Document Type: 
Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date: 
August 23, 2018
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
October 24, 2013
Approved for Release: 2018/08/14 C06712040 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Thursday, October 24, 2013 7:24 AM \ Michele L. Meeks RE: Search Tasking: Michael Ravnitzky F-2013-02556 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED/75QQ�. Good morning (b)(3) Thank you and I will wait to hear from Michele M. (b)(3) From Sent: Wednesda To: Cc: Subject: October 23, 2013 4:03 PM Michele L. Meeks e: Search Tasking: Michael Ravnitzky F-2013-02556 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED (b)(3) (b)(5) I have cc'd Michele Meeks, the Information and Privacy Coordinator, who can determine if we should pursue this further or her office should go the requester. Thanks From: To: Cc: Date: 10/23/2013 03:02 PM Subject: Search Tasking: Michael Ravnitzky F-2013-02556 (b)(3) Classification: UNCLASSIFIEDIL Approved for Release: 2018/08/14 C06712040 Approved for Release: 2018/08/14 C06712040 Good afternoon (U) This email requests your assistance in locating documents responsive to information on the shutdown of the Historical Collections Division (HCD) request that the Agency received and accepted. (b)(3) (U) Mr. Michael Ravnitzky has submitted a FOIA request for a "copy of any documents or memoranda discussing the reasons and/or justification for the shutdown of the Historical Collections Division, and any documents or memoranda discussing the process of shutting down the Historical Collections Division." A copy of the PIPD acceptance letter and tasking package is attached for your information. (U) Please search your records holdings, both paper and electronic, for documents that are responsive to this request. Full-text copies should be provided to the undersigned. Also, as part of your response, please advise where the information was located, i.e., hard copy files, share drive, etc. U If you have any questions concerning this tasking, please let me know. I can be reached on r via email. Thank you. (b)(3) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//A1 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED/. Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//A1J-0� (b)(3) 2 Approved for Release: 2018/08/14 C06712040