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Publication Date:
June 2, 1969
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Approved for Release: 2018/01/31 C06646423
NV 31473 Dooid:24112811 page 1
Approved for Release: 2018/01/31 C06646423
Approved for Release: 2018/01/31 C06646423
t.; �
Weekly-Surveyor 2 June.1969
USSR Center for Cybernetict'Research:tb Be Loaatdd in. Kiev:
The Institute of Cybernetics of the Ukrainian Academy of
Sciences is being greatly expanded and will become the .
cybernetics research center of the Soviet union.. The. ,
Institute, headed by Victor M. Glushkoi.i, already employs
2600 people and ,consists of 42 departments. We4 equipped
with computers, including a Kiev-67, Dilepr-21,-and-BESM-6,
the Institute now has its own experimental plant, trains
the children at a specialized boarding, school, and 'operates
an East uro ean student exchange program, (Neues Deutschland,
5 Apr)
� . �
Comment: The author of the referenced article is prob-
ably correct in stating that the principal cybernetics re-
search center1will be located in Kiev, although this has not
been officially aeclared. Two .other major research centers
for cybernetics in Moscow and Novosibirsk could compete with
Kiev for this key position but neither of 'these is expanding
as rapidly as the Kiev institute. EaC:11 Ofithese.centers,has
a training facility so expansion can occur without 'drawing
on the personnel of Others: The Institute:of'Autoniatics and
Telemechanics (Technical -Cyberneticd). and.plushkov!s.insti-
tute were the only research Insiituie6-tp.be awarded the
"Order. of Lenin" this Year. However; G1A4shkovLby Virtue
of his chairmanship Of at least two important government
agencies, appears to have a lead over other$ossible coh-
tenders for aging Admiral Berg's role of cybernetics czar.
If he assumes this role, Glushkov would probably foster a
more revolutionary trend in techniques for systems manage-
ment than that'of the more conventional automatic control
theorists who now direct the Soviet cybernetics program.
Soviet Interagency Commission on Software Identified:
The Proceedings of the First All-Union Conference on
Programming held in Kiev in November 1968 lists the
Interagency Commission on Software of the State Com-
mittee on Science and Technology under the Council of
Ministers, USSR, as a cosponsor of the meeting. The
principal sponsor of the conference was the Institute
of Cybernetics in Kiev. Other co-sponsors were the
Cybernetics Council of the Academy of Sciences, USSR;
NV 31473 Dodd: 24112811 Page 11
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Approved for Release: 2018/01/31 C06646423
C05922590 SEC ET
Weekly Surveyor
:2 June 1969
the Ukrainian Council on Cybernetics; the Ministry of
Radio Industry of the USSR; the Ministry of Instrument
Construction, 'Means of Automation and ,Control Syltems
of-the USSR;.th$ Institute of Applied7-MathematicsOthe
USSR Academy'of'ISCiences;.and other lOganizatic;ri4: �(13r(ii,:
ceedings-of"th: 1.1Union Conference on Prioigramming,
Kiev, Nov .0)
Comment: The existence cif an executive. organization
at the administrative level of the State Committee on
Science and Technology has been assumed for several
yearg. ThiS.asuMption.was based on the rate* growth
in the programming.effortsin the USSR and the desire
expressed by several Soviets for central direct.ion and
.consolidation of such activities. As..evidence.by participa-
tion in this conference of some_70p_Organizatio represented
by 1500 people, Soviet interdst.i9:15rogramMirig_and.sottware
, is growing.td the point where4fJcpuld get out of hand if
'left unmanaged IV an executive citiaii"df some,type If
. this national-level Interagency.tommisAion
theoreticians and computer designert:aS'well-aS,pro7
gram and software develoPers,':it::Ould faci4tate,a
;consolidated program for the deV,dlopMent and:applica-
tion of,. for example, new'Oladses'of modular 'computing.
systems for the management of large.militarY,'indOtrial,
and economic complexes. This was probably the intention.
Of the Soviets in setting up this commission..
NW 31473 DoeId:24112811 Page 12
Approved for Release: 2018/01/31 C06646423