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Publication Date: 
October 5, 1971
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� .11. .-I 4 e . ' v 2 e� r RECEIVED, EQM OCT. 5 1971 , YIA COURIER - tlmprnE7 110--FDREIEN DISSEMIDO DISSEM ABDO CARagan DiSSEM , CON F)DtNT1AL SUBJECT: Kalayaan International (Np Approved for Release: 2018/02/05 C06678030, Pemi P.ZtZ.W ��� � � "BY 7i8?8OAtec (b)(3) L'S at '1. a Un ted MO) States mailing list used by agalgsand by�Karaydan (b),(3) International. Attached for your retention is a copy of this list. For additional information furniphed to your Bureau on the 'Kdrayaari�rritel4natlbhal, please see our memorandum of 7 September 1971, Subject:''Kdrdyaan, International (NL). � Attachment: a/s 0�stm tilaseqs I It N channel VP lrt STRICT vy � .$_ SERIAL ....,dithv:icounaitit 1" 70-- Sr 11,e;peis /01h/ 118 W/2771#1(441 pounta 1 5i00T6 971 cTrnr Ile FOREICH DISSEM MEM ADROADI- cONFI NTIA1 � hotAuA ;43 6104nietat Coit4tat trilie R. � fL"' JAttud 4434 0186. se g. air/ tr (-rierv/19. aio4 swastings cessntil. 1 OCT 18 19741,-* UMW EXcliga fael astUatie Ittlantin Hid dtChWalikara Approved for Release: 2018/02/05 C06678030 FDP5 Gale-5 Approved for Release. 2018/02/05 C06678030 4110102Elig B.PENIM DISSEM ABMNM COROLLED DZSAF Attachment to: diNtipt.11 The iberated Guardian 14 Cooper Square �MT'S :Y.�Tarr 2. Th uardian 32 W.22n4.,Street N1C N Y -nolo 3. Thogeitant 81.3Jimadway NYC. 10003 8. Er eitz lotal Lawyers Guild New York N.Y. 10013 ThOtTie 156 .Fifth Avenue NYC, N.Y. Mr - WIN 3.39 Lafayette Street New York, N.Y. 10012 - Ma Alcgieny, Petesi*WgIss enter for Constitutional Rights_ 20. Nel_inik,_114L., 10036 Barbara ane, Irwi Silber 21. 4 S ace Bloc_21../..cln...a./Ut_ 11231 9. Fran ehl 22. Dep.�_of Anthrgpolux. ..q&U.T.Mgmhatu_11A11.. Columbia University. New York-L7:1=-'10027 23. -..-....ma�man4. � 10. itjaTruc oloway, Pauljpilher 359 East' 52nd Strt_ 24. New :York, NY.. 10001 11. Ric Kilmer 475 City, 10027 12: ansen tercmaiUr=a1...g.tpss. q. .0,.!.Q20�16 N114g# .P,Q. Station ?Gity, N,A% 10014 2 - r �,. B- 2886 14. SOS P.O. Box 3.061 Oakland, Calif. 94609 15.;kereration News Service New York, New York 16. Nelso avarro P.O. Bo 29 19 TEE�Prancisco, Calif. 94126 17�.4-1111spatch News Service 1816_Latxpet�....,N.K. iig.tx,D.C. 2000 18. and Susielke / e-- 1711 Pacific Avenue 12511202121779M1 19.e1(�ific N Service -C7jPFck� 10.0.. 9 Atittlr..4.0.2S -Slii-Ttancisco, Calif. 94106 They Box .9276_ BeiTeletp Calif. 94709 cific Studies Center .e. , East Ito, _all 94303 rrace o ywood, Calif. Alai:L*111er San 94905 � � CW=C=i4 p Against the Bulkhead 26.1.-Y-alen�da- San Francisco...GAUL 94110 25. X.F1itica1 Prisoners! So i arity Commit ed- sin an Francisco, Ciflf. 26. AION . 675 35th Avenue San Francisco, Clif. 94121 CRV'840 W .Rattlab. � s 40n.....4.��44.urr, � . . . Approved for Release: 2018/02/05 C06678030 .4i 0 � Ai. IO � Approved for Release: 2018/02/05 606678030 ;7:WiNNIAMI FOREICH 012E411M MEM AMA totilbENTIAE CONTROLLED ESN- . 29. Jtising Up Angry Box 3746 WITEFEalse Mrt 60654 30. I.F4cStone 4420 29th Street, N.W. Washington, D.L. ram 31. StarMeacham erican Friends Service Committee -ITIMRTE-15th Street 32. reat Speckled Bird P.O. Box 54T77------ Atlanir-Urerra 30309 33. Edward iSnyder 2Second Street N.E. FCNL WasEirTiTioa,-ErT--2-0002 34. Rev. Lee IJWal1 x4R5M1 Questions 14n A York 10502 . .35 Wisconsin Alliance 1014 Williamson Street . 47. Madisoli WifEriaTE-517-03 56. The entre for Pacific Studies P.O. Box 10291 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 48. 37.Bawaii Pono Journal Kua ohaku Drive 29.411!J1LL.NaL.k. 38. Psolosbactz,Mar elden lagil4m464aspIL Washington University. 41. Gabri olko 15 rue Malebranche Mas de Camassade route de Grasse 06 Tourrettes-sur-Loup France 42. Rit,atAct D69 14eidelberg West Gefiafir- 43. The xt Step c o S,C.. P757--Box 2441 301651E-. West Germany 44. Ernes ndel . Im rens 1030 grusse],isglgm 45.141rigkri, Robi ackburn - "cio.Red'lMolg. IOrPpntonfrITe Road London NA--Euraha- 46. Roge obbitt Ishii Building. 6-44 KaRRIzaka .TokiroTaipli Masak amapouchi J71.02, NO, 5.. Shirok4ne 2-2EMUULAUSIW1CW Tobro 1-0C �Japan -...������Kia.C.am.i.StaasiiCopyRICANI�=111T-,..-.7.7=92tenza I gesebbbitt acific CounsellinglService Trrrautrar_71.61e-_-_,� Flaf-S--- rowrizir----- Hokong,_ Bal ampoe 22 4 U er Chatham St. Co ion . 39 tlas Magazine � 512. � S.B 568 West Centre Street 20 mlirmir;lyEris--Torr--- Probhadevi Bom ay India ;04>ARtiillEigl#4.11.4 Re SIS tAnc.e.......� .g,02.10iirtairivid � .71* . . Approved for Release: 2018/02/05 C06678030