Document Type: 
Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date: 
December 12, 2018
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
January 5, 1977
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RANDUM FOR: � A' *- Hank: � .. � � � I. � pproved for Release: 2018/08/06 C06702743 cro5 The Director is considering .eyentual.',. release of the attached message to employees, and I know .he would welcome any comment. wish to Make. 7. � � ' � .. 'r! ��� � . . �oam ni USE PREVIOUS 5-75 JAIS EDITIONS b)(6) ittaie ju,st ve never been .: adershfp more nk each of you- - - - � - � offnunity there - � � ..�........ act 0 0000, 0�0�9 ake. First, I believe it is essential that the American people � give this Agency its full and unqualified support. The world - we live in demands-no less. The support for the Agency was - shaken during the .height of the public hearings in 1975. �It was shaken, not only because of a handful of abuses that did take place and which indeed had been remedied before the hearings took - � place; but it was shaken more by the endless stream of allegation which were untrue but which were given great attention. � � - - This is changing now, and it is changing for the better. lite are still slugged at times with unfair criticism, but the sensa- ,- tionalism is giving way now to legitimate inquiry; the adversary , relationship with Congress has given way to thorough and - constructive oversight; the frantic search for reorganization . - and dismantlement .has given way to a legitimate search for ways to improve things. . - - , ' It is essential that CIA continue to work with the Congresi� - with the rest of the Executive Branch, and to some degree with - - the public, to demonstrate that CIA the Reality is very different � than CIA the Myth. We are cooperating fully with all concerned; and this is bound to result in the Truth. We honor the Truth; we dc not fear it. Approved for Release: 2018/08/06 C06702743