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Publication Date: 
March 14, 2012
PDF icon re muslim brotherhood[15489994].pdf37.46 KB
Approved for Release: 2018/08/27 C06678021 From: To: Subject: Date: . Landrum. Pete (Sessionsl [AIN] RE: Muslim Brotherhood Wednesday, March 14, 2012 6:12:40 PM CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Still working possible dates, but we'd like the briefing primarily at TS. If needed, we'll excuse everyone but the Senator for the portion above TS. We'll coordinate the briefing room in Senate Security. I'll shoot you dates soon. Pete Pete Landrum Senior Defense Policy Advisor Office of Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) 326 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Office 202-224-6608 Cell 202-236-1057 From: [mailto: Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:43 PM To: Landrum, Pete (Sessions) Subject: RE: Muslim Brotherhood Hi Pete, Approved for Release: 2018/08/27 C06678021 Approved for Release: 2018/08/27 C06678021 Good to talk with you. Let me know what dates and times would work for the Senator and I will work on setting up the briefing. Also, at what classification level will this briefing be? Many thanks, 703-482-8803 From: Landrum, Pete (Sessions) [] Sent. Wednpc.d7, March 14, 2012 10:28 AM To: I Subject: Muslim Brotherhood Chip, Does your team have a position on Khairat El-Shater and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? Can we trust their purported move to moderation or should we view with reservations? Thanks. Pete Pete Landrum Senior Defense Policy Advisor Office of Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) 326 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Office 202-224-6608 Cell 202-236-1057 Approved for Release: 2018/08/27 C06678021