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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date: 
January 23, 2018
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Publication Date: 
December 8, 1961
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1.96L99900170/Z1./L[OZ :aseaia Joi pancuddV STIIA SI,Y EC S/3 SYS/ Ed/a ailS0'13 av/o T96T zaque39a 1. aus/D Aso/o MusimforWt T96t Alicturaioli PM aI/3 soi/Issv � ;soi/saav soi/saa :slums .11:0 satomaa apsai /mat 114 ppoonbitz SIM= wEie% q pi 110740* setnanj au pm porno. peapploato BT emu* `VA sactulmoll 6a PEW* turillartgemri jo, intrutes eqz 3trprprutoct fixodos it el wpm, ea 119a � Aectaautit srg paipViettbOl to 01 qua et asughtessu st rod LY.009 a MUMS (lotaddlts'Istrowilsks pue attonetneam) At.v.mosSp 4043,411 &WV 1961 330 9 131103S Iv uouirtsv--- - sts tssito tos leauvuommi 1.96L99900170/Z1./L[OZ :aseaia Joi pancuddV Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667951 LASS: � REPORT OF INVESTIGATION (CATEGORY OF REPORT) --r CASE NO. DATE 29 November 1961 SCOTT, Paul J. PERIOD OF INVESTIGATION 17 November 1961 OFFICE OF ORIGIN REPORT MADE BY � CHARACTER OF CASE e�-� t . APPROVED: ----- i \ SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE DISTRIBUTION: LAID4S. - ORIG. - 1 . -1 FORM NO. Aq6 REPLACES FORM 30..10O I MAY 55 �"' WHICH MAY BE USED. 1951 � (49) CLASS: Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667951 Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667951 FILE NO. DATE 29 November 1961 SYNOPSIS PAUL JAM ES SCOTT was born 28 April 1921 at Greeley, Nebraska. He has been employed as a reporter by Robert S. Allen since 1949. Credit files contained favorable information and police records reflected only minor traffic violations. REPORT NO., Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667951 Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667951 Case No. BIRTH AND CITIZENSHIP: 29 November 1961 (b)(3) At Washington, D. C. According to the files of the Metropolitan Police Depart- ment which were searched on 17 November 1961, PAUL JAMES SCOTT was born 28 April 1921 at Greeley, Nebraska. CREDIT: At Washington, D. C. On 17 November 1961, the files of the Credit Bureau, Inc. were searched and reflected that PAUL J. SCOTT, wife, JANE, is the subject of a report dated February of 1959. His address is listed as 7508 Elmhurst Street, District Heights, Maryland and he has been residing at that address for the past seven years. He is employed by Robert S; Allen, National Press Building, Washington, D. C. as a newspaper reporter and columnist. He has been employed in that position since August of 1949. Several trade references in this area furnished favorable information regarding their association with SUBJECT when queried in 1959. 'Inquiries in his neighborhood indicated that he was well regarded. On 17 November 1961, the files of Stone's Mercantile Agency were searched in the name of the SUBJECT. These files reflected that on_17 Ally 1951 a report was compiled for a bank. At that time the SUBJECT's address was 4223 Terrace Drive, S. E., Washington, D. C. He was married to JANE E., had three dependent children and had been employed by Robert S. Allen as a reporter since August 1949, earning $5,000 per annum. SUBJECT has no local relatives and came to this area from Lincoln, Nebraska in 1948. Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667951 Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667951 Local trade and character references furnished favorable information regarding the SUBJECT. In 1958 an inquiry from a local bank listed the SUBJECT'S address as 7508 Elmhurst Street, District Heights, Maryland, indicating that he had four dependent children and that he was employed by Robert S. Allen in the National Press Building, Washington, D. C. as a columnist and reporter. POLICE: At Washinoton, D. C. On 17 November 1961, the files of the Metropolitan Police Department were searched and reflected that PAUL JAMES SCOTT of 3223 Terrace Drive, Silver Hill, Maryland was issued a permit in , 1949. From the period 1950 until January of 1952 SUBJECT was charged with eight parking violations, one violation.fcr.operating a vehicle with an expired permit and one speeding violation. No Other traffic or criminal arrests were indicated. On 17 November 1961, the files of the Metropolitan Police Department, subversive section, reflected that PAUL JAMES SCOTT, 3223 Terrace Drive, attended a dinner of the ADA on 17 May 1952. These files reflected no further information. At Seat Pleasant, Maryland (covers District Heights, Maryland) On 17 November 1961, the files of the Prince Georges County Police Department reflected no record in the name of the SUBJECT. 2 Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667951 Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667951 .0Adi