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Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667944 Robert Sharon AL!IS � Paul SCOTT The 19113 inveztig4ive report mentioned =der the attuchres* on Min IMMO contains a statement that the true nerds of Robert Sharon ALUM Is OREMBERO. Regarding ALM's baokgrourrl there Is evidence in en PSI report on %Inter Wood and Attie Wen Mace dated 16 March 1945a batch is en investigation congerning Julia =MAW and an alleged Soviet espionage net in se" York, ixad Mitch does have a direst -relstiondhip to the Moble cue), uhich might be pertinent. The name of Paul =RS vac found. In the notebook or DOM and subsevent investigatitm determined that this was Prlbebir reference to R. Nerbor Map uto he used the new of Paul BUM for Overunist Party work. If. Herta AIM is the brOther of Robert Marron AWL Re vide born April 18, 1899 at Cineinnatix Ohio; bed been esioloyed 20th Century Pb* fi1i studio La New York; azi Me formerly en associete editor of Life Magazine tram 193641. PHI also noted that Armand =Lay the wale of Gerhart WM, bad entered the United States with the aid of an affidavit fres actor ALM, 21012. interviewed, Aunt Attua that he did not brow Amend, � but had made the affidavit for Rens RISInts. AvdtaWs nephew. All three EIS= hew been identified as lonvtime agents of the Coviet Intelligence services. � Amoeba to .0 statement made by Nelson PRA, a reporter who be done part-Use work for the Daily Worker during the 1920%. PRANK waO well acquainted with the AIM brothers. He Stated that the two bops were raided by an mut 'and uncle sorenetere In Virginia. lie also stated that be knew arbor ALLEN In New Tor% Ithere be vas * umber of the Camemist Party under the name Paul MIRE. Other records indicate tamt �Mahar AIM� was a sontii:buting eaten.- of New Enagfigh yew not chow% mid that "Pool PEONS" vas els0 a contributing editor, for New StesSee In 3.930. � - Robert mat himself bad very open Conhuaist ties during the 1930t5. Be is OriginallY a reporter for the Christian Science Monitor wben he began his association. with PEARSON after World War I. I in 1939 be vasa listed speaker at the People's /trot* in en ad carried in the Daily librbtr. He also .5noted favorably in the tally %Oar several tines during the 1930es and again In July 1950 for articles written, consuming the attempted UN negotiations in Korea.. ALI= is a listed contribatcns (teAlo) in 1929 in rename to an appeal to !mule to enable the Daily VW= to remain solvent. Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667944 Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667944 � � SEW � EiSardlng ALLalls partnerahigs with FEMME, it US generally been aaneeded lvy several scums that ALM was the "brains" of the PlEARSONATUN teat. In a report piNspared by an -141 COUCerLing (b)(7)(d) P Mat� EARSON and N At sifoeters that AWN Vas just as 11 berate in his falsification of lute regarding Drag:lent people as was PFAREON. ALM also wme Nat as mach involved in the several legal state institute against PEARSON. Van AM decided to -enter the Army, no firm armament vets agreed to by PEARS. ALIMI served on Gemara PATfOrs staff, was subeSalsentlY ea/stared by the Oermanet mid lost an are.durinz bis service. (b)(3) with the Perim that liteSe ALLIN =Mr disclose the details. Mal Apparerct4 did not do much writies for a while, and was noted as * speaker at the � 1946 &Sonde of Democracy asanivezbisary dinner, %awe he attacked the mire for racial discrimination. Awing the nett two years, AIM wrote far the left.wing *w !ark Posst and worked on a book cm tleneral PATTON. Es became affiliated during this) tine with WilLiam V. SIMON, and together tbsy authored the Truest% Nervy .00 Route. (MANSON now writes a cola= tapering in the New Tork 4103S, aLli -several of hie recent stories presented a moderate stand toward onrient;colitical problems. According to sn article from TWO dated 3.0 Marth 1961, SHANNON was "pundit in residence" for the Bev 'fork Poet in 1961. He is approximately 40 years of Am )assetchueette-born, a t'beduate of Mark University and Darverd taversity.- lb vas the met 13li52lt stulent I ever bar' according to Art hwt scurasnm. En records **fleet that ZEMIN was a Itottiel friend of CIA et:plc:fee (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(6) A3.though AWN had broken with MESON, it is very strange that in 1914 he wrote the PEARSON column while PPARMIN was On vacation. This series of ertieles concerned a 4bush�hush Mersa grand (Wry in lbw York that is apparently probing =other New Demi trail. AWN continued, plating ems of the alleged queetions being posed to witnesses (not ludentified) such as the witness* knowledge of Env /40ROENTEAU, Oezteral TJi.UXa 1. DONN" /arty Ander WEIT4 etc., and inferred that several OSS employees were Amens the witnesses*. The break between AL? MI and PEAR$IN is even sant ecafasing, when it is learned that ?rank =MN, in his book The Drew Pearson M �:date that "AIME rotor:tea from the war to find tie ccawszt so pitted and riddled with Droves feuds ma .verzeiettso that he hardllf reeoenzed it wad did not care �to have his name associated with this monetrous change.. over from spirited political reporting to irresponsible political power." (b)(7)(d) During ISls reported that he leaned from (b)(3) that Robert S. MEN had been pre:amine (b)(3) to dismiss Paui mon iir (D2a) ECELE2t3310ER and 1OS1DW. ALLEN* (b)(3) however, being in poor berd.th, refused end stetted that the auluma vas being, %mitten in its entirety by MOST: Source etated that SWIT had a record SECRET Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667944 Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667944 SECRET.. . � � Of. balm. lertovilee but thut be Ian ea dem* Cetholia astl epzereettiv had very' .clOet frienae In the extreme.riffht.tvieg goloastotte tho Catholic Churoh� 31.1beequatstli Mune born*/ that the 3:0Tr natter Vas ftto lepaar problest- eta= ZCCM. *unsay mut brat** Ander neit 44n feet* that Wee! Iitta then bet:1z oiled office to etrefeee Carta% stnriesA tn. is =AM isennating I et thut tine owe allegation* (*pleat (0.A sea ite esaoyeee�). .� 2t. Wrecalled tron the uttache4 eioneary M131/AV tbitt �MOM derieg 39ta was utiliAloz UMA1. led alloals� vas� lotting Sege or =RAW* materiel foe - Cleve NUM/ Vorte an* &Mona Ealuirer, ttat referred to aneli)� lordly be other then the usees1 tyve of aunt print*Im�aiwirgr4. (b)(3) (b)(3) A SECRET Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 006667944