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Document Creation Date:
September 6, 2019
Document Release Date:
September 12, 2019
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Publication Date:
February 19, 1976
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Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06637653
: ORD-0417-76
.19 February 1976
SUBJECT: Bird Camera/NPIC Support
1. This memo covers the period between 5 February 1976
�and 19 February 1976 regarding the progress for developing
and testing a bird camera. Memos dated 16 December 1976,
5 January 1976, and 5 February 1976 describe earlier progress.
2. A dummy configuration of the latest camera and timer
has been sent to for testing compatibility with
the bird and harness.
3. Camera #1, modified for image motion compensation,
was received and tested against moving targets (resolution
chart on a car) at distances of 50 and 100 feet and velocities
from zero to 50 mph. The results of this test showed proper
motion compensation. The negative aspects �of the test were:
a. A small hairline crack in the camera case.
caused occasional fogging (about 10 percent of pictures).
b. In 1 or 2 percent of the pictures, the shutter
stuck open causing over-exposure.
� c. The center of the field of view was slightly
defocused, whereas the edges (which are clamped) showed
good focus.
The. camera has been 'sent back to for correcting
these' problems. At this time the, solutions to these problems.
appear to be straightforward.
4. . There still Appear to' be.problems in developing
3414.film_per Kodak's instructions, especially with regard to
pulling the developer to compensate for varied lighting con-
ditions. .Also, the supply-of film in. 16mm formatis exhausted,
andI feel that the film slicer is too risky, an operation when
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06637653
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06637653
SUBJECT: Bird Camera/NPIC Support
used by people unfamili r with thP Prinipment. On 9 �February 1976
a meeting was held with of NPIC to discuss assist-
ance in dealing with the above problems and also in obtaining
good quality enlargments of selected negatives. The advice of
NPIC at that time was for us to request assistance from OTS.
1-4"Ivc,ara-r- ^- February 1976, a second meeting was held with
of NPIC who suggested that �NPIC could, and would,
assist in a variety of areas. The following assistance and
recommendations were offered:
a. NPIC will develop all film and make proper
adjustments for varied lighting conditions.
� b. advised that we also, conduct.
tests with 5069 film to. permit. good resolution
under, lower light levels and still use the fast
shutter speed to minimize motion blurring.
c. NPIC will task Kodak to provide' 16mm format .
film ,so that unnecessar handling and
.can be eliminated. estimated that he may.
-.have-some 16mm film e ivere in about .a week.
NPIC will' provide good- quality enlargments
of selected negatives.
.e. NPIC will provide technical assistance in
determining resolution capability and does..not
n.ecessarily.requirela resolution chart in the, field
of view.
.5. At this time, I feel that all problems are fairly
well in hand.. A refitted camera is scheduled for delivery.
next week and tests:will'be conducted during .the first week
in March. Hopefully; NPIC Will develop this film and provide.
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06637653
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06637653
SUBJECT: Bird Camera/NPIC Support
advice on handling in the field and fi on for sub-
Sequent tests. The new F2.5 lens from is on
schedule for delivery in early March. IfTexpected that
d test will be cndncte in March at
facility near Some film will be
developed there so that&nvfn Iii�era problems can be
dealt with directly. by I would estimate at
this time that a secon light test will be in order for
early April which will also test the new F2.5 lens system.
Charles N. Adkins
Operations Technology, ORD
0 - C/OTD file
1 - OTD/ORD chrono
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OTD/ORD/DD/SU/CNAdkin :amb(2-763)
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06637653