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Print Message(s) Approved for Release: 2018/09/04 C06708885 Page 1 of 6 UNCLASSIFIED7/FOUQ- ENVELOPE ZNR UUUUU HEADER CONTROLS 132233Z FEB 15 FM OSC RESTON VA UNCLAS 4444 CITE OSC RESTON VA 815649 UNCLASSIFIED/714313Q_ 8/23/2017 Approved for Release: 2018/09/04 C06708885 Print Message(s) Approved for Release: 2018/09/04 C06708885 Page 2 of 6 UNCLASSIFIE13/7FTM:34), WARNING: TOPIC: TERRORISM SERIAL:EUR2015021380577707 BODY COUNTRY: CHINA, EGYPT, GERMANY, IRAQ, JORDAN, PAKISTAN, SYRIA, TURKEY, UNITED STATES, YEMEN SUBJ: (U1717 HIGHLIGHTS: REVIEW OF TURKISH-LANGUAGE JIHADIST Websites and Social Media 2-8 February 2015 SOURCE: OSC Summary in English 02 Feb 15 08 Feb 15 (U/7'o4 TEXT: ( (U/7?-1,) The following lists selected reports carried by Turkish-language jihadist websites and social media accounts. To request additional processing contact the OSC Customer Center at (800) 205-8615 or OSCinfo@rocb.osis-gov.] [OSC Summary] (U) This product may contain copyrighted material; authorized use is for national security purposes of the United States Government only. Any reproduction, dissemination, or use is subject to the OSC usage policy and the original copyright. Turkish-language jihadist websites and social media accounts mainly focus on reports on the killing of the 'Jordanian pilot Muladh al-Kasasibah by ISIL. Ummet-i Islam posts an article by Ferman Nazif discussing the difference between ISIL and Al-Qa'ida following Al-Kasasibah's execution. other ISIL-related articles, including a pledge to the group, are summarized in the report below. A new Turkistan Islamic .Party video titled "Friends of the Devil" as well as the release of a Turkish terrdrism suspect in Germany are also covered. . � Not included in the report below, Turkish-language jihadist websites UNCLASSIFIED/7MA)- 8/23/2017 Approved for Release: 2018/09/04 C06708885 Print Message(s) Approved for Release:. 2018/09/04 C06708885 Page 3 of 6 .UNCLASSIFIED/7Fecti0-- and social media accounts also discuss a bombing in front of the Presidential Palace in Sina,.Yemen. In addition, the article reports on the protest against Huthis in the town of Taiz in. Yemen. In addition, Takva Haber, Ummet-i Islam and Twitter user "Nusret Cephesi" report that "religious scholar" Shaykh Harith Bin Ghazi al-Nazari with the Al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula was martyred during US drone attacks in Yemen. Jordanian Hostage On 3 February, Takva Haber reports that a video was released showing that Jordanian pilot Mu'adh al-Kasasibah was burned to death by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, ISIL. Takva Haber also reports on the execution of the Jordanian pilot and reactions in Jordan. According to an article posted on 5 February, the execution deepened the disagreement between the Jordanian people on the country's involvement in the coalition against ISIL. Takva Haber also reports on stories that Jordan is preparing for a military operation against ISIL and discusses Jordanian airstrikes against ISIL controlled territories in Al-Hasakah. The website reports on statements by the Jordanian Government following Mu'adh.'s death that � there will be a "relentless war" against ISIL. It adds that Jordan executed Sajidah al-Rishawi as well as Ziyad Kerbuli who were supposed to be exchanged with the Jordanian pilot. Ummet-i Islam also reports on the execution of the Jordanian pilot on 3 February. The website also postsa statement by the Turkish Foreign Ministry condemning the execution of the Jordanian pilot as well as the court ruling in Egypt to execute 183 people. Twitter user "Nusret Cephesi," @nusret_cepliesi with 4,696 followers, also comments regarding the execution. . An article by Ferman Nazif posted on the Ummet-i Islam website on 4 February discusses the difference between ISIL and Al-Qasida in reference to the execution of the Jordanian pilot. The writer argues that ISIL enjoys being on the agenda, adding that the group's UNCLASSIFIED/7MAX; 8/23/2017 Approved for Release: 2018/09/04 C06708885 Print Message(s) Approved for Release: 2018/09/04 C06708885 Page 4 of 6 UNCLASSIFIEDIti- activities and violence have turned into a 'Visual show" in the name of jihad. Nazif continues that .ISIL claims that killing the pilot by burning him to death was justified as the missiles dropped from planes have caused many people to burn to death.as well. He argues that none of the previous pilots held hostage by ISIL were burned to death. The writer adds that many pilots were captured by Al-Qa'ida or� the Taliban in Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, and the Phillipineg but they were either executed or exchanged; therefore opposing ISIL's claims that it is a religious duty to burn them. The article also. includes excerpts from a letter sent by Ayman al-Zawahiri to Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, criticizing the showing of executions. Other ISIL-Related Developments Takva Haber reports on 3 February that The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan's emir for the tribal agency of Bajaur pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the "Islamic State Caliph." The announcement was made through a statement in Khorasan, the article reads. The Office of the Turkish Chief of Staff announced that four members of the Islamic State, of Iraq and the Levant, ISIL, were captured during a road block in the Oguzeli. District of Gaziantep. The article appears on 5 February and does not include any additional details on the ISIL members. An article posted on Takva Haber oh 7 February reports that US hostage named Kayla Mueller held by ISIL was killed during "Crusade coalition". airstrikes led by the United States on. Al-Raqqah. According to the article, groups with close ties to ISIL posted images of the building in which Mueller was reportedly killed on Twitter and other websites. Ummet-i Islam also reports on the death of Mueller. .The article does not contain any additional details: Between 2 and 8 Febuary, Takva Haber and Ummet-i Islam report that Jordanian authorities released'Sheikh Abu Mohammad al-Maqdisi, an imprisoned spiritual leader linked to al-Qaeda, on Thursday. Other articles posted on the websites'report that Al-Maqdisi gave an interview on Roya TV and criticized UNCLASSIFIED/tF0140- 8/23/2017 Approved for Release: 2018/09/04 C06708885 Print Message(s) . Approved for Release: 2018/09/04 C06708885 Page 5 of 6 UNCLASSIFIED/11501- On 7 February, Takva .Haber reports on Clashes between ISIL members and the Democratic Union Party, pn, in Al-Hasakah. According to the article, ISIL carried out attacks against the villages in the south of Tel Tamir, Haseke, which led to clashes. The article does not - report on any deaths. Takva Haber.also reports on 7 February that a.Russian-made Iranian .chopper was downed by ISIL on Friday evening-. According to the article, the Chopper was attempting to carry out bombings in Al-Samawah. Turkish "Terrorism Suspect" in Berlin Released On 6 February, Takva Haber reports that a 41-year-old Turkish citizen named Ismet D. who was detained in Berlin, Germany approximately three weeks ago for allegedly "being a terrorist" was released due to lack of evidence. The article explains that the prosecutor wanted Ismet D. to be arrested for allegedly planning an attack against the state in Syria and supporting ISIL. .New Pledge to the Al-Nusrah Front, Turkish Fighters On 2 February, Ummet-i Islam reports that the Jund Dimashq Brigades operating in Damascus "pledged allegiance" to the Al-Nusrah Front. The posting includes a 2-minute 37-second video on the announcement as well as a 5-minute 33-second video On the group's training camp. On 8 February, .Twitter user "Nusret Cephesi" posts an image of Turkish fighters with the Al-Nusrah Front. The posting states that Emir Usame and his comrades need. prayers. Turkistan Islamic Party Video Titled "Friends of the Devil" On 6 February, Ummet-i Islam also reports on a Turkistan Islamic Party video titled "Friends of the Devil." The posting states that the 33-minute 2-second video by .the Voice of Islam Media Center discusses East Turkistan's introduction to Islam followed by China's "massacres" and "torture." in the region-. It is comprised of speeches of imprisoned Uyghur scholar Abdulkarim Abdulveli and Commander Abdusselam as well as footage of the people's "resistance" and UNCLASSIFIED/7M10-- 8/23/2017 Approved for Release: 2018/09/04 C06708885 Print Message(s) � Approved for Release: 2018/09/04 C06708885 Page 6 of 6 � UNCLASSIFIED/7F011&- operations against China:. It ends with the speech of "martyr" Hasan Mahsum, the 'group's first emir in Afghanistan. Islamic State Media Website Goes Offline On February 6, Twitter user ."Egemen Erdemir," @islamdevleti_TR with 1,606 followers, posts a message stating that the islamicstate.media website was shut down due to the fact that the hosting fees were not paid. The user refutes allegations that the website was hacked by supporters of the Kurdistan People's Congress, KGK, former PKK. (U) This product may.contain copyrighted material; authorized use is for national security purposes of the United States Government only. Any reproduction, dissemination, or use is subject to the OSC usage policy and the original copyright. CABLETYPE: FBISEMS AC? 1.0 ADMIN BT #8963 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED 8/23/2017 Approved for Release: 2018/09/04 C06708885