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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
September 6, 2019
Document Release Date: 
September 12, 2019
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
June 20, 1974
TITLE Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06638337r,�,,,, S--veillance ORN NO. Amendment #1 MONTH TO LET .f* ORNA:650304 June 1974 � 'COST5 $70 3.3(h)(2) 6.2(d). SUB-CATEGORY/ELEMENT - . Collection/Emplacement Systems PROJECT / Behavioral Activities 1COSATI: 05-J � SECRET (When Pilled In) I DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the project close-in photography of cPrPrT 117.7-77;nrr ri Ry. 07176'4:41 the Square Pair Radar system. - Bird will be released from a boat beyond the 1-mile limit, target transporting camera pre- _miniaturized programmed to obtain required photography wiTIF-fEF-Uifd at rest on a designated portion of the antenna and return to'release boat. BACKGROUND: Funds in the amount of $15,000 were transferred to DDO/SOG for summer 74 test _operations. An amount of $7,500 will not be utilized in the summer test. This amount has been returned to ORD. It is intended that the remaining $7,500 continue to be used in the, bird prqgram to support the R&D activity cited under GOAL. 1 GOAL: o provide partial support to the bird photoreconnaisance system in the following areas: bird release boat modification; simujation of The SA-5 Square Pair antenna s_xtem; evaluation of-bird transport across international boundaries; and procurement of additional birds, as back-up vehicles. 1 -Studies TYPE OF WORK: Research � FIELD OF WORK: Animal COORDINATION: OWI ; OTS (D. Boston); SB/DDO IDEA PROP. SOLICITED PROP. IN NAND PROP. IN NANO/U BUD. BB IN PROCES1S COITRACT ISSUE DATE FAN NO. DIVISION CHIEF PriflIFI-T PNrINFFP 6/20/74 4162-6503 TITLE URN NO CONTRACTOR I COST Animal Fmnlarement R. Surveillance $7.,500 FORM USE PREVIOUS 12-72 2885 EDITIONS PROJECT ACTIONS (13.35-42) Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06638337