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Document Creation Date: 
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Publication Date: 
December 18, 2013
Print Message(s) Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704853 ENVELOPE (b)(3) HEADER UNCLASSIFIED/ 181422Z DEC 13 FM OSC RESTON VA (b)(3) (b)(3) 1( U.S.C. 4 CONTROLS UNCLAS 4444 CITE OSC RESTON VA 670340 UNCLASSIFIED/ 1/21/2016 10:18 AM Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704853 Prkit MegArge(s) Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704853 UNCLASSIFIED// WARNING: TOPIC: INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL, MILITARY SERIAL: PL02013121850789322 BODY COUNTRY: EGYPT, GAZA STRIP, ISRAEL, WEST BANK SUBJ: (U) BEIRUT THINK TANK ARTICLE: EGYPTIAN-ISRAELI RELATIONS TO Improve If Egypt Coup Successful SOURCE: Beirut Al-Zaytouna Center for Studies and Consultations in English 17 Dec 13 (U) TEXT: [INTERNET] [OSC Summary] (U) This product may contain copyrighted material; authorized use is for national security purposes of the United States Government only. Any reproduction, dissemination, or use is subject to the OSC usage policy and the original copyright. "Strategic Assessment (62): The Future of the Egyptian-Israeli Relations in Light of the Coup," posted in Al-Zaytouna on 17 December, says in its introduction: "It is difficult to specify a dominant near future scenario in the Egyptian policy vis-a-vis Israel. Yet, it is likely that the success of the coup would enhance relations between the two sides, while its collapse and the return of the legitimate president might lead to the deterioration of the influence of the elites and the institutions of the deep state, which have relied on the continuity of strong relations with the West and Israel. The collapse of the coup might also pave the way for an active and effective Egyptian role in supporting the Palestinian issue, although the pursuit of immediate measures towards the cancellation of Camp David is not likely in such a scenario." to view the 6-page article in PDF format. UNCLASSIFIED// 1/21/2016 10:18 AM Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704853 Print Mesiege(s) Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704853 (b)(3) (b)(3) UNCLASSIFIED// [Description of Source: Beirut Al-Zaytouna Center for Studies and Consultations in English -- English version of the website of Al-Zaytunah Center for Studies and Consultations, an independent, Islamic-oriented corporation that conducts strategic and futuristic studies on the Palestinian issue; URL:] (U) This product may contain copyrighted material; authorized use is for national security purposes of the United States Government only. Any reproduction, dissemination, or use is subject to the OSC usage policy and the original copyright. CABLETYPE: FBISEMS ACP 1.0 ADMIN BT #8123 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED// Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704853 1/21/2016 10:18 AM