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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date: 
January 23, 2018
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Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667942 - 4: John Yttche11 IMEN The zest remit information available in oar recartla eciacernine, REEMAii vas renciv*3 axutinA 1955 in connection with Se In:uirso into Ilkother =titer. advise that BEEHAW is-as uorkina as 3 leit.ses tor Bull SCOTT (or 1,12,04COPP)* 2P2IMUN ollemIly We able to lora the asses of tem/ PEARS9Vs sources by satins 'Tack AIDMIts who laks totally =warm that EMIM then passel these yaws to Paul SCOTT. accorang to this smog, vas also employe: as a lee-ran for 'Jack MASON, bat ins openlr artiliated with the scun-gatherinz street Suwon co the Itatineal at-itirer� Mother indivilual associated with.AJ,OW 624* kne4in to � verk for Pawl scam is a Poi* =IOC Alex. vto loss research for both MA at the Meat?: of Congress source aloe prtrriled information In ISA reflected that MEW wts the author of an article in the Ealuirer entitled "ikshingtan Insiders ale Taking about Pantsstic navy 43iin fb,ft raft Osve14 Pala" ;wearing in the 17 )(ay 1964 � issue- et the paper. Zource further stated that COT providei the material cod leads for IOXIMAWte mantas aad frarioently wrote thus Zor PINSILAM, for which relebersed 3. MEM uss describe Es vet* man vho depan4ed heavily on SCOTT.' GROUP 1 del tram autsralit desegmaq and (b)(7)(d) NR Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667942 Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667942 SECRET sidhET Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667942 Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667942 - SECRET Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667942 Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667942 SECRET *8,teRET Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667942