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August 9, 2018
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Publication Date: 
December 15, 1983
Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 Director of -4)Central Intelligence 13:c272C__ National Intelligence Daily (Cable) Thursday 15 December 1983 , �Top-Seefet� CPAS WC 034924; December Ian Ceff Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 Waning Notice This Douuriitiot Not To r.te tleproduced Intelligence Sources or Methods Involved (WN) National Security Unauthorized Disclosure Information Subject to Criminal Sanctiora MomMoth= Cabot NOFOHN (NF) Abbreviations NOCONTRACT (NC) PROPIN (PR) ORCON (0C) REL... PO . _ WN Not rolituabio to Ionian mama Not releasable to contractors or contractor/consultants Caution�proprietary information involved Dissemination and extraction of intormation controlled by originator This Information has been authorized for release to... Foreign government information The National Intelligence Daily (Cable) Is prepared in the Central Intelligence Agency In cooperation with the other US foreign Intelligence organizations for the purpose of Informing motor US meows. This page la'COMIINfillir Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 - 4- - 41Ir �T-op-Strearr� Content. El Salvador: Renewed Fighting A 3 �Tess-Secret� (b)(3) NR Record NR Record (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 _Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 NR Record Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 _ Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 . ,.......1.-+ , �) k., NR Record Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 _ Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 EL SALVADOR: Renewed Fighting //The recent lull in under way in the east ended, and heavy fighting is Mho US ithe rearnrt.s thf. r�n Tuesday g..nrr!!!as attacked a National Guard unit at Ciudad Barrios and a newly trained hunter battalion at nearby Cerro Cacahuatique. Other units� including airborne troops�have been sent by helicopter to reinforce the defenders, but the insurgents claim to have dislodged the battalion with heavy losses. Helicopters, A-37 ground attack aircraft, and some artillery are providing fire support for the government forces Comment: //The attacks may be the beginning of the offensive the insurgents have planned for this month. Although their ultimate objective remains unclear, they may be hoping only to draw Army forces away from the central part of the country. In any case, the fighting will test the Army's new command structure. //The military has some 18 medium-lift helicopters, about half of which normally are fully operational, and 16 light helicopters. Its ability to assemble elements of two battalions quickly and transport them to the battlefront is likely to give the commanders a new confidence both in the mobility of their forces and in their own command and control 3 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 _ Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 4= Ab (-1 NR Record Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 - NR Record Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 Approved for Release: 2018/06/98 C06628.428 NR Record Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628_428 V. NR Record Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 .Approved for Release: 2018106108C06628428 � li NR Record Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428 _ W , V NR Record Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06628428