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Publication Date: 
June 27, 1966
PDF icon BRIEFING OF DIVISION D[15687578].pdf76.41 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06636845 ORD # 2602-66 27 June 1966 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT : Briefing of Division D REFERENCE: Project AXIOLITE 1. At the request of Chief Scientist. TSD. I accompanied him to Headquarters this date to brief Chief, Division D, DD/P, and some of his cognizant staff on the status with Project AXIOLITE. was involved very closely with some of the activities and efforts which took place under the old TSD project called and some of his people had apparently gotten wind of Project AXIOLITE through conversations they have had with people from TSD, particularly Dr. Gottlieb. 2. I gave, per request, a short briefing on the objectives of the project and exhibited bird harness and the training aids that we use for the birds plus showed the film that we now have. An animated discussion session followed the short presentation and I am impressed with the interest shown in the potential applicability of bird emplacement platforms to missions and problems that confront Division D. There was certainly no lack of enthusiasm for the concepts upon which this project has been predicated. 3. In response to numerous questions, I gave them, although it was not scheduled, a very short thumbs.nail sketch of our overall animal studies program taking care to be extremely discreet about the very sensitive items. There was almost as much interest shown in Project KECHEL as they had shown previously for Project AXIOLITE. Another quite animated discussion followed during which a large number of questions were answered. Subsequent to the more or less formal presentation, it was indicated to me that Division D would like very much to be kept in the communications loop on all these projects from the standpoint of being kept apprised of progress and problems and the potential solutions to problems. When they have 011011? 1 Enhided from aotomallt downgrading and dodo:stn.:Ono Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06636845 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06636845 SUBJECT: Briefing of Division D written their memorandum for the record covering this briefing this morning, it was indicated to me that they would hope to establish a fairly informal communications loop consisting of some designee of from Division D, from TSD, and myself. 4. My approach in talking to these people was strictly soft sell and I made, or I attempted to make, quite a point of the fact that these systems have been carried to the point of proof of feasibility but by no means were they operationally ready systems. This is particularly true with regard to Project AXIOLITE where no attempt has been made to generate operational hardware at all. This approach on my part apparently did not dampen their enthusiasm. On the contrary, they started immediately talking about what kind of sensor and payload package would be necessary for the types of missions they would hope to accomplish using bird emplacement. 5. Pursuant to instructions given me some time ago by Dr. Aldrich in which he indicated that I should deal more and more directly with DD/P components, I feel that this meeting this morning was well worth while, expressed, after the meeting, his pleasure to me with the way the briefing, the question session, and the conclusions that had been reached sounded. As further developments accrue, you will be kept apprised of progress with these various DD/P components and in particular, Division D. C/BSD/ORD ET Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06636845