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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
August 8, 2019
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
June 23, 1981
.:Approved for Release: 2019/08/07 C06708836-- 3os6 Guillermo GARCIA Merino (Phonetic: garSEEah) Minister of Defense and Public Security (since October 1979) Addressed as: Mr. Minister �Col. Jos6 9ArCla is One of the mOsOpopular and intelligent officers in the Salvadoran Army. Conservative in:orienta- tion, he was considered by the military as a pos- sible choice for pres- ident during the mid- 1970s. During 1979 he may have been involved in several plots to overthrow President Carlos Humberto Romero totosucap EL SALVADOR At that time he was commander ot the Department of San Vicente, a position he had held since' July 1978. Garcia is anti-Communist and friendly toward the United States. He is the strongman in the gov- ernment, and its members, including President 3os6 Napoleon Duarte, defer to him on crucial issues. Except in certain ,visible and publicized cases, Garcia!has'not'ued his influence to address the question oftheltexcesses committed by the extreme rightAn'SrSalvador. In this regard he is repre- sentative of the mainstream of the officer corps, whose primary concern is the destruction of the insurgency. He accepts the grim reality that some innocent people will be harmed in the attempt to attain that goal. After enlisting in 1956, Garcia rose rapidly through the Army ranks. He attended the War College in Mexico during 1966-70 and took an orientation tour of the Panama Canal Zone in 1963. Garcia is married and has four daughters. He will be 48 on 25 June. CR M 81-12946 23 June 1981 5' 249248 Approved for Release: 2019/08/07 C06708836�_ ' � VAC