covered non-Agency personnel means individuals who are obligated by a CIA secrecy
agreement to. protect from unauthorized disclosure certain information they obtain as a
result of their contact with the CIA.
(1) The PRB is the Agency body charged with reviewing, coordinating, and formally
approving in writing all proposed nonofficial, personal publications that are submitted for
prepublication. It is also responsible for coordinating the official release of certain
unclassified Agency information to the public. The Board consists of a Chair and senior
representatives from the Director of CIA Area, the National Clandestine Service (NCS),
the Directorate of Support, the Directorate of Science and Technology, and the
Directorate of Intelligence. There is a nonvoting Executive Secretary and the Office
of General Counsel (OGC) provides a nonvoting legal advisor.
(2) The PRB shall adopt and implement all lawful measures to prevent the publication of
information that could damage the national security or foreign relations of the U.S. or
adversely affect the CIA's functions or the author's performance of duties, and to ensure
that individuals given access to classified information understand and comply with their
contractual obligations not to disclose it. When the PRB reviews submissions that
involve the equities of any other agency, the PRB shall coordinate its review with the
equity-owning agency.
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(3) The PRB Chair is authorized unilaterally to represent the Board when disclosure of
submitted material so clearly would not harm national security that additional review is
unnecessary or when time constraints or other unusual circumstances make it impractical
or impossible to convene or consult with the Board. The Chair may also determine that
the subject of the material is so narrow or technical that only certain Board members need
to be consulted.
(4) During the course of PRB deliberations, the views of the equity-owning Board member
regarding damage to national security and appropriateness for publication will be given
great weight. In the even the PRB Chair and other Board members disagree as to
whether the publication of information could damage the national security or if the
Studies in Intelligence Editorial Board Chair disagrees with a PRB decision under section
g(2) below that an article is inappropriate for publication, the PRB Chair, or Director of
the Center for the Study of Intelligence, will have 15 days to raise the issue to the Chief,
IMS for review, highlighting the equity-owner's concerns. If no resolution is reached at
that level, the C/IMS will have 15 days to raise the matter to the Associate Deputy
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (ADD/CIA) for a final decision. When there
is a disagreement whether information should be approved for publication, it will not be
so approved until the issue is resolved by the C/IMS or the ADD/CIA. However, if the
issue is not raised to the C/IIVIS or the ADD/CIA within the applicable time limits, the
views of the equity-owning Board member will be adopted as the decision of the PRB (or
in those cases where the Studies of Intelligence Editorial Board Chair disagrees with the
PRB decision and the issue is not raised within applicable time limits, the PRB decision
will be final).
(1) Former employees and contractors and other covered non-Agency personnel must submit
covered nonofficial (personal) materials intended for publication or public dissemination
to the PRB by mail, fax, or electronically as follows:
For U.S. Mail:
CIA Publications Review Board
Washington, DC 20505
For Overnight Delivery (for example, FedEx, UPS, and so forth):
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(2) Current employees and contractors must submit covered nonofficial and official materials
intended for publication or public dissemination to the PRB by mail, fax, or electronically
as follows:
Internal Mail:
Classified Facsimile:
Email: Lotus Note to:
Secure Phone:
(3) Current employees and contractors intending to publish or speak on a nonofficial,
personal basis must also complete and submit to the PRB an electronic cover
memorandum identifying their immediate supervisor or contracting officer. The PRB
will notify the appropriate Agency manager or contracting officer, whose concurrence is
necessary for publication.
(4) Review Timelines. As a general rule, the PRB will complete prepublication review for
nonofficial publications within 30 days of receipt of the material. Relatively short, time-
sensitive submissions (for example, op-ed pieces, letters to the editor, and so forth) will
be handled as expeditiously as practicable. Lengthy or complex submissions may require
a longer period of time for review, especially if they involve intelligence sources and
methods issues. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit drafts of completed works,
rather than chapters or portions of such works.
(1) Types of Materials. The prepublication review obligation applies to any written, oral,
electronic, or other presentation intended for publication or public dissemination, whether
personal or official, that mentions CIA or intelligence data or activities or material on any
subject about which the author has had access to classified information in the course of
his employment or other contact with the Agency. The obligation includes, but is not
limited to, works of fiction; books; newspaper columns; academic journal articles;
magazine articles; resumes or biographical information on Agency employees
(submission to the PRB is the exclusive procedure for obtaining approval of proposed
resume text); draft Studies in Intelligence submissions (whenever the author is informed
by the Studies editor that the draft article is suitable for Studies Editorial Board review);
letters to the editor; book reviews; pamphlets; scholarly papers; scripts; screenplays;
internet blogs, e-mails, or other writings; outlines of oral presentations; speeches; or
testimony prepared for a Federal or state or local executive, legislative, judicial, or
administrative entity; and Officers in Residence (01Rs) speeches and publications
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(although oral and written materials prepared by Orns exclusively for their classroom
instructional purposes are not covered, OIRs must take particular care to ensure that any
anecdotes or other classroom discussions of their Agency experiences do not
inadvertently reveal classified information). Materials created for submission to the
Inspector General and/or the Congress under the Whistleblower Protection Act and CIA
implementing regulations are nonofficial, personal documents when they are initially
created and the author is entitled to seek a review by the PRB to determine if the
materials contain classified information and, if so, the appropriate level of classification
of the information. If, at any point during or after the whistleblower process, the author
wishes to disseminate his whistleblower complaint to the public, the author must submit
his complaint to the PRB for full prepublication review under this regulation. If the
author is a current employee or contractor who intends to disseminate his whistleblower
complaint to the public, the author must also obtain PRB review of his materials under
paragraph g below.
(2) Review of Draft Documents. Written materials of a nonofficial, personal nature covered
by the regulation must be submitted to the PRB at each stage of their development before
being circulated to publishers, editors, literary agents, co-authors, ghost writers,
reviewers, or the public (that is, anyone who does not have the requisite clearance and
need-to-know to see information that has not yet been reviewed, but may be classified).
This prepublication review requirement is intended to prevent comparison of different
versions of such material, which would reveal the items that the Agency has deleted. For
this reason, PRB review of material only after it has been submitted to publishers,
reviewers, or other outside parties violates the author's prepublication review obligation.
The Agency reserves the right to conduct a post-publication review of any such material
in order to take necessary protective action to mitigate damage caused by such a
disclosure. Such post-publication review and action does not preclude the U.S.
Government or the CIA from exercising any other legal rights otherwise available as a
result of this prepublication violation. Additionally, the Agency reserves the right to
require the destruction or return to CIA of classified information found to have been
included in earlier versions of a work regardless of the form of the media involved (for
example, paper, floppy disk, hard disk, or other electronic storage methods).
(3) Public Presentations.
(a) With respect to current and former employees and contractors and covered non-
Agency personnel making intelligence-related speeches, media interviews, or
testimony, they must submit all notes, outlines, or any tangible preparatory material
to the PRB for review. Where no written material has been prepared specifically in
contemplation of the speech, interview, or oral testimony, the individual must contact
the PRB Chair or his representative to provide a summary of any and all topics that it
is reasonable to assume may be discussed, and points that will or may be made.
Unprepared or unrehearsed oral statements do not exempt an individual from possible
criminal liability in the event they involve an unauthorized disclosure of classified
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(b) In addition, with respect to current employees and contractors making official or
nonofficial oral intelligence-related statements to the media or to groups where the�
media will likely be in attendance, prior to granting interviews or making public
appearances, the speaker shall contact the PRB for guidance. The PRB will
coordinate the review of proposed speeches or media interviews with the component
involved, the Office of Public Affairs for guidance regarding media or press relations,
and other offices as necessary.
(c) Current employees who must make court appearances or respond to subpoenas must
contact OGC for guidance.
(4) Official Publications. The publication or public dissemination of official Agency
information by any means, including electronic transmissions, such as internet and
unclassified facsimile, is subject to prepublication review. In addition to the types of
materials listed in paragraph e(1) above, official publications subject to this review
include unclassified monographs; organizational charts; brochures; booklets; flyers;
posters; advertisements; films; slides; videotapes; or other issuances, irrespective of
physical media such as paper, film, magnetic, optical, or electronic, that mention CIA or
intelligence data or activities or material on any subject about which the author has had
access to classified information in the course of his employment or other association with
the Agency.
Exclusions. Not included within the scope of this regulation are CIA court filings;
regular, serial publications such as the CIA World Fact Book; or documents released
pursuant to official declassification and release programs such as the Freedom of
Information Act or the 25-Year Automatic Declassification Program under Executive
Order 13526. Nor do these procedures apply to official documents intended to be
disseminated only to other Federal Government entities (that is, responses to other
Federal agencies and Congressional entities -- except for unclassified "constituent
replies" that will remain covered by this regulation).
(6) Additional PRB Guidance. It is not possible to anticipate all questions that may arise
about which materials require prepublication review. Therefore, it is the author's
obligation to seek guidance from the PRB on all prepublication review issues not
explicitly covered by this regulation.
(1) All material proposed for publication or public dissemination must be submitted to the
PRB Chair, as described in paragraph d(1) above. The PRB Chair will have the
responsibility for the review, coordination, and formal approval in writing of submissions
in coordination with appropriate Board members. The PRB Chair will provide copies of
submitted material to all components with equities in such material, and will also provide
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copies to all Board members and, upon request, to any Directorate-level Information
Review Officer.
(2) The PRB will review material proposed for publication or public dissemination solely to
determine whether it contains any classified information. Permission to publish will not
be denied solely because the material may be embarrassing to or critical of the Agency.
Former employees, contractors, or non-Agency personnel must obtain the written
approval of the PRB prior to publication.
When it is contemplated that a co-author who has not signed a CIA secrecy agreement
will contribute to a publication subject to prepublication review, the final version of the
publication must clearly identify those portions of the publication that were authored by
the individual subject to the secrecy agreement. Where there is any ambiguity
concerning which individual wrote a section, and the section was not submitted for
review, the Agency reserves the right to consider the section to be entirely written by the
individual subject to the secrecy agreement and therefore in violation of the individual's
prepublication review obligations.
(4) When otherwise classified information is also available independently in open sources
and can be cited by the author, the PRB will consider the fact in making its determination
on whether that information may be published with the appropriate citations.
Nevertheless, the Agency retains the right to disallow certain open-source information or
citations where, because of the author's Agency affiliation or position, the reference
might confirm the classified content.
(1) All covered material proposed for publication or public dissemination must be
submitted to the PRB Chair, as described in paragraph d(2) above. The PRB Chair will
have the responsibility for the review, coordination, and formal approval in writing of
submissions in coordination with the author's supervisor and other offices as necessary.
The PRB Chair will provide copies of submitted material to all components with equities
in such material, and will also provide copies to all Board members and, upon request, to
any Directorate-level Information Review Officer.
(2) Additional Review Criteria. Appropriateness. For current employees and contractors, in
addition to the prohibition on revealing classified information, the Agency is also legally
authorized to deny permission to publish any official or nonofficial materials on matters�
set forth in paragraphs e(1) and e(4) above that could:
(a) reasonably be expected to impair the author's performance of his or her job duties,
(b) interfere with the authorized functions of the CIA, or
(c) have an adverse effect on the foreign relations or security of the United States.
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These additional review criteria ensure that material is not published that could
adversely affect the Agency's ability to function as an employer and carry out its
national security mission. Because these criteria principally concern the Agency's
authority as an employer to promote an effective work place and to protect the
integrity of its mission, they apply only to the submissions of current CIA employees
and contractors.
When a current CIA officer engages in public discussion of internal organizational
operations, policies, and information, it could in certain circumstances interfere
with CIA's ability, as an employer, to promote an effective work place and carry out
its mission. When a current CIA officer engages in public discussion of current
foreign relations issues or intelligence-related matters, it could in certain
circumstances provide a factual basis for some to reasonably question whether the
CIA was properly carrying out its independent, objective, and apolitical intelligence
The determination of whether any particular publication could impair the author's
performance of his or her duties, interfere with authorized CIA functions, or
adversely affect the foreign relations or security of the United States must be
assessed case-by-case in terms of the content of the manuscript, as well as the overall
context and prevailing circumstances, including but not limited to, consideration of
the currency of the subject matter; whether the subject matter is a matter of public
concern; the degree to which the topic is related to the author's official duties;
whether the material submitted for review is required for a course at an accredited
U.S. educational institution at any academic level and, if so, whether distribution is
intended to extend beyond classroom use; and whether, in light of the assignment in
which the author serves, the inclusion or exclusion of the disclaimer described in
paragraph b(4) above can mitigate any concerns. The Agency will exercise its
authority to deny permission to publish on the basis of any such determination only
when the determination is made in writing and clearly identifies or describes how
publication could create a significant risk of impairing the author's performance of
his or her job duties, interfering with the authorized functions of the CIA, or
adversely affecting the foreign relations or security of the United States.
Prior to drafting a manuscript intended for nonofficial publication, current CIA
officers are encouraged to consult with the Board regarding the proposed topic or
subject matter. In addition, current CIA officers must comply with any applicable
component policies and procedures relating to consultation with management prior
to the drafting of a manuscript, prior to submitting a manuscript to the Board, or
during the prepublication review process. Any consultation with the Board or
management may not necessarily result in Agency approval to publish the
submitted manuscript.
(3) Outside Activities Approval Request. Current employees and contractors must also
complete a Form 879 (Outside Activity Approval Request) in accordance with Agency
Regulation 10-15.
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(4) Review Process:
(a) Nonofficial publications. For all nonofficial publications, current employees must
complete and submit to the PRB a cover memorandum identifying their immediate
supervisor or contracting officer. The PRB will notify these individuals, whose
concurrence is necessary for publication.
(b) Unclassified official publications. For all unclassified official publications that are
covered by this regulation, current employees or contractors must first coordinate the
document or speech with their management chain. Once initial management
acceptance has been made, the employee must then submit the proposed publication
to the PRB for final review and approval. (Classified official publications are not
covered by this regulation and, therefore, are not required to be submitted to the PRB
for review.)
(c) Resumes. This requirement for management review and concurrence does not apply
for resumes, which must be sent to the PRB, which will coordinate their approval
with the appropriate equity-owning component and Directorate-level Information
Review Officer. The employee must obtain the written approval of the PRB prior to
any dissemination of the resume outside of the CIA.
(5) OGC Ethics Review for Executive Branch Employees. As part of the prepublication
review process, and after PRB/management review of proposed publications is
completed, the PRB will initiate a further review by OGC/Ethics Law Division
(OGC/ELD) to determine if any ethics issues are raised under the Standards of Ethical
Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch. These Government-wide regulations
and Agency Regulation 13-2 limit the use of nonpublic information and provide that
an employee shall not receive compensation from any source other than the Government
for teaching, speaking, or writing relating to the employee's official duties. Additionally,
OGC/ELD will also review proposed publications by current employees to ensure there
is no violation of the criminal statute, 18 U.S.C. section 209, which prohibits an
employee from receiving any salary or any contribution to or supplementation of salary
from any source other than the U.S. as compensation for services as a Government
employee. Specifically, employees may not receive outside compensation for any article,
speech, or book written or produced as part of their official duties.
h. (U//A-H10)APPEALS
(1) If the PRB denies all or part of a proposed nonofficial publication, the author may submit
additional material in support of publication and request reconsideration by the PRB. In
the event the PRB denies the request for reconsideration, the author may appeal. PRB
decisions involving nonofficial publications may be appealed to the ADD/CIA within 30
days of the decision. Such an appeal must be in writing and must be sent to the PRB
Chair. Appeal documentation must include the material intended for publication and any
supporting materials the appealing party wishes the ADD/CIA to consider. The PRB
Chair will forward the appeal and relevant documentation through the components that
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objected to publication of the writing or other product at issue. The Director or Head of
Independent Office will affirm or recommend revision of the decision affecting his or her
component's equities and will forward that recommendation to OGC. OGC will review
the recommendations for legal sufficiency and will make a recommendation to the
ADD/CIA for a final Agency decision. The PRB Chair is responsible for staff support to
the ADD/CIA. The ADD/CIA will render a written final decision on the appeal. Best
efforts will be made to complete the appeal process within 30 days from the date the
appeal is submitted.
(2) This regulation is intended to provide direction and guidance for those persons who have
prepublication review obligations and those who review material submitted for
nonofficial or official publication. Nothing contained in this regulation or in any practice
or procedure that implements this regulation is intended to confer, or does confer, any
substantive or procedural right of privilege on any person or organization beyond that
expressly stated herein.
i. (U/AHRI) BREACH OF SECRECY AGREEMENT. Failure to comply with
prepublication review obligations can result in the imposition of civil penalties or damages.
When the PRB becomes aware of a potential violation of the CIA secrecy agreement, it will
notify OGC and the Office of Security (OS). After the OS review and investigation of the
case is completed, if further action is deemed warranted, the OS will refer the matter to OGC,
which will report all potentially criminal conduct to the Department of Justice (Doi) and
consult with DoJ regarding any civil remedies that may be pursued.
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The PRB does not correct factual inaccuracies (or grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc)!
The Publications Review Board is the Agency office that is charged with the
responsibility to review all written � official or non-official (i.e., personal) -- works by
employees, contractors and former employees and contractors. For employees and current
independent contractors we review the material to make sure that the information is unclassified
and appropriate. For current industrial contractors, we review the material for classified
information and that the contract allows the activity. For former employees and contractors we
only review the material for classified information.
For official works, the Agency owns the material and has complete control and
discretion as to what is approved.
For non-official, personal works, the writing is owned by the author (not the Agency).
The Agency has the right and responsibility to review the material for classified information �
nothing more. Because the author has a legal, proprietary interest in the work, the Agency must
be careful to limit distribution to only those people and offices that are involved in the official
review process.
�You are being asked to review the attached writing for classified information
(information, that if released would damage national security). As you perform your
review, please keep in mind two things: (1) the Agency must be able to articulate
damage to national security to the author in order to be able to prevail in any redactions
requested, and (2) since only the classified information is considered to be Agency-
owned, all the rest of the material is the author's, so we need to be as judicious as
possible in deleting information � where possible, delete a classified word or phrase,
rather than deleting an entire sentence or paragraph. Ask yourself: "What is the bare
minimum I can remove from this text that will make it unclassified."
�If the writing has been authored by a current employee or contractor you are also
being asked to determine if the work is appropriate. In this context, appropriate
means that if published could the material reasonable be expected to impair the
employee's/contractor's performance of his or her job, interfere with the authorized
functions of the CIA, or have an adverse effect on the foreign relations or security of the
�Since the writing is the propriety property of the author, do not further distribute this
work without PRB approval. Further, once your review has been completed, you must
delete all review copies of the manuscript to include hard and electronic copies you may
have made.
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If you have any questions, or would like additional background information on this
manuscript or the review process in general, please contact the PRB:
"Reviewing the Work of CIA Authors: Secrets, Free Speech, and Fig Leaves"
� The Agency does not permit budget or staffing statistics to be stated, unless previously
released. There are some exceptions.
� The Agency does not permit codewords / codenames / cryptonyms unless previously
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� The Agency generally does not permit reference to an intelligence liaison or cooperation
with a specific country or service. The Agency may permit a general reference to an
intelligence liaison or cooperation with a specific country or service in the context of the
War on Terror.
� When otherwise classified information is also available independently in open sources and
can be cited by the author, the PRB will consider the fact in making its determination on
whether that information may be referenced. The Agency retains the right to disallow
open-source information or citations where, because of the author's Agency affiliation, the
reference might confirm the classified content. Authors are encouraged to provide as much
sourcing as possible.
� The Agency permits organizational designations at, and above, the level equivalent to NSC
division, a DS group, a DI office, and a DS&T office. The Agency does permit
organizational designations below this level if the names are very general and depicted in
lower case letters, such as "logistics branch," "China Branch," or "terrorism unit" or if the
name is declassified or otherwise officially acknowledged. Generally, reviews also
consider previous PRB approvals.
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The following lists are by no means exhaustive, but provide a starting point for research and
This program will transfer your unclassified AIN emails to your CWE Lotus Notes or iCE
Outlook. Send a Lotus Note or outlook message to
and tell them that you need ANTE Up because you communicate a lot with the public over
the AN for your job.
Agency Release Panel (ARP)
Use this LN database to conduct a comprehensive search of FRUS, Congressional
testimony and reports, and officially released names. Search by KEYWORD. The 25 Year
Handbook is also available under Policy/Guidelines & Reference
Repository for all docs released through FOIA, PA, EO, and 25 year program. Does not
include most docs released in litigation or old docs released in early years of Agency. Send
note to for search access.
Center for the Studies of Intelligence (CSI)
Unclassified articles can be used in discussions with other reviewers.
Available as either a LN database on AGDES01 or through:
Unclassified articles can be used in discussions with other reviewers.
Complete an AADS request to get access. Not Used.
CIO/IMS onference Room Schedule
Use the IMS website to locate.
Check here to see if or any othe onference room is available. Contact the
administrative assistant to request a reservation.
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CI-TV Episodes
These are interesting and so helpful! We produced a number of television shows with The
History Channel. Lots of Cold War stories. You can use these in discussions with other
Form 879
This is the form CURRENT employees need to fill out in order to publish nonofficial
publications (except for resumes). You will send it to authors (a lot). The portal is here:
Add this under Control Panel, Add Programs
Use this to capture screen shots of pages in PDF files and manipulate (highlight and/or
delete) them. (We are supposed to be getting Adobe Acrobat Professional 7, so we won't
have to rely on hypersnap as much.)
Media Highlights
The search tool here is not great, but usually MH articles will show up in a regular Google
Office of Public Affairs (OPA)
Use this to search the full text of speeches and press reports. Also available:
PRB Base (access db)
This is where we keep track of author submissions, including title, date submitted, whether
they are current or former, overt or covert, etc.
You can find this in the PPRD folder.
You will need to install MS Access for this tool.
PRB LN Database
Electronic correspondence on cases is kept here,
Reviewer's Handbook
This is the handbook for the 25-year declassification program. It is a great guide for what
can be released but it is a little outdated.
(This is available in the ARP LN database, in CADRE, in the CDC share drive, and in hard
copy here in the office).
This is the old PRB research database (LN database). It has lots of useful decisions about
past cases.
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AN Account
Per Office of Security, you must also take the Internet security course at
Then you can request an AN account
through the AN Accounts database on LN.
http:.// Quick way to see if a book is still in print.
CIA Library
I,00k here for electronic books, hardcopy books not available in the
PRB library, and any other electronic database. Contact the library at 'or assistance.
Collections of Declassified Documents
GulfLINK Documents released by DOD from
Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Some CIA and other agency documents also.
Federation of American Scientists A collection of declassified
government documents on various topics, including intelligence.
NARA's index to JFK Act records
Assassination Archives and Records Center contains
35,000 pages of declassified records related to JFK Act.
Global has some declassified records and
various other government reports.
Congressional and CIA Reports on 9/11 and WMD
Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence on Postwar Findings about Iraq's WMD
Programs and Links to Terrorism and How They Compare with Prewar Assessments
Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence on the Use by the Intelligence Community
of Information Provided by the Iraqi National Congress
The 9/11 Commission Report
The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons
of Mass Destruction, AKA the Silberman Robb Report report.pdf
SECRET//20320811 54
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence on the U.S. Intelligence Community's
Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq
The CIA's report "Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs wmd/Iraq Oct 2002.htm
Comprehensive Report of the CIA's Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq's WMD /iraq wmd 2004/index .html
Report of an Inquiry into the Alternative Analysis of the Issue of an Iraq-al Qaeda
Relationship rpt/102104inquiryreport.pdf
Google Books Many books that are not protected by copyright, including
government publications, have been scanned to Google Books and can be viewed in full-
text PDF. Other books that are still under copyright are searchable, but you can only view a
few small clips.
Go to OSC Website and create a username and password. You can use Nexis to find
newspaper articles, congressional testimony, court cases, laws, and more.
Go to CIA Library and select Proquest from the list of E-resources in the far right column.
This tool searches all newspapers and magazines Proquest subscribes to. A handy reference
to find out what has been said in the open press.
Proquest Digital National Security Archive
This is the digital collection of officially released government documents compiled by the
National Security Archive. Go to CIA Library and select Proquest Digital National Security
Archive from the list of E-resources in the far right column. You can also access the
database directly through the National Security Archive's Webpage at, but it
will ask you to enter your email address and a password, so it is better to go through the
library. Contact the CIA Library if you have any trouble.
Bearden, Milt
The Main Enemy
Bernsten, Gary
Crile, George
Charlie Wilson's War
Mendez, Antonio
Master of Disguise
Moran, Lindsay
Blowing my Cover
Tenet, George
At the Center of the Storm
Waters, Thomas
Class 11
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
Gary Schroen
First In
Jose Rodriguez
Hard Measures
Henry Crumpton
The Art of Intelligence
For more recommended books see the History Staff's List:
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
File Location.
* See the above file for the most current wording.
After composing the letter:
1. Submit in DRAFT form for Chairman's review
2. Print on Agency letterhead (use the stationary with the seal for the first page and the
watermarked pages for the consecutive pages � this paper is located next to the printer)
3. Get Chairman's signature
4. Make two copies of the letter (one for the file and one for the chrono file)
MS with objections:
Print 1 copy of the pages with yellow highlights for the file
Print 2 copies of the pages with black highlights (one for the author and one for the
5. Sign and initial the bottom of the routing sheet on the outside of the folder
6. Give the case to the Admin Assistant to close.
Publications Review Board
Washington, D.C. 20505
(Mr., Ms., Dr.)
Dear (Mr., Ms., Dr.):
[Acknowledgement letter � intro paragraph] The Publications Review Board has received
your [SUBMISSION] entitled "[TTTLE]." We shall notify you of the Board's decision as soon
as the review is complete.
[Acknowledgement letter 30 days or more] We make every effort to complete our review
as quickly as possible. Reviews usually take thirty or fewer days, but may take longer if the
issues the submission presents are complex or must be referred to other government entities.
Should that be the case with "[TITLE]," we shall inform you of the delay and give you an
approximate completion date.
rEeR-E-T/ /20320811 57
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
[Acknowledgement letter short deadline] We make every effort to complete our review as
quickly as possible. This is especially true for "working authors" who may have an externally
imposed deadline within a short period of time. That said, we cannot promise to meet
unreasonably short deadlines to review and provide you with a decision as to the appropriateness
for publication of your manuscript.
[Acknowledgement letter final paragraph] Until the Board makes a final determination on
your manuscript and formally conveys that decision in writing, however, you do not have
approval to publish (which includes showing it to editors, literary agents, publishers, reviewers,
or anyone else).
[Alternate Acknowledgement Letter with wording for short deadline request �paragraph
1] The Publications Review Board has received your manuscript entitled "[TITLE]" and your
request for a quick response. When possible, we try to accommodate authors operating under
short deadlines, but the law and relevant Agency regulations give the Board at least 30 days to
review submissions.
[Alternate Acknowledgement Letter with wording for short deadline request �paragraph
2] As we would hope you understand, the Board must review your manuscript carefully to ensure
that it does not disclose classified information. This care may mean that the Board cannot meet
the deadline you are imposing. Please be assured that the review will proceed as expeditiously
as possible consistent with the Board's responsibility to protect intelligence sources and
[Alternate Acknowledgement Letter with wording for short deadline request �paragraph
3] In the event the Board is not able to meet your deadline, you still must comply with the
obligation your secrecy agreement imposes to wait for PRB approval before publishing. Failure
to wait for PRB approval may result in legal action against you.
[Alternate Acknowledgement Letter with wording for short deadline request �paragraph
4] The Board will let you know of its determination as soon as possible. Please call me at
if you have any questions.
[Interim letter paragraph 1] The Publications Review Board is continuing its work on
your manuscript entitled "[TITLE]," but it is unlikely that the Board will complete its review
-Seel-EV/20320811 58
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
within the usual thirty-day timeframe. We are making every effort to complete the review as
soon as possible and will notify you immediately when it is done.
[Interim letter paragraph 2] I apologize for the delay and inconvenience.
[Approval � identify a version if applicable] The Publications Review Board has
completed its review of your manuscript entitled "[TITLE]." The Board determined that it
contains no classified information and has no security objection to its publication.
[Approval � added materials] If you add material to or change the text the Board has
approved for publication, you must submit these additions or changes to us before giving them to
your publisher or anyone else. In such a case, please mark or otherwise clearly indicate the new
material so we can expedite our review. Additional material that must be submitted include, but
is not limited to, photographs, photograph captions, illustrations, diagrams, tables, charts, or
[Objection] The Publications Review Board has completed its review of your manuscript
entitled "[TITLE]." In accordance with the terms of your secrecy agreement, the Board has
determined that the following information in your manuscript is inappropriate for disclosure in
the public domain (i.e., is considered to be classified information) and must be revised or deleted
prior to publication.
[Objection] A copy of the edited page(s) is enclosed for your records.
[Objection] After making the changes the Board requires, you must resubmit the
manuscript for final Agency review. In lieu of resubmitting the entire manuscript, you may
return only the affected pages.
[Objection � added materials] If you add material to or change the text the Board has
approved for publication, you must submit these additions or changes to us before giving them to
your publisher or anyone else. In such a case, please mark or otherwise clearly indicate the new
material so we can expedite our review. Additional material that must be submitted include, but
ZECRET//20320811 59
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
is not limited to, photographs, photograph captions, illustrations, diagrams, tables, charts, or
[Objection appropriateness � current staff/contractor] The Publications Review Board has
completed its review of your manuscript entitled "[TITLE]" and denies permission for you to
publish portions of the manuscript. These specific sections contain no classified information,
but, based on standards for publishing by current employees and contractors, the Board finds that
publication could:
[Choose appropriate reason(s) below]
� Reasonably be expected to impair the performance of your job duties
� Interfere with the authorized functions of the CIA
� Have an adverse effect on the foreign relations or security of the U.S.
[Objection appropriateness � current staff/contractor] It is the Board's interpretation of
those standards that current employees and contractors should not write, comment, or opine on
matters that have a policy aspect to them because such comments have a negative effect on the
Agency's ability to serve policymakers. This negative effect can create an atmosphere of distrust
between the agency and policymakers or between the Agency and other Intelligence Community
[Objection appropriateness � current staff/contractor� include only if the author would be
able to revise/delete portions] A copy of your manuscript is attached with the portions
highlighted that must be deleted or revised prior to publication. After making the changes the
Board requires, you must resubmit the manuscript for final Agency review. Once we have
completed this additional review, we will then provide you a formal approval to publish this
particular version of your manuscript.
[Include on all objections / provisional approvals for current staff/contractors --
classification/appropriateness if manuscript is nonofficial] Once the Board reviews the final
changes and a decision to approve the manuscript is made, the Board will provide it provisional
approval (from a classification and appropriateness standpoint). You may not publish until you
have received final anoroval of your Outside Activity Form 879 from the Security Center's
They may be contacted at
,vith questions.
[Galleys] This letter is to formally acknowledge the receipt, on [DATE], of your galley
proofs for your manuscript entitled "[TITLE]".
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/2 032 0813.
All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
[Galleys, include if shared with publisher prior to final review] As we have stated in
earlier correspondence, the Publications Review Board reviews galley proofs on a high priority
basis because, at the galley stage of the process, we know that authors and publishers have
limited flexibility with deadlines, and it is especially important to ensure the manuscripts do not
inadvertently include classified information. We recognize the time pressures that are inherent in
the publishing process. However, these time pressures do not excuse the obligations of former
CIA employees and individuals who sign secrecy agreements to protect classified information
from disclosure. We are disappointed that you proceeded to share certain portions of your
manuscript with your publisher before the Publications Review Board approved them for
publication. Our review of your galley proofs should not be seen as waiving the ability of the
Agency to address this matter with you at a subsequent time.
[Galleys, Include for substantial changes in final review - no classified information]
During our review, we identified the following substantive (not merely editorial, grammatical, or
otherwise insignificant) changes to the text that the Board had previously reviewed. The Board
has reviewed these changes and has determined that the changed material does not include
classified information. Therefore, the Board has approved the changes identified immediately
below for publication:
[Galleys, Include for substantial changes in final review - classified information] During
our review, we identified the following substantial changes to the text the Board had previously
reviewed and new information not previously reviewed by the Board. The Board has reviewed
these changes, identified the new material immediately below, and has determined that they
cannot be approved for publication because they contain information that is currently and
properly classified information, the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to cause
harm to national security, and therefore, must be deleted prior to publication. In some instances,
we have included proposed alternative language that would make the referenced text
unclassified. Provided that you make the deletions and/or additions to the text on the pages
noted below, the Board will approve the following pages for publication:
[Galleys - Include for additions/deletions in final review which change context and must
be amended] The Board had previously issued conditional approval for you to publish the
chapters listed below, pending our confirmation that you made certain deletions and/or additions
to the text that the Board had provided to you in its letter of [DATE]. During our review of the
galley proofs, we have identified additional deletions and/or additions to the text of these
chapters (as indicated immediately below) that must be made due to context before the Board
can approve them for publication:
[Galleys - review of the complete picture now requires some changes] Our review of the
galley proofs has provided us with a more complete picture and additional context than what the
Board had had when it previously approved the chapters listed below as they had been written.
As a result of our review of the galley proofs, we have identified some technical changes (as
indicated directly below) that need to be made to some pages in the chapters that the Board had
previously approved for publication as written.
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[Galleys, As appropriate] Enclosed is a copy of the most recent version of certain
sections of your manuscript provided to the Board for review. Within this copy we have clearly
indicated: (1) the text that must be deleted from your original version (such text is blacked out on
the pages listed) because the information is considered to be classified and must be removed
before publication and (2) the text that is formally approved for publication (including additional,
substitute text, printed in red, that has been mutually agreed upon and approved).
[Galleys need for final review] After making the required deletions to your original
version of the manuscript, we ask that your forward to us copies of the modified pages so that we
can ensure that all classified information has been removed from the text. Although we
understand that you plan to publish the approved manuscript immediately, and that timing is
critical, we do require a final review of galley proofs so that the Board can verify that the
published version is the approved version. Your responsibility as the author is to ensure that the
publisher releases only the Board approved version. We will work promptly to complete this
final review of the galley proofs. The Board gives galley reviews high priority because it knows
that authors and publishers have firm deadlines.
[Include for books: Galleys] You must submit the galley proofs of the final manuscript as
it will appear in book form so the Board can verify that the published version is the approved
version. Your responsibility as the author is to ensure that the publisher publishes only the
Board-approved version. Since this final review may take up to thirty days, please ensure that
the publishing schedule permits adequate time for the Board to complete its work. The Board
gives galley reviews high priority because it knows that authors and publishers have firm
[Include on most books/long manuscripts � should have a reason why it should not be
used] The Board asks that you include the following disclaimer in your book:
All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed are those of the author
and do not reflect the official positions or views of the CIA or any other U.S.
Government agency. Nothing in the contents should be construed as asserting
or implying U.S. Government authentication of information or Agency
endorsement of the author's views. This material has been reviewed by the CIA
to prevent the disclosure of classified information.
[Appeal, always include on objections] As you are aware, if you disagree with the
Board's determination, you may ask the Board in writing and within 30 days of the initial
determination, to reconsider. Include any and all information or explanation of the facts that you
believe the Board should know. You may include citations or copies of similar references that
show this information to have been previously released and already in the public domain.
Although mere listing of published citations may not necessarily be sufficient to change the
Board's decision. If the Board upholds its initial decision, you may then formally appeal the
GEeRETV/20320811 62
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
Board's reconsideration decision. Such appeals go to the Agency's Associate Deputy Director
for a final Agency decision. If you wish to appeal, you must do so within 30 days of the Board's
reconsideration decision. The appeal must be in writing and must be sent to the Board's
Chairman. Appeal documentation must include the material intended for publication and any
supporting material you would like the Associate Deputy Director to consider.
[Include when manuscript contains classified] Because your original manuscript contains
classified information, we require that you return to us for destruction any and all earlier, non-
approved versions of this work, in whatever form, and remove those items from your hard drive.
We can offer the assistance of CIA security personnel in this regard.
[Include for books] The Board is always pleased to purchase a copy of books published
by former Agency employees. Please let us know when [TITLE] is commercially available so
we can add a copy to the Board's research library.
[Include for acknowledgement/interim letters] The Board appreciates your cooperation
with prepublication review.
[Always include the following] Please do not hesitate to contact the Publications Review
Board at if you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance.
Chairman, Publications Review Board
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Example letter is on the following page:
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
+ CADRE Query Class
4 hours: This course provides an in-depth explanation of the search capabilities in CADRE, with
a focus on document retrieval. As a result of this course, students will become more proficient in
devising search strategies, constructing searches using search operators and multiple search
criteria, and interpreting the reported results.
Specific topics covered include the impact of document indexing and text content on
queryresults, query operators, wildcard characters, reserved words, special characters, use of
multiple operators in search terms, formatting and manipulating hit lists, and printing documents
and hit lists.
+ OSC Smart Research � Partnering with CIA Library
This one-day course introduces employees to the critical role the Library plays in the open
source research process. Through a series of hands-on exercises, participants will develop an
understanding of the information environment in which the Library operates. Upon completion
of the course, participants will have gained experience in crafting strategies to incorporate
valuable Library information resources and services into their individual research methodology.
This course is designed to encourage the formation of enduring research partnerships with
Library customers.
+ OSC Library Resources and Research Techniques
"Library Resources and Research Techniques" is a series of seminars which highlight the unique
content of the Library's electronic and print collection. These seminars also emphasize the role
Library information resources play in a comprehensive open source research effort. The
information resources presented at each seminar will vary with each session. However, all
sessions will focus on how to leverage the content and search mechanisms of the selected
information resources against open source intelligence gaps. Instruction will be given by the
Library's research librarians as well as by vendors of the featured commercial information
+ History of CIA
This course, taught by the CIA History Staff, consists of 10 two-and one-half hour lectures that
cover the Agency's history in chronological and thematic survey form. A few guest speakers with
special knowledge of some topics at hand will also give presentations. All of the sessions will be
classified SECRET.
+ Fundamentals of FOIA
This course provides students with an overview of the fundamental requirements of the Freedom
of Information Act. The course examines the judicially-enforceable right to access federal
-&ffeRTIV/20320811 66
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
agency records provided by the statute, the nine exemptions and three exclusions available to
federal agencies to protect information from disclosure, procedural issues associated with the
processing of requests, and litigation considerations involving the statute. The course explores
topics of special interest to the CIA, such as the Glomar response, the operational files
exemption, and the CIA-specific statutes that protect CIA information from disclosure.
� Fundamentals of the Privacy Act
This course provides students with an overview of the "code of fair information practices"
established by the Privacy Act of 1974. This course explores how the fundamental requirements
of the Privacy Act attempt to balance the Government's need to maintain information about
individuals with the rights of individuals to be protected against unwarranted invasions of their
privacy stemming from the Government's collection, maintenance, and dissemination of
personal information about them.
+ IRR Updates
This workshop is intended to provide information management and release professionals with a
summary of recent legal developments affecting the CIA's implementation of the requirements
imposed by the Freedom of Information Act, the Privacy Act, and Executive Order 12958, as
amended. This workshop will explore recent statutory and regulatory changes and case law
affecting the CIA's information practices.
� Operational Files Exemption Workshop
This workshop focuses on the provisions of the CIA Information Act of 1984 that authorize the
DCI to designate certain operational files of the Directorates of Operations and Science and
Technology and the Office of Security as exempt from the search, review, publication and
disclosure provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. The workshop explores the statutory
criteria for operational files, the designation process, and the effects of such designation.
This course provides a review of the changes to the Agency's classification derivatives as
documented in Agency Handbook 70-9 (AHB 70-9), CIA National Security Classification
Guide, effective 21 May 2006. This course will provide an on-line demonstration of how these
changes are to be implemented in the AACG. A brief overview of classification basics is
provided. Students will be given an opportunity to ask questions.
This class is very a very helpful refresher as the derivatives are the basis and reasons for
our deletions.
-8-ReRET//20320811 67
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1. Highlight text to be blacked-out. Use any color (yellow, gray, pink) that will print as gray.
Remove all highlighting that the author may have used.
2. Click on "Edit" on the Standard toolbar.
3. Select "Replace."
4. Place cursor in the "Find what" box.
5. Click on the "More" button on the bottom left of the dialog box to show additional options:
ind and Replace
Fiad what:
i" Replace with:
Flad what:
.; Replace with:
Search Options
i'! Replace Ail
Find Next
VSSS 2 I Replace Repla-e A-11 I
Find Next I
If Cancel I
r, Find whole words only
r Use wildcards
I Sounds Ile
r� Find all word forms
.Nc FcwriaWng
OECRET//20320811 68
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
6. Click on "Format" at the bottom of the box and select "Highlight."
� n 1.41 1,1 w.rp.� r�.1 oz.
r wildcards
r Sounds ke
n Find aD Eord forms
' Spedal No Formatting
- -Paragraph...
Fmme.- .
7. Place cursor in "Replace with" box.
8. Select "Highlight" under "Format," as above.
9. Go to the Formatting toolbar and click on the pull-down arrow on the highlight
button. Click on the black button (bottom right corner).
10.Click on "Replace All."�
im land Replace
Finn ReglaCe I
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Format: Highlight
!II � � CI II
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Ls' -1 Replace ReptacV
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Emcl Next I
FQrmat _3 c J
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Tr�e9gTV/20320811 69
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Pt, tkt�ert
All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
1. Open the newest version of the manuscript.
2. On the Tools menu, click Compare and Merge Documents.
Fee Errat iiew Insert Fgrmat
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Final Showing Markup
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information is classified. Twill take them to court
NOTE: The colors of the
additions/deletions in the
merged document are
dependent on how many
word documents are
concurrently open.
3. Click ONCE on the document that you want to compare to the copy currently open.
4. Click the arrow next to Merge (see below image)
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3. Click "Merge into new
5. To display the results in a new document, click Merge into new document. This is probably
the best option to use so you don't accidentally save over one of the other versions.
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
Add your comments directly into word documents when reviewing.
19 cour se � which. teaches � one � to � be come � an � operations �
20 of ficer , � and � we � we re �barr ed � fr om � para-milit ar y �
21 training. � � And� there �was � no � parit y� in � numbers . � � We �
22 were � seven�women� out �of �a�total� class � of � sixty-si4).
Comment [I) Th i5. vas � in.
Each reviewer's comments will show in a different color in a single document.
1. Right Click on the toolbar and Click on "Reviewing" from the menu that appears
/20320811 71
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
2. The reviewing toolbar will appear.
; Elle Edit View Insert Format tools Table Window Classify. help
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Final Showing Markup � Show t1,03' . I tj l Merge
3. Select the area of text (suggest using the period at the end of the sentence or the space directly
after the word or phrase in question)
4. Click the folder button (shown by the blue arrow below) on the reviewing toolbar. This will
insert the comment box to the right of the text.
: File Edit View Insert Format Tools Table Window Classify Help
O 13iu raid cli4.1441 A I - I E9 La
!. 44 Normal + Left: v Times New Roman v 12 v I B 1 U 1:7
Final Showing Markup v how- I ja 2J v 7D- I tj vibIM Merge
5. Enter your text in the comment box.
From the reviewing toolbar, select arrow next to the drop down box labeled "Final Showing
Markup". Select "Final"
Document3 - ,Microsoft Word
: Ede Edit yjew InseTt Fgrmat Iods T
: 41 Normal + Left: . Times New Roman . 12
ahoy,' - ifi) 4
CrigaI Shcogng Markup
This will not delete your comments; it
simply hides them for printing. To show
your comments, select "Final Showing
RET//20320811 72
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
1. Select the comment box you would like to delete.
2. From the reviewing toolbar click on the icon with the x as shown below
File Edit View Insert Format tools Tab0 Window Classify Help
41 Normal + Left: Times New Roman . 12 I B / U
Final Showing Markup
Show v 60
M Merge 15
CRET//20320811 73
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
1. Open the Word doc
2. Use either the Convert to PDF button on your toolbar ' or go to Adobe PDF on the
top toolbar and select Convert to Adobe PDF
3 Document I - Microsoft Word
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Submit manuscripts directly to the Publications Review Board as outlined in Agency
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(UPS, FEDEX, DHL Delivery)
CIA Publications Review Board
Washington DC 20505
We prefer that manuscripts be submitted as a single Word, PDF, or PPT attachment to e-
mail address
Questions about the publication review process
This links you to the file in our PPRD folder.
It can also be found on the IMS website under PRB
Through Access CIA:
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1. Do submit all notes, outlines, or any tangible preparatory material to the Publications
Review Board (PRB) for review. Where no written material has been prepared, you must
contact the PRB to provide a summary of all topics that may reasonably be discussed,
along with points that will or may be made.
2. Do consult with the PRB and, if the press will be present, with the Office of Public
3. Do submit a Form 879 (Outside Activity Approval Request) to the Security Center if
activity is "nonofficial" or personal. (Note: Submission of a Form 879 is not required if
activity is "official" or work-related).
4. Do set the "ground rules" for your speaking engagement: Inquire about the setting and
whether members of the media will be present. Indicate whether you want your
presentation to be on-the-record, off-the-record, or on background:
i. On-the-record: statements are understood to be quotable with full attribution to
ii. Off-the-record: none of what you say can be printed.
iii. On background: comments you make may not be attributable to you or the CIA.
5. Do not differ from official U.S. foreign policy or national security policy.
6. Do not confirm or deny allegations of intelligence activities.
7. Do not discuss cases involving the CIA that are currently in the courts or under
8. Do not reveal intelligence sources or methods.
9. Do not confirm or deny CIA employment figures or that a certain individual is employed
by the CIA.
10. Do not discuss budget figures of the CIA, its components, or the Intelligence
11. Do not divulge the location of CIA facilities other than Headquarters.
12. Do not discuss defector cases.
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13. Do not discuss CIA liaison activities or the existence of specific liaison relationships
with other intelligence services.
14. Do not discuss controversial events in the CIA's history.
15. Do not hesitate to admit that you do not know the answer to a question.
16. Do not use acronyms if you can avoid them.
17. Do not discuss details of the CIA's organization beyond what is outlined in the Fact book
on Intelligence (available online at You may, however, discuss the
i. What is intelligence and why it is important.
ii. How the intelligence cycle works.
iii. Why intelligence sources and methods are sensitive.
iv. Oversight, Executive Orders, the laws governing the CIA, and that the CIA
operates legally and responds to elected officials.
v. What it is like to work at the CIA and why you personally enjoy it.
18. Do not discuss any CIA component below the equivalent of a National Clandestine
Service (NCS) division. You may say that the NCS is organized along geographic and
functional lines.
CECRET//20320811 78
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All portions (U) unless marked otherwise.
1. Do submit all notes, outlines, or any tangible preparatory material to the Publications
Review Board (PRB) for review. Where no written material has been prepared, you must
contact the PRB to provide a summary of all topics that may reasonably be discussed,
along with points that will or may be made.
2. Do set the "ground rules" for your speaking engagement: Inquire about the setting and
whether members of the media will be present. Indicate whether you want your
presentation to be on-the-record, off-the-record, or on background:
3. On-the-record: statements are understood to be quotable with full attribution to
4. Off-the-record: none of what you say can be printed.
5. On background: comments you make may not be attributable to you or the CIA.
6. Do not reveal intelligence sources or methods.
7. Do not confirm or deny CIA employment figures or that a certain individual is employed
by the CIA.
8. Do not discuss budget figures of the CIA, its components, or the Intelligence
9. Do not divulge the location of CIA facilities other than Headquarters.
10. Do not discuss defector cases.
11. Do not discuss CIA liaison activities or the existence of specific liaison relationships
with other intelligence services.
12. Do not hesitate to admit that you do not know the answer to a question.
13. Do not use acronyms if you can avoid them.
CECRET//20320.811 79
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